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0 HHSE Risk Management

D 9.1 HSSE RISK MANAGEMENT D 9.1.1 Terms and definition 1) Environment: Surroundings in which an organization operate, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans and their interrelation. 2) Environmental Aspect: Element of an organization activities or products or services that can interact with the environment. 3) Direct / Indirect Environmental Aspect: Direct aspect is one over which the Company has control, whereas indirect aspect is one over which it can influence but cannot control. 4) Environmental Impact: Any change to the environment whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organizations environmental aspects. 5) Significant Environmental Aspect: A significant environmental aspect has or can have a significant Environmental impact. (Risk level Very High as per Table A) 6) OH & S Hazard: source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health or a combination of these 7) OH & S Risk: combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and the severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure(s) 8) Risk Assessment: Process of evaluating the risk(s) arising from hazard(s), taking into account the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or not the risk(s) is acceptable. 9) Generic Risk Assessment: Generic Risk Assessment is the RA which is carried out by the Company and is not specific to any vessel. Generic RA records shall be maintained in the Generic RA Register in the Companys office. 10) Ship Specific Risk Assessment: Ship specific Risk Assessment is the RA which is carried out by the Ships Staff on board the Vessel. Ship Specific RA records shall be maintained in the Ship Specific RA Register on board the vessel. 11) Interested Party: Person or group, inside or outside the workplace concerned with or affected by the OH&S performance of an organization/entity. 12) Acceptable Risk: Level of human and/or material injury or loss resulting from an activity/process with a level of Risk not exceeding Medium 13) ALARP (As low as reasonably practicable) ALARP level of risk, is a Risk that has been reduced to a level as low as reasonably practicable and can be tolerated by the organization having regard to its legal obligations and its policies. 14) "Risk control": is the process of implementing measures to reduce the risk associated with a hazard. Whilst endeavoring to implement control measures the control process must follow the Risk control hierarchy. (Control measures should not be such which generate new hazards) 15) Significant Risks" Risks which affect Legal Compliance and/or those which have a residual risk of VERY HIGH shall be termed as significant. The aspects and hazards associated with these risks shall also be termed as significant. D 9.1.2 Scope of risk assessment 1) This procedure of Risk Assessment applies to all foreseeable significant hazards and risks for activities on board & ashore affecting Safety, Health, Hygiene, Environment, Quality and/or Assets. 2) It addresses the Environmental ASPECT as a HAZARD and an Environmental IMPACT as CONSEQUENCES 3) Similarly it also addresses the OH&S Hazard as a HAZARD and OH&S consequences as CONSEQUENCES.
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SHIPBOARD MANUAL-D Sec: 9.0 HHSE Risk Management

4) Risk Assessments are reviewed by the Management Team regularly and at intervals not exceeding 1 year.

D 9.1.3 Identifying aspect/hazard and impact/consequences 1) Risk Assessment process is the integrated approach for the identification of environmental aspects & impacts and occupational health & safety hazards & consequences. 2) This integrated assessment of environmental aspects and OHS hazards shall be done with the assumption that existing controls (such as procedures and certain regular marine shipboard practices, which may or may not be documented) are in place and shall take in to account: Routine & Non-routine activities and tasks. Activities of all persons (visitors, supplier, office staff) including their presence. New projects and/or planned development activities. (Temporary or Permanent) Environmental aspects and OHS Hazards due to suppliers, visitors, and workshop personnel. Hazards which could originate out-side the place of work. (Berth, anchorage, building etc) Possible environmental impacts & OHS consequences due to equipment/machinery provided by others. Changes to IMS procedures, machinery, equipment and/or people and the resultant impact. The direct and the indirect environmental aspects/ OHS hazards. Human factors, behaviours and individual capabilities. Compliance with legal obligations/ requirements. The type of area where the work is to be performed, the machinery & equipment installed in the area of work and limitations of human capabilities. 3) Risk assessment process shall be implemented for tasks and jobs with foreseeable hazards/risks for all office & shipboard activity heads over which it has a control and also those over which it can influence, such as: ER Machinery activities. Deck Maintenance Bridge Navigation Tanker: Cargo, Ballast & Tank Operations LPG/C: Cargo, Ballast & Tank Operations Cargo, Derricks & Crane operations Mooring Operations Miscellaneous operations Galley & Cooking Drills, Exercises, Non-routine tasks & New tasks Office activities 4) The significant Environmental aspects/impacts and OHS hazards/consequences are dealt as per these procedures 5) Hazards shall also be identified which could arise from aborting the task or activity due to any unplanned or un-expected reasons or situations. The Master & Chief engineer shall ensure that adequate controls are documented in the Risk Assessment as contingency measures.

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SHIPBOARD MANUAL-D Sec: 9.0 HHSE Risk Management

D 9.1.4 Use of generic risk assessments 1) The Generic Risk Assessments have been carried out assuming moderate weather conditions (Wind force 6, Sea state slight and Swell height 1 to 2 Meters) 2) The Generic Risk Assessment shall only be referred to for GUIDANCE. The ships staff shall prepare Ship Specific Risk Assessments which shall be: Based on the Vessel type, trading area, Vessel peculiarities & characteristics. Experience of the crew/officers on board the vessel Prevailing & expected weather conditions 3) The Ship specific RAs shall be numbered with a prefix S (Eg: SA1 for ER Operation, Maintenance, Bunkering Operations) 4) The Ship specific RA shall be retained in the Ship specific section of the RA register. 5) The Master / Chief Engineer shall review the Generic Risk Assessment for the task and carry out a Ship Specific Risk Assessment should they identify hazards in addition to those identified in the Generic Risk Assessment. 6) Ship Specific Risk Assessment shall be forwarded to the office for review.

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SHIPBOARD MANUAL-D Sec: 9.0 HHSE Risk Management

D 9.1.5 Risk assessment flow chart

Start Is Risk Level of the activity HIGH or VERY HIGH? Identify additional Ship Specific Hazards

Yes Is there a Generic RA No Step 5 Managing Significant Env. Aspects & OHS hazards & Implementing Risk Reduction & control measures.

Step 1

Step 2

Hazard Identification

List down Possible Consequences Step 3 See Table For Likelihood Assess Level of Risk (Identify significant aspects/hazards) Table R

Step 4

See Table for Severity

Is the Risk ALARP? Step 6


NO (Stop Work & Reduce Risk Level) Step 7

Update RA register. Carry out the Activity / Task.

(Refer Sec. C2.5.4) END

Forward copy of ship specific RA to office for communication to the fleet

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SHIPBOARD MANUAL-D Sec: 9.0 HHSE Risk Management

D Flow-Chart Explanation Responsibility: Risk Assessment on-board the vessel shall be carried out by: Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Officer/Second Engineer depending on the work area. 1) Step 1: Hazard Identification (HAZID) o The Hazard Identification & RA process consists of 6 steps as described in flow-chart below. It must begin with a visual survey of the area & assessment of the task to enable develop a list of potential hazards (Hazard identification) in categories such as. Impact Penetration Compression Chemical Heat / Cold Harmful dust Light (optical) radiation and Biologic o HAZID is the process of identifying possible hazards whilst carrying out an activity. This Identification of hazards is a continuous & on-going process, only to identify & assess whether there are any new hazards & associated risks. o Where a Generic Risk Assessment is available for the activity, the Ship Staff shall use it only as a guide and take into consideration the hazards identified in the generic RA. Then carryout a ship specific Risk Assessment. Step 2: Possible Consequences o Having completed the aspect/ hazard identification the next step will be to asses the most realistic impact/consequences for the hazard(s) identified. (Realistic would mean the most possible and not necessarily the worst case scenario) o Hazards / consequences identified for a particular task need not be the same each time and could vary with the working conditions, such as weather, staff competency levels, working with shore personnel, adopting a different method for carrying out the task etc. Step 3: Assess Level of Risk The level of risk needs to be assessed to be able to decide whether o The activity / task can be performed with the existing controls in place or o Whether there is a need to implement additional control measures. The two factors which determine the Risk level are: o Likelihood that the Hazard will occur and o Severity of the Consequences For assessing the Risk Level it is recommended that a more realistic approach is adopted. Determine the Likelihood and Severity levels and obtain the Risk level using Table R. If the Risk Level as per Table R, is Very High or High the work should not be carried out till the risk level is reduced to ALARP by implementing additional Risk Reduction & Control Measures as described in Sec D 9.5.



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SHIPBOARD MANUAL-D Sec: 9.0 HHSE Risk Management

4) Step 4: Is the Risk ALARP (As low as reasonably practicable) Whilst implementing Risk reduction measures, it is essential to reduce the Risk level to LOW or MEDIUM which is defined as ALARP. After determining the Risk Level, the ships staff must refer to Table A for guidance on the action to be taken. Step 5: Refer D 9.4 Managing Significant Environmental aspects & OHS hazards and implementing Risk Reduction measures. Step 6: Reviewing & updating Risk Assessment Register & Records Step 7: Reviewing & updating Risk Assessment Register & Records

5) 6) 7)

D 9.1.6 List of possible Hazards (Only for guidance) 1) SAFETY Not following procedures Cutting corners and short-cuts Incapable staff Malfunctioning of safety belt/harness Oily deck/surface Rolling & Pitching Tools slipping & falling from a height Improper use of PPE Un-guarded moving machinery Faulty Gas detector Improper ventilation of tanks or enclosed spaces. Safety devices & cutouts not functioning Exposure to hot pipes in the machinery spaces Failure of fridge / dep freeze alarm Use of untested wire ropes & slings 2) Health, Hygiene, Biological. Oxygen deficiency Inadequate period of rest. Fatigue Mental stress Psychological reasons Dirty / infected cookware and cooking boards. Poor insulation leading to electric shock Sub-standard wiring Exposure to excessive heat / sun radiation. Exposure of skin & body to chemicals & acids. Exposure to excessive noise levels. Presence of H2S and other toxic gases. Crew infected by communicable disease Exposure to hazardous wastes Generation of Vibration & Noise 3) Environmental Over-flow of oil from air pipe Spillage of Lub oil on deck oil transfer operations Waste / Garbage generation in excess of storage capacity. Failure of OWS sensor & alarm mechanism. Generation of oily sludge & waste. Generation of SO2 beyond the acceptable limits.
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4) Generation of wastes from cleaning compounds used for dish washing Generation of dirty carbon waste. Quality, Business & Reputation Non compliance of charter party requirements Loss in Customer satisfaction level Assets Navigating in piracy prone region


D 9.1.7 List of possible Consequences (Only for guidance) Human Injury Injury resulting in death. Respiratory type illness Stomach illness (Food poisoning) Sea water pollution. Air pollution. Land pollution Resource depletion Resource wastage Pollution of water from garbage / sewage etc. Pollution of water from NLS. Damage to ships structure. Damage to shore structure. Damage to Companys reputation Customer satisfaction or Loss of business

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SHIPBOARD MANUAL-D Sec: 9.0 HHSE Risk Management

D 9.2 Risk assessing tables SEVERITY OF CONSEQENCES LOW MEDIUM HIGH Injury requiring First aid Injury requiring shore Injury resulting in on board. medical assistance. hospitalization. Unfit for (fracture, burns, cuts) voyage Exposure to chems, Exposure to chemicals, Exposure to chems, gases, radiation as in gases, radiation within gases, radiation, (which normal routine activity acceptable limits. No could occur due to a virtual ill impact on failure) above normal or health acceptable limits. Could have long term health impact. -Land/ air/ water -Land/ air/ water -Land/ air/ water pollution contained pollution spread around pollution spread to within vessel. vessel. surrounding berth, -Resource wastage or -Resource wastage or beyond vessels location. resource depletion resource depletion -Resource wastage or -Waste accumulation as -waste marginally in resource depletion part of normal activity excess of normal in -Waste in excess of -No harm to marine acceptable limits. normal limits. species. -No significant harm to -Possible harm to marine mar species. species Customer dissatisfaction Customer dissatisfaction Customer resulting in no loss resulting in loss. dissatisfaction/loss could Reasonably justifiable. lead to off-hire of one day or more.


VERY HIGH Injury resulting in disability or unfit for sea / fatality Exposure to chems, gases, radiation (could occur due to failure) well above normal or acceptable limits. Likely health impact/disability/ death -Land/ air/ water pollution which could spread beyond vessels location to adjoining areas. -Resource wastage or resource depletion -Waste well above normal limits. -Harm to marine species Customer dissatisfaction/loss could lead to a loss of charter

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SHIPBOARD MANUAL-D Sec: 9.0 HHSE Risk Management

Impact to own vessel, shore structure or other vessel. Vessel seaworthy. No visible dents to vessel. No shore claims. Impact to own vessel, shore structure or other vessel. Vessel seaworthy. Minor damage. No claims. No Class/lay-up/ repairs Impact to own vessel, shore structure, other vessel. Vessel unseaworthy. Damage requiring Class, repairs/lay-up. Shore claims. Impact to own vessel, shore structure, other vessel. Vessel unseaworthy. Severe damage requiring Class, P&I. lay-up/DD. Vessel held-up. High Shore claims. HIGH


LOW(Unlikely to occur) Does not normally occur in the industry MEDIUM (Could occur) There are cases of occurrence in the industry HIGH (Likely to occur) Does occur quite often in the industry. VERY HIGH (Most likely to occur) Occurs very often & normally in the industry








D 9.2.1 Table- A (Action to be taken based on RISK LEVEL ascertained from the above matrix) Risk Level LOW MEDIUM HIGH VERY HIGH (Significant) Required action (Where ever possible reduce risk level to ALARP) Acceptable Risk level. No additional controls required. Carryout the activity / task. Acceptable Risk level. Where feasible & possible reduce level to LOW. Carryout the activity / task under the supervision of an Officer. Is defined as high level Risk. Do not carryout the activity/task. Reduce to Med level by additional controls then carryout t activity/task under supervision of an Officer. OR If reduction to Med level not possible send copy of RA to office prior to carrying out task. Task to be carried out under direct supervision of a Sr. Officer & guidance from CE and/or Master. Defined as Significant Risk. Do not carryout activity/task. Needs to be reduced to Med or High level by addl. controls. Send RA to office for evaluation. On approval from off task / activity to carried out under direct supervision of Master & CE and based on advise from office.

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SHIPBOARD MANUAL-D Sec: 9.0 HHSE Risk Management

D 9.3 Risk Mitigation Hierarchy for reducing the risk level. 1st option: Eliminate Aspect/Hazard - Wherever possible try to eliminate the environmental aspect or OHS hazard. 2nd option: Reducing the Likelihood - Where elimination is not possible, review possibilities of reducing the likelihood of the environmental aspect or OHS hazard by a combination of activities such as substituting hazardous, engineering control, changing to material /processes with safer ones, thereby reducing the risk level. 3rd option: Reduce the Severity Where 1st or 2nd options are not possible, review the possibility of reducing the severity of the environmental impact / OHS consequences, by a combination of activities such as substituting hazardous, engineering control, changing to material / processes with safer ones, thereby reducing the risk level. 4th option: Implementation of Administrative controls to reduce the Risk level. 5th option: Additional PPE for minimizing the severity of the consequences. Risk reduction & control measures to be adopted would depend on: The nature of task / activity & whether there is a safe alternative. The competency of the personnel performing the task & whether additional or more qualified & experienced persons would reduce the risk. The spares, equipment, tools and machines & whether there is technically a safer & alternative means available. The procedure for carrying out the task & whether it requires to be amended for safely carrying out the task. The urgency of the task to be performed & whether it can be deferred for a period till the satisfactory implementation of Risk reduction & controls methods. D 9.4 Significant Risks Establishing HSSE objectives for reduction of Significant Risks shall be considered by departmental heads on the basis of: Legal compliance (Statutory or regulatory) Towards the Continual HSSE improvement of the Company. The technical feasibility of the risk reducing measures. The cost for implementing such a risk reduction method vis--vis the HSSE improvement achieved. The degree of uncertainty associated with the risk reduction measures.

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