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2010 Godina/Year XLVIII 1


SOOP[TENIE - NEWS RELEASE Vo 2009 godina procentot na siroma{nite iznesuva 31.1%

Spored podatocite na Dr`avniot zavod za statistika, vo 2009 godina procentot na siroma{ni lica vo Republika Makedonija iznesuva 31.1%. Analizirano po profili, najranlivi grupi se pove}e~lenite doma}instva imaj}i go predvid faktot deka 53.7% od siroma{nite `iveat vo doma}instva so 5 i pove}e ~lenovi. Stapkata na siroma{tija kaj nevrabotenite e 40.5%, odnosno 42.7% od site siroma{ni se nevraboteni lica. Obrazovanieto na glavata na doma}instvoto isto taka vlijae vrz brojot na siroma{ni lica, imeno, 56.7% od siroma{nite lica `iveat vo doma}instva vo koi nositelot na doma}instvoto nema ili ima zavr{eno maksimum osnovno obrazovanie.

In 2009 the percentage of poor people was 31.1%

According to the State Statistical Office data, in 2009 the percentage of poor people in the Republic of Macedonia was 31.1%. Analyzed by profiles, most vulnerable groups are multi-member households, bearing in mind the fact that 53.7% of the poor people live in households with 5 and more members. The poverty rate for the unemployed is 40.5%, i.e. 42.7% of all poor people are unemployed. Education of the household head also influences the number of poor people, namely 56.7% of the poor live in households where the head of the household has no, or at most primary education.

Za podetalni informacii javete se kaj: For further information please call:

Stase Nolev Stase Nolev +389 2 3295 837 e-mail:

Publisher: State Statistical Office Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P. box 506 Tel. 3892/3295-600, Fax 3892/3111-336; When using data state the source

Izdava~: Dr`aven zavod za statistika Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P.fah 506 Tel. 02/3295-600, Faks 02/3111-336; Pri koristewe na podatocite da se navede izvorot

13.09.2010 Godina/Year XLVIII 2

Relativna siroma{tija vo Republika Makedonija, 2007-2009 Relative poverty in the Republic of Macedonia, 2007-2009
70% od medijalnite ekvivalentni tro{oci 2007 Vkupen zbiren indeks Head count Index Vkupno 29.4 Indeks na Struktura dlabo~ina na siroma{na sironite ma{tijata Poverty gap Composition Index of poor 9.7 100.0 Vkupen zbiren indeks Head count Index 28.7 2008 Indeks na dlabo~ina na siroma{tijata Poverty gap Index 9.2 Struktura na siroma{nite Composition of poor 100.0 Vkupen zbiren indeks Head count Index 31.1 70% of median equivalent expenditures 2009 Indeks na dlabo~ina na siroma{tijata Poverty gap Index 10.1 Struktura na siroma{nite Composition of poor 100.0 Total

Relativna siroma{tija spored vidot na doma}instvata, 2007-2009 Relative poverty by type of household, 2007-2009
70% od medijalnite ekvivalentni tro{oci 2007 2008 Vkupen zbiren indeks Indeks na Struktura Indeks na Struktura Vkupen Vkupen dlabo~ina na dlabo~ina na zbiren zbiren na sirosiroma{na sirosiroma{indeks indeks ma{tijata nite ma{tijata nite Head Head Poverty Composition Poverty Composition Count Count Gap Index of Poor Gap Index of Poor Index Index 29.4 9.7 100.0 28.7 9.2 100.0 26.7 27.1 33.4 26.3 7.9 9.6 11.1 8.4 4.6 10.4 48.5 36.4 22.8 25.5 33.7 25.8 7.3 9.9 10.6 8.0 4.9 10.2 46.7 38.3 70% of median equivalent expenditures 2009 Indeks na dlabo~ina na siroma{tijata Struktura na siroma{nite

Vkupno Stare~ki doma}instva Bra~en par so deca Drugi domainstva so deca Doma}instva bez deca

Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 31.1 10.1 100.0 Total 24.5 27.1 36.8 28.5 8.0 9.1 12.2 9.0 5.7 Elderly households 10.3 Couple with children 44.0 Other households with children 40.1 Households without children


Relativna siroma[tija vo doma] instvata so i bez deca do 7 godini, 2007-2009 Relative poverty in the households with and without children aged under 7, 2007-2009


2007 2008 2009



0.00 Total 7 . Households w ithout children under 7 7 . Households w ith children under 7

Izdava~: Dr`aven zavod za statistika Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P.fah 506 Tel. 02/3295-600, Faks 02/3111-336; Pri koristewe na podatocite da se navede izvorot

Publisher: State Statistical Office Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P. box 506 Tel. 3892/3295-600, Fax 3892/3111-336; When using data state the source

13.09.2010 Godina/Year XLVIII 3

Relativna siroma{tija spored brojot na ~lenovi vo doma}instvata, 2007-2009 Relative poverty by the size of household, 2007-2009
70% od medijalnite ekvivalentni tro{oci 2007 Indeks na Vkupen Struktura dlabo~ina zbiren na siroma{na siroindeks nite ma{tijata Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 29.4 9.7 100.0 26.9 24.2 18.8 25.6 30.6 37.5 7.9 7.3 5.7 8.2 9.8 13.2 1.6 6.1 7.1 24.8 21.3 39.1 Vkupen zbiren indeks 2008 Indeks na Struktura dlabo~ina na siroma{na sironite ma{tijata Vkupen zbiren indeks 70% of median equivalent expenditures 2009 Indeks na Struktura dlabo~ina na siroma{na sironite ma{tijata

Vkupno 1 ~len 2 ~lena 3 ~lena 4 ~lena 5 ~lena 6 ~lena i pove}e

Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 28.7 9.2 100.0 25.3 21.2 19.0 24.4 33.2 37.6 8.1 6.7 5.9 7.7 11.2 12.0 1.7 6.7 8.3 25.7 23.2 34.4

Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 31.1 10.1 100.0 Total 22.8 24.6 22.3 26.1 36.9 42.8 6.9 7.6 6.8 8.2 12.0 14.9 1.5 1 person 8.7 2 persons 10.4 3 persons 25.8 4 persons 23.0 5 persons 30.7 6 persons and more

Relativna siroma{tija spored vozrasta na glavata na doma}instvoto, 2007-2009 Relative poverty by the age of household head, 2007-2009
70% od medijalnite ekvivalentni tro{oci 2007 Indeks na Vkupen Struktura dlabo~ina zbiren na siroma{na siroindeks nite ma{tijata Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 29.4 9.7 100.0 29.2 30.1 28.3 9.9 10.1 8.7 15.2 57.0 27.7 Vkupen zbiren indeks 2008 Indeks na Struktura dlabo~ina na siroma{na sironite ma{tijata Vkupen zbiren indeks 70% of median equivalent expenditures 2009 Indeks na Struktura dlabo~ina na siroma{na sironite ma{tijata

Vkupno Do 39 godini 40 do 59 godini nad 60 godini

Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 28.7 9.2 100.0 26.7 29.0 29.1 9.5 9.3 8.9 13.2 57.0 29.8

Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 31.1 10.1 100.0 Total 31.7 31.9 29.4 10.3 10.5 9.4 14.7 Under 39 56.8 40 to 59 28.6 60 and over

Relativna siroma{tija spored ekonomskiot status na ~lenovite na doma}instvoto, 2007-2009 Relative poverty by the economic status of household members, 2007-2009
70% od medijalnite ekvivalentni tro{oci 2007 Indeks na Vkupen Struktura dlabo~ina zbiren na siroma{na siroindeks nite ma{tijata Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 29.4 9.7 100.0 39.1 30.7 17.2 14.1 9.7 4.8 45.9 36.0 18.1 Vkupen zbiren indeks 2008 Indeks na Struktura dlabo~ina na siroma{na sironite ma{tijata Vkupen zbiren indeks 2009 Indeks na Struktura dlabo~ina na siroma{na sironite ma{tijata 70% of median equivalent expenditures

Vkupno Nevraboteni 1 vraboten 2 i pove}e vraboteni

Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 28.7 9.2 100.0 38.4 30.6 17.9 13.8 9.1 5.1 43.0 35.4 21.6

Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 31.1 10.1 100.0 Total 40.5 32.5 21.0 13.7 10.4 6.4 42.7 Unemployed 33.8 1 worker 23.5 2 workers and over

Izdava~: Dr`aven zavod za statistika Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P.fah 506 Tel. 02/3295-600, Faks 02/3111-336; Pri koristewe na podatocite da se navede izvorot

Publisher: State Statistical Office Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P. box 506 Tel. 3892/3295-600, Fax 3892/3111-336; When using data state the source

13.09.2010 Godina/Year XLVIII 4

Relativna siroma{tija spored mestoto na `iveewe, 2007-2009 Relative poverty by place of residence, 2007-2009
2007 2008


23.5 36.1 43.3


39.2 44.3 39.6

Skopje Skopje

Ostanati urbani sredini

Other urban

Ruralni sredini Rural

Relativna siroma{tija spored obrazovanieto na glavata na doma}instvoto, 2007-2009 Relative poverty by the education of household head, 2007-2009
70% od medijalnite ekvivalentni tro{oci 2007 Indeks na Vkupen Struktura Vkupen dlabo~ina zbiren na siroma{- zbiren na siroindeks nite indeks ma{tijata Head Head Poverty Composition Count Count Gap Index of Poor Index Index 29.4 9.7 100.0 28.7 53.7 37.7 37.4 23.6 17.4 11.0 23.5 13.3 12.7 7.0 5.1 3.1 6.7 16.1 41.5 31.5 2.1 2.1 53.2 39.1 35.4 23.4 21.5 13.8 2008 Indeks na Struktura Vkupen dlabo~ina na siroma{- zbiren na sironite indeks ma{tijata Head Poverty Composition Count Gap Index of Poor Index 9.2 100.0 31.1 19.4 14.6 11.6 6.8 5.8 4.8 4.3 15.8 36.5 36.8 3.2 3.4 54.2 43.4 42.6 25.7 13.0 11.7 70% of median equivalent expenditures 2009 Indeks na Struktura dlabo~ina na siroma{na sironite ma{tijata Poverty Gap Index 10.1 22.7 14.3 14.3 8.0 3.5 3.5 Composition of Poor 100.0 Total 2.7 Without education 14.7 Uncompleted primary 39.3 Primary 38.4 Secondary 1.7 Higher 3.2 University

Vkupno Bez obrazovanie Nezavr{eno osnovno Osnovno Sredno Vi{e Visoko

Izdava~: Dr`aven zavod za statistika Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P.fah 506 Tel. 02/3295-600, Faks 02/3111-336; Pri koristewe na podatocite da se navede izvorot

Publisher: State Statistical Office Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P. box 506 Tel. 3892/3295-600, Fax 3892/3111-336; When using data state the source

13.09.2010 Godina/Year XLVIII 5

Relativna detska siroma{tija spored vozrasni grupi vo 2009 godina Relative child poverty by age groups, 2009
70% od medijalnite ekvivalentni tro{oci 2009 Vkupen zbiren indeks Head Count Index Vkupno deca (0-17) Deca (0-6) Deca (7-14) Deca (15-17) 34.1 33.5 35.1 32.8 Indeks na dlabo~ina na siroma{tijata Poverty Gap Index 11.4 11.4 11.5 11.1 Struktura na siroma{nite Composition of Poor 100.0 Total children (0-17) 29.6 Children (0-6) 49.4 Children (7-14) 21.0 Children (15-17) 70% of median equivalent expenditures

Relativna detska siroma{tija spored mestoto na `iveewe, po regioni vo 2009 godina Relative child poverty by region, 2009
70% od medijalnite ekvivalentni tro{oci 2009 Vkupen zbiren indeks Head Count Index Vkupno deca (0-17) Skopje Ostanati urbani sredini Ruralni sredini 34.1 28.2 27.9 42.3 Indeks na dlabo~ina na siroma{tijata Poverty Gap Index 11.4 8.3 9.5 14.4 Struktura na siroma{nite Composition of Poor 100.0 Total children (0-17) 12.5 Skopje 34.3 Other urban 53.2 Rural 70% of median equivalent expenditures

Relativna detska siroma{tija vo doma}instvata so deca vo 2009 godina Relative child poverty in the households with children, 2009
70% od medijalnite ekvivalentni tro{oci 2009 Vkupen zbiren indeks Head Count Index Vkupno deca (0-17) Doma}instva so edno dete Doma}instva so dve deca Doma}instva so tri i pove}e deca 34.1 29.5 30.8 47.2 Indeks na dlabo~ina na siroma{tijata Poverty Gap Index 11.4 10.0 9.7 17.0 Struktura na siroma{nite Composition of Poor 100.0 Total children (0-17) 20.8 Households with one child 48.7 Households with two children 30.5 Households with three and more children 70% of median equivalent expenditures

Izdava~: Dr`aven zavod za statistika Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P.fah 506 Tel. 02/3295-600, Faks 02/3111-336; Pri koristewe na podatocite da se navede izvorot

Publisher: State Statistical Office Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P. box 506 Tel. 3892/3295-600, Fax 3892/3111-336; When using data state the source

13.09.2010 Godina/Year XLVIII 6

Subjektivni mislewa na doma}instvata dali gi zadovoluvaat potrebite so mese~nite prihodi Subjective opinion about the possibility to make ends meet
Struktura 2007 2008 2009 Structure Site Site Site Zemjo- Me{o- NezemjoZemjo- Me{o- NezemjoZemjo- Me{o- Nezemjodomadomadomadelski viti delski delski viti delski delski viti delski instva instva instva All All All AgriNonAgriNonAgriNonhouseMixed houseMixed houseMixed cultural agricultural cultural agricultural cultural agricultural holds holds holds 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total 4.8 34.9 41.4 19.0 2.0 20.6 56.3 21.2 4.2 32.1 49.4 14.3 5.1 36.5 38.1 20.4 6.5 37.4 41.7 14.4 5.4 28.4 46.9 19.3 5.4 36.1 46.3 12.2 6.9 38.1 40.2 14.9 4.5 36.1 43.5 15.8 12.6 52.2 35.2 3.0 32.0 50.0 15.1 5.2 Completely satisfied 38.3 More or less satisfied 41.3 More or less not satisfied 15.2 Not satisfied at all

Vkupno Vo celost gi zadovoluvaat Glavno gi zadovoluvaat Glavno ne gi zadovoluvaat Vo celost ne gi zadovoluvaat

Subjektivna sporedba na tekovnata finansiska sostojba na doma}instvata so onaa od pred edna godina Subjective opinion about the current financial situation compared with the situation from the previous year
Struktura 2007 2008 2009 Structure Site Site Site Zemjo- Me{o- NezemjoZemjo- Me{o- NezemjoZemjo- Me{o- Nezemjodomadomadomadelski viti delski delski viti delski delski viti delski }instva }instva }instva All All All AgriNonAgriNonAgriNonhouseMixed houseMixed houseMixed cultural agricultural cultural agricultural cultural agricultural holds holds holds 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total 0.8 6.9 55.9 24.4 12.0 0.7 1.5 55.1 21.7 21.0 0.4 6.8 54.9 27.5 10.5 0.9 7.2 56.3 23.5 12.1 0.5 9.7 52.0 28.5 9.4 0.7 13.5 46.6 30.1 9.2 0.1 9.8 50.2 29.6 10.3 0.6 9.5 52.6 28.1 9.1 0.6 6.0 51.8 29.4 12.2 1.9 30.5 39.4 28.2 0.0 6.5 48.5 34.7 10.3 0.8 Much better 6.0 Somewhat better 53.7 About the same 27.4 Somewhat worse 12.1 Much worse

Vkupno Mnogu podobra Malku podobra Ista Malku polo{a Mnogu polo{a

Izdava~: Dr`aven zavod za statistika Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P.fah 506 Tel. 02/3295-600, Faks 02/3111-336; Pri koristewe na podatocite da se navede izvorot

Publisher: State Statistical Office Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P. box 506 Tel. 3892/3295-600, Fax 3892/3111-336; When using data state the source

13.09.2010 Godina/Year XLVIII 7

Subjektivni mislewa na doma}instvata za minimalnite potrebni mese~ni pari~ni sredstva za normalen `ivot Subjective opinion about the level of minimum monthly monetary incomes needed to make ends meet
Struktura 2007 2008 2009 Site Site Site Zemjo- Me{o- NezemjoZemjo- Me{o- NezemjoZemjo- Me{o- Nezemjodomadomadomadelski viti delski delski viti delski delski viti delski instva instva }instva All All All AgriNonAgriNonAgriNonhouseMixed houseMixed houseMixed cultural agricultural cultural agricultural cultural agricultural holds holds holds 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total 0.5 7.1 3.7 13.6 16.6 31.6 26.8 8.8 1.9 21.7 25.1 30.7 11.7 0.4 5.9 3.8 14.9 16.9 32.9 25.2 0.6 7.5 3.8 12.8 16.1 31.3 28.0 0.4 8.3 3.7 13.2 14.3 27.5 32.5 6.6 7.7 29.9 26.1 20.8 8.8 0.3 5.2 3.2 11.6 14.2 30.3 35.2 0.5 9.3 3.8 13.2 14.0 26.8 32.4 0.3 5.1 3.1 10.3 13.1 27.8 40.4 8.5 5.0 15.5 17.1 33.2 20.7 0.3 2.8 1.2 9.2 15.4 27.5 43.6 0.3 Up to 5000 denars 5.6 5001 - 10000 denars 3.5 10001 - 14000 denars 10.4 14001 - 18000 denars 12.2 18001 - 23000 denars 27.7 23001 - 30000 denars 40.3 Over 30001 denars Structure

Vkupno Do 5000 denari Od 5001 do 10000 denari Od 10001 do 14000 denari Od 14001 do 18000 denari Od 18001 do 23000 denari Od 23001 do 30000 denari Pove}e od 30001 denari

Za podetalni informacii poglednete ja web-stranicata na Dr`avniot zavod za statistika. Further information about the statistics can be found on the web-page of the State Statistical Office.
Izdava~: Dr`aven zavod za statistika Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P.fah 506 Tel. 02/3295-600, Faks 02/3111-336; Pri koristewe na podatocite da se navede izvorot Publisher: State Statistical Office Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P. box 506 Tel. 3892/3295-600, Fax 3892/3111-336; When using data state the source

13.09.2010 Godina/Year XLVIII 8


Metodolo{ki objasnuvawa
Imaj}i ja predvid orientiranosta na makedonskata statistika kon me|unarodnite standardi i potrebata od obezbeduvawe na me|unarodno sporedlivi podatoci, kako pojdovna definicija za siroma{tijata se koristi definicijata na Eurostat. "Kako siroma{ni se smetaat lica, semejstva i grupi na lica ~ii resursi (materijalni, kulturni i socijalni) se na takvo nivo koe gi isklu~uva od minimalno prifatliviot na~in na `iveewe vo zemjata vo koja `iveat".

Linii na siroma{tija
Linijata na siroma{tija e definirana kako nivo na `ivoten standard, {to treba da se dostigne za edno lice/doma}instvo da ne bide klasificirano kako siroma{no. - Relativna linija na siroma{tija - relativen standard na opstojuvawe opredelen kako neophodno nivo na tro{oci; - Subjektivna linija na siroma{tija - subjektiven standard na opstojuvawe vrz baza na mislewata izrazeni od celata populacija za nivoto na prihodite neophodni za da se odbegne siroma{tijata.

Prodol`uva na stranica 9

Methodological explanations
Having in mind orientation of Macedonian Statistics to international standards and need of providing internationally compared data, as starting definition for poverty is used definition of Eurostat. The poor shall be taken to mean persons, families, and groups of persons whose resources (material, cultural and social) are so limited as to exclude them from minimum acceptable way of life in the Member State in which they live.

Poverty lines
Poverty line is defined as a level of living standard, which should to be attained for one person/household to not be classified as poor. - relative poverty line (relative standard of subsistence determined as necessity level of expenditures); - subjective poverty line (subjective standard of subsistence based on opinion of whole population for level of income necessity to avoid poverty).

Continuing on page 9

Izdava~: Dr`aven zavod za statistika Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P.fah 506 Tel. 02/3295-600, Faks 02/3111-336; Pri koristewe na podatocite da se navede izvorot

Publisher: State Statistical Office Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P. box 506 Tel. 3892/3295-600, Fax 3892/3111-336; When using data state the source

13.09.2010 Godina/Year XLVIII 9

Broj/No: Ekvivalentna skala

Za da se ovozmo`i sporedlivost na doma}instvata koi se razlikuvaat spored goleminata i demografskiot sostav neophodno e da se koristat ekvivalentnite skali, kako eden vid deflator koj gi izedna~uva tie razliki. Postojat pove}e vidovi ekvivalentni skali koi se primenuvaat pri presmetkata na linijata na siroma{tija, no Dr`avniot zavod za statistika ja koristi OECD ekvivalentnata skala.

Presmetuvawe na relativnata linija na siroma{tija

Pri presmetuvaweto na relativnata linija na siroma{tija se koristi konceptot na rashodite. Spored nego, zemeni se predvid site rashodi za prehranbenite i neprehranbenite proizvodi i uslugi, a vklu~ena e vrednosta na potro{uva~kata od sopstveno proizvodstvo. Vo potro{uva~kata ne se vklu~eni rashodite {to imaat karakter na transferi kako ~lenarini, pridonesi, podaroci, vra}awe na dolgovi i za{tedi. Isto taka ne se vklu~eni i rashodite {to imaat karakter na investicii kako kupuvaweto i investiraweto vo sopstveni stanovi od pri~ina {to tie ne go so~inuvaat egzistencionalniot buxet. Vrz osnova na utvrdenite nivoa na linija na siroma{tija presmetan e procentot na lica ~ii tro{oci se pod nivoto od 70% od medijalniot ekvivalenten tro{ok.

Indeksi na siroma{tija
Vkupen zbiren indeks - procent na lica koi `iveat pod linijata na siroma{tijata. Indeks na dlabo~inata na siroma{tijata - prose~en proporcionalen nedostig na rashodi za celata populacija (namesto na site siroma{ni lica).

Izvori na podatoci za presmetka na linijata na siroma{tija

Anketeta za potro{uva~ka na doma}instvata koja se sproveduva vo Dr`avniot zavod za statistika, e najva`en izvor na podatoci za presmetka na linijata na siroma{tija i za analiza na `ivotniot standard.

Equivalence scale
In order to compare households, which have different size and demographic composition, it is necessary to use equivalence scales, as deflator that equalize those differences. There are many types of equivalent scales used for calculation of poverty line, but State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia use OECD equivalent scale.

Calculation of relative poverty line

Expenditures concept is used for calculation of relative poverty line. According this concept, all expenditures for food and nonfood products and services are taking account and also value of consumption from own production. Transfer expenditures such as membership fees, taxes, gifts, repayments and savings are not included in consumption. Also, investments such as buying and capital investment in private houses are not included because they are not part of existential budget. On base of determinate levels of poverty line, is calculated the percentage of persons whose expenditures are below the level of 70% of the median equivalent expenditure.

Poverty Indices
Head count index- percent of the persons living below the poverty line. Poverty gap index- average proportionate expenditures shortfall for the total population (instead of all poor persons).

Data sources for calculation of the poverty line

Household Budget Survey conducted in the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia is most important source of data for calculation of the poverty line and analysis of living standard.

Izdava~: Dr`aven zavod za statistika Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P.fah 506 Tel. 02/3295-600, Faks 02/3111-336; Pri koristewe na podatocite da se navede izvorot

Publisher: State Statistical Office Skopje, Dame Gruev 4, P. box 506 Tel. 3892/3295-600, Fax 3892/3111-336; When using data state the source

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