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19 March, 2012 | finchannel.coM

Natakhtari Company Cares for Children Deprived of Parental Care

atakhtari Company, with the countenance and blessings of the Patriarch of Georgia and support of the Association Our House Georgia, established the Natakhtari Fund and launched the charity project Take Care of Future. From November 15 through February 15, during three months, from sale of each bottle of Natakhtari Lemonade 1, 3, and 5 Tetris, based on the packaging, were being transferred to the Fund. The Project consists of several stages and the first stage amount collection is now over. In addition, the database of children of the age of 16-18, deprived of parental care, has been completed. Psychologists will start working with these children next week. Based on their conclusion, programs and directions required for children will be ascertained. Its noteworthy that GEL 142.802 was collected, which will be allocated according to the respective project and spent during the whole year. Tornike Nikolaishvili, Marketing Manager of Natakhtari Company and Lela Merabishvili, Representative of the Association Our House Georgia, organized a press conference for journalists at Courtyard Marriott Hotel.

Tornike nikolaishvili:
When we launched the Project we made a statement that everything would be transparent and this event is the proof. Before I make my speech, I would like to thank the Patriarch of Georgia for his blessings and the Association Our House Georgia for assistance. First part of the Project went for three months and the amount got collected. We were expecting to raise GEL 100.000, but the actual amount turned out to be 40% more GEL 142.802. It seems that the Public welcomed the project and showed high activity. It is not surprising, as the purpose of the project is the integration of children deprived of parental care into the society. We conducted a survey, prepared special questionnaires in order to make those childrens interests more focused, for whom this amount will be spent. We singled out a group of 16-17-18 year

old adolescents, though it does not mean that certain amount will not be spent on children of other ages. Currently we have 58 teenagers. We selected this range because it is close to the age when children have to start living independently. In the beginning psychologists will work with them. It is important, in order not to make any mistake and give the right direction to their development. After some time psychologists will make their conclusions and tell us, at what extent these children are ready to commence independent lives. This process will take one year. As regards childrens wishes: their interests got clear and we are delighted that they like sports. This will assist them in developing a healthy lifestyle. In addition, we have close relationships with sports federations and have been working in this direction. Girls gave preference to sewing, knitting, embroidery, music and dancing. Some of them expressed desire to receive higher education and some of them intend to continue studies in a college. Our partner organizations expressed willingness to employ these children, which is a very important fact.

Q. What time will it take to spend received funds and do you plan to continue the project? A. The amount will be spent during the year. As regards continuation, it will depend on the project. At this stage, I can tell that the project presumably will continue. Q. What was the basis of the decision to assist only adolescents of the age of 16-18? A. We thought a lot about this. As I told you, this is the age close to the period when children are ready to start independent lives. In addition, if we allocated the received amount on children of all ages, then very little amount would have been received for each of them and we would face the same problem as before. Q. Is this amount calculated only for teenagers of Tbilisi? A. The project covers all Georgia. Therefore, the blessing of the Patriarchate was very important. Currently I cannot tell precisely how they will lead their lives, but it is not of the least importance that children will live in accordance with the religious norms. It is to be mentioned that costs for transportation from villages to regional centers are also considered.

Q. Are children willing to be employed in Natakhtari itself? A. Of course. They are willing to work as distributors in our company or in our partner companies. However, they are under observation of psychologists and everything will be clarified in several months.

lela Merabishvili:
A. Questionnaire was comprehensive and included all nuances. Peculiarity of every child was to be considered: as we know, all kids think differently and therefore work with psychologist is required. Q. Specifically when is it planned to complete work of psychologists and how many of them will work with children? 7 Psychologists will work and the process will be over when a teenager is ready. Therefore, we are unable to tell the exact date. For some of them this moment will occur earlier for some later, as the work is carried out on an individual basis.

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