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New English File Pre-Intermediate Files 7 and 9 READING COMPREHENSION

May, 2012

Read the article about sleep and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D Six months ago, Jane Wilson, a divorced businesswoman, felt moody and irritable. She couldnt concentrate and the quality of her work was getting worse. She knew she wasnt getting enough sleep, so she decided to see a sleep therapist. I have a very stressful job. Six months ago, I often worked until midnight, drove home, had something to eat, watched a bit of television, went to bed, and then got up at five in the morning. I decided to see a sleep therapist. She said I needed to have a regular sleeping pattern, with seven or eight hours sleep every night. This meant I had to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time even at weekends. I decided to go to bed at eleven and get up at seven. At first, I had problems getting to sleep, so my sleep therapist gave me a few ideas. I often used to go to the gym late in the evening. However, this is not a good idea because exercise can wake you up, so I started going for a walk or swimming at lunchtime instead. My therapist also suggested that I should create the right atmosphere in my room for sleeping. Bright light tells the brain that its time to wake up, so I bought some heavier curtains and made sure my room was nice and dark. She told me not to fill my brain with exciting thoughts last thing at night. I like reading thrillers, but I put them away and now I read romantic stories instead! I also bought a relaxation CD and listened to it in bed. After about three weeks, I was more relaxed during the day and I had better concentration. The result was that I did more work and it was better quality, too. These days, I try to stick to my sleeping schedule, but I dont always succeed. I sometimes go to bed after midnight at the weekend and I occasionally watch the odd scary movie!

1. Jane used to go to bed A. straight after doing exercise. C. after midnight. 2. The therapist advised Jane to A. go to bed later. C. go to bed before midnight.

B. at 5 a.m. D. with the light turned on. B. stop getting up at five oclock. D. get more sleep.

3. Jane decided to A. exercise less. C. exercise during the day.

B. exercise before work. D. give up exercising.

4. The therapist told Jane A. to make her room darker. C. to make her room nicer. 5. Jane decided A. to throw away her thrillers. C. to listen to music instead of reading. 6. Jane started to A. work longer hours. C. dislike her job.

B. to change her curtains. D. not to turn on the lights in her room.

B. not to read in bed. D. to change the sort of books she read.

B. produce better work. D. feel better immediately.

LISTENING COMPREHENSION 1. Listen to five conversations and fill in the gaps with the missing information. 1. The man has had his present job for __a couple of months____________________. 2. Caroline isnt afraid of ___dogs________ or ______spiders________. 3. The mobile phone was invented in America in the year____1973__________. 4. The next boat will arrive at the island at__half past ten/ half past the hour ______. 5. Mill on the Floss was written by a _woman_ in the year__1860__.

2. Listen to five conversations. Choose the correct answer for each item- A, B, C or D. 1. At the weekend Patrick A. stays in. B. goes to the cinema. C. meets friends D. watches films on television. 2. At the end of the match Tim felt A. bored. B. miserable. C. depressing. D. excited. 3. At weekends Harriet usually wakes up A. After 10.00. B. After 9.00. C. Before 9.00. D. Before 8.00. 4. Which of the two speakers likes watching sport on TV? A. Both do. B. Neither does. C. One does but the other doesnt. D. Neither of them, but they like playing sport.

5. What is the speakers message? A. Nobody in Paris picked up the phone. B. He forgot to telephone the office in Paris. C. He spoke to someone in Paris. D. He couldnt speak to Kerry.

SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION Rewrite the sentences, using the beginning given. The meaning of the original sentence must not change. 1. Do they sell Australian wine in that shop? Is Is Australian wine sold in that shop? 2. My best friend went home before I arrived. When I arrived When I arrived, my best friend had gone home. 3. Who broke my wine glasses? Who were Who were my wine glasses broken by? 4. This meal is appalling! What What an appalling meal! 5. Looking after small children all day is difficult. Its difficult Its difficult to look after small children all day. 6. People often leave umbrellas and newspapers in my taxi. Umbrellas and newspapers Umbrellas and newspapers are often left in my taxi. 7. Perhaps there will be time to go shopping. There There may/might be time to go shopping. 8. I dont speak Chinese, so I cant help you to translate this. If If I spoke Chinese, I could help you to translate this. 9. It isnt a good idea to park here. You You shouldnt park here. 10. I havent seen Jim for 10 months. The last The last time I saw Jim was 10 months ago. 11/12. Liz: Brad, did you ring your boss last night? Brad: No, but Ill phone him after breakfast. Liz Liz asked Brad if/whether he had rung his boss the night before and Brad told her/ said he hadnt, but he would phone him after breakfast. 13. Sandra: Dont eat your brothers sweets, Mary! Sandra Sandra told/ordered Mary not to eat her brothers sweets. 14. Harry: Where did you buy your mobile phone, Daniel? Harry




Harry asked Daniel where he had bought his mobile phone. My mother cooks worse than me. I dont I dont cook as badly as my mother (does). We went for a walk that was eight miles long yesterday. We went for an We went for an eight-mile walk yesterday. Somebody will take the dog out three times a day. The dog The dog will be taken out three times a day.

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