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Questionnaire Objectives of the study: (A) General Objectives: To find the Challenges in Reengineering Human Resource Framework (B)

Specific objective: * * * * * To To To To To present the objectives for reengineering HR framework analyze Business factor changes evaluate HR strategies to support Reengineering study the realignment of the HR function suggest methods for reengineering processes

General Instructions: This questionnaire will only be used as a tool for educational purpose and will not be used for any other purposes. * Please fill up all the questions. * Please read all the questions and then answer. * Please mark for the right option. * Please select one answer for each questions * Please answer only in the space provided * Please answer with out any hesitation; we assure you that we would maintain at most confidentiality. I. Department:???????????????HR?????????? a. 0-2 Years b. 3-5 Years c. 6 and

II. Experience: above

III. Sector: ????????????????????????? What according to you is reengineering of HR Framework Revamping the HR function b. Restructuring the Business Mo de c. Downsizing d. Other please specify: Which of the following processes is most suitable for change Reengineering b. Diversification Would you recommend the reengineering of HR in the near future Yes b. No What is the time frame in which the HR function has to be reengineered? 3 Months b. 6 Months c. 1 Year d. 3 Years Who according to you should be responsible for reengineering the HR framework Organisation as a whole b. Senior Management c. HR department d. All What according to you would be the percentage of people in your organisation who would opt for revamping the HR function 0 -20% b. 30-50% 50-60% d. Above 60%

Which of the following function in a organisation is most critical for the succe ss and growth of an organisation (Rate them) Business Development(3) b. Human Resource(2)???????????????????? c. Finance?????(1) d. Administration(5)?????????? e. Process Improvement(4)????? What would be the repercussions in case the organisation does not redesign their HR frameworks Low intake of people b. Low productivity c. High attrition Rate d. All What are the sub functions in HR, which have to be reengineered Re-sourcing b. Compensation c. Performance Management d. Retention Strategies What are the benefits that the organisation can gain from reengineering Cost Reduction b. Process Alignment c. Time Saving d. All

What according to are the critical business factors for the redesign of HR fram ework Internal Factors b. External Factors If internal Factors, then which of these is most important Business Needs b. Productivity c. Lower Morale If external, then what Market Condition c. Customer

b. Technology d. Globalisation

Has your organisation undergone any of the following certifications or quality a ssessment which demanded redesigning of HR framework Yes b. No If yes, then what are the certification or quality assessment ISO 9001:2000 b.BS7799 c. ISO 14001 d. CMMI e. PCMM f. ISO TS16949 What are the areas in which an Organisations business model mandates reengineeri ng the HR framework Process b. Policy c. Strategies d. Need basis

The Process of revamping would be highly beneficial to Only HR department b. Technical Departments c. Organisation as a whole

Which of these business functions is critical in reengineering HR framework a. Supply chain Management b. Enter prise resource Planning Which of the following business factors had an its impact on HR frameworks Global Markets b. Competition c. Radical Technical Innovation d. Limited Resources e. Leadership e. Mix of all Which of the following do you feel would be the major outcome of HR Reengineerin g Empowerment b. Decentralization

Before Redesigning the whole process of HR, it is important to understand Business b. Competition c. Market Demands d. Clientele Demands e. Future Demands What are the strategies, do you think your competitor has adopted in restructuri ng the HR function? Manpower Planning in the line with Business Plan Job Enrichment c. Cross functional Training d. Optimum Resource Management e. Individual Career growth Has your organisation benchmarked any of these above mentioned strategies Yes b. No If yes, then what extent Very well b. Fair c. Badly

Does your Business demand any of the following HR strategies? Succession Planning b. Focused Grievance Handling c. Simplified Channel of Employee Communication e. Active work force participation Do you think the top five company s in your sector have undergone HR Reengineerin g a. Yes b. No If yes, would you attribute the success of the company due to their reengineerin g of HR framework Yes b. No What percentage of people in the organisation would be in concurrence with this change process Less than 50% b. More then 50%

What according to you is the major obstacle in achieving success in Reengineerin g Leadership b. Organisation c. Culture d. People Issues

Does revamping the HR strategy relating to people issues, lead to Higher Employee Satisfaction Strategic achievement of operational goals Flexible work force

Redesigning HR framework has to be drawn in consultation with a. Employees c. External Vendors

b. Customers

what according to you should be the HR strategy for people issues Right People in Place b. Right mix of skill c. Right attitude and behaviors Which of the following is most important in order to complement and support reen gineering efforts (choose any one) Job Analysis b. Selection c. Training d. g. Performance Management Labour Relations e. Career Planning f. Compensation

What are the benefits of including the internal customer into the process of ree ngineering Successful Completion b. Adaptation c. Acceptance of new practices What would be the ultimate benefit of measuring the existing process before HR R eengineering is initiated identifying functional Gaps b. Improvising Practices Achieving the desired targets HRMS friendly tools as a strategy to revamp the HR function leads to which of th e following benefits Saving Cost b. Time Saving Effective process Lower paper work what are the on-line user friendly tools which an organisation aligns as part of restructuring HR framework Internal Job Posting b. Employee Referrals c. Grievance Filing d. Training schedule and Material e. Organisation Communication e. Online performance Appraisal What are the difficulties the organisation has faced in the process of restructu ring of HR function De-motivation & Fear b. Acceptance by employee c. Time Frame d. Fear of unknown Redesigning compensation model on the basis of competency will help the organisa tion in Retention of Employees b. Equality across the levels c. Better motivation d. Attracting Quality employees

Reengineering the HR process will increase responsibility in job, which will hel p in providing Job Enrichment b. Job Rotation c. Job Enlargement Succession Planning as a strategy for revamping HR, will lead to a. Career prospects b. Reduction in Revenue loss c. Minimizing Criticality Relating to a function or project d. Grooming Leadership Inculcation of cross functional approach in Reengineering HR framework will help employee in Understanding other sectors of training Multiple opportunity Improve efficiency Restructuring Human Resource as a core business process will drive towards Sustainable competitive advantage b. Managing progress continuously Recognizing and reward achievement d. Quality improvement Which is the methodology to be focused before reengineering HR framework Research Methodologies b. Process Methodologies c. System Methodologies In process methodologies, it is critical to consider Decision Making b. Culture Value & Norms Effectiveness of Reengineering HR framework depends on effective leadership Agree b. Disagree What is the mechanism being deployed by the organisation to reengineer HR frame work Internal Communication b. Initial Training on Reengineering process What is the time frame that would you suggest organisation to undergo revamping Every 1 Year b. 2-3 Year c. 4-5 Years d. 6 Years Who gets affected the most due to process of revamping Top Management b. Middle Management Lower Management d. All How many people should be a part of the reengineering team 0-3 b. 4-6 c. 7-9 d. 10 and above

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