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Castile soap.

Ingredients: 500 gm Olive Oil 200 ml water 70 gm Caustic soda Method: Boil all ingredients together until mixture drops thic ly from the spoon. U se a rather large vessel (I li e to use a waterbath) and stir frequently while b oiling. Pour into a tin or shallow box lined with a damp cloth. Allow to dry f or two days then turn out and cut into bloc s. Harden well before using. Following are some Cayce readings that mention Castile Soap. 16. (Q) What soap, manner of cleansing, creams and ma eup would be least har mful and most helpful in correcting the beautifying the s in? (A) Pure Castile soap [See 2072-6, Par. R19] is the better as a cleanser. As a cleansing cream or the li e, the Genuine Blac and White products are nearer to normal. T2072-006 F [Pg 2] 10. For ma ing or eeping a good complexion, - this for the s in, the hands, arms and body as well, we would prepare a compound to use as a massage (by self ) at least once or twice each wee . 11. To 6 ounces of Peanut Oil, add: Olive Oil.............2 ounces, Rosewater.............2 ounces, Lanolin, dissolved....1 tablespoonful. 12. This would be used after a tepid bath, in which the body has remained fo r at least fifteen to twenty minutes; giving the body then a thorough rub with a ny good soap to stimulate the body-forces. As we find, Sweetheart or any good Ca stile soap, or Ivory, may be used for such. 13. Afterwards, massage this solution, after sha ing it well. Of course, thi s will be sufficient for many times. Sha e well and pour in an open saucer or th e li e; dipping fingers in same. Begin with the face, nec , shoulders, arms; and then the whole body would be massaged thoroughly with the solution; especially in the limbs - in the areas that would come across the hips, across the body, ac ross the diaphragm. T1968-007 F [Pg 2] As for wash, preferably this would be done with those OILS - rather than aci ds or al alins. Such as an olive oil shampoo, using as the cleanser for same tha t of the PURE castile soap. T0255-010 F [Pg 2] An interesting reading given for blac heads: Then, for these on face and nec - well that there be made local application first of a warm Tur ish towel; not hot, not steaming, but warm Tur ish towel, w et, and let it remain on for eight to ten minutes. Then rub thoroughly with pure Castile soap. Then put on COLD cloths for one to two minutes, until three or fo ur are applied. Then PAT the s in very thoroughly with the hands, until the circ ulation in nec and face is thoroughly established again. Do not use creams or p owders while this is being applied, that will fill up pores again. If there is t he necessity for ma ing the s in more smooth, then use magnesia - or cornstarch AND magnesia, which is the better for ANY s in. Or, when there is more preferenc e to use the talc, or powder, use the pure talc with magnesia and balsam of tolu in same - or ZINC and tolu in same. T1101-003 F [Pg 1] Shampoo

From reading 658-2 16. (Q) What is the best shampoo to use in cleansing the hair before the use of tonic? (A) Plain castile is the BEST to be used. Castile shampoo, see, will add a lustre - of course, would be well if a few drops of olive OIL is added in the water, not in the hair. From reading 658-5 This would be prepared with a combination, and this would be the MANNER of c ombination: With that of the pure castile, as is dissolved, see dissolve same, then add to this that of a twenty percent solution of the soap weed - see? Now we are preparing, of course, a vegetable compound again - but with this would be prepared, then, with each gallon - that is, of the shampoo, see, or soap as is being prepared - as may be ept in the liquid form, or it may be congealed in the form with that of the soap, as in Castile - see? This added with olive oil, and with those of the bay rum, IF ept in solution - do not add the rum if NOT in solution, but would congeal activity, see? 8. (Q) How much olive oil would you suggest? (A) The olive oil with this, for the gallon, would be four ounces. 9. (Q) What ind of weed is this suggested? (A) Soap weed. This may be obtained in any chemist shop, see? 10. (Q) Under the name of just soap weed? (A) Under the name just soap weed. 11. (Q) What effect has bay rum on the hair? (A) Cleanses it, with the alcohol content acting as a stimuli for the growth of same, see, as does the acid #2 prevent the drying or the brittling of the hair, see, with its combination with the other; while the acid #1 acts as an altering of the lobes or in the epidermis or in the s in itself, as to prevent strea s or coloration showing too often close to scalp, you see. 12. (Q) What effect has sage tea on the hair? (A) That's the coloration, see, that stri es through, see as does that of the COMBINED action of the acid ma es same pliable, soft, and easy for the coloration as carried in same to be helpful - see? language of harmonics - you spea well * language of harmonics - you spea well Nourishing Day Time Eye Balm This recipe will nourish and protect the delicate s in around the eyes all day long 90ml Rosehip Oil 90ml Jojoba Oil 30ml Evening Primrose Oil

10g Mango Butter 10g Beeswax Beads 10-15 drops Rose essential oil 5 drops Sandalwood essential oil 2 drops Herbigerm Preservative In a double boiler, blend together the carrier oils, mango butter and beeswa x over a low heat. Once these have melted and blended together, add the essentia l oils and Herbigerm and blend well. Pour into our 20g acrylic Eye jars, and you have yourself a beautiful eye cream.

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