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Job Consultancy


1. ABSTRACT The JOB CONSULTANCY System is Intermediate between Jobseekers and employers. The purpose is to enable the Jobseekers to search for the jobs from any remote location. The Jobseeker can Search for the jobs from any remote location. The Jobseeker can Search for the jobs which with the Consultancy without actually visiting the Consultancy. Obtaining a Reg.No and Password ,the Reg. No being unique does Registration for the Jobseekers as well as Employers, who intends to access the Consultancy online through web. After the Employer gets his registration confirmed, he/she can post jobs according to his requirements. This Site Provides Good Study Material to Jobseekers. Thus providing good subject to Jobseekers, who are preparing for interviews?

2. INTRODUCTION The main objective of Job Consultancy is to make easy for job seekers for searching jobs and recruiting for companies. It acts as a mediator between the jobseekers and companies. Companies ask required number of candidates and consultancy for wad the list of candidates to the company .It also sends a list of companies to jobseekers to which are recruiting. For a new user or general user there are various modules helping him for entering into consultancy. For a new user he has to enter their details according to the registration form. He has to select is own registration number through which he has to login. There are several modules that work once when the user is logged in with his registration number and password. The user can choose any of the components displayed and can avail the services according to his need. Username and password is given for each user so that the messaging servlet recognizes them as user. Multiple logins with same identity is not allowed. PROPOSED SYSTEM: The major prospect of this project is to make J2EE enabled applications which is administrative based to provide the complete information of the Job consultancys that the job seeker can be made easy in searching jobs and recruiting for companies.

BENEFITS OF PROPOSED SYSTEM: Java enabled consultancy has changed the world in the age of information technology therefore in the arena of post globalization. Every citizen of the world should have access to the authorities. Using this application, individual users can then place their own requirements and hence can retrieve the information needed sitting at their place. Multiple logins with same identity is not allowed.

3. DESIGN PRINCIPLES & EXPLANATION 3.1. MODULES This project is developed for job aspirants who are in search of suitable job. This project will be helpful for fresher as well as experienced professionals. It keeps track of strong reputation for a systematic and hands-on approach to Human Resources Consulting. It also undertakes to manage the needs for organizations particularly small/medium and start-up companies on an outstanding basis. Job consultancy acts like a mediator between job seekers and company. This project contains seven modules. 1. Job seekers Registration Form 2. Employee Registration Form 3. Company placing job requirements on the site 4. Consultancy checking with their database 5. Consultancy after conducting first round of interview, short listed candidate details will be send to company. 6. Company after conducting rounds of interviews, selected candidates list will be send to consultancy. 7. Job seekers deletion process.

3.2. MODULE DESCRIPTIOIN 1 .Job seekers Registration Form In this module we describe the job seekers details. Consultancy will place registration form on the site. In this job seekers interact with the consultancy. Job seekers will take registration form from the site and fill those forms and send to the consultancy. Consultancy will store these registration forms in their database. 2. Employee Registration Form: In this module we describe the company details. Employees are interacted with the consultancy. Consultancy will provide registration form to the company. Company will fill those form with their details and send to the consultancy and these details will be stored in consultancy database. 3. Company placing job requirements on the site: In this module company will interact with consultancy. Consultancy will place the form on the site. This form is taken by the company. Company will fill those form according to their requirements and this form will be sent back to the consultancy. Consultancy will store it in their database.

4. Consultancy checking with their database: In this module consultancy will check both the job seekers form and company requirement form. If they match the job seekers names will be short listed .This short listed candidates details will be stored in consultancy database. Consultancy will inform to the short listed candidates. 5. Consultancy after conducting first round of interview, short listed candidates details will be send to the company: In this module consultancy will conduct the interview to the job seekers. Based on their interview performance consultancy will short list the job seekers and those short listed job seekers names will be send to the company and also stored in the consultancy database. 6.Company after conducting rounds of interviews, selected candidates details will send to the consultancy: In this module company will conduct the interview to the short listed

job seekers. If they select in the interview that selected job seekers details will be send to the Consultancy and consultancy will store this information in their database. 7. Job seekers deletion process: In this module consultancy delete the job seekers details who are not interact with consultancy in particular period.



Req for emp reg form Fetching emp reg form with every details Send a acknowledgement for registration form and then receive it Fetch and fill registration form Mail or transfer registration form through any media Submit the emp reg form by any media

Job seeker
Get response in form of call letter

Job Consultanc y Services

Req for comp req form Receiving comp req form and get details

Compa nies

Transfer or mail req form Sending shortlist details by cutoff

Placing jobseekers &emp reg form

Job consultancy

Taking both the forms Select the shortlist of candidates


Job Seeker Data Flow Diagram

Login Job seeker Uname/pswd 1 Validation Process & verifying


user table

Forward resume

2 Validating constraints & its attributes 3 Knowing status and authentication

User table




Consultancy Data Flow Diagram

Login,user,pwd Consultancy Validation process & verifying

Db Companies


2 Verifying Resumes

Db consultancy

3 Short listing & merit listing

Selected candidates details are sent to company.

Db Company

Company Data Flow Diagram

Login ,user name, pwd


1 Validation Process& verificatio n

Db Company table

2 Company placing Prerequisites Db consultancy

Shot listing meritorious candidates details

Db Company

Sending selected candidates details to consultancy

Db Consultancy

TABLE NAME: LOGIN Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (20) PWD VAR CHAR2 (10) DOR DATE DLA DATE STATUS VAR CHAR2 (10) When ever a new user registers with the Consultancy Register Number and password are stored in login table TABLE: GENERAL Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (20) NAME VAR CHAR2 (10) FNAME VAR CHAR2 (10) DOB DATE AGE NUMBER (10) HNO NUMBER (20) STREET VAR CHAR2 (20) CITY VAR CHAR2 (20) STATE VAR CHAR2 (20) COUNTRY VAR CHAR2 (20) PIN NUMBER (10) GENDER VAR CHAR2 (10) QUAL VAR CHAR2 (20) BRANCH VAR CHAR2 (10) YOP NUMBER (20) PERCENTAGE NUMBER (20) EXP VAR CHAR2 (20) EXPY NUMBER (10) PHONE NUMBER (20) EMAIL VAR CHAR2 (20) The personal details of the candidates are stored general table.

TABLE NAME: EDUCATIONAL SSC Data Base Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (20) SNAME VAR CHAR2 (20) PER NUMBER (20) YOP NUMBER (10) The ssc details of the candidate will be stored in Educational table Board of Intermediate Data Base Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (20) INAME VARCHAR2 (20) BRANCH VAR CHAR2 (20) IPER NUMBER (10) IYOP NUMBER (20) The Intermediate details of the candidate will be stored in Educational table Under Graduation Data Base Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (20) UNAME VAR CHAR2 (20) COURSE VAR CHAR2 (20) UBRANCH VAR CHAR2 (20) UPER NUMBER (20) UYOP NUMBER (20) The Under Graduation details of the candidate will be stored in Educational table

Post Graduate Data Base Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (20) PNAME VAR CHAR2 (20) PCOURSE VAR CHAR2 (20) PBRANCH VAR CHAR2 (20) PPER NUMBER (20) PYOP NUMBER (20) The Post Graduation details of the candidate will be stored in Educational table TABLE NAME: EXPERIANCE Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------CNAME VAR CHAR2 (20) DESG VAR CHAR2 (20) JDATE DATE EDATE DATE TOTE NUMBER (20) KSKILL VAR CHAR2 (20) REGNO NUMBER (20) The Experience details of the candidate will be stored in Experience table


Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (7) CNAME VAR CHAR2 (20) PADD VAR CHAR2 (20) STRADD VAR CHAR2 (20) LOCATION VAR CHAR2 (20) CITY VAR CHAR2 (20) COUNTRY VAR CHAR2 (20) PINNO NUMBER (20) PHONE NUMBER (20) EMAIL VAR CHAR2 (20) GRADE VAR CHAR2 (10) STATE VAR CHAR2 (20) CCODE NUMBER (10) The Company information details of the candidate will be stored in Company Information table TABLE NAME: COMPANY LOGIN Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (7) PWD VARCHAR2 (10) When ever a new Company registers with the Consultancy Register Number and password are stored in Company login table


Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (10) ENAME VAR CHAR2 (20) DESG VAR CHAR2 (20) DEPT VAR CHAR2 (20) PHONE NUMBER (20) EMAIL VAR CHAR2 (20) ECODE VAR CHAR2 (10) PWD VAR CHAR2 (10) The Employee details of the Company will be stored in this table TABLE NAME: COMPANY REQUIREMENTS Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------COMPNAME VAR CHAR2 (20) JCODE VAR CHAR2 (20) QUAL VAR CHAR2 (20) CEXP VAR CHAR2 (20) CEXPY NUMBER (20) SALARY NUMBER (20) IDATE VAR CHAR2 (20) SKILL VAR CHAR2 (20) ECODE VAR CHAR2 (10) Company Requirements will be stored in Company Requirements table

TABLE NAME: COMPANY Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------


VAR CHAR2 (20) VAR CHAR2 (20) VAR CHAR2 (20) VAR CHAR2 (20) VAR CHAR2 (20) NUMBER (10) VAR CHAR2 (20) VAR CHAR2 (20)

Company Details will be stored in this table TABLE NAME: EMPLOYEE Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------ENO NUMBER (10) ENAME VAR CHAR2 (20) DES VAR CHAR2 (20) DEP VAR CHAR2 (20) PHONE NUMBER (10) EMAIL VAR CHAR2 (20) Employee Details will be stored in this table

TABLE NAME: FILTER Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (20) NAME VAR CHAR2 (20) QUA VAR CHAR2 (20)


VAR CHAR2 (20) VAR CHAR2 (20)

Filtered Candidates Details will be stored in Filter table TABLE NAME: COMPANY FILTER Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------CCODE VAR CHAR2 (20) CNAME VAR CHAR2 (20) SADD VAR CHAR2 (20) LOC VAR CHAR2 (20) CITY VAR CHAR2 (20) STATE VAR CHAR2 (20) COUNTRY VAR CHAR2 (20) PINNO NUMBER (20) EMAIL VAR CHAR2 (20) CGRADE VAR CHAR2 (20) List of filtered Candidates details by Company will be stored in this table TABLE NAME: CONSULTANCY LOGIN Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------REGNO VAR CHAR2 (20) PASSWORD VAR CHAR2 (20) Consultancy Register Number and password are stored in login table

TABLE NAME: SELECTED CANDIDATES Name Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------


VAR CHAR2 (20) VAR CHAR2 (20) VAR CHAR2 (20) VAR CHAR2 (20) NUMBER (20) DATE

Selected Candidates Details will be stored in this table



This is Home Page. If we click on about us it displays consultancy information. If we click on Achievements it displays Consultancy Achievements. If we click on Jobseeker it displays Jobseeker information. If we click on Company it displays company information.






You need to fill in the Registration Form and click on the Submit Button and these Details will be saved in the Database. After that Educational form will be displayed.


You need to fill in the Educational Qualification Form and click the Submit Button and these Details will be saved in the Database. After that Experience details will be displayed.

Experience Details

You need to fill in the Registration Form and click on the Submit Button And these Details will be saved in the Database. A registration number is given to user and user has to enter the password.

Registration Conformation Form

You need to click the submit button, It will display registration successful message

If you click on OK, it will go to homepage

Company Information

You need to click on submit

Company Registration Conformation Form

You need to enter password and click on submit, It will display Registration successful message.

You need to click on ok, it will go to the homepage.

Company Login Form

You need to click on submit button, if company register number, password are valid, it will go to Company Details Form.

Company Details

If you click on Add Employees, It will display Add employee details form. If you click on Company Requirements, It will display Employee login form If you click on Filtered Candidates Details, It will display List of Filter Candidates details. If you click on selected candidates Details, It will display list of selected Candidates details. If you click on Logout, It will go to the homepage.

Add Employees

You need to enter the Employee Details. If you click on submit button ,it will go to company details form.

Employee Login Form

You need to enter Employee Register Number, Password and click on submit button, if they are valid, it will go to Company Requirement Form.

Company Requirement Form

You need to fill Company Requirements Form and then click on submit button, it will go Company Details Form.

List of Filtered Candidates Details

If you click on Back button, it will go to Company Details Form.

List of Selected Candidates Details

If you click on Back button, it will go to Company Details Form.

Log Out Form

If you click on Logout, It will go to the homepage.

Consultancy Login Form

You need to enter Consultancy Register Number, Password. If they are valid it will go to Consultancy Details form.

Consultancy Details

If you click on List Of Companies, It will display List of companies. If you click on Requirements list, it will display Company Requirement Form. If you click on List of Filtered Candidates Details by Company, It will display List of Filter Candidates details by Company. If you click on Filter Form, It will display list of selected Candidates details. If you click on Logout, It will go to the homepage.

List of Company Details

If you click on Company name, it will display Employee Details of particular Company.

List of Employee Details

If you click on Back button, it will go to Consultancy Details Form.

Requirement Form

If you click on Back button, it will go to Consultancy Details Form

List of Filtered Candidates Details

If you click on Back button, it will go to Consultancy Details Form


You need to select Company Code and click on submit button,it will display Company Details of particular Company Code.

Company Details

You need to select Employee Code and click on Submit Button,it will display Employee Details of particular Employee Code.

Employee Details

You need to select Job Code and click on submit button,it will display Job Details of particular Job Code.

Job Requirement Details Form

If you click on submit button, .It will display Selected Candidates Details

Selected Candidates Details

Logout Form

If you click on Logout, It will go to the homepage.


2. Working with ASP 3. Oracle

Scott Mitchell & James Atkinson Ivan Byross

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