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1 SETTING OUT OF WORK The center line of the BG track and other structures will be initially setout by the Engineer or his representative and fix the centers and their faces. The contractor shall thereafter set out the work and every part thereto fully. The contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the lines, levels and dimensions of work in accordance with the drawings further drawings, directions or instructions supplied at any time to him and every facility shall be given to the Engineer. The contractor shall also alter or amend any error in the dimensions, lines or levels or work set out or constructed by him to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 1.2 The work shall be set out to the satisfaction of the Engineer, but his approval shall not, nor shall his joining with the contractor in setting out the work relieve the contractor from his entire and sole responsibility thereof. 1.3 Provide, fix and be responsible for the maintenance of all stakes, templates, profiles, level marks, points etc., and must take all necessary precautions to prevent their being removed, altered or disturbed and will be held responsible for the consequences of such removal, alternations or disturbances should the same take place for their efficient reinstatement. 2.0 2.1 LINKING Lead the Rails, PSC sleepers, Points & crossings, ballast and other fittings from the place where the materials for track are handed over to the site of work either by head loads or other means and place the sleeper, in required number as specified spacing and string out, the rails to pairs to facilitate linking of track. The rate quoted should be inclusive of this element of leading. 2.2 Necessary cutting of rails and drilling of holes wherever necessary in the webs of Rails to suit fish plate drilling machine, tools, labour consumable stores, handling, all lead and lift etc. 2.3 The holes drilled should be exact to suit the fish plate holes and in case of chamfered drilling a wrong hole, cut the end of the Rail and re-drill holes at each end as required.




The Rails shall be connected by means of a pair of fish plates using in the first instance only 2 fish bolts and nuts, one in each Rail. Where joints are not welded and provided fish plates jointly before fishing the Rail ends, the fishing edges of the fish plates, the Rail ends and fish bolts shall be lubricated with contractor's grease graphite and oil as directed by the Engineer at site of work. Correct expansion gaps as directed by the Engineer shall be ensured between ends of Rails.


The points and crossing shall be assembled with full complement of materials as per the relevant RDSO assembly / sub-assembly drawings at the locations defined by point/SRJ chainages in the approved layout drawings, over correct spacing of sleepers and aligned, leveled properly. The spring point lever boxes shall be installed and all the moving parts shall be well oiled and greased.


Paint marks shall be made on the Rails paint as directed by the Engineer's representatives to indicate the spacing of sleepers to be adopted.


The proposed PSC sleepers are to be placed on the finally leveled formation to the correct spacing, levels and stringed on to the correct alignment.


Elastic fasteners such as ERC, grooved rubber sole plate, metal liners etc. shall be used as per drawings / as directed by the Engineers representative to fasten the rails to PSC sleepers securely.


The linked track shall be aligned correctly to the centre line pegs and the remaining 2 fish bolts and nuts shall be tied at each joint and tightened.


After the completion of the linking and alignment, first packing shall be given by lifting the track to the required level as per subsequent paras.


2nd and 3rd packing also shall be carried out to keep up the track to the required standards as per subsequent paras.


Handle the materials carefully while trucking out. Any damage or breakage involved while handling, will have to be borne.

3.0 3.1

BALLASTING AND INITIAL PACKING Stone ballast should be provided on the rolled formation and spread to the required cushion as specified in the drawing/as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. After the skeleton linking is completed should start initial packing.




Lead the stone ballast from the stacks along the alignment and dump the same at locations the specified quantities over the linked track as directed by the Engineer or his representative.

3.3 3.4

Lift the track correctly as directed by the Engineer's representative. Correct the alignment of Rails, square the sleepers adjust gauge as directed by the Engineer's representative, check levels, lift and repack wherever necessary.

4.0 4.1

FINAL ADJUSTMENT AND PACKING Any sleeper which has been shifted from correct spacing or gone out or square shall be moved back and squared after loosening the fastenings. The fastenings shall be tightened again after squaring.


The track shall be slewed to correct alignment by sighting along the rail head of the base rail. It should be ensured that track does not get lifted in the process of slewing.


The track shall then be given a final packing. For this, sighting shall be done along the base rail and any dip or low joint lifted correctly and packed attending also to the packing of adjacent sleepers. After the base rail is thus packed for 2 or 3 rails length, the cross levels should be checked and the opposite rail lifted wherever necessary and sleepers under that rail seat packed.


The joint and shoulder sleepers shall be repacked and levels adjusted. Low joints are not permitted. High joints shall not exceed the prescribed limits given in the subsequent paras.


The ballast section shall be dressed neatly as directed by Engineer's representative to be of uniform height and width with correct side slopes.


Testing - the track completed as above will be rolled with light Railway Engine. After such movements will make good the defects noticed in packing, alignment and gauge of the track. No extra payment will be made for this rectification.

5.0 5.1

SPECIFICATIONS FOR FINISHED WORK Ballast Section - The ballast section should be uniform in height, width and side slopes and brought to standard section as directed by the Engineer's representative with the quantity of ballast which is supplied.




Alignment should be straight as verified by sighting. On curves, the alignment should conform to correct versines as directed by the Engineer's representative who shall certify the work. However, not more than a variation of (+/-) 20% will be permitted at any of the location over the prescribed versines. On straights the variation in alignment should not exceed 3 mm over 12/13 m rail depending on the rail length. The alignment shall not deviate by more than a) b) c) d) e) f) g) On straight 10 M chord 2 mm On curves of more than 600 m radius, on 20 m chord the variation over theoretical versines shall not exceed by more 4 mm. On curves of radius less than 600 m on 20 m chord the variation over theoretical versines shall not exceed by more than 5%. Expansion gaps over average gap worked by recording 20 successive joints + 2mm. Joints - Low joints not permitted -High joints not more than 2 mm. Unevenness: - Measured on 3.60 m chord + 5 mm Sleeper spacing with respect to theoretical spacing + 2 mm.


Gauge - Will be checked with track gauge and should be 1676 mm (5'-6") on straight and on sharper curves upto 4o and above, 6 mm slack with a permissible variation of (+) 3 or (-) 3 mm but not exceeding 1 mm between and two consecutive sleepers in sharper curves.


Level - will be checked by gauge cum level board. Track should be free from sags and low joints. Permissible variation of cross levels being (+) 3 mm but not exceeding 1 mm between any two consecutive sleepers.


Track should be brought to final stage after rolling the track with light Railway Engine.


TOLERANCES IN GEOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS ON TRACK S.No. 1. Geometric characteristics GAUGE a) On straight b) On curves: i) For radius 400 m and above

Construction tolerance -3mm to +3mm -3mm to +3mm

Operating tolerance -3mm to +10 mm -3mm to 13mm



Geometric characteristics ii) For radius less than 400 m

Construction tolerance 0 to 6mm

Operating tolerance 0 to 19 mm

(Gauge should not exceed 1 mm between any two consecutive sleepers) 2. ALIGNMENT a) On straight over a base of 10 m. b) On curves over chord of 20 m.: 3. CROSS LEVELS a) On straight b) On curves -3 mm to + 3mm -3 mm to + 3mm -6 mm to + 6mm -5 mm to + 5mm -2 mm to + 2mm -6 mm to + 6mm -10mm to + 10mm -7 mm to + 7 mm

(Cross level should not vary by more than 1 mm between any two consecutive sleepers) 4. 5. UNEVENNESS Over a base of 3.6 m TWIST Over a base of 3.6 m a) On straight and curved portion b) Over transition portion of the curve 7.0 7.1 LEVEL CROSSING There are certain special requirements of track passing through level crossings, which are indicated below: PSC sleeper with necessary fittings per rail seat should be used. Free joint should not fall inside the level crossing and also within 3 m of approaches from consideration of isolated attention to such joints not being possible without disturbing the road surface. Coal tar to be applied on rails of running lines, check rails and the entire surface of the sleepers Check rail clearance to be maintained between 51 mm and 57 mm during service allowing for wear. Ends of check rail to be flared beyond the edge of road to make the clearance to 64 mm (on BG) so as to avoid hitting of a wheel set with wheel flange worn down to 16 mm. 7.2 Wherever the track or the sidings cross roads/cart tracks carried more or less at the same level as the track, level crossings have to be provided. The standards and 2 mm per metre 1 mm per metre 3mm per metre 2mm per metre -3 mm to + 3mm -10mm to +10 mm



specifications to which these level crossings should conform are set down here under. 7.3 All roads/cart tracks should preferably be realigned within the limits of land to cross the railway track at right angles. Where it is not economically possible to obtain a normal crossing, the skew angle of unmanned/manned level crossings should not be more than 450. 7.4 At the level crossings, check rails should be fixed between the rails 2 metres more than the width of gate and should be fixed between the rails with horizontal clearances from the rail max.57 mm & min. 51 mm vertical clearances 38 mm min. with check blocks to maintain the gaps. These rails can be of section 52 Kg/60 Kg. In case of a skew crossing length of the guard rail must be increased in accordance with the formula X = L/Sin A Where, X is the required length, L is the minimum length, measured at right angles to the centre line of the road and A is the angle between the centre line of the road and the railway track. 7.5 On road approaches to all level crossings `Stop Boards' should be provided on the road on either side of level crossing at suitable points within the boundary. These boards shall be of size 675 mm, 525 mm attached to suitable posts embedded in concrete and projecting 1.5 m above the road level bearing the indication of an engine and a legend in bilingual prescribed by the Engineer-in-charge. The paint used for writing out the legend shall be of luminous variety. 8.0 8.1 BRIDGES AND BRIDGE APPROACHES Specifications and requirements of track on Bridges and Bridge approaches are contained in Chapter II, Part G of Indian Railways Permanent Way manual. 8.2 8.3 Provision of Guard rails on Bridges. Guard rail should be provided on all girder bridges (including Pre-stressed concrete girder bridges without deck slab) whether major or minor. Guard rails should also be provided on all major and important ballasted deck bridges and also on such other minor bridges where derailment may cause serious damages.




On all flat top, arch and PRC girder bridges with deck slab, where guard rails are not provided, the whole width of the bridge between the parapet walls shall be filled with ballast upto the top of sleeper level.


Sleepers: On steel girder bridges steel channel sleepers as per RDSO Drawing No. B-1636 and B-1636/1, and on ballasted deck bridges and bridge approaches PSC sleepers as per RDSO Drg No. RDSO/ T-4089 to 4097, shall be provided to accommodate the guard rails. i) The typical arrangement showing important dimensions for fixing guard rails is shown in the sketch and table below para 275(2) OF IRPWM. The same should be followed. ii) The guard rails should be splayed; ends of guard rails should be bent vertically and buried; and a block of timber fixed at the end. Fixing of guard rails to the sleepers shall be as shown in RDSO plans for steel channel sleepers (for steel girder bridges) and PSC sleepers (for ballasted deck bridges and all bridge approaches). iii) The top table of the guard rail should not be lower than that of the running rail by more than 25 mm. In the case of bridges on curves with super-elevated track, the difference should be measured with reference to a straight line connecting the running tables of inner and outer rails.


General i) Track geometry on the bridge and bridge approaches should be maintained to the best possible standards. ii) Rail joints be avoided within three meters of a bridge abutments. iii) Full section of ballast shall be maintained as per profile given in IRPWM. iv) Correct cess level should be ensured. v) Uniform and correct distance between the running rail and guard rail should be maintained as per the prescribed dimensions. vi) Where switch expansion joints are provided on the girder bridge, free movement of the switch should be ensured. vii) On small span girder bridges, where foot paths are not provided, walkways should be provided in the centre of track over sleepers to help staff cross the bridge during their inspection.

9.0 9.1



These specifications will be applicable for stone ballast to be used for all types of sleepers on normal track, turnouts, tunnels and deck slabs etc. on all routes. 9.2 9.2.1 Detailed Specifications General Basic Quality: Ballast should be hard durable and as far as possible angular along edges/corners, free from weathered portions of parent rock, organic impurities and inorganic residues. Particle Shape: Ballast should be cubical in shape as far as possible. individual

pieces should not be flaky and should have generally flat faces with not more than two rounded/sub-rounded faces. Mode of Manufacture: To ensure uniformity of supply, machine crushed

ballast should be preferred for broad gauge and metre gauge routes, procurement of hand broken ballast shall be resorted to only with the prior personal approval of the Engineer. 9.3 Physical Properties Ballast sample should satisfy the following physical properties in accordance with IS:2386 Pt. IV-1963 when tested. Aggregate abrasion value Aggregate impact value : : 30% Max. 20% Max.

The Water Absorption tested as per IS:2386 Pt-III 1963 should not be more than 1%. 9.4 Size and Gradation Ballast should satisfy the following size and gradation: a) b) Retained on 65mm sq. mesh sieve Retained on 40mm sq.mesh sieve for machine crushed ballast c) Retained on 20mm sq.mesh sieve 40% - 60% Not less than 98% for machine crushed. Not less than 95% for hand broken. 9.5 Oversize Ballast i) Retention on 65mm square mesh sieve 5% Maximum



A maximum of 5% ballast retained on 65mm sieve shall be allowed and no deduction in payment shall be made for this. ii) In case ballast retained on 40mm square mesh sieve exceeds 60% limit prescribed in 2.31 (b) above, payment at the following reduces rates shall be made for the full stack. iii) 95% of payable rates if retention on 40mm sq.mesh sieve is between 60% (excluding) and 65% (including). iv) 90% of payable rates if retention on 40mm sq. mesh sieve is between 65% (excluding) and 70% (including) v) In case retention on 40mm square mesh sieve exceeds 70% the stack shall be rejected. vi) In case of hand broken ballast supply 40mm sieve analysis may not be carried out. However ensure that the ballast is well graded between 65mm and 20mm size. 9.6 Under size Ballast The Ballast shall be treated as undersize and shall be rejected if: i) ii) Retention on 40mm sq.mesh sieve is less than 40% Retention on 20mm square mesh sieve is less than 98% (for machine crushed) or 95% (for hand broken) 9.7 Method of Sieve Analysis i) The screen for sieving the ballast shall be of square mesh and shall not be less than 100cm in length 70cm in breadth and 10cm in height on sides. The following tolerances in the size of holes for 65mm and 20mm sieve shall be permitted. 65mm square mesh sieve 40mm square mesh sieve 20mm square mesh sieve Plus Minus 1.5mm Plus Minus 1.5mm Plus Minus 1.0mm

The squareness of the individual hole in the sieves viz. 65mm, 40mm and 20mm should be ensured. The sieves to be used for the ballast measurement shall be obtained from approved suppliers of the Railways. ii) While carrying out sieve analysis, the screen shall not be kept inclined, but held horizontally and shaken vigorously. The pieces of ballast retained on the

screen can be turned with hand to see if they pass through but should not be pushed through the sieve. iii) The percentage passing through or retained on the sieves shall be determined by weight (volume by water displacement method). 9.8 9.8.1 Sampling and Testing A minimum of 3 samples of ballast for sieve analysis shall be taken for measurement done on any particular date even if the numbers of stacks to be measured are less than three. 9.8.2 The tests viz. determination of abrasion value, impact value and water absorption should be got done through approved laboratories in the presence of the Engineer. 9.8.3 In order to ensure supply of uniform quality of ballast, the following norms shall be followed in respect of sampling, testing and acceptance. 9.8.4 On supply of the first cum, the tests for size, gradations, abrasion value, impact value and water absorption (if prescribed) shall be carried out by the presence of the Engineer. Further supply shall be accepted only after this ballast satisfies the specifications for these tests. 9.8.5 Subsequent tests shall be carried out as follows: Supply in For stack of For stack of wagons volume less volume more than 100cum than 100cum a) Size and gradation tests. - No. of tests One for each One for each One for each stack stack. wagon. 0.027 cum 0.027 cum for 0.027 cum every 100 cum or part thereof Supply in stacks

- Size of one sample *

b) Abrasion value, impact value and water absorption One test every 2000 cum. test @ testing frequency This sample should be collected using a wooden box of internal dimensions 0.3m x 0.3m x 0.3m from different parts of the stack/wagon. @ these tests shall be done for the purpose of monitoring quality during supply. In case of the test results not being as per the prescribed specifications at any stage, further supplies shall be suspended till suitable corrective action is taken and supplies ensured as per specifications.



The above tests may be carried out more frequently if warranted at the discretion of the Engineer. All tests are based on IS: 2386 Part-IV 1963. 10.0 GENERAL During the course of construction as well as during maintenance, it has to be ensured that, there is no infringement to Indian Railway Schedule of Standard Dimensions (B.G.)



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