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A. Definition of Text Procedure

Procedure adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan tentang cara melakukan atau membuat (how to do or how to make) sesuatu dengan langkah-langkah yang berurutan. Generic structure: a. Goal/Aim b. Materials/Equipments c. Steps/Methods Di dalam teks procedure ini memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut: Menggunakan present tense Untuk bagian steps/methods menggunakan kalimat perintah (diawali dengan kata kerja) Menggunakan istilah-istilah teknis. Menggunakan sentence connectors seperti first, second, firstly, then, finally,dll. Berikut ini adalah sebuah contoh text procedure:

how to make a pencil box. Material atau bahan-bahan: 1. An empty plastic bottle of mineral water. 2. A sharp cutter 3. Some paints 4. Some glue 5. A piece of white or color paper Step or method: 1. Firstly, wash the plastic bottle, make sure it clean when you use it. 2. Secondly, cut the bottle into two halves. 3. Then, wrap the bottle with a piece of colored paper. 4. If you use plan paper, use the paint to make a drawing on it. 5. Finally, your pencil box is ready to use.

Announcement at School
- ANNOUNCEMENTCOMMITTEE SCHOOL TRIP TO ANYER YOUTH CENTER On 3-4 January 2007, the school will hold a school trip to Anyer Youth Center. Departure : 7 a.m Program : Leadership Training Fee : Rp150.000 Contact Person : Vita, Zaskia Chair person Reza Akbar

Announcement at the Hotel

The Griffith Hotel Charleston, South Caroline 803-349-7204 Reservation will be held until 4:00 unless guaranteed by advance deposit or credit card & cancellations must be made in 24 hours prior to scheduled arrival in order to avoid the first nights room charge

Announcement at the clinic

The doctors office is closed for vacation until Monday, June 17. If you have a medical emergency, please go immediately to the West Side Clinic on State Street

Jenis teks ini adalah jenis teks yang berupa tanda atau tulisan untuk memberi informasi atau peringatan kepada khalayak. Biasanya terdapat di tempat-tempat umum. Contoh : - KEEP CLEAN - NO SMOKING AREA - NO ENTRANCE - KEEP YOUR DISTANCE, dsb. B. GREETING CARD Jenis teks ini berupa surat yang pada umumnya bergambar yang fungsinya untuk memberi ucapan selamat atas keberhasilan seseorang, selamat ulang tahun, pernikahan, dsb. Contoh : CONGRATULATION, BOY.... WE PROUD OF YOUR ACHIEVEMENT! Dear Lisa,

Congratulations on your winning the first prize of the English debate competition. I learned about it from your Mom. Love, Ella

Read this postcard. Use your dictionary for the difficult words. Dear Rusdi, I just got back from Yogyakarta. The weather was nice the whole week, and I really had a great vacation. I walked along Malioboro Street on the first day. The next day I went shopping and bought some batik clothes at Beringharjo Market. I went to Yogyakarta Palace one day. Guess what? I saw the Sultan. I enjoyedmy vacation. Well, thats all for now. Cheers, Fahmida


The label is a general term used to refer to printed information affixed to a product (typically retail products) communicated from the manufacturer to consumers or other users.
PURPOSE The primary purpose of a product label is to identify type, size, brand, product line, manufacturer and other product-specific information in order to inform the consumer and encourage a purchase. MATERIAL Product labels can be made from a variety of materials include: paper or cardboard (often attached with plastic, twine or metal staples), cloth, metal (often aluminum), and plastic.

Contoh daftar belanja di toko bangunan Things to buy : 1 kg cement 1 kg nails 5 kg wall painting 1 small brush 2000 bricks Contoh daftar belanja makanan dan minuman Things to buy : 2 cans of milk 2 pack of instant noodle A kilo of mango A quarter of a kilo butter A bottle of vegetable oi

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