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Bacteria Elimination Technology

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Overview: What is Bio-Kil

Bio-Kil is a patented technology that is based on affixing nanonized antimicrobials onto a large surface area through covalent chemical bonding to form a non-leaching, nontoxic, long lasting bacteria and virus eradicating surface.

s for the P ro
tec tion and Enh an
cement of the G lobal Environ

Bio-Kil, upon application on surfaces, forms a covalent bond with the target surface to form a durable polymer. Once applied, Bio-Kil will stay on the surface for up to the life of the surface. Thus re-application will not be frequent. Bio-Kil can be applied on the surfaces of air filters, textiles (medical clothes, face masks, bed linens and curtains) and on walls.

Mechanism of Elimination
Bio-Kil eliminates micro-organism through physically destroying the micro-organism's cell membrane. By elimination through physical contact, it avoids the possibility of bacteria and viral mutations. Bio-Kil is non-toxic, non-allergenic, non-caustic, nonchemical, non-leaching, environmentally friendly solution to keeping environments free of bacteria and viruses. Furthermore Bio-Kil is effective against bacteria that have built up immunity to chemical anti-bacteria treatments, such as the MRSA bacteria.

The SEM picture of E. coli with and without contact on Bio-Kil

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E. coli before contact with the Bio-Kil treated surface

E. coli after contact with the Bio-Kil treated surface

Bio-Kil has successfully completed experiments in Tan Tock Seng hospital for the purpose of Nosocomial Infection prevention and is a Gold Award winner at the 30th International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products at Geneva. Bio-Kil is marketed by Betech (S) Pte Ltd and is already installed in various hospitals, polyclinics, childcare centres, schools, airport and many other commercial buildings in Singapore.

Bacteria Elimination Technology

Amount of CFU counts

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An Illustration of what Bio-Kil can do to improve safety levels

It is shown that Bio-Kil can reduce the amount of bacteria and viruses in the air but how can Bio-Kil help if it doesn't eradicate all the bacteria in the air? (Experiments have shown that Bio-Kil can eradicate 30-47%* of bacteria in the air). The risk of infection is proportional to the amount and concentration of bacteria in an enclosed area. In other words, by using Bio-Kil, reducing the bacteria level also reduces the risk of infection! The level of risk as illustrated in the chart below is subjective as it depends very much on the individuals' immune system.

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cement of the G lobal Environ

Safety levels based on amount of Bacteria Counts (CFU Counts) in the air.

Before Bio-Kil treatment After Bio-Kil treatment

Risky Levels Safety Levels

*Hsu-Feng Lu, et el. The Improvement in Reduction of Air Bacteria Counts in an Out-Patient Department Area in a Regional Hospital. Jan 2006.


As shown in the chart, even though Bio-Kil may not eradicate all harmful bacteria in the air, it reduces the amount of CFU in the air to a safety level where a person with a normal immune system would be able to fight off the bacteria. The difference in the amount of bacteria present in the air may help reduce infection rate and thus reduce loss of man-hours, and sickness (or even death). At present, there are no known methods of eradicating bacteria as effective as Bio-Kil during working hours; some methods available have detrimental effects on human and thus are not able to work in places where humans are populated.

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Bio-Kil is Effective Against...

Bio-Kil has been proven to eradicate harmful bacteria through numerous studies. Examples of bacteria which could be eliminated by Bio-Kil are Mycobacterium tuberculosis TB, Legionella pneumophila, E. coli and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). There were also studies showing that one of the compounds we use was effective in killing non-pathogenic H7N2 avian influenza virus, Coronavirus and other types of viruses.

Bacteria Elimination Technology

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& Your Environment

Comparison of Various Bacterial Elimination methods
To better understand the various bacteria elimination methods, the chart below provides a brief summary of air cleaning technologies and their properties.
Bio-Kil Health hazard Medical resistance Requires Electricity Environmental pollution Fixed/Diffused No No No No Fixed Chlorine Yes Yes No Yes Diffuse Ozone Yes No Yes No Diffuse UV-rays Yes Mutant Bacteria Yes No Fixed Photocatalyst (e.g. TiO2 /Nano silver) Unknown No Yes Unknown Diffuse

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cement of the G lobal Environ

Unlike any other bacteria elimination technology, Bio-Kil requires NO electricity to operate, DOES NOT post any health hazard, environmental pollution, is NOT released into the atmosphere and mutation in bacteria or viruses will NOT affect its effectiveness.

Green Mark Friendly Technology

Tan Tock Seng Hospital has won the prestigious Platinum Award for Green Mark Certification with Bio-Kil as one of its Key Green Features.

Improved indoor air quality by applying Bio- Kil technology onto air con filter to eliminate

bacteria and virus.

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Bacteria Elimination Technology

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& Your Environment

Harmful Pathogens
There are 3 species of pathogens that are commonly found in an indoor environment, namely, bacteria, viruses and moulds (or fungi). They have been proven to cause sickness, allergies, headaches and loss of morale. All these pathogens are invisible threats that have caused loss of productivity and money. It cannot be effectively monitored and controlled, until now. With , it is possible to monitor and control these harmful pathogens. Research has shown that improving Indoor Air Quality may result in economic benefits in tune of millions or billions of dollars in savings annually.

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Vectors in an Indoor Environment

Pathogens are mainly found circulating in the air, in carpets, curtains, air-conditioning systems and in infected people. It is a known fact that viruses like the Influenza virus generally survives 24-48 hours on hard, non-porous surfaces, 8-12 hours on cloth/paper/tissue, and 5 minutes on hands. Thus, it is crucial that we have to be careful with our environment and fixtures.

Air-Conditioning Systems
Very often, pathogens are found in filters, duct and vents of air-conditioning systems. These air-conditioning systems act as a transport system for harmful pathogens to move from office to office thereby aiding the spread of infection. In fact, moulds grow very well in humid places which are found in air-conditioning systems where there are condensations due to changes in temperature. These moulds are major causes of respiratory ailments in humans, causing allergies, asthma, and pathogenous infections of respiratory tract. These moulds can be a life threatening disease for people who have certain deficiencies in their immune system.

Carpets, Walls and Contact places

Moulds and bacteria are also commonly found in carpets. Mould spores and bacteria are stirred up by movement of the fibres when the carpets are walked on. In addition, places where people are often in contact with like walls, counter-tops can also be vectors for pathogen transmissions.

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In the Air
Countless amounts of viruses, bacteria and moulds are being brought in to the enclosed indoor environment by people and due to their density, these pathogens are circulated in the air by mere movement, coughing and sneezing. Thus, it is common that when one employee or visitor is unwell, the infection will be spread to other employees in the organization, leading to sickness and loss in productivity. To make matters worse, certain viruses are very deadly, leading to fear, panic and loss of motivation amongst employees.

Bacteria Elimination Technology

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Solutions for an indoor environment

Here at Betech, we use Bio-Kil to help protect you and your employees against harmful pathogens, ensuring the health and welfare of your employees and company is well taken care of. Bio-Kil can help to eradicate these harmful pathogens through the following ways: 1) For the Air-conditioning systems, Betech can install Patented Bio-Kil filters which will eradicate bacteria, viruses and moulds that are present in air-conditioning vents. This will prevent the pathogens from spreading from one location to another and also to ensure that air that is being blown from the air-conditioning systems are cleaner. 2) For Water treatment, Betech can install Patented Bio-Kil system consisting of Bio-Kil coated ceramic plates in cooling tower, swimming pools etc. to ensure that water is well circulated passes through Bio-Kil ceramic plates whereby bacteria such as Legionella will be eradicated when it comes into contact with the plates. Thus virtually no chemical is needed. 3) For Surfaces such as carpets, walls and frequent human contact places, Betech will apply Bio-Kil. Once applied, Bio-Kil will form a strong bond that will stay on these surfaces for the life of the surface. Once bacteria, viruses or mould land on the surface of treated material, they will be killed on contact, preventing transmission in areas such as hospitals, clinics, childcare centres etc. 4) For Fabrics such as uniforms, bedding, curtains, mask etc. used in hospitals, Betech can treat them with Bio-Kil. Bacteria, viruses and fungi are prevented from living or growing on Bio-Kil treated garments and fabric. Hence help prevent staff-patient, patient-patient transmission via contaminated garments/fabric. This way spread of infection by direct contact amongst employees is minimized. With Bio-Kil Solutions in place, it will lead to minimal loss of man-hours, reduced labour turnover and increased productivity and morale of employees.

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cement of the G lobal Environ

Betech will customise a Bio-Kil solution for you to improve your indoor air quality for the benefit of your employees and customers. Contact us immediately to know how Betech can be of service to you and your esteemed organization.

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