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audi audi - A1


marketing plan main objectives company market Introduction

key point marketing volume value market share penetration rate product cost & profitability Quantitive, qualitative perform a n Quantitive

Excellent brand image competative advantage acquired experience Top management's values and charisma Company's culture (pas, present, future projects) Customers' characteristics (level of satisfaction) qualitive

Finacial resource, legal status Technological and industrial resource ( ability to innovate, production cost...) Human and comercial resources (number of employee, skills) recall, aided recall and top of mind Company's image perceived by customers and retailers perception of positioning portofolio line width and length life cycle research and development policy costs selling price perception of price level main distribution channels Strength and quality of sales force Quality of relationships with retailers Communication budge t Advertising and public relations budget allocatio n Effectiveness of actions Demographic Economic institutional Ecological Technological Socio-culture Market Motivation, attitude, Intensio n Customer behavior micro Competition Distributors volume Value Market share Profitability Image Satisfaction Geographic Socia-demographi c Personality Values Life style behavioral Target Positioning Direct Competitoion Upward movers alternative segment Audi customers Driving elements of the mix objectives action justification Price Policy Promote Motivate CRM Communication Policy Summary 6 g rou p s of 7 stu d en ts 20 minutes to presentations 3 0% g rad e Adjust to competitors' prices Suggest market-skimming pricin g Choose market-penetration prici n g Develop promotions Optimize geographic coverage improve quality of distribution minimize distribution costs Choose between intensive, selective or exclusive distribution Select number of intermediaries (direct, short or long distribution channel) Select sales surface type (supermarkets and hypermarkets, department stores,,,) Develop relationships with distributor s Suggest merchandising actions The offer must fulfil the target's expectations in terms of service and comfort The selected target attached a lot of importance to a sucessful holiday The upgrading process will attract a clientele less affected by the crisis Internal Pay for the investments made Respond to the reservation patterns of different types of clientele Manage the seasonal effect Economic uncertainty is modifying reservation patterns (some customers book very early, others at the last minute) seasonal activity fierce competition Encourage travel agencies to recommend cM as a top of the range destination improved distribution contro l Reinforce CM 's top of the range image selective distribution Reinforce the direct network by developing Internet sales, sales in CM travel agencies and call centres improve the design of CM travel agencies on the indirect network, encourage travel agencies to advise their top of the range clientele to visit 4 and 5 trident villages Propose training course to travel agencies and call centre agents to inform them of the specific characteristics of the offer and the sales pitch for the selected target Prepare POS actions (Point of sale advertising) in travel agenies (Posters, catalogues etc..) a direct distribution policy established close links with the clientele and yields higher profits the direct network must reflect CM top of the range image Training actions aim at raising awareness of the new product with a view to convincing the top of the range clientele to book a holiday in 4 and 5 trident villages POS actions attract the attention of potential Advertise the new offer (upgrade) promote 4 and 5 trident villages encourage the selected targets to book a holiday with CM Television Magazine Poster internet (tourist sites, in particular for top of the range trips) Public relations (press conference, press kits, etc..) to present the new strategy to the journalists mailing and emailing of catalogues, personalised offers Actions Direct marketing for the third objective (trigger the purchase) it seems preferable to use Comunication Policy For the first two objectives (reputation and desire) we recommended the use of Objectives Internal justifications Objectives Justifications repositioning the band volumesd-based -> Value based S trateg y product policy increase customer in to of the range all inclusive range of mostly 4 and 5 trident villages Leader on the French holicay club market, Club Mediaterrancenee has decided to switch from a volume-based to a value-based strategy Introduction In a difficult economic and competitive enviroment, the company is trying to reposition itseft to the top of the range segment An adapted maketing plan is required to tackle this new challenge top-of the range service Price Policy Objectives Weak Opportunity External Thread top of the range clientele continues to go on holiday weather the crisis economic climate reduce budget modified customer booking pattern Justifications Product Policy 6. Marketing mix d rivers Distribution policy Distribution Policy 5. Sources of volume Price Policy 1. Ojectives 2. Segment 3. Target 4. Positioning Adidas customer Competitor's customer Micro external Distribution Policy Marketing -mix 2. Analysis SWOT Demographic economic factors present in 2 tables Macro Institutional Ecological factors Technological factors Socio-cultural factors Market size and structure Customers Competitors Distributors Product Policy internal Potential customer Source of Volume Psychographics name of company Segmentation Criteri a Strateg y 1. introd uction what the marketing plan is about main objectives company's market key points highlight internal factors external factors without bias Quantitive performance Resources available for a given product band and/or Company's awareness and image Marketing-mix Qualitative plan Marketing mix based on the analysis and marketing strategy Quantitative Objectives analysis Marketign strategy derived from analysis When new product annual planning and budgets situation requires financial competitive legal constraints External Macro Communication Distribution price Marketing-mix product Analysis Awareness and image Internal Resource

Audi A1

Marketing plan

interpret data


Women who are not yet buyers of sports articles (particalarly consumers of streetweat/urban ) Women have diffently and want products developed specifically for their needs Subtopic Purchase decisions take place in the stores, and it is vital that product value is maximized at the point of sale

Product policy

operate 80 holyday vilages and one cruise ship and number of agencies all-inclusive Strong Customer like Sell direct SWOT by Web

onto top of the range


Difficulties in the past Several strategic changes Limited 2 million profit in 2008 8 million net los in 2007

Distribution Policy


Reduction in reservations hence the drop in turnover for the first 9 months in 2009 High prices on the increase due to the upgrading process Risk of losing the regular clientele Who fear a loss in conviviality and club med spirit Some of whom are sensitive to price

in 2008, 89%A of the French customers did not intend to modify their holiday projects with Club Med Club Mediterrance Pioneer and leader of the "Holiday club" concept on the French market In existence for 60 years Strong reputation 80 holiday villages, one cruise ship and travel agencies strength The all-inclusive concept seems to be an asset in times of the crisis 2008: 1.494 billion turnover (+6% on 2007) 2008: 1.361 million customer (+2.8%) Innovation capacity Villas concept

High customer satisfaction, in particular with 4 and 5 trident villages Occupacy rate: 70.9% (+2.7% on 2007) RevPAB up 7.5 % (91.4) Range of mostly 4 an 5 trident villages, representing 55% of the offer in 2009 Offer adapted to the expectations of the clientele

Advanced Marketing
Holiday villages


Choice of 80 sites in 25 destinations Choice of 3 village and price ranges Choice of room confort All inclusive concept Child Supervision

The new "CLub Med Greate Members" loyalty programme which offer specific advantages to customers who have adready been to CM

television, press and poster advertising campaigns promote the new offer The internet provides virtual tours of the villages the relationship with the press aims at encourage Direct marketing, the loyalty programme and the sales website aim at creating an exclusive link with each the CM CM upgrading process has resulted in an increasing number of targeted customers, thereby validating the chosen strategy However, in a context of economic crisis, a change in economic model involves risks Conclusion justifications


Choice of 10 to 15 sport and leisure activities Reduction in the opening periods of several 2 and 3 trident villages Weakness Temporary shutdown of several villages due to insufficient reservation in 2008, 52% of the French population went on a holiday


Size of the French market (Volume)

The French attach a lot of importance to holidays The holiday rate dropped by 4% between 2006 and 2008 The tourism market The holiay budget is reduced when there are financiela Holiday makers are looking for a reduced cost holiday Threads and pay attention to their expenditure while on holiday Strong competition,notably for the "club" concept, hence strong pressure on price Opportunities Clientele not sensitive to price Clientele less affected by the crisis The "more modest" customer categories are diminishing Strong competition, notably linked to the development of 4* and 5* hotels and the emergence of new players Top-of-the-range touris m Threads Development of alternative accomodation solutions (tourist residences and renting of luxury villas) Significant increase in costs and therefore prices in a crisis context, the clientele is more sensitive to price evolution

Introduction The Panzani Group The Lustucru Selection brand The Lunch Box Mothen 60 years in existence Multi-brand portoli o No.1 in the pasta, rice, couscous and sauces sectors in France 2009 turnover: 61 million (+10%) Increase profits Strong innovation capacity One of the France's oldest brands in the food processing industry Strong brand awareness (prompted: 92%) Positive image Several product ranges presence in all retail chains 33%A in volume 34.8 in value fresh pasta No.1 on the following markets Strength of the Lustucru Selection brand Internal Analysis

Strengths of the panzani Group Extenal

Club Med

quenelles (dumplings ) fresh sauces

Part of the Panzani Group Lack of control of the Lustucru brand (which belong to )


Boasting 60 years experience on the holiday village market, Club Mediterrancee has reached a critical juncture. It has decided to opt for a strategic shift by upgrading Subtopic Sale of volume

weakness of the Lustucru Selection brand Quantities Sale in value RevPAB (Revenue per available bed) by 9% (up to 100)

Success right from the lauch stage (early 2010) No.2 with a 20.4% market-share in volume in 2010 Legitimacy of the Lustucru Selection brand in the fresh pasta domain Product quality (repeat purchases) Competitive launch price (2.95) More limited choice of varieties proposed than some competitors Limited production capcity (risk of Market size: 28 billion in 2010 55% growth in five years less time dedicated to lunch (31 minutes, 1hr 20 year ago) Comsumption is becoming more mobile throughout the day, often alone 45% of them regularly eat lunch on the move 70% of young people regularly have a snack for lunch 25% of the working population have lunch outside the home French people are looking for rapid, well balanced and affordable food options Snack Trend opportunities on the snack market Analysis Lunch Box strengths Objectives

Market share profitability



become a reference on the top of the range segment

Lunch Box weaknesses

Satisfaction Nations, State Regions Geographic criteria Counties Cities Districts

Age Familiy life-cycle household size gender Increase in the price of raw materials highly competitive market Constant development of new products strong price elasticity Competition Success of the lunch box concept (48% of buyers repeat their purchase) Annual market: 6,000 tonnes in volume and 66 million in value (2010) Currently, only 6.2% of French households buy the products (1.2 kg per year) Existence of major buyers (young people, urban dwellers) Intensifying competitio n Sodeb'O leadership (pioneer, nin e references, 46,7% market-share in volume etc.) Variety of the offer (around sixty references) which continues to grow Microware oven required to use the lunch box Development of pasta bars Numerous alternative products: paninis, wraps, salads, hamburgers etc. Customers on the lookout for promotions (35% of purchases) With the Lunch Box, the Lustucru Selection brand , no 2 with 20.4 % market share in volume for the Lunch box is to become leader This seems ambitious, faced with Sodeb'O (46.7% market-share) and new entrants (including distributiors' o w n brands) Increase market-share by 5% Eventually become the market leader age Summary Targets Lustucru Marketing Plan Priority target Senior manager, seft-employed professionals and middle managers Threats on the lunch box market Opportunities on the lunch box market Socio-demographic criter i a Threats education Segmentation critria Religion Social class External analysis Socioprofessional group income

personality charateristics Psychographic criteria Value life-style S trateg y Usage rate Occasionas to buy, or use the purchased item Benefits sought Behavioural criteria Habits of use brand loyalty attitude toward a product Shopping place People with a monthly household income of more than 3100 Because Clud Med prices are high Because this target continues to go on holiday (83%) their average/higher income attach a lot of importance to their holidays and go on holiday more often than other segments (respectively 81% and 72%) Their hodiday budget is Club Med positions itself as the global specialist in all-inclusive, top of the range, friendly and multicultural holidays Customers who have already been to CM and who have the means necessary to keep up with the upgrade Coming form the top of the range hospitality sector Potential customer = competitors' customers Coming from other holiday villages but who have the budget needed for a CM holiday less affected during a crisis


Positioning Objectives

Segmentation Criteri a

CM Customers Sources of volume

Core target: under 35 age category

Young urban dwellers who have lunch on the move outsied the home

Target Positioning Strategy

Traditional fast food customers (hamburgers, sandwiches,,,,) Ready meal consumers Other brands' lunch box customers Reinforce customer loyalty (repeat purchases) Driving elements of the mix to diversify the lunch box offer Penetration strategy by maintaining a lower price than that of the main competing brands (in gain market -share Product policy Key marketing mix elements Win over new customers Source of volume Product policy Price Policy Distribution policy

significant change of all the components of the offer

Communication policy

in cases of repositioning (upgrade), it is essential to advertise the new offer

Actions Pricing policy Justifications

Penetration price to increase the volume Consumers are sensitive to promotional offers (35% of the volumes purchased

to optimise the referencing strategy in sales outlets Optimise geographical coverage by focusing on cities improve presence in distribution circuits increase visibility in sales outlets reinforce presence in supermarkets and hypermarkets, convenience stores etc Develop in the outside-the-home food sector: petrol station, train stations etc intensive distribution Objectives

Negotiate the referencing strategy and shelt space (in linear cm) in sales outletss by proposing merchandising actions, notably for the launch of new recipes Supply coolers decorated in the colours of the brand Intensive strategy to increase product availability The outside the home food sector is a good way of increasing product visibility Good relationship Merchandising actions are designed to encourage consumers to try new new recipers Coolers make its possibile to propose the entire range of products and promote the Lunch Boxes and new recipes Transfer the attachment to the Lustucre Selection brand to the Lunch Box Product Get consumers to try and adopt the Lunch Box concept Continue TV ads by keeping a humorous approach -> branch awareness and iamge Sales promotion: POS, tasting sessions, games, competitions, vouchers, pamphlets, etc. Promote the Lunch Box on the Lustucru Frais brand's website TV ads facilitate memorisation among the selected target sales promotion encourages the consumer to buy the Lunch Box The Website makes it possible to interact with Internet Users Social networks help unify the core target

actions Distribution policy

Marketing - mix Justifications


Priotiy actions Communication policy

Secondary actions



Lustucru case

Mix - Marketing


Advanced Marketing.mmap - 3/31/2012 - Mindjet

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