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UNIT-I Objective question 1. What is operating frequency of 8086 & 8085? 2.

Explain basic difference between 8086 & 8088. 3. What do you mean by assembler? 4. What do you mean by linker? 5. What do you mean by loader? 6. What do you mean by compiler? 7. What do you mean by machine cycle? 8. How does 8086 differentiated between an opcode and instruction data? 9. What is use of timing and control unit? 10. What is maximum memory addressing and I/O addressing capability of 8086? 11. From which address 8086-start execution after reset. 12. What is use of maximum mode in 8086? 13. What is use of 8284 IC? 14. What is LOCK prefix? What is its use? 15. What is REP prefix? What is its use? Subjective question 1. Differentiate between a microprocessor and a micro controller 2. Differentiate between a microprocessor and digital signal processor 3. List the internal registers in 8086 microprocessor and their abbreviations and lengths. 4. Draw & discuss the internal block diagram of 8086. 5. What do you mean by pipelined architecture? How is it implemented in 8086? 6. Explain the concept of segmented memory? What are its advantages? 7. Explain the function of opcode pre-fetch queue in 8086. 8. How does 8086 differentiated between an opcode and instruction data? 9. Draw and discuss the read and write cycle timing diagrams of 8086 in minimum mode. 10. Draw and discuss the read and write cycle timing diagrams of 8086 in maximum mode 11. Draw & discuss typical minimum mode 8086 systems. 12. Bring out the architectural and signal differences between 8086 and 8088. 13. What are the functions of the clock generator IC 8284, in the 8086 systems? 14. State and explain the different instruction formats of 8086. 15. What do you mean by addressing mode? What are the different addressing modes supported by 8086? 16. Explain all addressing modes of 8086 with example. 17. Explain physical address formation in different addressing mode.

UNIT II Objective question 1. Explain the bi-functionality of AX register. 2. Explain the bi-functionality of BX register. 3. Explain the bi-functionality of CX register. 4. Explain the bi-functionality of DX register. 5. How does CPU identify between 8-bit and 16-bit operations? 6. What is the difference between the jump and loop instructions. 7. Which instruction of 8086 can be used for look up table manipulations? 8. What is difference between the respective shifts and rotate instructions? 9. How will you enter the single step mode of 8086? 10. What determines whether the microprocessor is an 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit microprocessor? 11. What is the size of 8086-address bus? 12. What do you mean by pipelining? 13. Why instruction queue of 8086 of 6-byte long? 14. What are the uses of flags? 15. Calculate the physical addresses represented by a. 1234H: 0002H b. 2670H: 2222H c. F2F2H: 1234H 16. What are the main differences between the general-purpose registers, index and pointer registers? 17. What addressing mode is used the following instruction a. MOV AX, BX b. MOV AX, [DI] c. MOV [SI + BP] d. MOV CX, 2342H 18. What is wrong with a MOV [BX], [DI] instruction? 19. What is wrong with a MOV AX, DL instruction? Subjective question 1. What do you mean by assembler directives? Explain few of them with suitable example. 2. Write a program for the addition of a series of 8-bit numbers. The series contain 100 numbers. 3. Write a program to find out the largest number from a given unordered array of 16bit numbers, stored in the locations starting from a known address. 4. Write a program to separate out even and odd numbers from a given series of 16-bit hexadecimal numbers. 5. Write a program to separate out positive and negative numbers from a given series of 16-bit hexadecimal numbers.

6. Write a program to separate out even and odd parity numbers from a given series of 16-bit hexadecimal numbers. 7. What is the use of BIU and EU? Describe function of each unit? 8. What is the use of Instruction Queue? What are its uses and advantages? 9. Why are the microprocessor general-purpose registers preferred for use of temporary data storage over the 8086 memory? 10. What are the different Data Transfer Instructions? 11. What are the differences between Memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O 12. Explain the need of segmentation 13. List the internal registers in 8086 Microprocessor 14. Explain the roles of BIU and EU. 15. What are the advantages of pipelining? 16. Explain all the flags in 8086 17. List the signals in minimum and maximum modes 18. Explain the roles of pins TEST, LOCK 19. Which are the pins of 8086 that are to be connected to interface 8284 and a. explain their functions. 20. Which are the pins of 8086 that are to be connected to 8087 and explain there a. functions 21. If AL = -9 and BL = (47)10 after IDIV BL what are the values of AL and AH. 22. If AX = -(200)10 and CX = 670H after IMUL CX what are the values of AX a. and DX 23. Explain AAA, AAD, AAM, AAS instructions with examples. 24. Explain DAA, DAS instructions with examples. 25. Explain the instructions related to the fixed and variable ports. 26. Explain the instructions related to arithmetic and logical shift. 27. How REP instruction is used along with string instructions. 28. Explain different types of CALL instructions 29. What is the length of bytes reserved for the following directive STORE DW a. 100 DUP (0) 30. What is the difference between ENDS and ENDP directives? 31. Explain PTR directive 32. Write an algorithm to convert BCD to Binary numbers. Write 8086 assembly i. program to convert two digits BCD number to hexadecimal number 33. Write an algorithm to convert Binary number to BCD number. Write 8086 i. assembly program to convert one byte Binary number to BCD. 34. Write an algorithm to evaluate a factorial of an integer number N. Write an i. assembly program using recursive procedure. 35. Write an algorithm to find GCD of two numbers. Write an assembly program a. to find GCD of two words. 36. Write an algorithm and assembly program to sort the numbers in an array in i. descending order using bubble sort method

UNIT III Objective question 1. What do you understand by machine language? 2. Differentiate between direct and displacement addressing modes? 3. Calculate the memory address the following instructions will access. Also explain the addressing modes that are used by each instruction. a. MOV CX, [1234H] b. MOV AX, [2222H] c. MOV DX, [BP] d. MOV DX, [BP+DI] e. MOV DX, [BP + SI + 200H] f. MOV DX, [BP + DI + 01H] g. MOV AX, 1234H 4. What is the difference between assembly and high-level languages? 5. What is the function of AD15 AD0? ? 6. What is the function of RESET pin? 7. What is the function of MN/MX pin? 8. What is the function of NMI pin? 9. What is the function of READY pin? 10. What is the function of TEST pin? 11. What is the function of BHE/S7 pin? 12. What is the function of RD pin? 13. What is the use of PUSH and POP instructions? 14. What is the function of IN and OUT instructions? 15. Which flag is used in String data transfer instruction? 16. How DF = 1 works? 17. How DF = 0 works? 18. What is the difference between LDS and LES? 19. What is the difference between LAHF and SAHF? 20. What is the operation of the LEA instruction? Subjective question 1. Sketch and explain the interface of 32K x 16 ROMs using a decoder in i. Minimum mode. What is the maximum access time of ROMs such that it ii. does not require wait states when 8086 operates at 8 MHz 2. Sketch and explain the interface of 8K x 16 RAMs using a decoder in minimum a. mode. What is the maximum access time of RAMs such that it does not require b. wait states when 8086 operates at 8 MHz 3. Sketch and explain the 8086 bus activities during read machine cycle 4. Sketch and explain the interface of PPI 8255 to the 8086 microprocessor in

a. Minimum mode. Interface 8 LEDs to the port B of 8255. Interface 8 keys to the port A. Write an 8086-assembly program to read the key status and output on to the 8 LEDs 5. Interface an 8 bit ADC 808 to port A. Derive control signals from port C. a. Write an 8086 assembly program segment to read an analog signal. b. Interface an 8 bit DAC 08 to port A. Write an 8086-assembly program segment to output a ramp. c. Interface 16 ch x 1Line LCD to port A. Derive control signals from port C. Write an 8086 assembly program segment to flash WELCOME TO GHRCE 6. Sketch and explain the interface of PIT 8254 to the 8086 microprocessor in minimum mode. Write an 8086-assembly program to generate a clock of 10 Hz on the OUT 0 pin. Write an 8086-assembly program to generate hardware trigger able mono-shot of 1 msec pulse width. Sketch and explain the interface of 8279 to the 8086 microprocessor in minimum mode. Interface 8x8 keypad and 16x 7 Seg LED display. Write an 8086-assembly program to read the key codes of keys and display NAGPUR 7. Sketch and explain the interface of PIC 8259 to the 8086 microprocessor in minimum mode. Show the cascading of additional eight 8259s to provide 64 external interrupts. Write an 8086-assembly program to initialize master 8259 and slaves.

UNIT IV Objective question 1. Explain the direction flag and its use in string data transfer instruction 2. What are the differences between LODSB, LODSW, STOSB, and STOSW? 3. What are the differences between LAHF instruction and POP flag reg. Instruction? 4. What is Assembly language? 5. What is the function of DT/R? 6. How is the 8086 data address bus demultiplexed? 7. What is a bus cycle? 8. What is the function of DEN? 9. What is the function of S2, S1, and S0? 10. What is the function of AND, OR, XOR instructions? 11. What is the function of NOT and NEG instructions? 12. What is the function of TEST instruction? On which register it is effective? 13. What is the function of MUL & IMUL? 14. What is the function of DIV & IDIV? 15. How many ports are present in PIO 8255? 16. How port C works in PPI 8255? 17. How many modes are present in PPI 8255? 18. What is the function of BSR mode in PPI 8255? 19. In which application, BSR mode can be used? Subjective question 1. Explain the stack in 8087 2. How 8086 and 8087 instructions stored in programming are executed simultaneously in 8086/8087 systems 3. Explain precision and rounding controls 4. What are the exceptions flags in status register 5. Explain how 8087 is interfaced to 8086 6. List all data types supported by 8087 and their ranges 7. Convert 278.375 to short real 8. Convert 4332A000H to real number 9. List all the mathematical instructions in 8087 10. Write an 8086/87-assembly program to compute X Y where X and Y are real numbers 11. Write an 8086/87-assembly program to find the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle with two sides given.


Objective question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Give the Control Word Format of 8255 in I/O and BSR mode. What is the role of stack in calling a subroutine and returning from the routine? What is the difference between a NEAR and a FAR procedure? How do you set or clear the interrupt flag IF? What are the interrupt vector addresses of the following interrupts in the 8086 IVT? a. INTO b. NMI c. INT 20H d. INT 55H 6. What is the difference between hardware and software interrupt? 7. What is the difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller? 8. Is 8051 Microcontroller 8-bit or 16-bit? 9. How many registers are present in 8051? 10. What is the function of accumulator in 8051? 11. What is the PSW format of 8051? 12. What is DPTR? 13. What is the function of DPTR? 14. How many ports are present in 8051 Microcontroller? 15. What is the function of RESET pin? 16. What is EA pin of 8051? 17. What is PSEN of 8051? 18. What is operating frequency of 8051? 19. What is TCON of 8051? 20. What is TMOD of 8051? 21. What is SCON of 8051? 22. Give the format of TCON. 23. Give the format of SCON. 24. Give the format of TMOD 25. What is PCON? What is its use? 26. Subjective question 1. How Harvard architecture is implemented in 8051 2. List the features of 8051 3. What are the alternate functions of Port 3, port 2, and Port 0 4. List all SRFs 5. How do you differentiate between SFR bits and internal memory bits 6. What are the advantages of register banks 7. What is the maximum program memory and data memory can be interfaced

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

externally List all interrupt vectors. Explain MUL AB and DIV AB instructions Explain two indirect indexed instructions Explain all flags in 8051 Explain all Boolean instructions Explain all compare instructions Write a program to decrement the value of DPTR Explain 8051 assembler directives EQU, SET and BIT with one example each. Explain 8051 assembler directives DBIT and DS with one example each. Write an 8051-assembly program to exchange the data using PUSH and POP instructions. Write an 8051-assembly program to convert two digits BCD number to hexadecimal number Write an 8051-assembly program to convert one byte Binary number to BCD. Write an 8051-assembly program to evaluate the factorial of an integer number N using recursive procedure. Write an 8051-assembly program to find GCD of two numbers. Write an 8051-assembly program to sort the number in an array using bubble sort method

UNIT VI Objective question 1. What is the function of RS1 and RS0 pins of 8051? 2. What is the function of Gate in TMOD of 8051? 3. What is the function of C/T? 4. How many Timers are present in 8051? 5. What are the different interrupts are present in 8051? 6. Which interrupt has highest priority in 8051? 7. What are TF0 and TF1? 8. How many banks are present in 8051? 9. Which bank is used by default? 10. To select any bank, which bits of PSW are needed to set/reset? 11. What are IE and IP in 8051? 12. Give the signal description of 8051 (a) (b) (c) (d) ALE/PROG TXD T0 and T1 RD

13. Give any name of 16-bit Microcontroller. 14. What are RI and TI in 8051? 15. What is the use of Interrupts in any system? 16. What is the capacity of Internal RAM in 8051? 17. What is use of TR0 and TR1 in 8051? 18. How the Timer can be used as a Counter? Subjective question

1. Sketch and explain the interface of 8x4 key matrix using 8:1 multiplexer, and a 3:8 decoder to 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051-assembly program segment to input the code of keys. 2. Switch the interface of a single red LED to 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051 assembly program segment to blink the LED at 5Hz. 3. Sketch the interface of a 4x7 segment LEDs to the 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051 assembly program segment to display GHRCE 4. Sketch the interface of a 16ch x 1line LCD to the 8051 microcontroller. Write An 8051-assembly program segment to display WELCOME 5. Sketch the interface of an ADC 808 to the 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051 assembly program segment to read an analog signal through the ADC 6. Sketch the interface of a DAC 08 to the 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051

assembly program segment to output a ramp signal through the DAC. 7. Sketch the interface of a RTC 1307 to the 8051 microcontroller. Write an 8051 assembly program segment to read and write real time into the RTC. 8. List all the additional features that the 80386 microprocessor has over 8086 9. What is the main difference between the 80386 DX and 80386 SX microprocessor 10. How much the physical memory can 80386 address in real mode and in Protected mode. 11. How are the tasks in 80386 systems protected from each other? 12. How is an 80386 switched into virtual 8086 mode during task switch.

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