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To design 8 bit ALU with operations listed in the table and to implement the design using Spartan 3E FPGA.

Hardware Required:
1. FPGA main board (Spartan 3E) 2. Add on card

Software required:
1. Xilinx ISE 7.1.

1. Start the Xilinx tool 2. Create project using the project wizard 3. Select VHDL module for writing the code in VHDL 4. Initialize the entity declaration by input and output ports entry 5. Write the architecture part o f the coding in VHDL for sliced processor 6. Synthesize and rectify the errors 7. Create a test bench waveform for the corresponding VHDL for sliced processor in Modelsim 8. Implement it in FPGA kit by pin assignments 9. Create a bit file for the design and download the same in FPGA 10. Verify the operation of sliced processor in FPGA.

Program: VHDL code:


entity aluvhdl is Port (s : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); y : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)); end aluvhdl; architecture Behavioral of aluvhdl is signal a:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 ):="00000100"; signal b:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0 ):="00000010"; begin process(a,b,s) begin case s is when "0000" => y<=a; when "0001" => y<=a+1; when "0010" => y<=a-1; when "0011" => y<=b; when "0100" => y<=b+1; when "0101" => y<=b-1; when "0110" => y<=a+b; when "0111" => y<=a-b; when "1000" => y<= not a; when "1001" => y<=not b; when "1010" => y<=a and b; when "1011" => y<=a or b; when "1100" => y<=a nand b; when "1101" => y<=a nor b; when "1110" => y<=a xor b; when "1111" => y<=a xnor b; when others => null; end case; end process; 2

end Behavioral;

Verilog code:
module alv( s, y); input [3:0] s; output [7:0] y; reg [7:0]y; wire [7:0]a,b; assign a=8'b00000001,b=8'b00000011; always@(a,b,s) begin case(s) 4'b0000:y=a; 4'b0001:y=a+1; 4'b0010:y=a-1; 4'b0011:y=b; 4'b0100:y=b+1; 4'b0101:y=b-1; 4'b0110:y=a+b; 4'b0111:y=a-b; 4'b1000:y=~a; 4'b1001:y=~b; 4'b1010:y=a & b; 4'b1011:y=a | b; 4'b1100:y=~(a&b); 4'b1101:y=~(a|b); 4'b1110:y=a^b; 4'b1111:y=~(a^b); endcase end endmodule

The ALU was implement using SPARTAN 3 FPGA. The output was verified. 3

Ex.No: 2 Date:


To design and implement four bit slice ALU using XILINX FPGA Spartan 3

Hardware requirement:
Spartan 3 FPGA Main board Add on card

Software required :

1. Start the Xilinx tool 2. Create project using the project wizard 3. Select VHDL module for writing the code in VHDL 4. Initialize the entity declaration by input and output ports entry 5. Write the architecture part o f the coding in VHDL for sliced processor 6. Synthesize and rectify the errors 7. Create a test bench waveform for the corresponding VHDL for sliced processor in Modelsim 8. Implement it in FPGA kit by pin assignments 9. Create a bit file for the design and download the same in FPGA 10. Verify the operation of sliced processor in FPGA.

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity alu_411bit is port ( a,b:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 4

ctrl:in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); ca:out std_logic; sel:in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); start:in std_logic; z:out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end alu_411bit; architecture structure1 of alu_411bit is signal c,a1,b1:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) ; signal p,g:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal m:std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal cin :std_logic:='0'; begin process(ctrl,a,b,sel,c,m,a1,b1,p,g,cin) begin case sel is when "00"=> a1<="000"&a(0); b1<="000"&b(0); when "01"=> a1<="00"&a( 1 downto 0); b1<="00"&b( 1 downto 0); when "10"=> a1<="0"&a( 2 downto 0); b1<="0"&b( 2 downto 0); when "11"=> a1<=a( 3 downto 0); b1<=b( 3 downto 0); when others=> null; end case; case ctrl is when "0000"=> z<= a1 and b1; 5

when "0001"=> z<= a1 or b1; when "0010"=> z<= a1 nand b1; when "0011"=> z<= a1 nor b1; when "0100"=> z<= a1 xor b1; when "0101"=> z<= not(a1 xor b1); when "0110"=> z<= a1 + b1; p(0)<=a(0) xor b(0); p(1)<=a(1) xor b(1); p(2)<=a(2) xor b(2); p(3)<=a(3) xor b(3); g(0)<=a(0) and b(0); g(1)<=a(1) and b(1); g(2)<=a(2) xor b(2); g(3)<=a(3) xor b(3); c(0)<=g(0) or( p(0) and cin); c(1)<=g(1) or( p(1) and c(0)); c(2)<=g(2) or( p(2) and c(1)); c(0)<=g(3) or( p(3) and c(2)); ca<=c(3); when "0111"=> if (a1>b1)then z<=a1-b1; ca<='0'; elsif (a1<b1)then z<=b1-a1; ca<='1'; else ca<='0'; z<="0000"; end if; when "1000"=> m<=a1*b1; 6

z<=m(3 downto 0); when "1111"=> m<=a1*b1; z<=m(7 downto 4); when "1001"=>z<=a(0) & a(3 downto 1); when "1010"=>z<= a(2 downto 0)&a(3) ; when "1011"=>z<='0' & a(3 downto 1); when "1100"=>z<= a(2 downto 0)&'0'; when "1101"=>z<='1' & a(3 downto 1); when "1110"=>z<= a(2 downto 0)&'1'; when others=>null; end case; end process; end structure1;

Thus the BIT SLICE ALU was simulated using Modelsim, implemented in Spartan 3 FPGA and the output was verified.

Ex No:3 Date:


To design a 24 hour digital clock with a single alarm using PIC microcontroller.

Tools required:
PIC-Microcontroller kit MPLAB-IDE 7.41 PIC-ISP Data cable Power cord

Step 1: Start MPLAB IDE by double clicking that icon. Step 2: Select PIC 16F877A as target device in MPLAB device selection. Step 3: Select MPLAB CCS C compiler as the language tool. C:\ Program files PICC CCS C (Code Composer Studio) Step 4: Create a project using the project wizard Project Project Wizard Next Next Finish. Step 5: Create a new C file and write the coding for RTC and add it to the project. Step 6: Save the program or file with extension .c eg: ka.c Step 7: Add Library file and linker file for the corresponding PIC in the project. Right click in Source file Add file Open ka.c Step 8: Project Select Language Tool Suite Ok Project Select Language Tool Location Ok 8

Project Build options Click file name ka.c Step 9: Enable Alternate settings + pe Ok Project Compile Build all Ok Step 10: Verify the output in MPLAB IDE through its registers and ports options. Step 11: Connect the target device with PIC 16F877A to the COM port in the system. Step 12: Program the Hex file in the target device. Step 13: Double click the icon PIC ISP COM Port COM 1 Communication Port Browse Select file (ka) Download Up Direction Reset Download Succeeded

#include <16F877.H> #use delay(clock=20000000) #use rs232(baud=19200, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7) #use I2C(MASTER,sda=PIN_C4,scl=PIN_C3) unsigned int time[]={0x05,0x57}; unsigned int readtime[0x02]; unsigned long int second,second1,minute,minute1; unsigned int a,b,a1,b1,c1,d1,dat; int i,j; unsigned char array[10]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x67}; void set_rtc_time() { for (i=2;i<=3;i++) { i2c_start(); i2c_write(0xa0 | 0x00); i2c_write(i); i2c_write(time[(i-2)]); 9 //(seconds,minute)

i2c_stop(); } } void get_rtc_time() { for (i=2;i<=3;i++) { delay_ms(5); i2c_start(); i2c_write(0xa0); i2c_write(i); i2c_start(); i2c_write(0xa0 | 0x01); readtime[(i-2)]= i2c_read(0); i2c_stop(); } } void display_sec0() { delay_ms(5); i2c_start(); i2c_write(0x44); i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(array[a1]); i2c_write(0xf7); i2c_stop(); } void display_sec1() { delay_ms(5); i2c_start(); i2c_write(0x44); 10 //Display Higher Byte of seconds

i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(array[b1]); i2c_write(0xfb); i2c_stop(); } void display_min0() { delay_ms(5); i2c_start(); i2c_write(0x44); i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(array[c1]); i2c_write(0xfd); i2c_stop(); } void display_min1() { delay_ms(5); i2c_start(); i2c_write(0x44); i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(array[d1]); i2c_write(0xfe); i2c_stop(); } void IC_Config() { delay_us(1000); i2c_start(); i2c_write(0x44); i2c_write(0x04); //GPIO Register 11 //Display Higher Byte of minute //Display Higher Byte of minute //Display Lower Byte of seconds

i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(0x00); i2c_stop(); delay_us(1000); i2c_start(); i2c_write(0x44); i2c_write(0x06); i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(0x00); i2c_stop(); delay_us(1000); i2c_start(); i2c_write(0x44); i2c_write(0x0a); i2c_write(0x01); i2c_write(0x01); i2c_stop(); delay_us(1000); } void alarm_set() { output_b(0xff); if(minute==0x57) { if((second>=0x10)&&(second<=0x14)) { output_high(PIN_B0); delay_ms(10); output_low(PIN_B0); delay_ms(10); } } 12 //GPIO Register //GPIO Register

} void main() { IC_Config(); set_rtc_time(); while(1) { get_rtc_time(); second = readtime[0]; minute = readtime[1]; printf(" Time : %x : %x \n\r",readtime[1],readtime[0]); a1 = (second & 0x0f); b1 = (second & 0xf0); b1 = b1>>0x04; c1 = (minute & 0x0f); d1 = (minute & 0xf0); d1 = d1>>0x04; display_sec0(); display_sec1(); delay_us(50); display_min0(); display_min1(); alarm_set(); delay_us(500); } }

The digital clock was designed using PIC microcontroller and the design was verified using PIC embedded trainer kit.

Ex.No:4 13



To design and implement the model train controller using an embedded microcontroller. TOOLS REQUIRED: PIC-Microcontroller kit MPLAB-IDE 7.41 PIC-ISP Data cable Power cord

PROCEDURE: Step 1: Start MPLAB IDE by double clicking that icon. Step 2: Select PIC 16F877A as target device in MPLAB device selection. Step 3: Select MPLAB CCS C compiler as the language tool. C:\ Program files PICC CCS C (Code Composer Studio) Step 4: Create a project using the project wizard Project Project Wizard Next Next Finish. Step 5: Create a new C file and write the coding for RTC and add it to the project. Step 6: Save the program or file with extension .c eg: ka.c Step 7: Add Library file and linker file for the corresponding PIC in the project. Right click in Source file Add file Open ka.c Step 8: Project Select Language Tool Suite Ok Project Select Language Tool Location Ok


Project Build options Click file name ka.c Step 9: Enable Alternate settings + pe Ok Project Compile Build all Ok Step 10: Verify the output in MPLAB IDE through its registers and ports options. Step 11: Connect the target device with PIC 16F877A to the COM port in the system. Step 12: Program the Hex file in the target device. Step 13: Double click the icon PIC ISP COM Port COM 1 Communication Port Browse Select file (ka) Download Up Direction Reset Download Succeeded


#include <16F877.H> #use delay(clock=20000000) #use rs232(baud=19200, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7) #use I2C(MASTER,sda=PIN_C4,scl=PIN_C3) unsigned char data,a,b,c; int i,j,i1,k=0x15; unsigned char ls0[]={0x55,0x54,0x50,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x05,0x15,0x55}; //led0-led3 selector for forward direction. unsigned char sel[]={0x0c0,0x0c2,0xc4,0xc6,0xc8,0xca,0xcc,0xce,0x0c0}; void init(); void initbuf(); void sensor(); void main() { 15

init(); initbuf(); while(1) { start1: for(j=0x00;j<0x09;j++) { i1=0x05; for(i=0x00;i<0x09;i++) { start: if(i<=0x04) { i2c_start(); i2c_write(sel[j]); //write the address for the deviceselection. i2c_write(k); //write the register address. //write the data for ls1 register. i2c_write(ls0[i]); //write the data for lso register. i2c_write(ls0[i1]); i1++; } if(j==0x08) goto start1; if(i>=0x05) { i2c_start(); i2c_write(sel[j]); i2c_write(k+1); i2c_write(ls0[i-0x04]); i2c_stop(); i2c_start(); i2c_write(sel[j+1]); i2c_write(k); 16 //start the next rotation in the train.

i2c_write(ls0[i1-0x04]); i1++; } if(i != 0x08) delay_ms(300); } } } } void init() { for(i=0;i<0x08;i++) { i2c_start(); i2c_write(sel[i]); i2c_write(0x15); i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(0x00); i2c_stop(); } } void initbuf() { output_d(0x00); output_low(PIN_E1); output_high(PIN_E1); output_d(0x00); output_low(PIN_E2); output_high(PIN_E2); output_d(0x00); 17 //noy glow the station2 signal. //noy glow the station2 signal. //noy glow the station2 signal.

output_low(PIN_B1); output_high(PIN_B1); }


#include <16F877.H> #include <stdio.h> #use delay(clock=20000000) #use rs232(baud=19200, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7) #use I2C(MASTER,sda=PIN_C4,scl=PIN_C3) unsigned char a,b,c; unsigned char ls1[]={0x55,0x15,0x05,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x40,0x50,0x54,0x55}; //led0-led3 selector for reverse direction. unsigned char sel1[]={0x0ce,0xcc,0xca,0xc8,0xc6,0xc4,0xc2,0x0c0,0xce}; unsigned char i,i1,j,senout=0x00,senout1=0x00; void init(); void initbuf(); void statB(); void statA(); void crossingon(); void crossingoff(); void sw(); void main() { init(); initbuf(); while(1) { start: for(j=0x00;j<0x09;j++) { i1=0x05; 18

for(i=0x00;i<0x09;i++) { if(j==0x04) crossingon(); if(j==0x06) crossingoff(); if(j==0x01){ output_d(0x04); output_low(PIN_E2); output_high(PIN_E2);} if(i<=0x04) { i2c_start(); i2c_write(sel1[j]); i2c_write(0x06); i2c_write(ls1[i]); i2c_start(); i2c_write(sel1[j]); //write the address for the device selection. i2c_write(0x05); i2c_write(ls1[i1]); i1++; } if(j==0x08) goto start; if(i>=0x05) { i2c_start(); i2c_write(sel1[j]); i2c_write(0x05); 19 //start the next rotation in the train. //write the register address. //write the data for ls1 register. //write the address for the device selection. //write the register address. //write the data for lso register. //glow the red led for station1 in forward.

i2c_write(ls1[i-0x04]); i2c_stop(); i2c_start(); i2c_write(sel1[j+1]); i2c_write(0x06); i2c_write(ls1[i1-0x04]); i1++; } i2c_stop(); output_low(PIN_C4); output_low(PIN_C3); if((j == 0x01) && (i >= 0x00)) statB(); if((j == 0x06) && (i >= 0x04)) statA(); if(senout ==0X00) goto stop1; senout++; if(senout < 0X04) delay_ms(200); else if(senout == 0X04) { if(j==0x02){ ss: sw(); delay_ms(100); if(b==0x40) goto ss; initbuf(); output_d(0x84); //80); output_low(PIN_E2); output_high(PIN_E2); 20 //start the next rotation in the train. //start the next rotation in the train.

delay_ms(1000); output_d(0x44); output_low(PIN_E2); output_high(PIN_E2);} else{ ss1: sw(); if(c==0x80) goto ss1; output_d(0x02); output_low(PIN_E2); output_high(PIN_E2); delay_ms(1000); output_d(0x01); output_low(PIN_E2); output_high(PIN_E2);} } if(j==0x05){ output_d(0xF1); output_low(PIN_E1); output_high(PIN_E1); output_d(0x04); output_low(PIN_E2); output_high(PIN_E2);} if((senout1 > 0x04) && (senout1 <=0x0a)) delay_ms(200); if((senout1 > 0x00) && (senout1 <=0x0a)) delay_ms(200); stop1: if(senout1 == 0x00) goto stop2; if((senout1 > 0x04) && (senout1 <=0x0a)) 21 //40); //40);

delay_ms(200); if((senout1 > 0x00) && (senout1 <=0x0a)) delay_ms(200); stop2: if(i != 0x08) delay_ms(200); } } } } void init() { for(i=0;i<0x08;i++) { i2c_start(); i2c_write(sel1[i]); i2c_write(0x15); i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(0x00); i2c_stop(); } } void statB() { initbuf(); output_d(0x01); output_low(PIN_E1); output_high(PIN_E1); //glow the red led for station1 in forward.


delay_ms(50); station1. senout=0x01; } void statA() { initbuf(); output_d(0x04); output_low(PIN_E2); output_high(PIN_E2); delay_ms(50); station1. senout=0x01; } void sw() { output_low(PIN_B4); a=input_d(); output_high(PIN_B4); b=a; b= b & 0x40; c=a; c= c & 0x80; output_low(PIN_C4); output_low(PIN_C3); } void initbuf() { output_d(0x00); output_low(PIN_E0); output_high(PIN_E0); output_d(0x00);

//decrement the speed for stop the train in

//glow the red led for station1 in forward.

//decrement the speed for stop the train in

//get the data from the buffer.

//check for switch1. //check for switch2.

//noy glow the station2 signal. 23

output_low(PIN_E1); output_high(PIN_E1); output_d(0x00); output_low(PIN_E2); output_high(PIN_E2); output_d(0x00); output_low(PIN_B1); output_high(PIN_B1); } void crossingon() { output_d(0xF0); output_low(PIN_E1); output_high(PIN_E1); output_d(0xFF); output_low(PIN_E0); output_high(PIN_E0); } void crossingoff() { output_d(0x01); output_low(PIN_E1); output_high(PIN_E1); output_d(0x00); output_low(PIN_E0); output_high(PIN_E0); } //noy glow the station2 signal. //noy glow the station2 signal.

The modern train controller was designed and verified the functionality using PIC16F877 based embedded trainer kit and found correct.


Ex.No:6 Date:


To move lift 1 to 4 floor from ground floor and give a beep. TOOLS REQUIRED: Elevator kit Keyboard Interfacing bus 8051-Microcontroller Power cord

PROCEDURE: Step 1: Connect the microcontroller device with the keyboard and elevator kit. Step 2: Design a program for the following condition using 8051 microcontroller. i.Lift 1 moves from ground floor to fourth floor . ii.lift 2 position in the seventh floor iii. After reaching its position doors should be opened. Step 3: Type the corresponding code by initializing with starting address(4100) Step 4: Execute the program by RST GO-->Starting address(4100)Execute Step 5: Observe the movement of lift through the LED and door opening condition using buzzer.

org mov mov movx call movx mov mov movx mov mov 4100h a,#03h dptr,#0ffcch @dptr,a delay @dptr,a a,#80h dptr,#0ffc0h @dptr,a a,#01h dptr,#0ffc4h 25

movx @dptr,a call delay mov dptr,#0ffc0h mov a,#40h movx @dptr,a call delay mov a,#20h movx @dptr,a call delay mov a,#10h movx @dptr,a call delay mov a,#08h movx @dptr,a call delay mov a,#0bh mov dptr,#0ffcch movx @dptr,a call delay mov a,#03h movx @dptr,a here: sjmp here delay: mov 31h,#0ffh mov 30h,#0ffh d12: call delay1ms d2: djnz 30h,d2 djnz 31h,d12 ret delay1ms:mov tl0,#17h mov th0,#0fch call t0delay ret t0delay: mov a,tmod anl a,#0f0h orl a,#01 mov tmod,a setb tr0 jnb tf0,$ clr tr0 clr tf0 26

ret end

ADDRESS 4100 4100 4102 4105 4106 4109 410B 410C 410E 4111 4112 4114 4117 4118 411B 411E 4120 4121 4124 4126 4127 412A 412C 412D 4130 4132 4133 4135 4138 4139 413C 413E 413F 413F 4141 4141 4144 4144 4147

OP-CODE 74 03 90 FF CC F0 12 41 41 74 02 F0 7480 90 FF C0 F0 74 01 90 FF C4 F0 12 41 41 90 FF C0 74 40 F0 12 41 41 74 20 F0 12 41 41 74 10 F0 12 41 41 74 08 F0 74 0B 90 FF CC F0 12 41 41 74 03 F0 80 FE 75 31 0A 75 30 64 12 41 51

MNEMONICS org 4100H start: mov a,#03h mov dptr,#stat_ou movx @dptr,a call delay mov a,#02h movx @dptr,a mov a,#80h mov dptr,#lift1 movx @dptr,a mov a,#01h mov dptr,#lift2 movx @dptr,a call delay mov dptr,#lift1 mov a,#40h movx @dptr,a call delay mov a,#20h movx @dptr,a call delay mov a,#10h movx @dptr,a call delay mov a,#08h movx @dptr,a mov a,#0bh mov dptr,#stat_ou movx @dptr,a call delay mov a,#03h movx @dptr,a here: sjmp here delay: mov count1,#10 mov count,#100 d12: call delay1ms 27

DESCRIPTION ;default open doors ;of lift1 & lift2 ;close door of lift1 ;indicates lift1 is ;in gnd floor ;indicates lift2 is ;in 7th floor

;beep for door open

;open doors

;for 1 seconds delay

4147 414A 414D 4150 4151 4151 4154 4157 415A 415B 415B 415D 415F 4161 4163 4165

D5 30 FA D5 31 F4 22 75 8A 17 75 8C FC 12 41 5B 22 E5 89 54 F0 44 01 F5 89 D2 8C 30 8D FD

d2: djnz count,d2 djnz count1,d12 ret delay 1 ms: mov t10,#017h mov th0,#0fch call t0delay t0delay: mov a,tmod anl a,#0f0h orl a,#t0_m1 mov tmod,a setb tr0 jnb tf0,$

1 Milli second ;TL0=17h, The low byte of timer() ;TH0=FCh, The high byte of timer() ;Activate the timer0, ;and wait upto

; 2 Timer 0, mode 1 ; 1 Start the timer 0 ;OFFFF-(16 BIT TIMER VALUE)+1 ;Monitor timer flag 0 ;1 Stop the timer 0 ;1 Clear timer flag 0 ;1 Return from subroutine

4168 416A 416C

C2 8C C2 8D 22

clr tr0 clr tf0 ret end

The elevator controller was implemented and tested using PIC micro controller.


To design a phase locked loop and verify the functionality.

Software required:
Xilinx ISE 8.1. Modelsim 5.5PE 28

1. Start the Xilinx tool ISE. 2. Create a project using the project wizard. 3. Select VHDL Module for writing the code in VHDL. 4. Initialize the entity declaration by input and output ports entry. 5. Write the architecture part of the coding in VHDL for the system of pll. 6. Compile the project 7. Select the simulate options and load the files 8. Select the view signals option and load the necessary signals. 9. Force the clock and data input and run the program. 10. View the simulated result of phase locked loop. 11. For the implementation of the phase locked loop locate the pins in the FPGA. 12. Create a bit file for the phase locked loop and download the same in the FPGA. 13. Verify the operation of phase locked loop in the FPGA.

library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; entity pll is Port ( datain : in std_logic; -- raw data input clock : in std_logic; clrdcd : in std_logic; dcd : out std_logic; rx_clock : out std_logic; end pll; architecture Behavioral of pll is signal counter : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0):= "00000"; -- counter 0...31 signal dcd_cntr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0):= "00000000"; -- counter 0...255 29 -- 64 bit clock -- clear dcd when 8 ones are detected -- data carrier detect output -- recovered rx clock

dataout : out std_logic);-- received data output

signal edge : std_logic;

--- edge detector output : data decision changed

signal dly_data : std_logic; -- delayed data for edge detector signal q1 : std_logic; -- late clock signal qe : std_logic; -- early clock signal enable : std_logic; -- gets toggled every clock or when clock has to be adjusted signal increment : std_logic := '0'; signal decrement : std_logic := '0'; signal clear_dcd : std_logic := '0'; signal reset_dcd : std_logic := '0'; begin --- recovered rx clock for following stages rx_clock <= counter(4); process(clock, clrdcd, reset_dcd) begin if(clock'event and clock = '1') then clear_dcd <= reset_dcd or clrdcd; end if; end process; --- clock in new data process(clock, datain) begin if(clock'event and clock = '1') then dataout <= datain; end if; end process; -- rx clock counter process(clock, enable, clrdcd) begin if(clock'event and clock = '1') then if(enable = '1') then counter <= counter + '1'; -- increase counter else 30

counter <= counter; end if; end if; end process; -- set early and late clocks process(counter) begin if(counter = "10000" or counter = "01111") then q1 <= '0'; qe <= '0'; elsif (counter(4) = '1') then --- late clock when counter > 32 q1 <= '1'; qe <= '0'; else q1 <= '0'; qe <= '1'; end if; end process; -- adjust rx clock process(clock, enable, clrdcd) begin if(clock'event and clock = '1') then --- increment clock when edge detect during early clock if(qe = '1' and edge = '1') then increment <= '1'; end if; --- decrement clock when edge detect during late clock if(qe = '1' and edge = '1') then decrement <= '1'; end if; --- clear after one step increment if (enable = '1') then 31 --- early clock when counter < 31

if (increment = '1') then increment <= '0'; enable <= '1'; else enable <= '0'; end if; else --- clear after one step decrement if (decrement = '1') then decrement <= '0'; enable <= '0'; else enable <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- dcd detection process(clock, edge, counter, clear_dcd) begin if(clear_dcd = '1') then dcd_cntr <= (others => '0'); dcd <= '0'; reset_dcd <= '0'; elsif(counter(4)'event and counter(4) = '0') then if(edge = '0') then -- sample at rising edge, if no data change increase counter if(dcd_cntr = 255) then dcd <= '1'; -- assert dcd if dcd counter is at max dcd_cntr <= dcd_cntr; else dcd <= '0'; 32

dcd_cntr <= dcd_cntr + '1'; end if; else reset_dcd <= '1'; end if; end if; end process; --- edge detector, input data has changed process(clock, datain) begin if(clock'event and clock ='1') then edge <= dly_data xor datain; dly_data <= datain; end if; end process; end Behavioral;

Thus the phase locked loop was designed and the functionality was verified using Modelsim 5.5 PE.


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