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Hoofstuk 15: Partial memoranda

The answers for almost all of the following problems are in the handbook. Hints showing how to approach the problems are given below. [Please bring typing errors to my attention!]

Airspeed is vP/W = vP vW , therefore vP = ....i + ....j from which the angle can be obtained.

vA = ..., vB = ..., therefore vA/B = ..... Integrate to get rA = ..., rB = ..., rA/B = ..... Distance = |rA/B | = ....... which is a minimum if .... and then the minimum distance is ....

Beware: the unit vectors en and et are dierent for the two cars! Therefore the vectors cannot be added or subtracted directly! aA = ...etA + ...enA aB = B + ...en B Rewrite in terms of xed vectors i and j and then obtain aB/A and from that aB/A .

3yB + xA = and therefore ....

All measured from the xed lower plan: 2(yA yC ) + 2(yB yC ) = , from which ..... Now: vA = +1 m/s and vB = 0.4 m/s. Therefore ..........

With yA measured down from the top, we have (xC 0.6) + 12 + x2 + yA = C

and therefore ..........

Done fully in tutorial classes.

We have [vA ]y = vA/B

(why?) and therefore [vA ]y is easily obtained.

Relative velocity is given and therefore.....

Draw free body diagrams, with the two packages separately, and with a normal contact force from A acting on B and the same magnitude force from B acting on A, as well as all other forces, and use equations of motion.

2yB + yA = , which gives velocities and accelerations in terms of one anothers. Draw free body diagrams of A and B, and use equations of motion. There should now be enough equations to solve for all unknowns.

2yB + xA = , which gives velocities and accelerations in terms of one anothers. Draw free body diagrams of A and B, and use equations of motion. There should now be enough equations to solve for all unknowns.

x2 + 32 + yB = 6.5 m, wat n verwantskap gee tussen die snelhede en posisies. A Energy (the most ecient way of solving): [VA + VB + TA + TB ]1 = [VA + VB + TA + TB ]2 from which the velocity can be obtained.

No external impulse in x-direction, therefore mA (vA )1 + mB (vB )1 = mA (vA )2 + mB (vB )2

Energy: [Ve + TA + TB ]1 = [Ve + TA + TB ]2 From the two equations the velocities can be obtained.

2yA + yB = , which gives one velocity in terms of the other. Use FBDs, MADs and equations of motion

Energy: [V + T ]1 = [V + T ]2 and, as for the hanging part we have mg = (4.8/1.6)yB , V = mgh = 4.8 yB 1.6 yB 2

Also the velocity of the chain is the same all over, T = 1 1 4.8 2 mv 2 = v 2 B 2 1.6g B

from which the nal velocity can be obtained.

Obvious that vC = vA . Further: vB/A = 1 m/s after the hoist is switched on. Therefore all (absolute) velocities can be expressed in terms of vA . Also the heights can be expressed in terms of xA . Now use angular momentum about D as the angular impulse about D is 0 (why?).

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