Weekly HG Guide 5 27 12

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Welcome How have you traditionally looked on prayer? Is it a discipline? A liturgy? Is it personal? A conversation between you and God? Does it work? Is He listening? Is He speaking to you? Tonight we will talk about our faithfulness in prayer.

May 27-June 2, 2012

Family Time Did your parents ever tell you Dont speak unless you are spoken to? Have you said that to someone else? The good news for all of us is that God spoke first. Prayer begins with God; He has invited us to be in relationship with Himself. We can freely respond back to Him through our prayers (we can speak to Him b/c He has already spoken to us). Ask your group to share the different ways that they currently practice prayer. Kids Time How do you talk to God? What do you say (tell me some of your prayers)? Prayer is a Relationship with God, and you should be excited to talk to Him and know that He hears you. God hears you and He also answers prayers. He does this because God IS SO GOOD. (If you have young kids in your group, you may sing the song God is So Good look it up if you dont know it.) Make a list of all the ways God is good. If all of those things on your list are trueIf God really is that good, we can be sure that He hears us and will take care of all of our needs! Lets pray to God now, and start by thanking Him for being SO GOOD! Adult Time When it comes to prayer, what are you most likely to do? Pick one: (cry out to God with persistence, struggle with what to say, fall asleep, worry rather than pray, give up) One reason we struggle with consistent prayer is that we actually trust our prayer efforts more than Gods ability to hear us and care for us. Our persistence in faithfulness and prayer should be based on Gods character, not ours. Have your group make an exhaustive list of Gods character traits (compassionate, righteous, loving, just, etc.). The book, What Jesus Demands from the World, includes the following statement: praying in faith does not always mean being sure that the very thing we ask will happen. But it does mean being sure that because of Jesus we trust God to hear us and help us in the way that seems best to Him. It may mean that He gives us just what we ask, or that he gives us something better. What wrong conclusions might we draw about God/prayer if we are not clear on Gods character? (we may think that God does not respond to us, he does not have time for us, he is unrighteous. Furthermore, we may wrongly think our prayers can manipulate God if we persist.) Our prayers need to be faith-filled based on the character of God, not our effort/pleading/begging! Prayer Time Tonight, use the A.C.T.S. model of praying. First, focus on Adoration of God (praise Him for His goodness). Next, spend a moment in Confession (for our weakness, general or specific). Then, Thank God for the ways He has blessed you. Lastly, share with God your Supplications (ask for His guidance and provision in things you are worried about).

Community Calendar Memorial Day is Monday, May 28. Pantego Bible Church remembers and honors those who fought to make our country free. Church Calendar This week pray for specific needs in your neighborhood and community based on Gods character.

Pantego Bible Church

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