Assignment 1: Dyad Group Case Study Paper Change Management

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Assignment 1 : Dyad Group Case Study Paper Change Management

Assignment 1 : Dyad Group Case Study Paper Change Management

Reflection on your experience participating in change management sessions delivered and discussed in English.

We would write the reflections based on two points. First, our reflection on following the English class. And second is the change management lesson itself. We make this pattern because Change Mangement class delivered in English give us so many reflections. We would like to arrange all of the reflections by a pattern. Following the English class and change management itself give us some different impact. By following English class, we got two important things : A. Awareness about the Importance of English Since having several subjects in Wijawiyata Manajemen program on September 2011, we faced a lot of English material, either an English book or URLs. But no one subject forced us to talk in English. Until Change Management did it. After having the Change Management first meeting, we realize that English is a very important thing to be mastered. English will help us to communicate with others abroad and let our mind opened. We also realize that English isnt such an order winners (those competitive characteristics that cause a firms customers to choose that firms goods and services over thoe of its competitors) thing anymore. We couldnt hope that we will be the best by mastering English. English is becoming an order qualifier (those competitive characteristics that a firm mst exhibit to be a viable competitor in the marketplace) thing. It is a must-to-bemastered thing. B. Encouragement to Improve After realizing that English is very important, we were encouraged to improve our English skills. We try so hard to make a question with a perfect sentence in the class. We also try so hard to understand case by case in-depth. Several ways to improve our English skills showed up on our mind. Just like having an English discussion with friends, reading more English book, do our task in English, and so on. We do believe that there are a lot of chances and facilities here. All we have to do is just utilize it. Why dont we? After realizing that English is very important, and having an encouragement in improving English skills, we are thinking about creating a way to learn English effectively. And the change management lesson, we got two important things : A. Admiring The Kotters Eight-Stage Process. Change management entails thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation, and above all, consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the changes. If you force change on people normally problems arise. Change must be realistic, achievable and measurable. These aspects are especially relevant to managing personal change. Before starting organizational change, ask yourself: What do we want to achieve with this change, why, and how will we know that the change has been achieved? Who is affected by this change, and how will they react to it? How much of this change can we achieve ourselves, and what parts of the change do we need help with? These aspects also relate strongly to the management of personal as well as organizational change.

Assignment 1 : Dyad Group Case Study Paper Change Management

In this regard, Kotter taught us how an organization can be changed through The Kotters Eight-Stage Process. This 8 stages is a unity of function and can not be separated or also changed the order. Eight-stages used by agent of change to implemented gradually the Change Managenet in their organization. Dr. Kotter has proven over his years of research that following The 8-Step Process for Leading Change will help organizations succeed in an ever-changing world. B. Trying to develop my self using Change Management concept. One of the goals in the Change management is an ongoing change. It's also an inspiration for me to be able to make changes in myself. Has become a common thing when we make changes in ourselves it is likely only temporary, in which the changes apply only for a moment. Unlike the case with the concept of Change Management is done through Kotter's 8 Stages Process, where the finalization of the process is to make it as a cultural change.. Hopefuly , by following the 8-Step Process outlined by Dr. Kotter, I can avoid failure and become adept at change. By improving my ability to change, the competences can increased and being my strength for both today and in the future.

2. How to plan, execute and evaluate a change inervention involving a workshop/applied training which will be deliver in English.
The answer of question why couldnt we speak English fluently is that we dont constrained to do that. People who live abroad, they dont have any choice except try hard to master the language there. So, if we want to improve our English skills, there is no other way except make it to be forced. Before talking about change intervention on improving our English skills, we would like to talk about three main points on leading change. Kotters eight step is the basis of those three points. The three points are : Defrost a Hardened Status Quo Introduce Many New Practices Grounds the Changes in the Corporate Culture

Before making a program in leading change, we should make some attempt to defrost a hardened status quo. This is a very important thing to do. Unfortunately, many people do mistakes on this step. They allow too much complacency, fail to create a sufficiently powerful guiding coalition, underestimate the power of vision, or undercommunicating the vision (Kotter, 1996). In this case, several ways can be done to defrost a hardened status quo. Like an English seminar, English lecture, or by speech, explaining that student have to master English, for every interest they would develop. After that, we will introduce several new practices that will be explained later. New practices will improve students English skill. But it wont mean anything if it dont grounded in the class culture. Every member of the class must keep those changes as a habit. So when the program ended, they wont back to the old habit.

Assignment 1 : Dyad Group Case Study Paper Change Management

Morning Brief
Morning Brief is a form of an informal program, where every day there are two students who should tell the class the information that is or has occurred. Informations are presenting in front of class and that may be news in print media, electronic media news, events experienced by these students recently or even the issues that are hot at the time. Form the information presented is narrative and descriptive. Then after that, into the session, comments suggestions or criticisms given by another friend. Total time required for 2 (two)stidents are 14 minutes. This activity is done in the morning, 15 min prior to the time classes begin, if the lecture begins at noon the morning brief to do 15 minutes before the course begins. So that the implementation of this program does not interfere with the course of time. PERIODE : During the WM program (every day : 07.45AM) PLAN : discuss the program with fellow class, by providing a picture of the benefits to be gained. Then ask for support for the implementation of its class menthor. Make a brief morning schedule for each student. To socialize through the BBM group and reminders for every student who will present at the night before, so that students can prepare information materials will be delivered in the morning brief. Reminder PIC is a students who became speaker of the brief morning on the day before. Other Student, who will perform in the next day, make the minutes of the morning brief and emailed it to all students in the classroom and class menthor. EXECUTE : Morning Brief starts at 07.45AM before the lecture begin. (if classes begin in the noon, the morning brief to do during the noon) The first session was conducted for 4 minutes by the first student. Once that was done, the session of comments suggestions or criticisms of other students is begin. One day contents of two sessions Morning Brief by 2 students. Minutes to Morning Brief is summarized and emailed it to another student and class menthor as well. EVALUATE : After one season is complete, where all students have got the part for the morning brief, we will doing an evaluation of benefits and inputs for the morning brief in the next season. There was also discussion about the performance of each student in every morning brief, so that there will be an improvement. This evaluation also considers the morning brief compiled from the minutes of the season.

English Lecture
To improve our English skills, we need to have a major lecture delivered in English (English class). Because by following an English class, we dont have any choice except trying hard to understand the lesson. And because the participation level also assessed, we also have to speak out in class, in English of course. This class needs a more patient lecturer. Because not all students speak English fluently. So, the lecturer have to guide them slowly. PERIODE : During the WM program (1 English Class per Block, ie: Marketing Management at Core Block)

Assignment 1 : Dyad Group Case Study Paper Change Management

PLAN : Ask the university to extend the amount of English class during Wijawiyata Manajemen program. An English class would be held once in every block. So, in each block, there will at least one English class. Announce the program to every member of the class, especially to prepare themself in facing the English class EXECUTE : For now, there is only one English class, it is Change Management held on Integration block. English class will be held at least once per block. EVALUATE : The evaluation will be held in the end of the class. Every student will speak out in front of the class, telling their feeling and thought about the English class. Those evaluation will be noted. The next year English class will be improved by those notes

Launch the Lets Get Loud-Day

Lets get loud, lets get loud, Aint no body gotta tell ya, What you gotta do! thats a lyric from Jennifer Lopezs song, Lets Get Loud. The spirit of that song is being brave and confident in doing what you love to do. That spirit will be taken to the program in improving English. We name it Lets Get Loud-Day! We would like to persuade students to talk English confidently to every people in the campus just for one day. Initially, this program will be held once per week. But as time goes by, that program will be held more often. Starting by once per week, until three or four times per week. At that program, every students will be forced to talk in English to everyone. There is no room to talk bahasa at all. If they couldnt speak it clearly, the could mix it with bahasa. PERIODE : During the WM program PLAN : design the schedule of Lets Get Loud-Day, start from the opening until the end of Wijawiyata Program announce every students in the class about the Lets Get Loud-Day and ask them to prepare theirself explain the rule of the program to every people in the campus make a publication of the program, so every people in campus would know it EXECUTE : we wont make a team to supervise every students in socializing. It wont be necessary because the it is them who need the program. They have to make a sense of urgency by themself to make the program succeed. every students will be asked to bring a small book everywhere. That book will be used to note every sentence that they couldnt speak in English. EVALUATE : In the end the day, all of the student have to write their experience on that day. There will be format to uniform their point of view in writing. They will learn so many thing by reading that note, starting from some sentences they failed to talk in English, until their effort in that day.

Assignment 1 : Dyad Group Case Study Paper Change Management

eF-Er (Film Report)

EF-Er is a program that performed as well as a form of refreshing to watch a movie. The program will share the lesson learned that the film will be discussed, so that students have to watch it first. Then according to each turn, the students will present a synopsis of the discussion of the film is in English. This movie is the films of Oscarwinning box office, from past production until the present. Discussion of the film's presentation will be commented on by other students. PERIODE : 2 times per month during the WM program running (in the evening after the lecture, 30 minutes) PLAN : Discuss this program to the class, by providing an overview to be gained. Then ask for support for the implementation to class menthor Make a schedule and determine which films will be discussed by each student on eF-Er Information dissemination through the BBM group and reminders about the movie title and schedule. EXECUTE : Discussion of the film presentation by the students performed for 15 minutes. Q&A session and suggestions by other students for 10 minutes. Makes a final lessons learned from the film. Rate for the films discussed. EVALUATE : The evaluation will be divided on two pattern, the speaking and writing. For the writing skill, at the end of the movie, every students will asked to write the best part of the movie on their version and some lessons learned. For the speaking skill, some students will explain their best lesson learned in front of the class and the lecturer. At that time, all of the students and lecturer will be pleased to comment on the presenters English skills.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. (to explain that mastering English is the matter of habit) 2. (to explain that English is very important and the reason of why some people coudnt speak English fluently) 3. (Lets Get Loud lyric to explain the spirit of Lets Get Loud-Day) 4. Kotter, John. 1996. Leading Change. Harvard Business Review Press. Boston. (page 22 par. 2 to explain the three ways of leading change)

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