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CONTENTS Abstract Keywords INTRODUCTION Case Study 1: BARCELONAs Ports & Harbours Barcelona Introduction The History of the

Barcelona Model The Barcelona Model The Barcelona Regeneration Model Concluding Thoughts on the Barcelona Model Port Authority of Barcelona The History of the Port The First Artificial Port th 18 Century Draught The Works Committee 1968 The Expansion of Delta Port Authority The Way Forward Logistics Port Regular Lines Strategic Development Port Enlargement Works 2008 Developments: East & South Breakwaters East Seawall South Seawall Prat Wharf Corrective Measures Infrastructure Actions Preparation of Areas Rail Accesses Air Quality Waste Collection Development of the Port Network The Zaragoza Goods Terminal The Toulouse Goods Terminal Perpignan Goods Terminal Service Centre for France New Barcelona Lyon Express Rail Service FERRMED Tanger-Med Logistics Area Intermodal Logistics Centre (CILSA) Leading the Way in CSR Stable Cargo Boost to Rail Traffic Systems & Develoment More Passengers Terminal A - Adossat Wharf Terminal B - Adossat Wharf Terminal C - Adossat Wharf Terminal D - Adossat Wharf Palacruceros Terminals North and South Barcelona Wharf Terminal M - Port Vell - Espanya Wharf Barcelona Ferry Terminal - Sant Bertran Wharf 5 6 6 6 6 7-8 8 8-9 9 10 10-11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11-12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14-15 15 15 15 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18-19 19 19 20 20-21 21 22 22 22 22 22-23 23 23

Terminal Z - Drassanes - Barcelona Wharf GUIDING PRINCIPALS Port Development & Master Planning Long Term Planning Medium Term Planning Guiding Principles for Port Design Port Costs The Port Masterplan Port Location Design Criteria General Layout of Port Works - Principals Port Entrance Connections with Inland Areas Storage Area Review of Existing Port Installations General Cargo Terminal Bulk Cargo Terminal Basic Design Criteria for Marinas Water Dependant Uses Shipping BARCELONAs Commercial & Leisure Port PORT VELL The Port Vell Operation in Barcelona Port Vells Commercial & Leisure Services Port Vell in relation to the Barcelona Model The Barcelona Model in Comparison to Other Metropolitan Cities Case Study 2: The Revitalization of Torontos Waterfront Torontos Waterfront Revitalization Torontos Waterfront on the World Stage The Waterfront Scene An Astonishing Opportunity The Pressures for Action Now The Big Challenges A Strategic Business Plan The Development Concept Torontos Solution A Picture of the New Waterfront The Central Harbour The East Bayfront The West Bayfront The Portlands New City Neighbourhoods The Olympic District The Convergence Centre Lake Ontario Park Grand Channel District The Mouth of the Don River The West Donlands The Eastern and Western Waterfronts The Eastern Waterfront The Western Waterfront Phasing of Implementation Structures, Powers and Governance The Financial Concept

23 24 24 24 24 24-25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27-29 30 30 30-31 31-33 33 33

34 34-35 35-36 36-37 37-38 39-40 40-41 41-44 44 44 44-45 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 47 47-48 48 48-49 49 49-50 50

Land Sales/ Leases (Residential) Infrastructure Spending End-State Impacts Torontos Waterfront Design Details SUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLES Building a Sustainable Community Sustainable Land Use Sustainable Transportation Sustainable Building Air Quality Human Communities Cultural Resources National Heritage Water Minerals and Waste Innovation CONCLUSION Compact Design Walkable Mixed-use Communities Places where people want to be Resilience to Natural Hazards & Climate Change Environmental Conservation Bibliography Photographs

50 50 50 51-52 53 53 54 54-55 55-56 56 56-57 57 57-58 58-59 59 59-60 61 63 63-64 64-66 66 66-67 68-70 71

Nicholas Orthodox Socrates 2011 - 4123875 TU Delft AR2A010 Architectural History Thesis

In Relation To Port And Harbor Areas, What Are The Key Factors And Guiding Principles For Major Waterfront Development?

Abstract This paper aims to reveal the key factors and the guiding principles for major waterfront development in relation to port and harbor areas; After introducing the city of Barcelona, the Barcelona Model, then the History of Barcelonas Ports Development, this paper will focus in on Barcelonas working ports; understanding the logistics and the infrastructure of these functioning areas, how they are managed and how they relate, influence, and govern the development of the city. This paper will then look at Barcelonas cruise ship terminals, their services and their importance in relation to the growth of tourism within the city. Concluding this section with an overview of guiding principals of Port Master Planning, Port Development & Port Design studying long and medium term planning, design criteria, shipping & cargo, emphasizing the importance of the ports location and its connections with inland areas. This paper will shift back to Barcelona, with an in-depth study on Port Vell; Barcelonas very successful, very popular, commercial and leisure waterfront functioning port, as an international tourist attraction and world renowned regeneration project. With a time-line study of the complete history of this port and then an in-depth study into each of Port Vells commercial services, facilities and uses. Concluding this chapter by understanding Port Vells importance in relation to the Barcelona Model and how this profound metamorphosis of the port has served to integrate the site into the city and into urban life to the point where, every year, 16 million people visit this multipurpose spot, as a point of reference for locals and visitors alike. This first case study will be concluded completely by touching upon Green Urban Planning and the Barcelona Model in relation to other metropolitan cities. This paper will then shift into its second case study; Torontos Waterfront Revitalization, which is still an ongoing process. This project is a very ambitious, very well planned, polly-faceted, waterfront enterprise, set to revitalize and regenerate, not only by defining Torontos character, as a major metropolitan world city, but also acting as a transformative gateway to commerce, culture and tourism for Canada itself. This study will outline the pressures and motivation behind acting now, the big challenges which lie ahead, and how Toronto arrived at its solution. Looking at its Strategic Business Plan, its Develop Concept and its different areas, its facets, its ports and harbours, and its different sections of waterfront. This paper will analyze Torontos Waterfronts phasing of implementation, its structures, powers and governance, whilst looking at the financial concept and the infrastructure spending behind this huge regeneration. This section of the paper will be closed by giving several examples of a variety of design details visioned implemented by West 8+DTAH in 2007. The study of Toronto continues by looking in detail at its sustainable principals for building a sustainable community, its objectives, strategies and actions taken concerned with; land use, transportation, buildings, air quality, human communities, cultural resources, national heritage, water and minerals and waste. Concluding this paper by offering the most important guiding principals and key elements for waterfront development in relation to mixed land use, compact design, walkable mixed-use communities, the importance of vibrant areas and creating areas where people want to be. The conclusion will close by talking about the resilience to natural hazards and climate change and the importance of environmental conservation.

Keywords Waterfront, Development, Revitalization, Regeneration, Toronto, Ports, Harbours, Barcelona. Urban Design, Development, Planning, Introduction In many cities, efforts are currently being made to renew the strength of their waterfront. These efforts are supported by several conditions. Land left vacant by deindustrialization is now cheaper and in many ways prime spots for development. These areas have high aesthetic and functional values due to their proximity to the water and the city core. Because of the many potential overlapping jurisdictions of government that are involved, however, detailed planning is essential for such waterfront development and redevelopment. (Mulvihill, 1991). Many different developments can be planned along the urban waterfront. Large-scale mixed-use developments offer many commercial and economic opportunities. These projects contribute a great deal to the process of re-establishing the vitality of the inner city. Other types of developments are more social than economic. Parks, water-edge walkways, and environmental conservation all add to the cultural landscape. Of similar importance are restorations and preservations of historical sites along the waterfront. Lastly, marketplaces, festivals, happenings and the like contribute much to an area's well being. They are not only a source of economic contributions to the city, but they also enhance the culture of the area. (Mann, 1988) Three issues should be considered when building on the waterfront. Urban designers involved in the planning process should first consider the functional value of their work. This includes attention paid to accessibility and security. As well as planning flood control, environmental education should also be implemented to ensure protection of the land and wildlife. Finally, the most important aspect of a proposed development is its contextual fit within the existing landscape. (Breen & Rigby, 1991) This last issue relates to the postmodern trend in architecture. In some ways this movement is a turn away from the modern strive for urbanization. Rather than a collection of glass boxes, postmodern architecture tries to give buildings more character and make them look welcoming. Buildings are designed as more of an addition to the natural landscape than an intrusion to it. Especially along the waterfront, then, where cities usually first began, a sense of serenity and natural presence, along with an attention to its historical importance, is needed to bring about the area's full worth. Along with this significance, its physical connection to the city and its previously mentioned economic and cultural potential make the waterfront a key resource in inner city redevelopment. (Smolski, 1990). In general, the history of urban waterfront developments can be understood from a modified version of the economic rent model (West, 1989). This theory of land use is also known as the rule of bid rent for highest and best use. The model was made based on the theory and empirical data that suggest land use is determined by the economic possibilities in each area. The predominant condition of urban waterfronts before the late 1950s shows that the city harbor was a central place for business relating to ocean cargo. In addition to the central location, industry was also planned along rivers due to an availability of hydropower and easy waste disposal. Many of these businesses were later relocated due to advances in railway and highway transportation. Urban waterfront industry was no longer the least expensive way of manufacturing and transporting goods. Industry moved to cheaper land because of the ease in transportation, and the city core became deindustrialized. In the 1960s and 1970s the urban waterfront existed as something of an industrial wasteland because of its low economic and social conditions. (Hubbard, 1994) However, the deindustrialization of waterfront areas does not need to cause the complete abandonment of the area. Instead, many other developments can make use of the waterfront. In many ways the deindustrialization of the waterfront is a blessing. This is because there is now room for not just industry, but commercial, residential, and public space as well. Therefore, the deindustrialization of the waterfront, although initially leading to a decline of the area's worth, in the end allows for the rebirth of the waterfront as a more enjoyable and recreational area. (Hubbard, 1994) "The waterfront becomes symbolic of our human limitations and of our potential. It functions as both a physical and a psychological frontier. By representing what is deep and knowable, it suggests both our hopes and our fears for the future. It is a shimmering mirror which reflects the sunlight of the day and the city lights of the night, breaking them up into millions of sparkling rays, abstracting and making poetic our work-a-day world." - John Rubin, 2004 Great waterfronts are not developed over days or months; they emerge through dedicated action by residents, waterfront users, and community leaders over a number of years, sometimes decades. Each successful project, no matter how small, should bring new strength to the waterfront, creating a greater economic and social sum of its constituent parts. (Evenius, 2003) Case Study 1: Barcelonas Ports and Harbours Barcelona Barcelona, located in the north-east of Spain and on the shores of the Mediterranean, is one of the main European metropolises, and the centre of an extensive metropolitan region made up of more than 217 towns, with a total population of 4.6 million inhabitants. It is the economic, cultural and administrative capital of Catalonia and a leader of an emerging business area in the south of Europe, which is made up of more than 800,000 companies and 17 million inhabitants. Within this Euro-Mediterranean region, which includes the Balearic Islands, Valencia, Aragon and the south- east of France, Barcelona is focusing on new strategic, competitive and international sectors, and it is consolidating its position as one of Europes principal metropolises. Catalonia, and its capital Barcelona, has always been a welcoming

place for those visiting it. Throughout its history, many different peoples have passed through this land and almost all of them have settled here. This has made Catalonia a welcoming place, which is tolerant, dynamic and open to anything that is new. Catalonia and Barcelona have now become one of the main economic hubs of Europe. A driver of the Spanish economy, 21st century Catalonia is an innovative country with a highly-qualified labour force, an enviable geographical position (at the heart of Europe and connected to the rest of the world thanks to its Mediterranean ports and its international airports) and top-notch infrastructure and facilities that draw important investments year after year. (The Media Centre in Barcelona, 2007) The History of the Barcelona Model (Abadir, 2005) Barcelona, one of Europe's most beautiful and historic cities, has been held up as a model of urban planning and renewal, its public spaces and art renowned internationally, especially since it hosted the 1992 Olympics. Though it cost the city $10 billion (U.S. dollars), the impetus transformed the Mediterranean city's neglected port into a revitalized waterfront and has since led millions of people lining up at its door. But the house of Barcelona is not a continually expanding one. It is a city wedged between the mountains and the sea, and the case of urban sprawl cannot therefore exist. Highlighting the one main problem of the city space! It's a battle between tourist dollars, and citizen's needs. Across Europe, housing has re-surfaced on political and urban agendas. But those countries to the south of Europe, particularly Spain, have created a housing crisis that tourism has insufferably affected. Barcelona has a low level of spatial segregation, simply because there is no space; tourists and natives are forced to live together. In the 1920s Barcelona was the fastest growing city in Europe. The population of Barcelona expanded by 62 per cent during that decade and adjacent blue-collar suburbs like Hospitalet and Santa Coloma doubled and tripled in population. Modernization and industrialization were proceeding at a rapid pace. Migrants from nearby regions were flooding into the city to take jobs. By the 1930s the province of Catalonia, with about 6 million residents, contained about 70% of the manufacturing capacity of Spain.

(Photographs: Port de Barcelona, Port Authority, The Port, Maps & Access 2009) The rapid expansion of the city led to a serious housing shortage and a rapid rent inflation that had rent rising up to 150% in many areas. The severe shortage of housing also led to serious problems of overcrowding and deterioration in the kind of housing available to the working class. There was some public housing inexpensive concrete buildings but only 2,200 units had been built. The city relied overwhelmingly on the private real estate market to provide housing. Although there were some large-scale private apartment blocks or "estates," much of the housing was provided by a huge class of small property owners. The main landlords' organization, the Chamber of Urban Property, had over 97,800 members in the province of Catalonia. Shanty towns began to appear on the outskirts of the city. But these were not shanties built by the residents but by landlords who built substandard dwellings while the authorities looked the other way. By 1927 it was estimated that over 6,000 shanties had been built in Barcelona, housing 30,000 people, with more in surrounding towns. In the older parts of Barcelona many flats or houses were cut up into tiny units. Often the penny-pinching landlords refused to provide water hookups for these new units, even though the city building codes had required running water since at least 1891. By 1933 it was estimated that 20,000 flats or houses in Barcelona lacked running water. The Economic Defense Commission estimated that 45,000 people were taking part in the rent strike in July of that year, and over 100,000 by August. Even if these estimates are a bit exaggerated, clearly, this was a massive rent strike. There were rent strikes going on in all the working class neighborhoods of Barcelona, and a number of the outlying towns had set up their own Economic Defense Commissions and were pursuing a similar recourse. It took years for the affects of the strike to deplete. And the government has been trying to balance accommodating tourists and natives since. "The Governor's housing" is a complex of 900 flats of 20 square metres that were built in 1952 to house people living in the slums of Barcelona; they were privatized during the 60's to avoid maintenance costs and social conflicts. Some years later, the growth of Barcelona reached this marginal neighbourhood, which ended as an "island" of decay in the centre of the new urban outskirts. Its inhabitants grew old, and only the poorest youth remained there. When, drugs and delinquency settled in, the situation worsened and it was only in 1990, after several claims, when the three public administrations (State, Regional and City) reached an agreement. The Catalan Government accepted the total renewal of the houses with the financial help from the Ministry responsible for public works and the City Council's commitment to rebuild the area.

A new plan was designed together with the Neighbours' Association, with the task of keeping everybody in the same quarter and the objective to standardize that quarter socially as an urban area. The new streets became intertwined with the old nearby ones, the new squares opened instead of closed, and some old flats that were empty were renewed to house some of the neighbours temporarily. To execute the plan, which started in 1992, a private team specialized in managing was contracted. This team, placed on the spot, directed all the operations of expropriating, pulling down, transferring families, integrating, etc. By the time that fifty percent of the program was executed, results had already become evident: 239 families were given new flats, new commercial activity began, and illegal activities disappeared. And, an episode of degradation that should have never occurred began to slowly vanish from people's memory. When the 1992 Olympics arrived in the city it brought with it more than a few hundred runners, bikers jumpers and swimmers; millions of tourists flanked the city, certainly a monetary bonus for tourism sectors, but hotels, parking lots, restaurants and the like needed to be built to accommodate the millions of people that Barcelona would host. There was a problem with space! As the city is built between the sea and the mountains, urban sprawl is not an option. Meaning housing costs would sky rocket and the people of Barcelona, pushed out of their own territory. The games indeed did spank a suburban newness to the city, but did little in solving the citys housing shortage. In 2004 Barcelona hosted a different kind of Olympics a five-month cultural and intellectual forum that was focused on solving the worlds problems. Organizers said they'd expected more than five million visitors to converge on the city for the 2004 Forum of Cultures -- part festival, part meeting-of-minds on broad themes such as peace, cultural diversity and sustainable development (i.e. housing!) For Barcelona, it was a chance to recover the international limelight it basked in back in 1992 -- not to mention rake in tourist dollars and for a long-overdue face-lift. And it was an excuse for necessary urban renewal. About $460-million (U.S. dollars) of public and private money went to fund the forum events, and a whopping $2.6-billion was spent on the festival's infrastructure, including a total transformation of the city's once-marginalized and crime-ridden northern shore-a neighbourhood called La Mina. With a very shanty-town like history, La Mina was one of the Cultural Forum's undertakings; thirty years after the first bricks were laid, the Forum set out to create a change in the marginalizing and cramping of its inhabitants. Unfortunately the area's sad legacy left La Mina so torn with the greatest social deprivation within the Barcelona metropolitan area today, that even the forum was unable to complete the revitalization it set out to do. It still suffers from an urban layout, which has created enclosed streets within a fortress-like setting, marginalized from the outside world. Population and housing densities are very high, homes are of poor quality with very limited living space. It has above average numbers living in conditions of poverty, with illiteracy levels running at 25%. Unemployment, employment in the informal sector and absenteeism from school are all very high. The degradation of the community has been intense, with high crime rates and serious social fracturing. And jarring to the many who advocated it, the forum in La Mina's case was a mass failure and was as unsuccessful as it was televised. But the touristic dollars it brought into the city out shined the forum's mini failures. And an anti-globalization group called the Assembly of Resistance to the Forum argued that widely embraced topics such as peace and diversity were just excuses for the city to earn more money with tourism. Thus, keeping with the trend to bow to the spending tourist and turn one's head from the arduous native. Barcelona's Federation of Neighbourhood Associations says that the forum was taking priority over more important urban issues such as health care and housing. "Housing is a tremendous problem in Barcelona, and thousands of families live without water or electricity. With just 10 per cent of what they've invested in the forum, they could have solved housing problems for 23,000 low-income families," said Eva Fernandez, the federation president. Innovative and strategic housing policies have been consistently neglected in the broader political and urban agenda of Spain. Tourism has taken the stand and as it looks from here, is not coming down anytime soon. Oddly, just two weeks ago, Spain's hotel industry reported the greatest success in three years; seeing a 5 per cent increase in its Revenue per available room. The gravity and complexity of housing problems and of segregation issues are underestimated. Though hoteliers have suffered from problems of overcapacity in the past, Barcelona's public and private developers have been particularly active in this sector and Spanish hotel supply increased by 20% between 2001 and 2005 (comparing to less than 1% in France; a drop of 2% in Germany and a growth of only 5% in the United Kingdom during the same period). (Abadir, 2005) The Barcelona Model The 'Barcelona model', focuses on design issues and the quality of public urban spaces. Whilst also highlighting the capacity to manage unique flagship events such as the 1992 Olympic Games, converting them into levers and strategic instruments of urban renewal and regeneration. Both versions tend to consider the Barcelona model as something singular, something almost unique in the panorama of international urbanism. The "Barcelona model" of local government and management combines strategic insight, political leadership, innovation, professional management, quality and proximity, civic culture, participation and the involvement of the citizens. It explores some of the elements that have contributed to an efficient municipal management, that obtained new investment based on the optimization of current expenditure and that have transformed the city, maintaining an important level of consensus of the city's population. (Francisco - Javier Moncl, 2003) The Barcelona Regeneration Model International events are used to enhance prestige, attract private investment and to focus and motivate the city's workforce. Buildings and infrastructure constructed for the events are of very high quality and serve a double purpose: for short-term use during the

event itself and as a means of regenerating a decaying area of the city in the long-term. The use of low-paid immigrant labour and multiple sub-contracting in the construction industry. The city is seen as the sum of its neighborhoods, rather than comprising of distinct parts. This discourages a bit-meal approach to regeneration and instead emphasizes the building of communities. Public intervention is linked to the demands of the local community. A reduction in urban density of 20%. The radical transformation of the perimeters of the worst affected areas. It is easier to begin the transformation process where the deterioration is not so significant. Careful planning of public building locations to encourage regeneration and prevent duplication. Buildings of heritage value are conserved for public use such as schools, libraries, offices, cultural centres, etc.. The introduction of mixed new land uses into an area, including service industries, office and retail, private and public housing. The encouragement of innovative architecture and thinking. Investment in transport infrastructure to improve accessibility. This increases opportunities for economic and social activity. A deliberate policy of introducing a new social mix into deprived neighborhoods. The creation of new communal open spaces in strategic areas to encourage social mixing. The open spaces are created well before new building development commences. A flexible rather than rigid approach to planning. A policy of spreading new retail and service industries throughout the city, particularly in central areas to retain vibrant communities. A block on new out-of-town shopping centre developments. Compulsory purchase of buildings in very poor condition in order to renovate them using public funds. Building renovations completed to a high standard, both interior and exterior. Tax incentives and grants to refurbish properties. Strong political and local leadership to drive the regeneration process. Education, job training, health, crime and leisure initiatives to help tackle the social problems of illiteracy, poor health, and high unemployment. Collaboration between the Leisure and Social Services Departments to tackle social exclusion amongst the disaffected young. Leisure amenities in schools are kept open until late into the evening. (Barcelona Field Studies Centre S.L, 2004) Concluding Thoughts on the Barcelona Model The main point to highlight is that the Barcelona model has been extremely successful in the renewal and redevelopment of the existing nuclei of the city the centre and other metropolitan nodes. At the same time, however, it has limitations as an alternative to the extensive and dispersed form of urban planning so characteristic of North American and, increasingly, other European cities. What is being faced is not a reference in the struggle for a greener and sustainable urban planning. Not even examples of high quality landscaping can detract from a lack of effective control of the new urban landscape and of the new peripheries, even though they may be interesting palliatives. It is understandable, therefore, that those who analyze Barcelonas experience from the outside have focused on the impressive results of qualitative and strategic urban planning. With regard to the former component of the model qualitative urban design it seems clear that the reconstruction of Barcelona initiated strongly in the first part of the 1980s, constitutes an improved version of what has been carried out subsequently in other cities. For its quality and integration, Richard Rogers affirmation regarding the 20 year time lag in relation to the British cities does not seem exaggerated. A vast number of high quality redevelopments and urban improvements have been carried out in the central areas, maintaining and increasing the vitality and urban quality of the different urban centres (taken to mean not just the official central business district, but also all the central nuclei of the metropolitan region of Barcelona). It is precisely here where the most creative and novel aspects of the model have been demonstrated. All of this, despite the perhaps excessive trust in the good design, can help to explain not only the scant consideration for the wider metropolitan problem, but also what occurred at the same time in the citys new recreation/leisure and cultural commercial areas. In this sense, it is important not to lose sight of the nature of these successful new public/ private spaces, such as Maremagnum at Port Vell, La Maquinista and Glorias. These large-scale shopping Centres, which have experienced a genuine boom, contrasting with (or complementing, according to the optimists) the urban quality of the traditional squares and streets. In the case of the Illa Diagonal development, it involved an intrinsically interesting model of urban design that, especially in its exterior, was somewhat removed from the rhetoric of the Mediterranean city. Yet, the design also facilitated the developments redefinition in use, in the more private and autonomous sense. Turning to the second component of the Barcelona model the strategic planning associated initially with the preparations for the Olympic Games this has been subsequently maintained with as much, if not more, energy. This has promoted Barcelona into a high position in the international urban ranking. The negative consequences, relating to polarization and social exclusion, so much denounced in other cities, do not appear to have been produced in Barcelona. This is despite the greater importance given in the last post-Olympic phase to the logic of the private sector and flexible planning, whereby certain processes of a clearly North American origin, such as marketing and theme labeling of the city, have accelerated. These correspond to a highly globalized type of planning especially that associated with Strategic Plans which at the same time has converted Barcelona into a reference for other cities, especially those in Spain and Latin America. In any event, the capability demonstrated by the new Barcelona to borrow, adapt and elaborate original syntheses relating to the most advanced formulae of international urban planning culture, allows one to consider the possible reorientation of its objectives and urban planning strategies over the next few years. In particular, the operations associated with the Forum of Cultures 2004 will probably indicate Barcelonas capacity to tackle the challenges that are still outstanding. Until now, the notable success of city marketing strategies, linked to the new symbolic economy or cultural economy and based upon urban tourism, the media and leisure, contrasts with much less attention paid to other important aspects: public transport and, above all, housing. Tackling these issues in a more convincing way would mark a second stage of a wide reaching and really successful planning model, although likely to remain somewhat under-proportioned in relation

to the concerns with image and economics. Thus, the culture of the city as a promoter of values (as advocated by the Eurocities movement) would remain, for the time being, notably subordinate to culture as a motor of industrial, economic and tourism development. (Francisco-Javier Moncl, 2004)

(Maps: Port de Barcelona, Port Authority, The Port, Maps & Access 2009)

Port Authority of Barcelona The State Port and Merchant Navy abolished the Works Committees and the Autonomous Ports and created the body, State Public Ports. Its objective was to coordinate and control the efficiency of the port system, as well as the port authorities and to be responsible for the port management. For this reason, the Port of Barcelona was renamed the Port Authority of Barcelona Barcelona has become the Mediterranean city with the largest increase in tourism. The Olympic Games of 1992 gave the perfect opportunity for the world to be aware of the potential tourist virtues of the city. The Port of Barcelona was able to rise to the occasion for this event by accommodating up to eleven big cruise ships in its installations, which acted as floating hotels. From that moment on, the number of cruises and passengers has not stopped increasing, given that, it has allowed the Port of Barcelona to become the most important tourist port in Europe in the last few years. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Authority, General Plan 2009) The History of the Port Many of the ancient historians and poets have referred to this port: Avieno, Pomponio, Mela, Pliny, Ptolemy... In 1903 a tombstone was found, near the cemetery of Montjuic, which commemorates Caius Coelius, who had ordered to build walls and gates to fortify this port area with proven defensive intentions. Barcelona started the building of walls around it when the first barbarian invasions started, in the year 263 A.D. Since then, the city has grown in importance and there are multiple references to it, still situated to the south of the mountain of Montjuic. Between the years 1164 and 1285, during the reigns of Alfonso II, Pere II, Jaume I and Pere III, the city

became the unquestionable maritime capital of the King and Queen of Aragon. From these years the project arised to install a Royal Shipyard; the famous Drassanes, that even now, today, we all know. The date is not certain, but it is true that in the year 1378, the city of Barcelona asked Pere IV to restart the port works begun origanally by Pere III, which were interrupted due to severe storms. In those days, the area from the Shipyard to the city, was commonly used as an anchoring place, since the old port situated to the south of Montjuic was filled with sand due to the advance of the river and its delta. For this reason, it lost the advantage of being a sheltered area. The weak protection offered by the anchorage of Barcelona to the ships anchored in that inlet under the terrible east windstorms, caused countless ship-wrecks throughout the 10th to 12th centuries. The inhabitants of Barcelona decided to unite their efforts in order to build a safer artificial port to benefit and make easier the loading and unloading of commercial operations and to develop the maritime commerce which the city required. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, History of the Port, 2009) The First Artificial Port The dream of having a safe port, which in this part of the Catalonian coast meant to have an artificial port, didnt start to be insinuated until the 8th of December of 1438: King Alfonso V the Magnanimous bestowed to the ministers of the city of Barcelona the privilege of building a port and its wharfs, in the way and place that they chose. The works for the construction of the wharf started that same year, although a decade later, the storms that battered the coast destroyed all their efforts. In the reign of Juan II, on the 20th of September of 1477, the laying of the first stone of a wharf, which was to be definitive and was 103 meters length, took place, arriving to the sand island of Maians, in front of where the Local Representation of the Government is located today. This wharf was baptized with the name of the Holy Cross, and as time went by, it was known as the Old wharf, and it constitutes the real gem of the artificial and external Port of Barcelona, where the men and the city were allied in order to fight against the elements and storms to produce a useful and safe port. The basic port shelter was the East dock, and from the Maians island it was progressively expanded to the South and to the Southwest. In parallel to the sands carried by the sea which were piled up, in inconsiderable amounts, on the beach to the East of this site; the alluvium soil from the Bess river formed a deposit. The Barcelonetas district laid its foundations precisely on these lands gained to the sea, and the sea-landers and fishermen are the ones that historically lived in this Barceloneta neighborhood. (Information & Photographs: Port de Barcelona, History of the Port, The First Artificial Port, 2009) 18 Century Daught The enlargements did not stop. In the year 1723, the East Dock was extended to the actual fishermens wharf and in 1772, during Carlos III, the Linterna tower was built. Nowadays it has become the clock tower. The port needed more depth. In the year 1743, the sand had formed a barrier, which was extended from the end of the East dock to the Pulgas tower (where the Portal de la Pau and Columbus monument stands). These circumstances forced the closing of the port. The solution to the draught problems was not overcome until 1916, with the extension of the breakwater, which in 1882 reached where the floating dock is located today. It still remained another problem that the new sand barrier formed from the natural reaction arisen due the change of the flows of the sea, which was solved with the extension of the East Dock and the construction of an outer sea wall. The result of this is that the new entrance is defined from the end of the East Dock to the new wharf, which divides the coast at the bottom of the mountain of Montjuic, where the Ponent wharf is located today. (Information & Photographs: Port de Barcelona, History of the Port, S.XVIII: Draught, 2009

The Works Committee 1968 With the progressive improvements, a real and effective external port was finally built, free of piled up soils and sands and having a sheltered water area of around 110 hectares. Between the years 1877 and 1882 the first cross-wharf was built, where the Barcelona wharf is located today. The works were carried out without rest. In 1926 a new extension of the East dock was finished and in the year 1958, it began its expansion to the south. In 1912 and in 1962 a new outer sea wall was built as the port advanced to the southwest. In the year 1968 the external port had a sheltered water area of around 500 hectares. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, History of the Port, 1868: Works Committee, 2009) The Expansion of Delta 1966 The advance of the port from northeast to southwest makes it surpass the mountain of Montjuic. In the year 1966 the construction of an internal port started. In the Llobregat Delta, the area was dredged and 250 new hectares are added to the port site. Two thousand years later, the commercial activity of the port of Barcelona returns to its original location, to the west of the mountain of Montjuic.

The Statute of Autonomy of the port granted, in the year 1978, the end of a solid historical tradition of the port of Barcelona. It is then considered, a public entity acting in a mercantile regime. At the same time, it opened the doors to a period full of future possibilities. In the year 1987 it also started to develop a Strategic Plan, an ambitious project, which affected all the activities of the Port Community. (Information & 4 Photographs: Port de Barcelona, History of the Port, 1966: Expansion by Delta, 2009)

The Way Forward There has been a lot of work done over the last few years to organize the zone into areas, in accordance with the different specialized terminals, in order to obtain the efficiency objectives that business demands. The importance of container traffic should be highlighted as it is a key factor in making the Port of Barcelona - the first logistics platform in Southern Europe. With so many years of effort and hope, a polyvalent port has been created, which is composed of three fundamental zones: Port Vell (the Old Port), the commercial port and the logistics port. In spite of this, the forecasted growth in traffic for the new millennium has encouraged us to keep on working. Thats why a historic fourth enlargement is about to emerge by diverting the mouth of the River Llobregat 2 km to the south, doubling the present Port area in size. The Plan foresees that in 2050, the area will reach 1,265 hectares, a milestone, which both the city of Barcelona and its citizens deserve. (Port de Barcelona, History of the Port, The Way Forward, 2009) Logistics Port The Port of Barcelona is set up as a large network of facilities and services spread out throughout the region, accessible to clients and offering comprehensive door-to-door logistics services. The port premises, in addition to being a major territorial and economic infrastructure, serve as the hub for this set of service centres (port terminals, the Logistics Activities Area, inland maritime terminals, intermodal terminals, depots, etc.), which have global reach and are linked by multimodal transport corridors. At these facilities, which operators manage in a decentralized fashion, clients have access to a wide range of handling, transport, logistics and value-added services that facilitate their foreign-trade operations. The Port of Barcelona is set up as a large network of facilities and services spread out through out the region, accessible to clients and offering comprehensive door-to-door logistics services. The port premises, in addition to being a major territorial and economic infrastructure, serve as the hub for this set of service centres (port terminals, the Logistics Activities Area, inland maritime terminals, intermodal terminals, depots, etc.), which have global reach and are linked by multimodal transport corridors. At these facilities, which operators manage in a decentralized fashion, clients have access to a wide range of handling, transport, logistic sand value-added services that facilitate their foreign-trade operations. The Port of Barcelona own brand-name services -the e-commerce platform and PortIC document interchange, the quality standards and guarantees and the Customer Service Department- make it easier for users to arrange and track their shipments. (Port de Barcelona, The Port, Logistics, 2009)

(Photographs: Port de Barcelona, The Port, Logistics, 2009) Regular Lines The Port of Barcelona connects with over 825 ports worldwide through established regular shipping lines, and with its hinterland through an extensive network of road and rail infrastructure. It is both a hub port and a premier transhipment centre for direct ocean lines. (Port de Barcelona, Regular Lines, 2009)

Latitude: 41 21 N Longitude: 2 10 E

Tides: Width: 125 cm Draughts: Up to 16 m

North entrance mouth Orientation: 191.8 Width: 370 m Draught: 16 m South entrance mouth Orientation: 205 Width: 145 m Draught: 11.5 m Land area: 828.9 ha

Warehousing: Covered: 121,035 m2 Open: 2,941,339 m2

Wharves and berths: 20.3 km Ro-ro ramps: 32 Tug operators: 9 Wharf cranes: 29 Floating dock: Length: 120 m Breadth: 19 m Lifting capacity: up to 4,500 t

Dry dock: Length: 215 m Breadth: 35 m Capacity: up to 50,000 t

(Port de Barcelona, The Port, Logistics, 2009)

(Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 2, 3 & 37)! Strategic Development The forecasted reduction in traffic due to falling worldwide demand, is already beginning to show, and the enlargement projects of other ports that are underway and will soon be up and running, will spell greater competition in the immediate future. In this light, Barcelona Port Authority (APB) has conducted a detailed analysis and has reaffirmed the validity of its strategic axes: enlarging the network port, improving port services - including land accessibility and intermodality - and fostering a far-reaching cultural change within the organization. The contraction of expectations and available resources has led to the rethink of priorities in terms of activities, which must be dynamic and attuned to the present situation. The current option is to focus on objectives that can help the Port to strengthen its market and customer orientation and improve efficiency, quality and productivity to generate a sufficient competitive edge. One move that was particularly successful in this connection in 2008 was the boost given to extending the hinterland deeper into the Iberian Peninsula and France, with the consolidation of the port terminal projects, dry ports and rail corridors serving these areas and attracting new cargoes. This line of activity will be enhanced in the coming years, as will the search for synergies with the Port of Tarragona to achieve a more advantageous position in the shared hinterland.
(Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 5)!

The underlying aim is to take a deeper look at cultural change in the organization, based on three pillars;

Competitiveness: identifying the situation of the Port of Barcelona with regard to other ports, while considering possible short and medium-term scenarios. Consistency: recognising consistencies and inconsistencies in the current culture and describing the desired culture for achieving a competitive port in the current environment. Commitment: working on priority lines of action in the fields of management, activity and people, as the manifestation of the commitment to the new culture. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 6-7) Port Enlargement Worksmodel barcelona From 2008 to 2010 the Port of Barcelona, is currently immersed in the most ambitious period of its growth in its history. The completion of the works to enlarge the East seawall and build the South seawall, and the coastal corrective measures. The Port Enlargement Works Commissioner coordinates these activities, which are covered in the Llobregat delta infrastructures and environment plan (the Delta Plan), which will make it possible to rescale areas and double the area available at the Port to 1,300 hectares. The new seawalls are the key to generating 439 hectares of new port land, which will gradually be regained from the sea, to house new terminals mainly dedicated to container traffic. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 28) 2008 developments: The East and South breakwaters. These structures define the new profile of the port and create nearly 800 hectares of sheltered waters necessary to house new wharves and therefore to allow new activity. This milestone also arrives at a very important time. The Port has been able to take advantage of 15 years of growth in its traffic and profits to undertake the enormous financial, environmental and technical investment needed to generate the infrastructure that will serve the city for decades to come. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 6) East seawall The enlargement of the East seawall was completed on 18 November 2008, after 82 months, and was built by the UTE Dique Este, a temporary group comprising FCC Construccin S.A. (35%), FerrovialAgroman S.A. (25%), Construcciones Rubau S.A. (25%) and Copisa Constructora Pirenaica S.A. (15%). The work involved building a 2,025 metre long emerging/ sloping seawall crowned at a height of +12.00 m, which extends the existing seawall. The main mantle is made of 50-tonne Parallelepiped concrete blocks at the base, and 80-tonne blocks at the pier head. The project involved: dredging 1.23 million cubic metres of material; laying 2.89 million tonnes of riprap classified between 500 kg and 5 tonnes; tipping 10.60 million tonnes of quarry ballast; using 579,210 cubic metres of concrete, 77% for building the blocks and 33% for superstructure and surfaces. The total cost of the works was 213 million EUR, 53% of which was co-financed by the EU Cohesion Fund, and the rest with own funds, not from the general state budget. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 28-29)
(Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 28)!

South seawall The South seawall was built in three stretches, the last of which was filled in on 17 July 2008. The works lasted 74 months for the first and second stretches, plus another 44 months for the third. The first part (Stretch I) involved building an emerging sloping seawall two km long and crowned at a height of +9.0 metres. Its main mantle comprises 60-tonne parallelepiped concrete blocks. The second part (Stretch II) is 1.7 km long and is different to the first. This seawall is built with prefabricated concrete caissons, comprising empty circular cells 3.65 metres in diameter. The caissons are buoyant and were transported to the site by sea. Once the caissons were anchored, the cells were filled with sand to provide solidity and guarantee the necessary stability of the structure. The caissons rest on a bed of quarry ballast with a cross-section of more than 200 metres. In this case, the waves do not break directly against (Photograph: Port de the seawall, but are reflected onto it, advising this particular type of construction and avoiding the need for so Barcelona, Annual Report, much quarry material, thus lowering the overall cost of the work. In addition, this solution will allow the future 2008, page 30)! extrados of the seawall (on the inner side) to form an attached wharf for new terminals. The work on Stretches I and II can be summarised as follows: 1.94 million cubic metres of material dredged; 9.68 million tonnes of quarry ballast and 3.03 million tonnes of riprap classified between 1.5 and 6 tonnes tipped; 10.42 million kg of steel forged for reinforcing; 429.76 million m3 of concrete used, 129.46 million m3 for making the protection blocks, 186.10 for the caissons and 114.20 for the superstructure and surfaces. The last stretch of the South seawall (Stretch III) is a 1.1 km emerging seawall, the first 1,000 metres comprising a sloping section with 40tonne parallelepiped concrete blocks on the main mantle, and the last 100 metres - the pier head - with a vertical section similar to Stretch II. The budget for this project was 113.48 million EUR.

The main parts of the project were: 0.91 million cubic metres of material dredged; 1.55 million tonnes of classified quarry riprap, ranging from 150 kg to 4 tonnes; 5.36 million tonnes of quarry ballast brought by land and sea; 22,350 m3 for caissons, 149,650 m3 of concrete for blocks and 58,280 m3 for the sheltering wall and surfaces, 1.82 million kg of steel. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 29-30)

(Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 29) Prat Wharf The Prat wharf, the first of the enlargement of the area, has now taken shape. The 1,500-metre stretch constitutes the line of the first container terminal in the port enlargement area on the west side of the dock. It will occupy nearly 100 hectares of land regained from the sea. One significant characteristic of this future terminal, with a capacity for 2.5 million containers per year, is that it will be the first semiautomated wharf in Spain and one of the first in the world. The building of the first 1,500 metres of the Prat wharf was divided into two phases. The Prat Wharf Phase I, which was started in 2004 and finished in autumn 2005, involved 1,000 metres of berthing line. It was built with 18.5 metre wide reinforced concrete caissons and one-metre footing each side to reach the 20.5 metre width on the floor. The caissons that were finally built were 41.31 metres long and 17.5 metres high, with a depth at water level of -16.00 m. Phase II, which is 500 metres long, was built between December 2005 and October 2006 and comprises 12 reinforced concrete caissons 13.56 wide on the foundation slab and 12.07 metres at the shaft, 41.30 metres long and 18.00 metres high. The extrados in this phase was built with granular material, with a depth at water level of -16.50 m. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 30) Corrective Measures The port enlargement not only represents a great potential for growth in logistics, but will also provide the legacy of a beach. One of the corrective measures of the environmental impact declaration involved the generation of a new beach stretching along two kilometres of coastline next of the new right bank of the river. A specific habitat has also been created to maintain and protect the autochthonous fauna, especially the Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus Linneaeus). All of these works are the physical base on which the Port can grow. This growth is both quantitative (new wharves, cranes and accesses) and qualitative (new shipping lines, better customer service, new connections with Europe) and should consolidate it as the core of the main Mediterranean logistics platform and, along with the actions foreseen in the Delta Plan, make it one of the nerve centres of the European communications network. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 31)
(Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 31)!

Infrastructure Actions Throughout 2008 Barcelona Port Authority (APB) dedicated a total of 142.75 million EUR to
(Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 32)!

infrastructure works, representing more than 70% of total investment by the authority and approximately 10% more than the previous year. A large part of the investment was dedicated to the works on the southern enlargement of the Port of Barcelona (above). (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 32) Preparation of Areas The work is aimed at remodeling existing areas, especially within the reorganization of the Port of Barcelona's container terminals, involved the following projects: Development of the lvarez de la Campa wharf. This project, which is now complete, involved redeveloping road accesses to the wharf, with the adaptation of the two roundabouts and the roads converging upon them. Enlargement of the South wharf. The works currently underway will create 18 hectares of new port land. The project includes removing the current pier of the Compaa Logstica de Hidrocarburos (CLH), building a new wharf line between the South and lvarez de la Campa wharves and a new terrace for loading, unloading and handling containers. Berth for liquid bulk carriers. In response to the increase in liquid bulks handled in the Port of Barcelona, work has begun to build a new berth for carriers between 180 and 275m long, to be located in the Inflammables Wharf. Enlargement of the Border Inspection Post (BIP) building. The BIP service checks that perishable products from third world countries entering EU territories with all the appropriate health guarantees. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 32) t

(Photographs: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 33 & 32) Rail accesses The building of rail infrastructures guarantees dynamism and speed in the entry and exit of goods to the port area and allows it to extend its area of influence. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 34) Air quality Barcelona Port Authority (APB) continued to work hand in hand with the Catalan Department of the Environment and Housing to apply the Air Quality Improvement Plan in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, rolling out measures to reduce NOx and PM10 emissions affecting the Port. Such measures include modernizing the fleet of trucks involved in the Proatrans P+ programme; electrifying vessels during stopovers; and fostering the use of rail cargo traffic to take such cargo off the roads. The demolition of the Porta Coeli building on the Adossat Wharf and the storms at the end of the year put various pieces of equipment for the weather and air quality surveillance network (including the P1-Porta Coeli ozone measuring station) out of service. This event provided an opportunity to renew the equipment and restructure the network to adapt it to the new configuration of the port area and the new functions under the environmental monitoring programm of the port works. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 36) Waste collection 1,965 tonnes of waste were gathered by the Port of Barcelona, 26% less than in 2007. The remaining waste for specific management stood at 507 tonnes. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 37)

(Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 37) circuit

(Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 37)

Development of the Port Network Barcelona Port Authority continued to roll out its strategy of growth based on distributing port services and networked logistics in 2008. This two-fold approach, coordinated by the Strategy and Development Department, involves designing and reinforcing different kinds of service centres logistics areas, inland goods terminals, intermodal terminals, warehouses and so on and also providing the infrastructures and services of the multimodal transport corridors connecting these centres with the Port of Barcelona. The idea is for Port customers to be able to access a wide range of handling, transport, logistics and added-value services for their external trade operations in these facilities, which are managed in a decentralised way by the operators. At the same time, the Port of Barcelona's brand services the Port Community's PortIC telematic platform, quality standards and guarantees and the customer service allow them to organize and monitor their cargo. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 39) The Zaragoza goods terminal The Zaragoza goods terminal (tmZ), in operation since 2001, acts as a service platform for imports and exports from Aragon, Navarre and La Rioja. It offers a whole series of differentiated services to professional users (shipping agents, freight forwarders, logistics operators) and, by extension, to importers and exporters. These services include container consolidation and deconsolidation, warehousing and additional services, and customs warehouses; container logistics (empty container storage, warehousing, handling, cleaning and repair, full container handling and a transhipment area for road vehicles): transport services between Barcelona and Zaragoza, and local collection and distribution. The terminal acts as a neutral operator, allowing any freight agent or professional using maritime transport to plan, organize and/or monitor all the movements of their goods as they pass through the Port of Barcelona. The tmZ facilities at Mercazaragoza cover 120,000 m2, with a 6,000 m2 logistics warehouse and an 8,000 m2 container depot which can be enlarged to 41,000 m2. This year these facilities have been completed with a 50,000 m2 rail terminal connected to the main network which now provides a regular, competitive and high-quality service to rail operators and, by extension, to Aragonese freight agents. Zaragoza's location on the BarcelonaMadridLisbon rail axis, at the nerve centre of the communications network of the north of the peninsula, makes the tmZ rail terminal the origin, destination and strategic intermediate terminal for traffics from the Port of Barcelona and the rest of Spain and Portugal. The most outstanding indicator of the tmZs activity is the number of movements in its container depot - a total of 27,912 TEU this year (trains and trucks), with 224 trains (112 incoming and 112 outgoing) providing 6,553 TEU. The rail terminal makes the tmZ logistics platform more accessible and dynamic for the entry and exit of goods. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 39-40)

The Toulouse goods terminal The Port of Barcelona also operates the Toulouse goods terminal (tmT), a similar initiative in the south of France. Set up in 2002, the tmT brings the Port closer to its potential customers in the French Midi region and serves to extend its area of influence and carry port services to the freight agents located north of the Pyrenees. In sum, it taps into new traffics starting and/or ending in the French departments of Midi-Pyrenes and Aquitaine. CILSA, the company that manages the Logistics Activities Area (ZAL) of the Port of Barcelona, is responsible for developing the tmT project in the new facilities of the Eurocentre logistics platform 20 km outside Toulouse. The terminal will offer a 17-hectare logistics activities area with space for local and Port of Barcelona international maritime trade operators to set up, in addition to a Container Freight Station in the remaining three hectares. The first logistics warehouses are due to became available in 2009. (Information &

Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 40) Perpignan goods terminal Perpignan, just 187 kilometres north of Barcelona, is another major logistics and communications node due to its location on two of the Port of Barcelonas strategic land transport corridors: Toulouse Bordeaux and Montpellier Lyon Southern Germany Northern Italy. It is an exceptionally-located site for intermodal connections of French and European traffic to Barcelona. This has led the Port to initiate procedures for setting up a goods terminal in Perpignan. The first step was to acquire 5% of the shares of the Local Joint Venture Limited Company, Perpignan/Saint Charles Conteneur Terminal. This company manages a rail terminal located next to the Saint Charles market, one of southern Europe's main logistics and distribution centres for vegetables and fresh produce, and other types of goods. The Port of Barcelona aims to implement a goods terminal in the short term, and has already signed an agreement to develop a 30-hectare ZAL. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 40) Service centre for France The Port of Barcelona has plans for France that are more ambitious than its presence at the facilities in Toulouse and Perpignan and its future sites in Lyon and Northern France. In 2008 various specialised services were created for French customers, under the collective term Service Centre for France. The Port uses this concept as a vector for offering free, tailormade support in the physical and documentary operations involved in the movement through the port. It provides the support of consultants facilitators specialized in setting up efficient logistics chains through the Port, and a team dedicated to creating rail services with France. The increased flows of goods originating or ending in France that passed through the Port of Barcelona were the result of the efforts of the Port Community. The process was also facilitated by sweeping changes in Community Customs rules, which have harmonized procedures with other EU countries. One result of this is that a tax representative is no longer required. Another, perhaps the most important, is that French and non-French hauliers are now free to transport containers by land in and out of the Port of Barcelona. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 40-41) New Barcelona - Lyon Express Rail Service In the Barcelona Lyon corridor, the APB has been involved as the business developer and the facilitator of the creation of a new rail service linking the Port of Barcelona with the main cities and regions of France that generate external trade. By virtue of the agreement signed with Renfe Operadora and Naviland Cargo, a specific offer of rail services has been designed for this corridor. The service started operating early in 2009 with three weekly trips in each direction. The Barcelyon Express service connects the Port of Barcelona's two container terminals (TCB and TerCat) with the Naviland Cargo rail terminal in Vnissieux (Lyon) at the centre of one of the main logistics nodes in France. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 42) FERRMED The APB is an active member of the FERRMED association, set up to promote the Western Mediterranean Rhone Rhine Scandinavia European goods rail axis between Algeciras (South Spain) and Stockholm. FERRMED's activity focuses on performing a technical, socioeconomic and supply and demand study including the entire area of influence of the axis. The study's conclusions should serve to include this major axis as a priority project in the forthcoming review of the European Commission's European transport policy in 2010. The Spanish government has already expressed its support to the association in this matter. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 42) Tanger-Med Logistics Area The expansion of the Port's hinterland will also mean a greater presence on the southern shore of the Mediterranean. In April 2008, the Port of Barcelona and TangerMed signed a cooperation agreement to enhance their mutual relations. This also involves the Port of Barcelona developing a logistics area in Tangier to serve the operators of the routes between Spain and Morocco that use these ports. The Port of Barcelona will operate a ten hectare logistics area, five hectares of which will be in the logistics tax free zone and five hectares in the TangerMed dry port area. The strategic focus of the port's network is the APB's response to market demands and a way of contributing to the strategic aim of making the Port a large distribution concentration and logistics centre for Mediterranean cargo. This involves providing transport and logistics services inside and outside the Port by forging alliances with other external operators to attend to increasingly globalised production and distribution needs. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 42) Intermodal Logistics Centre (CILSA) This year the Intermodal Logistics Centre (CILSA) continued to roll out the second phase of the Port of Barcelona's 143hectare Logistics Activities Area (ZAL) located at El Prat de Llobregat, South West from the Barcelona centre, situated in the delta of the Llobregat river, also occupied by the Barcelona Airport. The foundations for its success are its
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strategic location, allowing goods to be distributed efficiently to the markets of the Iberian Peninsula, the south of France, Italy, and North Africa; a flexible offer of high-quality buildings which meet all the new standards on fire prevention; and a

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wide range of complementary services for companies and individuals. This responds to CILSA's intention to generate synergies among the different operators and achieve economies of scale by managing different common services. All the companies that set up in the ZAL must contribute to helping the Port of Barcelona to achieve its goal of growing into the first Euromediterranean logistics hub. To this end, all the companies in the ZAL have to guarantee that at least 30% of the traffic that they generate involves the maritime mode. The total activity of these customers generates annual traffic of two and a half million tonnes of goods, 35% of which begin or end at sea. Among the leading national and international companies currently occupying the ZAL, 45.7% provide logistics services, 28.3% are logistics operators, 18.5% are freight forwarders, 5.4% are distributors and 2.1% are involved in the import-export business. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 46-47) Leading the way in CSR CILSA is involved in a great many social, environmental and employment activities that are part of its approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The company applies sustainability criteria in its projects: Fostering public transport to provide access to the ZAL Creating green areas between the logistics buildings Applying water-saving criteria for irrigation Use of low-consumption outdoor lights to avoid light pollution Large covered areas with roof lights to maximise use of sunlight Thermal insulation in buildings Open-plan design of warehouses to facilitate operations Provision of services for people within the complex: Service Center, restaurants, shops, childcare facilities, etc. Photovoltaic electrical generation areas to bring about a zero CO2 emission rating Ongoing audits to improve the output of the facilities Fostering Short Sea Shipping and intermodal transport Optimizing land use Reduction of empty transport Sustainability awareness campaigns Fostering off-peak transport (night transport) Reducing intermediate transport Coordinating the Delta Mobility Council Optimizing linear support infrastructures. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 47) Stable cargo In 2008, the more than thirty terminals at the Port of Barcelona handled a total of 51.8 million tonnes of cargo, including victualling and fishing. This is a slight increase over 2007 (+0.87%), in spite of the worldwide decrease in maritime cargo transport as a result of the global slowdown that began in 2008. It is therefore noteworthy that the Port of Barcelona managed to record increases in various traffics against falling global cargo levels. This is the case of liquid bulks, mainly energy products such as natural gas or petrochemicals. This traffic grew by 10% in 2008 to reach a total of 12.1 million tonnes handled. General cargo reached 34.9 million tonnes, practically the same level as the previous year. Containerized cargo traffic, the main component of general cargo, fell by 1.6% with regard to 2007, and stood at 2,569,549 million TEU (twentyfoot equivalent container units). The Far East and Japan make up the lion's share of the Port of Barcelonas market, as the nearly 600,000 TEU handled in the port in 2008 started or ended in a country from this region. Cargo to and from this geographical area grew 6% year-on-year. Specifically, China is the Port's main trading partner, with 23.3% of containers that pass through our terminals starting or ending there. Although the Asian market is the strongest in absolute terms, we cannot ignore the dynamic behaviour of the North African market during 2008. Traffic between the Port of Barcelona and North Africa (which received two trade missions - one to Morocco and one to Algeria) increased by 31% according to the final figures. In total, the Port of Barcelona transported 304,873 TEU starting or ending in markets in North Africa. Reduced consumption and production have especially affected traffic in new vehicles, which fell by 10.6% in 2008, closing the year with a total of 716,306 cars handled. Nearly 90% of this volume corresponds to external traffic. Despite an increase during the first half of the year (with two-digit growth up to April 2008), there was a marked reduction in such traffic during the second half of the year. The most vehicles were shipped in February (76,902 units handled). Furthermore, cargo transport in SSS lines developed well, moving from 109,332 ITU shipped in 2007 to 117,769 in 2008, an increase of 7.7%. The ITU is a unit of measurement equivalent to a means of land transport, whether self-propelled or not, such as trailers, platforms, trucks, refrigerated vans and so on. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 55)
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(Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 72)

DEVELOPMENT IN SHIP TRAFFIC, 1999-2008, (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 55) Boost to Rail Traffic The growth in rail traffic, both of containers and vehicles, is one of the high notes of the panorama for 2008. It is also an indicator of the advances made by the Port and the different players that are strongly committed to enlarging the Ports hinterland by building intermodal connections to increase volumes of cargo transported by rail. Throughout 2008 a total of 52,562 TEU came in or out of the Port of Barcelona by rail, representing an increase of close to 26% over 2007, when the rail mode accounted for 41,770 TEU. The most dynamic months for train activity were during the summer and autumn, with a peak of more than 7,000 TEU transported in October. Two cargo corridors carry most of the traffic and far outstrip the others in the number of containers handled. The top position is held by the corridor connecting Barcelona with the centre of the Peninsula, with 33.3% of all the TEU of !"#$%$&'()#*+"$'%+,-+.('/-0$1(2+ 3114(0+5-)$'%2+67782+)(&-+9:;+ rail transport, while the connection with the Zaragoza area represents 32%. The Port of Barcelona achieved the most outstanding growth in vehicles transported by rail, with 34% more than in 2007. During 2008 a total of 156,188 vehicles were transported by rail, enabled to a large extent by the rail link between the SEAT factory in Martorell and the Port of Barcelona, which came into service just over a year ago. Total traffic at the Port of Barcelona was 50.5 million tonnes, a 1% increase over the previous year, while container traffic was 2,569,549 TEU, down 1.6% year on year. As a result, income from fees and services to goods was almost the same as in 2007 and those for ships increased by 2%. Furthermore, the positive development of passenger traffic, with 3.2 million people passing through our port during the year, pushed up income by 16%. Income from concessions in the public domain grew 7% to consolidate their role as the Port's main source of income, contributing 43% to overall turnover. Staff costs increased 4% year on year, while other operating expenses - external services - generated an expense of 19.5 million, 33% higher than the previous year. There was a 28% increase in depreciation of fixed assets as a result of the entry into service of the first two stretches of the South seawall at the end of 2007, accounting for an accumulated investment of 230 million EUR. The East seawall and the third stretch of the South seawall also came on stream in September and October 2008, involving a total investment of 373 million EUR. The absorption ratio of current expenses over net turnover remained steady at 31%, in line with the last four years. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 58)

(Photographs: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 58 & 60) Systems and Developments Container Terminals - Specialists in container handling - Highly qualified staff - 2 international terminals: TCB and TerCat - Up to 16-metre draught for all kinds of ships (super-post-panamax) - 17 container cranes - More than 3 000 metres of berthing line

Cruise Ship Terminals - Specialits in container handling - Highly qualified staff - 2 international terminals: TCB and TerCat - Up to 16-metre draught for all kinds of ships (super-postpanamax) - 17 container cranes

- Rail facilities for handling and shipment - 1 terminal for national and coastal shipping traffic: Estibadora de Ponent - 1 terminal for multipurpose ships with handling of containers and conventional cargo: Terminal Port Nou

- More than 3 000 metres of berthing line - Rail facilities for handling and shipment - 1 terminal for national and coastal shipping traffic: Estibadora de Ponent - 1 terminal for multipurpose ships with handling of containers and conventional cargo: Terminal Port Nou - The leading European cruiser port and a Mediterranean turnaround base - 7 international passenger terminals - Wide range of specialised companies in the sector - Leaders in security and specific logistics for cruise traffic - Major private investments in specialised terminals - Consolidation of the city-port relations - Medcruise member, The Association of Mediterranean Cruise Ports

(Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 25)

(Photographs: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 41, 61, 52, 51, 54, 23) More Passengers Passing Through Barcelona The progression of passenger figures was the most positive of the various traffics flowing through the Port each year, with a total of 3,236,976 people arriving or leaving from the Port aboard regular ferries and cruise ships. The tourist cruiser sector experienced the most outstanding growth (17.5%), allowing a total of 2,074,554 passengers to be transported. This is a new record for the Port of Barcelona, which consolidated its role as the leading cruiser port in the Mediterranean and pushed its ranking up to number five worldwide, behind the big four Caribbean tourist ports - Miami, Port Canaveral and Port Everglades in Florida, and Cozumel in Mexico. It is important to point out that 56% of all cruise passengers passing through the Port of Barcelona are in turnaround (in other words, they start and/or end their cruise in this port, where they embark or disembark). This is especially significant because this type of passengers contributes the most to the local economy, because they spend more time in the city. Regular ferry lines provided service to a total of 1,162,422 passengers, an increase of 4.3% over 2007. The progression in passenger flows was helped by the Short Sea Shipping (SSS) services connecting Barcelona with the Italian ports of Genoa, Civitavecchia (Rome) and Livorno. These routes were used by a total of 396,477 passengers, which is a 26.6% increase year-on-year. Coastal shipping with North Africa also performed very well, mainly with the consolidation of the line linking Barcelona with the port of Tangiers in Morocco. There was a 94% increase up to 41,634 passengers. (Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 54-55)

(Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, page 12) Terminal A Adossat wharf Due to the fast growing number of home port passengers, and the bigger capacity of the ships, Creuers del Port de Barcelona, the current concessionaire of the Terminal, has decided to demolish the existing cruise Terminal A and build a new one, prepared to operate the future mega cruise ships. The project included the expansion from 3.600 m2 to over 6.200 m2, and incorporates last requeriments concerning security, comfort. Fast passengers and luggage processing and architectural image. Gangways offer wharfand luggage conveyors will ensure passengers not to be mixed with trucks, forklitfs and handling staff. The total investment made by Creuers del Port de Barcelona is near 15 milion. Demolition works started November 2006 and the Terminal was ready in 2008. The total project fully complies with ISPS regulations (International Ship and Port Security Code) Technical specifications - Indoor Area: 3.450 m2 - Berthing line: 700 m. - Ship length: no limit - Draught: 12 m. - Wharf width: 26 m. Wharf height: 2,1 m. - Turnaround: 3.000 pax. - Distance to city: 2 km. Services - Police - Immigration - Metal detectors - X-Rays machines - Air conditioning - Public telephones (Cash/Visa payment) - Foreign exchange - Duty free shops - Souvenir shops - Delivery service - Bar - restaurant - Parking area for buses - Shuttle bus to city buses Taxi rank. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Terminals, Cruise Ships, 2009) Terminal B Adossat wharf In response to the continuous increasing passenger traffic, Creuers del Port de Barcelona, SA, the contractor at the terminal, inaugurated in April 2005 the new turnaround cruise terminal. Terminal B is designed to operate next deployments of 140,000 tonnes and 3,600 passenger mega cruise ships in the Mediterranean area after a total investment of over 10 million. Terminal B has a total of 6,500 sqm., which are divided in two main areas: check-in and luggage claiming area. It is designed with last requirements concerning security, comfort, fast processing operations and image, and it is equipped with 2 wharf gangways and 4 luggage conveyor belts. Miami architectural firm BEA International has been the designer of this new terminal, which will fully comply with International Shipand Port Security code (ISPS). Technical specifications - Indoor Area: 6.500 m2 - Berthing line: 700 m. - Ship length: no limit - Draught: 12 m. - Wharf width: 21 m. Wharf height: 2,1 m. - Turnaround: no limit - Distance to city: 2 km. Services - Police - Immigration - Metal detectors - X-Rays machines - 2 passanger gangways - 4 luggage conveyors - Air conditioning Public telephones (Cash/Visa payment) - Foreign exchange - Duty free shops - Souvenir shops - Bar - restaurant - Parking area for buses - Shuttle bus to city centre - Taxi rank. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Terminals, Cruise Ships, 2009) Terminal C - Adossat wharf This terminal, also equipped with all kind of services, has suffered an important refurbishment made together by Creuers del Port de Barcelona, S.A. and the Port Authority. Its 4,000 sqm. are used in a multipurpose way so as to make it possible to provide service to both turnaround and transit operations. Technical specifications - Indoor Area: 4.000 m2 - Berthing line: 580 m. - Ship length: no limit - Draught: 12 m. - Wharf width: 22 m. - Wharf height: 2,1 m. - Turnaround: 3.000 pax. - Distance to city: 2,5 km. Services - Police - Immigration - Metal detectors - X-Rays machines - Air conditioning - Public telephones (Cash/Visa payment) - Foreign exchange - Duty free shops - Souvenir shops - Bar - restaurant - Parking area for buses Shuttle bus to city centre - Taxi rank. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Terminals, Cruise Ships, 2009)

Terminal D Palacruceros - Adossat wharf The Palacruceros is a state-of the-art facility of almost 10.000 sqm in two main floors designed by Luigi Vicini and Andrea Piazza. Amongst its services, it isto enhance the VIP lounge, the Childrens room, a shopping center, the Palacaf with its wonderful sea view terrasse or the Internet Point. The total amount invested to its construction, which has been wholly financed by the Italian company, Costa Crociere, S.p.A., has been 12 milion euros. The terminal, that have preference for a Carnival Corporation groups ship, but under a neutral management, foresees an activity of over 170 calls and 400.000 passengers. Technical specifications - Indoor Area: 10.000 m2 - Berthing line: 580 m. - Ship length: no limit - Draught: 12 m. - Wharf width: 22 m. - Wharf height: 2,1 m. - Turnaround: no limit pax. - Distance to city: 2,5 km. Services - Police - Immigration - Metal detectors - X-Rays machines - Air conditioning - Public telephones (Cash/Visa payment) - Foreign exchange - Duty free shops - Souvenir shops - Bar - restaurant terrasse - Internet point - Childrens room - Crew members room Parking area for buses - Shuttle bus to city centre - Taxi rank. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Terminals, Cruise Ships, 2009) Terminals North and South Barcelona wharf These two international terminals are on the Barcelona wharf, with a total of 824 meters of berthing line and are part of the World Trade Center, a State-of-the-Art business centre located at the Barcelona wharf. The North Terminal is prepared to give service to one medium sized vessel and the South Terminal can receive two ships, the biggest one as long as 253 meters. The additional mooring space on the eastern side of the quay can beused by either Terminal Nord or Terminal Sud. Both terminals are sited at such aproximity to the city centre that tourists can walk to Plaa Colom in 5 minutes. Technical specifications - Indoor Area: 5.000 m2 - Berthing line: 230 m.(Nord) 434 (Sud) 160 (E) - Ship length: 160 m.(Nord) 253 (Sud) 205 (E) - Draught: 8 m.(Nord) 7,7 m.(Sud) 9,5 m.(E) Wharf width: 14 (Nord i Sud) 18 m.(E) - Wharf height: 2,5 m. - Turnaround: 800 pax. (Nord) 1.100 pax. (Sud) Transit only (E) Distance to city: 400 m. Services - Police - Immigration - Metal detectors - X-Rays machines - 2 passenger gangways - Luggage conveyors - Air conditioning Public telephones (Cash/Visa payment) - Foreign exchange - Duty free shops - Souvenir shops - Parking area for buses - Taxi rank. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Terminals, Cruise Ships, 2009) Terminal M Port Vell Espanya wharf In Espanya wharf there is Terminal MPort Vell, situated in the Maremagnum leisure area. It is the smallest Terminal and provides service to vessels with smaller capacities and lengths. Technical specifications - Indoor Area: 480 m2 - Berthing line: 220 m. - Ship length: 140 m. - Draught: 8,6 m. - Wharf width: 10 m. - Wharf height: 2,35 m. - Turnaround: 200 pax. - Distance to city: 400 m. Services - Air conditioning - Public telephones (Cash/Visa payment) - Souvenir shops - Bars, restaurants and coffee places - Lifts and escalators - Shuttle bus to city centre - Nearby access to metropolitan public transports network - Taxi rank - Other advantages: cinema, lAquarium, IMAX. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Terminals, Cruise Ships, 2009) Terminal Ferry de Barcelona Sant Bertran wharf This ferry terminal is provided with all the necessary equipment to serve cruise lines operations with the highest standards of security. Its use is sometimes required when the season gets very busy and basically to transit operations. Technical specifications - Indoor Area: 2.200 m2 - Berthing line: 255 m. - Ship length: 220 m. - Draught: 11 m. - Wharf width: 12 m. - Wharf height: 2,15 m. - Turnaround: 250 pax. - Distance to city: 400 m. Services - Air conditioning - Public telephones (Cash/Visa payment) - Souvenir shops - Bar restaurant - Lifts and escalators - Nearby access to metropolitan public transports network - Taxis. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Terminals, Cruise Ships, 2009) Terminal Z Drassanes Barcelona wharf Only on occasional situations this ferry terminal is used for cruise ships. It fulfills with security requirements. Services - Air conditioning - Public telephones (Cash/Visa payment) - Bar - restaurant - Lifts and escalators - Nearby access to metropolitan public transports network - Taxi rank. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Terminals, Cruise Ships, 2009)

Port Developments and Master Planning The master plan of a port allocates the land within the port to the various uses required, describes the projects needed to implement the plan, and gives an indicative implementation scheme by development phase. These phases are related directly to the projected port traffic, which has to be monitored closely. When in due course a decision is reached to proceed with implementation of a development scheme, this should be integrated smoothly with, or derive from, the master plan for the port. Therefore, it is important that a master plan exists, and drafting one should be among the primary concerns of port management. Of course, a variety of continuously varying factors have a bearing on such a plan, ranging from statistical data on port traffic to international treaties. For this reason, the plan should be revised regularly, at least every five years. Moreover, if during the design of a particular development phase the need arises for a review of the plan, this should be conducted concurrently, if possible, to ensure compatibility with the other functions and operations of the port. However, the lack of a master plan at a particular port should not delay the making of decisions for small-scale immediate improvement, although it is recommended that at the first opportunity an effort should be made to draft a master plan for the port. (Port Planning, 2004, page 10) Long-Term Planning In the event that a national ports plan does not exist, the consultant should proceed with drafting a master plan, after studying the following components of long-term planning: 1. The role of the portin particular: (a) The servicing of its inland area as regards foreign trade (b) The support that the port may offer to the regions commercial and industrial development (c) The attraction of transiting and transshipment traffic. 2. The responsibility of the port for the construction of both port and land works. Frequently, more than one agency becomes involved: for example, when a port area is serviced by a railroad. 3. The land use in the area and the potential for expansion of the port. It is important that there be general agreement between interested parties over the proposed expansions and land use so that the resulting master plan meets with wide acceptance. 4. The policy for financing the port development, which may be formulated on the basis of its own resources and/or through a government grant. In general, in modern port development the basic requirement is for large expanses of land to ensure productive operation of the individual terminals. Therefore, a careful examination of point 3 assumes particular importance. (Port Planning, 2004, page 10) Medium-Term Planning Each port development scheme should be incorporated in the master plan and should proceed to implementation following the results of an appropriate feasibility study. The latter study should refer individually to each independent section of the overall development proposal, such as a container terminal or a bulk cargo terminal. Thus, under a positive but reduced yield from the overall proposal, the risk of concealment of a nonproductive section is avoided. The drafting of a port development plan calls for the conduct of the following special studies: 1. Analysis of the functionality of the port as regards the services offered in conjunction with capacity 2. Designs, with budgets 3. Operational design, with budget 4. Financial and financing study In large port development projects it is customary to reexamine the organization and management of the port operating agency and to recommend organizational improvements on a small or larger scale. It is possible that many of the ports in a country do not warrant a development effort beyond maintenance of existing structures or appropriate modification, such as to serve fishing vessels or pleasure crafts. Such modifications are nowadays met quite frequently, since old ports, traditionally being part of the core of their town, cannot easily incorporate large land expanses needed in modern port layouts. Also, environmental and social issues do not allow in many cases major expanses of an old port site. The requirement that the citizenship should be granted free access to the waterfront of their city is gradually being respected by more and more authorities. Nevertheless, the problem of what to do with the old port installations is a complex one, where both the needs of the local community and the benefits of the relevant port authority should be accommodated. As noted above a common trend is to change the character of a past commercial port into a marina or fishing vessels refuge, where old ports were completely refurbished into commercial or recreational zones, some of them arousing controversial discussions among town-planners. Since ports interact in many ways with the surrounding township, port master planning should take into account, apart from strictly engineering issues, such aspects as social, economic, and environmental constraints and should easily fit within the relevant town and regional plans. This frequently calls for a compromise between the requirements of the port and the local authorities. (Port Planning, 2004, pages 10-11) Guiding Principles for Port Design If the undertaking involves the development of an existing port, before proceeding with development plans it would be prudent to make efforts to (1) Increase productivity and (2) improve existing installations. Factors that contribute to increasing productivity in an existing port are improvements in loading and unloading practices, to the overall operation of the port terminals, and to modernization of cargo handling and hauling equipment. As pointed out, the expansions that may be required additionally to the improvements above should be incorporated in the master plan of the port and should be implemented within a time horizon in order to constitute productive projects according to the pertinent feasibility studies. Particularly as regards the individual terminals within a port, the respective capacity calculations are based on different factors, depending on the nature of each terminal as follows: 1. In conventional cargo terminals, the required number of berths is determined first, to keep vessels waiting time below a specified limit,

determined by economic and other criteria. 2. In container terminals, the land area required for the unobstructed movement of cargo flow is calculated. 3. For specialized bulk cargo terminals, the cargo flow during loading and unloading has to be calculated first, to ensure that vessels will be serviced within acceptable periods of time. As arrival times of commercial vessels at ports cannot adhere to an exact schedule, enabling ready scheduling of requisite berthing and eliminating waiting time, to determine the number of berths a compromise is usually made between two extreme situations: on the one hand, the minimization of vessel waiting time, and on the other, the maximization of berth occupancy. (Port Planning, 2004, pages 11-12) Port Costs Two factors constitute port costs: investment cost, which does not depend on traffic, and operating cost, which does. A ships cost in port is also made up of two constituents: the cost of the vessels waiting time and the cost of the ship while berthed The sum of the port cost and the cost of the ship in port provides a total cost. A measure often used to describe the level of service offered to vessels is the ratio of waiting time to service time. It is generally recommended that this ratio be lower than, say, 20%, but there is a danger here of showing an improvement of service provided through a unilateral increase in service time. This is why for the purposes of evaluation, absolute values of total vessel waiting time at the port are also required. (Port Planning, 2004, page 12) Port Master Plans From a construction point of view, ports may be classified into the following categories: 1. Artificial Ports. Artificial ports are those constructed along a shoreline by means of earth fill or excavation. In both cases these ports have to be protected from the adverse effects of waves and currents. In the former case the land part of a port is created by means of earth fill, and in the latter case the port basin is created artificially by means of excavation of land adjacent to the shoreline. The geometry of the excavated basin depends on port size and mode of operation. The excavated harbor is joined with the sea via an approach channel. The entrance to this channel is usually protected from waves and current by means of breakwaters and dikes. 2. Ports Constructed in a Natural Harbor. Significant factors to be considered in opting for one of the foregoing types of port is availability of land, land fill material, soil quality, depth of water, environmental conditions, and others. (Port Planning, 2004, page 17) Port Locations Traditionally, ports are situated in a location central to the urban area they serve. The port is thus surrounded by urbanized area, and both further development of the port and access to it are rendered difficult. This situation restricts expansion of the port required to meet modern demands. In most cases, a feasibility survey for relocation of the port outside the city will have to be conducted. The prerequisites for such relocation are (1) secure maritime approaches, (2) ample availability of land area, and (3) satisfactory access by land. For an initial new site evaluation, an extensive list of data to be collected is usually drawn up. Some of the items included are: Uses and ownership of the land Topography and access Existing utilities and structures at the site Wind and rainfall data Hydrographic information Geotechnical data, including potential sources of construction materials Environmental assessment of the area. During the initial site evaluation, some aspects of the project that may affect its development should be investigated. These may include necessary permissions and ownership implications, dredging and spoil disposal requirements, environmental constraints, and so on. In cases of inability to relocate, an alternative to be examined is that of establishing additional land facilities inland such as an inland depot. (Port Planning, 2004, page 17) Design Criterias During the master planning stage of a project preliminary design criteria should be proposed covering aspects such as types of operations to be undertaken (e.g., containers, transit and transshipment flows, import/export; design vessel, operating equipment). (Port Planning, 2004, page 17) General Layout of Port Works - Guiding Principles The arrangement of port works should be such as to ensure easy berthing of vessels, secure efficient cargo loading and unloading, and safe passenger embarkation and disembarkation operations. Specifically, easy access of vessels to a port should be ensured through an appropriate navigation channel, a suitably designed port entrance, an adequate maneuvering area, and avoidance of undesirable erosion or deposition of material in and around the harbor area. (Port Planning, 2004, pages 17-19) Port Entrances The port entrance demands careful consideration to ensure quick and safe entry of vessels in the harbor. The orientation and width of the entrance should reconcile two opposing criteria. For reasons of comfortable navigation, the harbor entrance should communicate directly with the open sea and should be as wide as possible. On the other hand, the narrower and more protected the entrance, the smaller the degree of wave energy and deposits that penetrate the harbor basin, resulting in more favorable conditions for attaining tranquility of the inharbor sea surface. It is recommended that orientation of the entrance be such that vessels entering the harbor have the prevailing wind to the fore. Transverse winds and waves create difficult conditions for steering a vessel through the critical phase of entering the harbor basin, and a layout of port works that would permit frequent occurrences of such situations should be avoided. (Port Planning, 2004, pages 19-21)

Connections with Inland Areas The nature of a modern cargo port resembles more a cargo handling hub within a combined transport system than a sea transport terminal point. Consequently, a basic element in the smooth operation and development of a terminal are the ports inland connections. These connections, through which non-sea transport of goods to and from the port is effected, may be road or rail accesses, artificial or natural inland navigable routes, airlines, or oil product pipelines. Road, rail, and river connections (to which we refer later) can also connect a port with specialized cargo concentration terminals located in suitable inland depots. These stations serve to smooth out the peaks in demand and supply of goods to a port that has limited storage areas. The provision of inland storage areas forming part of a port is a modern tendency pronounced in container transport, which creates the need for larger backup areas and also a need for boxes to stay in port for a shorter time. The transport of goods between port and inland depots is thus carried out quickly and efficiently, in contrast with the traditional servicing of all destination points directly from a port without intermediate transshipment. In addition to being effected by road, the connection between port and inland depot may be by rail, particularly when the distance is great. In the latter case, the loading of trains, when this involves imports, may be effected at a small distance from the port, where the goods are forwarded through a system of wheeled trailers fed from the port. In each case, the traditional arrangement in general cargo terminals in which rail (or road) vehicles approach the docks for immediate loading and unloading of cargo through the use of dock cranes is being abandoned. The main reason for this development is that loading/unloading vehicles obstruct dock operations, in addition to the frequent inability to coordinate shiptrain operations, resulting in vessel delay. Two alternative handling options are available in this respect: (1) the full cargo can be forwarded inland via port sheds, or (2) direct loading/unloading to and from rail or road vehicles can be retained but conducted at some distance from the docks. The second alternative demands an additional fleet of tractors and platforms to link docks with transshipment areas to means of overland transportation. (Port Planning, 2004, pages 26-27) Many ports throughout the world are constructed at the mouths of navigable rivers or canals, to connect them with other areas by means of inland navigable routes. Connections by inland navigation offer economy and are particularly suitable for the transport of bulk cargoes and for supporting combined transports between river ports and seaports that serve barge-carrying vessels. (Port Planning, 2004, page 29) Storage Areas A small portion of the total throughput of a general cargo terminal is either loaded directly to or discharged directly from land transportation means without requiring storage at the terminal. The other cargo is stored for a period of time in sheds, open areas, or warehouses. (Port Planning, 2004, page 34) Review of Existing Port Installations The examination of existing installations should precede any decision to expand old, or to construct new, port terminals. The purpose of such a study is to identify any functional difficulties that would detract significantly from the theoretical productivity of the marine and land sector of the port terminal. In many cases, improved organization of the component operations of the port terminal produces a significant increase in its productivity. In addition to an improvement in the terminals organizational structure, there is the possibility of introducing structural changes and upgrades of port installations, which will usually necessitate a considerable expenditure. It should be noted that in many cases, technological developments and changes in packaging and cargo handling methods frequently render the upgrading of existing installations a difficult and complicated task. At the same time, the existence of spare capacity is always a desirable feature in a modern port able to accommodate peaks in cargo flows, albeit with reduced productivity. (Port Planning, 2004, page 31) General Cargo Terminals The first phase in a design for expansion of an existing break-bulk cargo terminal or for the creation of a new one involves diligent collection and analysis of statistical data regarding the existing terminals output. This analysis will also determine the age of the existing terminal in other words, the degree to which the owners of this break-bulk cargo terminal are prepared to see it evolve into a multipurpose terminal or even into a specialized container or bulk-cargo terminal. This decision will be based on the percentages of the flows and the unit loading that conventionally packaged cargoes assume over time. Analysis of these data will also reveal whether berth productivity falls short of theoretical values. In this case, and particularly if significant vessel waiting times are observed, the cause of the reduced output should be looked into carefully. Usually, a standard efficiency rating per berth with a high degree of break-bulk cargo traffic is 100,000 tons per year, whereas if unitized cargoes constitute 30 to 40% of the traffic, this productivity figure may rise to more than 150,000 tons per year. (Port Planning, 2004, page 31) Bulk Cargo Terminals To decide on the expansion of a bulk cargo terminal, the data from the existing terminal have to be considered. Just as in the case of breakbulk terminals, the purpose of this examination is to determine whether the lower productivity of the terminal is due to malfunctioning or to increases in traffic volume. In ore-exporting terminals, the latter case may be due to improvements in mining technology or to discoveries of new deposits. The study should focus on such issues as coordination between the various phases of product movement, on lags, if such exist, during which no product is available for loading on the vessel, and on the method of cargo movement over land. The findings of this examination will lead to a decision either to improve the operational procedures and the equipment of the existing terminal, or to create an additional bulk cargo terminal. (Port Planning, 2004, page 31)

Basic Design Criteria for Marinas Marinas provide harboring and supply and repair services for pleasure boats. Recently, marine tourism and other recreational activities, such as amateur fishing and sailing, have increased rapidly worldwide, with a corresponding pleasure craft and in a requirement for mooring spaces. To be classified as a fully developed marina, a harbor should satisfy certain criteria that extend beyond the provision of mooring slots. These services include water and bunker supply, availability of a repair unit, vessel lifting and launching arrangements, a supplies and provisions outlet, and vessel dry berthing. Pleasure boats fall mainly into two categories: motor-powered and sailboats. Boats of these categories differ with regard to the geometric characteristics necessary for designing the moorings and in general, all the elements of a marina. The percentage of participation of each category in the total number of vessels to be serviced in the marina depends primarily on the country and the marine region involved. Over time, these percentages vary in accordance with the development of this type of recreation as well as other parameters. (Port Planning, 2004, page 47) Water-Dependent Uses Competing demands for use of the shoreline and the increasing value of waterfront property have displaced many traditional waterfront activities. State and local governments have responded with innovative policies and techniques to preserve water-dependent uses and traditional working waterfronts. Historically, coastal communities relied upon water-dependent uses of their shorelines, such as commercial fishing and shipping, for their livelihood. Today, in coastal communities, water-dependent uses are threatened with displacement or have given way to more profitable non-water-dependent uses, such as residential development, hotels, offices, restaurants and retail shops. (Preserving Waterfronts for Water Dependant Uses, 1997, pages 1-2) Waterfront communities are encouraged to develop policies to balance the competing demands on finite coastal resources, such as sites suitable for water-dependent uses, and to implement these policies by: (1) preserving existing water-dependent uses; (2) reserving appropriate vacant lands for water-dependent uses; and (3) designating lands for redevelopment with water-dependent uses A policy which specifies, either what types of development are suitable along the coast or what areas of the coast are suitable for development. In most cases, water-dependent uses are given a higher priority than non-water dependent uses in the coastal zone. (Preserving Waterfronts for Water Dependant Uses, 1997, page 5) Many coastal areas/ waterfronts do not allow shoreline development unless it is water dependent or there are no feasible alternatives for non-water-dependent development. (Preserving Waterfronts for Water Dependant Uses, 1997, page 6) Public funding has financed capital improvements for infrastructure required by water dependent uses. Communities have also paid to construct bulkheads, boardwalks and public fishing platforms. Although the cost is high, some communities have acquired waterfront property to ensure space for future public water-dependent uses. With limited areas available for expanding or relocating facilities for existing water-dependent uses, local policy-makers are searching for creative approaches to balance competing interests on the waterfront. Segregation, an article of faith in traditional zoning, is giving way to a mix of waterfront uses in many local land use plans. A mix of uses is not without consequence, however. Individuals may find that the initial "charm" of working waterfronts pales in the realities of operating industry. Some waterfront industries worry that neighborhood and commercial pressures can jeopardize their ability to function in a market environment. Finally, some policy analysts see granting priority to water-dependent uses as a free market interference that is compromising the ability of waterfront communities to change with the industries that have traditionally occupied their waterfronts. (Preserving Waterfronts for Water Dependant Uses, 1997, page 7) Other factors, such as the consolidation of port activities and regional economic trends, such as the transition from an economy based on heavy manufacturing and distribution of goods to a more diversified, service-oriented economy have accelerated this trend. (Preserving Waterfronts for Water Dependant Uses, 1997, page 8) Traditional working waterfront activities, such as dockage for day-sail schooners and whale-watching vessels, and public fish markets, enhance historic preservation efforts in coastal communities dependent on tourism money (Preserving Waterfronts for Water Dependant Uses, 1997, page 6) Shipping Rapid changes in freight shipping, centered around containerized cargo and the modern logistics revolution highlight the risks of high cost capital investments that will take many years, or decades, to complete and even longer to realize a reasonable rate of return. Raising the issue whether current Federal involvement in ports through dredging, landside transportation improvements or subsidized capital, among other things, needs to be reappraised before a new round of capital intensive investment begins. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, pages 2-3)

The current practice of shipping freight cargo in twenty-foot containers has necessitated large-scale infrastructure investments and redefined the role of the longshoreman at modern ports. Specialized cranes and cargo handling gear, with expanded berths and storage and handling areas are just the minimum requirements to make a port attractive to shipping lines. Labor remains a critical ingredient in port operations, but now technologically sophisticated equipment requires skilled operators who are capable of operating computerized control systems accurately and efficiently. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, page 4) A complex web of public and private organizations at the national, state and local levels manage marine transport systems. These organizations serve a wide variety of users, operators, and regulators and often have different (or even competing) priorities, requirements and procedures. Even the coordination of the marine transportation system is complex and not always clear Within this framework, many users and service providers, both public and private, must confront rapid technological change and the need for large-scale investments in the marine transport system. The seemingly simple change from break-bulk, or general cargo, to the use of standard sized containers, combined with dramatic improvements in the loading and unloading of ships, changed the economics of shipping by dramatically reducing the amount of time that a ship remained in port. As container fleets expanded and ship size increased, ports were forced to undertake billions of pounds/ Euros/ dollars in capital investments for the construction of new facilities and the modernization of existing ones. Moreover, the investment in container related facilities marked a shift in the financial responsibility for investments as port-related government funding replaced investment that had often been provided by private interests (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, page 5) The improved connections between ports and the countrys extensive rail and highway systems, and the physical ease by which a container can be transferred from one mode to another, have broken down the perception of individual ports as natural gateways to exclusive hinterlands. Container shipping is now a door-to-door business from the point of production to the point of consumption, with the shipping lines largely in control of the routing of cargo. Ports cannot feel secure that even cargo generated in their host cities will be shipped overseas from their docks. For example, cargo generated on the East Coast of the USA and destined for the Far East is often shipped across the continent by rail to West Coast ports. And within each coastal area there are a number of ports in competition, including ports in Canada. The result is that inter-port competition has increased dramatically and some historically strong ports have lost much of their shipping traffic to other facilities. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, page 7) The growth of shipping alliances has increased the bargaining power of shippers in their negotiations with ports. Alliances offer shippers the opportunity to achieve the economies of scale offered by increased vessel capacity without sacrificing the frequency of service that is critically important to their customers. Major international shipping lines recognize their strong negotiating position and have, not surprisingly, begun to play one port off of another to attain the most attractive facilities and price. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, pages 7-8) Although they are required to make large investments to attract shipping activity, ports have little control over shipping line decisions regarding the routing of freight. In other cases, ports have invested in expensive new infrastructure that did not fit in with the service networks that evolved from shipping line alliances and mergers. Beyond the landside infrastructure requirements many of the worlds harbors and channels are not naturally deep enough to accommodate the latest-generation container ships, which require water depths of 45 feet or greater. Thus, dredging has become essential to port development. Traditionally, federal funds were used to pay for the construction and access of major channels, while non-federal funding has been used to dredge berths and minor channels (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, pages 8-9) Dredging has become more complicated due to the presence of contaminated sediments and the shortage of disposal capacity for contaminated materials. Even so the future of the dredging requirements is expected to grow above recent levels following the completion of current deepening projects and the associated increase in maintenance dredging requirements associated with these deeper channels. Many port authorities, around the world, have been structured as business-like enterprises, relying on subsidies to support investment requirements and on government support for channel dredging. Port development or expansion often involves the commitment of other public subsidies for intermodal transportation improvements. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, pages 9-10) Dedicated rail links are designed to improve the movement of freight between the publicly owned ports privately operated rail-yards

These projects rely heavily on private financing, but they will receive loans and grants from the government. The most general federal subsidy for port investments arises through the issuance of tax-exempt debt by local governments and their political subdivisions (including port authorities). As a general rule, local governments may issue tax-exempt bonds for the construction of facilities that serve a public purpose. The private participation in the port projects would normally cause the bonds to be taxable. However, bonds issued to support the construction and renovation of docks, wharves and related facilities are considered to be exempt facility bonds and may be financed on a tax-exempt basis even if the private participation exceeds the standard threshold. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, page 11) As a result, port facilities have lower interest costs than they would if they were financed with otherwise equivalent taxable private debt. The private sector invests in, owns and operates much of the equipment, vehicles and vessels that make the movement of freight cargo possible. State, regional and local governments have the responsibility for the planning, development, financing and construction of much of the landside port infrastructure. Other federal agencies have responsibility for related issues of safety, national security and the environment. A different set of federal agencies is responsible for the funding and oversight of projects to improve the landside access to ports. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, page 12) Competing ports seek to make their facilities more attractive to the evolving needs of shipping lines and shippers. Toward this end they have developed new berths to handle modern container ships, undertaken equipment purchases to improve the efficiency of cargo handling, created new terminals and expanded storage yards, implemented state-of-the-art communications technology and worked with federal, state and local governments to achieve better rail and highway links for landside port access. The ports have often expanded facilities in advance of the demand for new services so that adequate capacity will be available to meet future needs. On the other side of this issue, detractors of the decentralized institutional structure might argue that this competitive port development process is wasteful, with the taxpayers money being spent on redundant cargo handling facilities. The economic advantages of operating large size container ships has led shipping lines to concentrate cargo at a limited number of load centre ports. Following this argument, excess port capacity translates into a competitive environment that drives down port charges and increases the public subsidies that are needed. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, page 22) Moreover, port development chokes off alternative uses of valuable seaside property, disrupts nearby residential and business development and may have negative environmental consequences from the dredging of contaminated materials. An overriding concern for people in this camp is that when nationally important infrastructure decisions are made locally, national interests are subordinate to local interests and priorities. Those for whom these concerns about the decentralized process resonate most loudly would, most likely, welcome a broader governmental role in the development of port facilities. Departments must seek greater coordination and harmony among the myriad of federal agencies that are involved in policy making, investment strategies, resource allocations and environmental regulations. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, page 23) To argue for a market solution to the problem of the institutional framework under which the nation plans, finances and undertakes port investment and to urge the removal of government subsidies that distort otherwise rational investment decisions. In the absence of that outcome, a periodic reassessment of the federal role in the planning and development of maritime infrastructure certainly seems appropriate. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, page 24) The rapid changes in the freight industry, coupled with increasing levels of public investment in port infrastructure and related waterways investment, raise the need to periodically reappraise the hands-off policy related to the federal involvement in landside ports infrastructure. Any arguments to modify the existing locally based decision-making structure for port infrastructure investments would undoubtedly be extremely controversial. If the government decides to undertake this reappraisal, it should not feel unduly constrained by perceived constitutional limitations on federal actions related to port facilities. (A Federal Ports Policy, 1997, page 25)

(Photographs: Port de Barcelona, Annual Report, 2008, pages 19, 10 & 17) Barcelonas Commercial and Leisure Port; Port Vell The Port Vell represents a unique attraction for the city, the citizens and the enterprises. Every year Port Vell is visited by million of people and the success of any event held in this place is guaranteed. Port Vell shows year after year that the harmonious coexistence of leisure, culture and business activities, sport, professional fishing and vessel repairs is not only feasible, but necessary to create synergies and satisfy concession-holding companies and services to citizens and visitors. (Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Spaces, 2009) Marina Port Vell Catalan History Museum Maritime Museum Maremagnum LAqurium de Barcelona Sea Life Centre Imax Port Vell El Far Consortium Barcelona Swimming Club Atltic Barceloneta Swimming Club Las Golondrinas pleasure boats (Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Spaces, 2009) 1,598 vessels berthed from 6m to 130m 221,998 visitors 1,097,040 visits altogether, 332,405 in the exhibitions 13 million visitors 1,650,000 visitors 440,540 cinema-goers 72,726 users 8,383 members 12,096 members, 759,000 people entering the club 272,092 passengers

The Port Vell Operation in Barcleona The Special Plan for the Port Vell of Barcelona was adopted in 1989. This plan means the urban renewal of the Barcelonas old port extending 55 Ha (13,59 acres) taking in all the quays built up since the XVIII century; those quays are located nearby city centre. The Master Plan in 1976 included the idea of branching off the Llobregat River (an idea that has been implemented in the Delta Plan including the relationship among port, airport, train and roads). From this moment different plans existed to change the old urban port. The port area is managed by the Port Authority, an independent body from the City and under the guidelines of Central Government. Only a good relationship between the port and the city will make possible the regeneration of the old port. Early in the 1980s the Port Authority received an offer from EDC (Enterprise Development Co.), a company rooted in Rouse Co., to build up a fun city in the old port of Barcelona. But in any case, in the early 1980s some plans to integrate port and city were on the table, specially from the moment the City Council th decides to return the Paseo de Coln, the 19 century promenade, to its civic form. A new buried urban motorway was designed by Sol Morales and the Paseo de Coln and the Moll de la Fusta (Wood Quay) will recover their physiognomy like a sea faade of the city. The program guidelines, developed by an Urban development Corporation (the Port 2000), were set off from an approach of "mix of functions" excluding the residential function because of legal reasons derived from the Metropolitan General Plan,. The functional areas to plan were: Hotel, Offices, Culture, tourism, sport and Leisure. This program was implemented in two phases. A first one between 1989 and 1995 focussed on: a) The development of cultural and training equipment (Palau del Mar like headquarters of the Catalunyas Museum of History and the El Far - The lighthouse- building, Centre for the Sea's Works); b) The arrangement of the Port Vell's public spaces with special relevance of the continuation of the Ramblas through the Rambla del Mar, a bridge that links the city and the quay, a design by Pion and Viaplana; c) The creation of a leisure area including the Sea World, Cinema and an IMAX; d) The creation of a commercial centre and coffee-shops and restaurants: the Maremagnum;

e) The development of sport equipment (Port Vells Marina), and; f) The creation of new ships terminals in order to allow Barcelona to become headquarter port for the Mediterranean cruises. The second phase, between 1995 and the present time supposes a deep modification of the port structure through: a) The separation between the urban and the commercial port that requires the construction of a new mouth; b) The construction of a drawbridge that allows the connection between the two areas of the commerce port; c) The finalization of the World Trade Centre, a complex up to 135.000 m2 on international trade service, designed by Pei,Cobb, Freed & Partners including: a convention centre, business centres, a hotel and the services of restaurants and bars, and; d) The last foreseen proceeding is the construction of a new hotel designed by R. Bofill, 90m. high, in the platform of the new mouth. This hotel will be part of the group of singular buildings that several architects are designing in Barcelona to create a new skyline. The percentages for the non free space were: 22,0% sports (swimming pools), 5,0% institutional buildings, 14,5% offices, 24,3% retail and leisure, 15% technical support to the marina and fishermen, 4,2% education, 10,0% existing residential areas and 5,0% hotels, All that represents the 20% of the operation area. The uses for the rest of the area are: road infrastructure, water (included the Marina) and Public Space (boulevards, promenades, etc). (Multifunctional Land Use in the Renewal of Harbour Areas: Patterns of Physical Distribution of the Urban Functions. On the Waterfront, 2004) Port Vells Commercial & Leisure Services Bosch i Alsina wharf: is one of the largest spaces of the Port Vell. Its an ideal place for acts of great magnitude, with great infrastructures and capacity for a large number of people. With an easy access, it has a car park in the Passeig de Colom. This space, known by all people as Moll de la Fusta, is a space very much integrated in the city. Year after year it provides space for activities, such as; markets like; the Festes de la Merc (patron saints day of Barcelona), the Festa de la Diversitat, exhibitions for promotion and the launch of different products. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Spaces, 2009) Rambla de Mar: is the most emblematic image of the Port Vell. The architecture and the urban furniture turn this Rambla into a singular walk by the sea. It is the natural continuation of the Rambles de Barcelona. Tourists, citizens of Barcelona, and the companies that film movies or advertisements, all benefit from this space. At certain times, the central part of this bridge pivots on its axis to allow the marinas boats to come and go. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Spaces, 2009) Diposit Wharf: is a smaller wharf than all the others. It is ideal for the creation of specific atmospheres of street musicans and bands, weekend markets, and many terraced seafood restaurants, and for walks near the Marina Port Vell. It is divided in two areas: the Plaa Pau Vila (totally independent, where we can find temporary activities as the Firaires de la Barceloneta during the festivals of the Neighborhood and the City), the Palau de Mar (where, the social welfare offices of the Generalitat de Catalunya -Government of Catalonia-, the Museu dHistria de Catalunya -Catalonias History Museum- and restaurants, are located). (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Spaces, 2009)

Passeig Joan de Borb: Also known as the Moll de la Barceloneta. It is wide, open, spacious and, above all, a very fond place. The closeness of the beach, with the attractions and views of the Marina Port Vell, the fishing boats, the palm trees makes this space the perfect place for the organization of trade and sport, culture, social events or filmings, product launchs, markets, gastronomic activities, etc. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Spaces, 2009)

Espanya wharf: is at the heart of the Port Vell area. This area has very diverse spaces: the Plaa de lOdissea , the Plaa dItaca and the Mirador del Port Vell. These spaces are ideal for product launchs, shows or spectacular parades over the sea. It has many cultural and leisure possibilities, such as; the Maremagnum, the Imax cinema and the Aquarium. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Spaces, 2009)

Barcelona wharf: is the headquarters of the World Trade Center of Barcelona. It houses economic activities, a business centre, maritime terminals and a luxury hotel. It is ideal for actions, which require to capture the attention of the public as well as for demanding companies. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Spaces, 2009)

Plaa de les Palmeres: is integrated in the Passeig Martim de la Barceloneta with an underground car park and leisure activities. It is connected with the Nova Bocana and its new spaces. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Spaces, 2009)

Maremagnum: is the commercial centre that offers restaurants, shops, multiscreen cinemas and bars. It has the Sala Maremagnum, a space of 750 m2 and a big area outside suitable for the organization of any event. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009)

LAqurium de Barcelona: is one of the biggest aquariums in Europe on the subject matter of the Mediterranean. It has a wide cultural and leisure collection that offers research, education and fun. It is constantly increasing its activities and the exhibition area is forever changing. It is a perfect space for product launchs and conventions. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009)

Imax Port Vell: is a spectacular cinema. The first cinema in the world, which has integrated and developed the technology for the adaptation of the three systems in the same cinema: Imax, Omnimax (3D sound) and three dimension visuals. With a program of films of cultural contents, it is one of the main attractions of the Port Vell area. The projection room and the rest of the installations, including a convention and launch hall, can be privately hired to organize parallel activities as well as the cinema activity. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009) Museu Martim de Barcelona: Located in the historical building of the Drassanes Reials of Barcelona, it is the best preserved civilian Gothic construction in the world. Besides its permanent exhibition, it is always possible to find temporal exhibitions related to the sea. It has very emblematic spaces for private and special events. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009)

Museu dHistria de Catalunya: Located in a typical building of the port architecture of the 19th century, it is an old warehouse today turned into a modern museum, which offers a journey, through the country of Catalunya in an interactive experience, through the time. It offers the possibility of enjoying temporal exhibitions, as well as the organization of singular events in its spaces. As well as, a gourmet resturant on the top floor with a roof top terrace, with public access, with amazing views over the entire Port Vell area. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009) Marina Port Vell: Located in the Passeig Joan de Borb, is the public Marina of Barcelona. It has 450 moorings for leisure boats in a unique location of the city. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009)

Marina 92: Next to the Marina Port Vell, it is the marina, which offers the possibility of maintenance for the great yachts. It is one of the first marinas in the Mediterranean to have a sincrolift. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009)

World Trade Center Barcelona:The WTCB has a wide range of services which makes this complex a big space equipped with great services and infrastructures, including a luxury five star hotel. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009)

Reial Club Nutic de Barcelona: This is a private and centenarian club. Its located in the Espanya wharf and organizes many internationally famous activities: the Regata Conde de God and the Regata Ermenegildo Zegna are two examples. Reial Club Martim Barcelona: A private and also centenarian club located in the Espanya wharf. The club promotes sailing and rowing. It organizes activities of great percussion, such as the Regata de Ioles (Yawls) or the Trofeu de Rem (Rowing Trophy), amongst others. It has an independent restaurant. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009) Club Nataci Atltic Barceloneta: The Club Nataci Atltic-Barceloneta is a sporting body with a no profit motive in mind, which is the result of the merging between the Club Nataci Atltic, founded in 1913, and the Barceloneta Amateur Club, founded in 1929. Its objective is the promotion of swimming and water polo, as well as the spreading of their practice for all people. Club Nataci Barcelona: The Club de Nataci Barcelona is a historic club; this involves a very important legacy, whether in sporting glories or humanist values, which the club wants to respect, to increase and to project towards the future. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009)

Golondrines: Typical boats with special characteristics, navigate in the Port of Barcelonas closed waters. The wooden boat has two decks; a lower and an upper, also called imperial. It has two bridges so that it can maneuver better in narrow spaces. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009)

Cable Railway of the Port: The cable railway which joins the port with Miramar, in the Montjuic hill side, was designed in 1926 by Carles Buigas, with Ramn Calzada and Josep M. Roda as collaborators, with the aim of connecting the expo. of 1929 with his maritime section. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009)

Barcelona SkyTour: Cat Helicpters offers flights of 10 minutes of duration over the city of Barcelona, during which the passengers have excellent views of the Port of Barcelona, the Port Olympic, the zone of the Frum, the Olympic Village, the Sagrada Famlia, the Eixample, the Tibidabo, Camp Nou (the FC Barcelona stadium) and Olympic zone. (Information & Photograph: Port de Barcelona, Port Vell, Equipments, 2009)

The Importance of Port Vell in Relation to the Barcelona Model The Maritime Museum and Catalan History Museum continued to make an important contribution to culture. Furthermore, the Port of Barcelona, the Drassanes Consortium and the El Far Consortium joined forces around a series of projects concerning activities related to the sea. These projects, linked to teaching plans, essentially aim to disseminate and preserve the present and past values of seafaring culture as well as fostering a new approach to relations between civil society and the maritime world. Alongside this, the Port Vell looks to the future with a raft of innovative activities, converting and adapting areas and concessions to new needs. There are plans afoot to open the Fishermen's wharf area to visitors, who will soon be able to participate in its business and cultural life. This approach will generate new dynamism by providing a new point of attraction and regenerating the area, modernising and benefiting the fishing sector and the Barceloneta district. Another project underway involves refurbishing the Plaa del Mar, the Passeig Maritim and Passeig Joan de Borb boulevards up to the new entrance mouth. Work is due for completion in 2010 and will provide the city with a more attractive stretch of boulevard linking all the beaches. The areas generated during the building of the North Entrance Mouth will also include new activities related to the Vela Hotel, which will open its doors in late 2010, and to the new public areas along the seafront. It is this combination of activities, together with the involvement of the concession-holding companies and the attractive location, which have drawn 16 million people to the Port Vell each year. These new projects are likely to inject even more life into this area. The Port Vell knows that it needs the support, stimulus, acceptance and complicity of civil society to consolidate its position as an ideal meeting place of the port with the city, and its strategy is therefore aligned in this direction. This profound metamorphosis of the port has served to integrate the site into the city and into urban life to the point where, every year, 16 million people visit this multi-purpose spot, a point of reference for locals and visitors alike. Well-communicated and situated in the very heart of Barcelona, the City-Port is a unique attraction for tourists to visit and enjoy. (Gerenica Urbanistica, Port 2000, 2004)

The Barcelona Model in Comparison to Other Metropolitan Cities It seems clear that Barcelona still has a considerable amount to learn from certain green and metropolitan urban planning traditions. Seen from this perspective the Barcelona model can be considered more a follower than a leader. In effect, the green urban planning, which constitutes one of the most important components of any advanced urban planning model of recent years, Barcelona is still somewhat far from the comparable maturity found in other Northern and Central European countries. With regard to the maintenance of a sustainable, or simply a reasonable, urban structure with a progressive integration of metropolitan growth in the agricultural, forestry and natural environment, Barcelona has a considerable amount to learn and little to show. In this sense it seems that a certain lack of concern for what would occur beyond the existing, consolidated city, has been relevant in understanding the lack of capacity to control these types of processes. In other cities in which these same dispersal processes are in a more advanced phase, the dominant concern is now with maintaining the vitality of the central areas. Nevertheless the unordered nature of the new peripheries in these LatinEuropean cities is also notable. What has taken place in Barcelona is an urban planning resulting from the original re-elaboration and, above all, from the application of formulae outlined in other locations, relating to qualitative and strategic urban planning. However, from the metropolitan perspective it is more a question of an urban planning that appears to be thinking locally (in the legal city) and implemented globally (in the real city). It is, therefore, the reverse of the environmentalist movements maxim (thinking globally and acting locally), which has tended to prevail in recent years. (Francisco-Javier Moncl, 2004)

(Photographs: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, pages 3, 7 & 54) Case Study 2: The Revitalization of Torontos Waterfront Torontos Waterfront Revitalization On November 3rd, 1999, the formation of a Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Task Force was announced by Mayor Lastman, Premier Harris and Prime Minister Chrtien, with the mandate to develop a business plan and make recommendations for the development of the

Toronto waterfront. The magnitude of the task and the reporting deadline would have been intimidating if it were not for the fact that a substantial body of work already existed. Torontos Waterfront has been the focus of numerous studies, beginning with the 1911 plan prepared by the Toronto Harbour Commission. These include the solid and comprehensive body of reporting by the Royal Commission on the Future of the Toronto Waterfront and its successor agency, The Waterfront Regeneration Trust; the Gardiner/Lakeshore Task Force; and the Task Force to Bring Back the Don and related initiatives. Of great importance was the work of the Citys Department of Urban Planning and Development Services, including its recent report, Unlocking Torontos Port Lands. The Task Force was asked to: Review existing plans for the waterfront; Prepare an inventory of waterfront assets held by the three levels of government; Develop a strategic master plan to combine open space, recreational, residential, commercial and entertainment uses; Examine infrastructure enhancement requirements, including transportation, services, parks and environmental remediation; Determine the required investment to implement the waterfront vision; Determine participation and partnership opportunities with the private sector through various partnership structures; Integrate 2008 Olympic bid requirements; and Recommend a process to oversee and co-ordinate the waterfront development. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, page 9) Our new Waterfront will be a model to the world of how economic development, environmental protection, and cultural and recreational growth can complement each other. Torontos waterfront will offer something to everybody; A place to play, live and work. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, page 9)

(Map: Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, page 43)

(Photographs: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, page 11) Torontos Waterfront on the World Stage Toronto is one of an elite group of world cities which act as gateways to commerce, culture and tourism for their respective countries. Older European cities, such as Paris, London and Amsterdam, and Rome and Athens before them, are testaments to the importance of a longterm process of coordinated investment and development. More recently other cities, including Sydney, Berlin, Barcelona, Boston, New York andSan Francisco, have launched major programs of investment and renewal. Each city has a population of between three and eight million, possesses a sophisticated and educated citizenry and has defined its place in an emergent world urban culture. Although differing in national character and geographical situation, each city endeavors to present its best self to the world. In recent decades the development of major parks, cultural assets and transport systems, and the remediation of environmental blight have been undertaken by

each competing city. Urban waterfronts have normally been the focus of renewal, since they possess the scale and energy to define and give character to major urban settlements. The waterfront is our civic living room where we, as hosts, entertain the world. Great capital cities are undertaking major waterfront enterprises. London is entirely transforming its evacuated docklands for living, working and leisure; Rotterdam and Amsterdam are making comprehensive docklands renewals; New York has replaced decayed piers with the hugely successful and profitable Battery Park City, and is replacing its West Side Highway expressway with parkland and urban development; Cape Town has built a vital new entertainment and retail area in its operating portlands; Beiruts Solidere Corporation is rapidly rebuilding its war-torn central area with extraordinary new mixed-use districts; Barcelona used a comprehensive and continuing renewal of its waterfront, in association with the 1992 Olympic Games, as a hugely successful spur to the economic recovery of the city; Boston is undertaking a $17 billion CDN demolition of its elevated expressway and rebuilding it underground; Shanghai revived its once-great riverfront as a first initiative in the citys revival; Sydney is reconstructing the central ex-industrial Pyrmont peninsula as an urban district; and San Francisco has replaced its Embarcadero expressway with an extraordinary new landscaped plaza. All of these cities have overcome impediments to the transformation of their waterfronts. Chief among the problems have been: Conflicting governance and ownership; Residual industrial activity of a previous period; Soil contamination resulting from previous industrial activity; and Transportation facilities constructed in an expedient way, with a negative impact on the quality of the public realm. As cities have addressed these issues, various models for action have been devised. Extraordinary outcomes have been fashioned which literally refocus and renew the entire urban area. Toronto alone has been virtually inert compared to its sister cities, who are inevitably its competitors. Most amazing in its unrealized potential is Torontos Central Waterfront, with some 2,000 acres of largely undeveloped land, at the heart of the City, region and Province. Visitors from other great cities are shocked by our failure to realize the value of this asset. The Waterfront Task Force, on behalf of the three levels of government, has sought to devise a Toronto-specific concept, which will, at last, unlock the future of the waterfront. The Task Force has benefited from the examples provided by cities that have gone before us, as well as the decades of activity on the part of consultants, public interest groups and government. What is new is the prospect of hosting the 2008 Olympic Games, providing a spark plug and a specific timetable. The Task Force addressed: What should be done in concept; How it can be achieved; and How it might be paid for. Success in other cities underlines the need for unified action. Citizens and the three governments must work as one towards a common goal. Although Toronto has been able to do this at other times, in other undertakings, the evolution of Torontos waterfront has not been characterized by unified action. Uncoordinated private investment alone will not overcome the major impediments now existing. What the Task Force is presenting here is a plan to position Toronto at the forefront of modern cities. The potential is fabulous, the undertaking is affordable, and the obligation to act on behalf of those who come after us is undeniable. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 13-14)

(Photographs: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, pages 47, 44 & 55)

(Photograph: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, page 14)

The Waterfront Scene When we look down upon the City of Torontos entire 29 mile waterfront, we see a lake-edge that is remarkably green and accessible, from Marie Curtis Park in the west to the Rouge River in the east. Outside of the Central Waterfront, the 6 mile section from Jameson Avenue to Leslie Street, there are numerous places for public enjoyment on the Lake, and also many opportunities for preservations and enhancement. The western and eastern waterfronts offer many opportunities to enhance and protect their distinct character. The Central Waterfront is a different story, a place of extraordinary circumstances, problems and opportunities in both local and world environments. We see here the magnificent island parkland, boating and shipping activity, an outgrowth of high-rise tower development from the regional core to the water at Yonge Street, a more recent concentration of mainly residential development between Yonge and Bathurst Streets, and the giant platform of the Gardiner Expressway snaking throughout. But, generally, we see vast areas of unused or underused land, from Exhibition Place in the west to Ashbridges Bay in the east. In a city that has undergone much recent redevelopment, there has been almost no new building east of Yonge Street in the Central Waterfront for decades, and no residential development. The Portlands alone, from Ashbridges Bay to Torontos Inner Harbour, contain a thousand acres of under-used industrial land, much of which lies mainly fallow. The East Bayfront, three times as large as the western Harbourfront area, contains scattered industrial and other activities but is largely vacant and unattractive to investment, settlement and activity that might be expected on prime waterfront land in a great city. The 80-acre West Donlands area is vacated, awaiting reinvestment. In the west, Exhibition Place and Ontario Place are experiencing declining use and are isolated from the rest of the city. Exhibition Place has large areas of vacant land used only for parking. Overall, the Central Waterfront has some 2,000 acres of largely vacant land at the Citys doorstep. Although they are the last remaining large undeveloped areas on the entire Toronto waterfront and could, therefore, be expected to be among the nations most valuable, they have very low current value. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 15-16)

(Photograph: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, page 52) An Astonishing Opportunity The existence of extensive areas of abandoned land left behind by vacated industry, shipping and railways, and by the mid-20th century incursion of expressways, is typical in virtually all of the waterfronts of large global cities. But the Task Forces research of other cities make it clear that Torontos situation is distinct in a number of respects. These add up to a superb opportunity. First, (Photograph: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, pages 53)

the overall size of lands that are in need of revitalization is unusually large. Perhaps only the London Docklands had greater areas of vacancy and dereliction, when the British Government began their renewal in the 1980s. By and large, the redevelopment areas of great cities, such as New Yorks Battery Park, Sydneys City West, Beiruts city-centre, or Manchesters Salford Quays, have been in the order of hundreds of acres, not thousands. Second, Toronto appears to be virtually alone among the world cities in still possessing such widespread land abandonment and opportunity in its Central Waterfront. Other cities have already taken measures to restructure their lands and institutions to induce revitalization. This situation of widespread dereliction is, on one hand, a national and regional embarrassment, in that we have been unable to move deliberately to confront the situation. On the other hand, it also presents an extraordinary opportunity to move forward now. Toronto has a magnificent tradition of city-building at a local scale. The Central Waterfront must be restructured to make excellent local development attractive, and so that, in the end, the whole is more than the sum of the parts. The third distinct aspect of Torontos situation is that a very large proportion of the land is owned by one government or another. As part of mits mandate, the Task Force has catalogued the ownership of lands among Federal, Provincial, City and private ownerships, as well as the status of leases on public lands. In the Portlands, for example, approximately 80% of the developable lands is in public ownership. In the East Bayfront, the figure is about 40%, and in Exhibition Place, Ontario Place and the West Donlands virtually total. This high percentage of public ownership represents a special opportunity for the public to catalyze reinvestment and recapture costs. It is a great advantage that many cities have lacked when they faced the prospect of waterfront renewal. Finally, the lands are vacant to a degree that is highly unusual at this point in time in relation to other world waterfront cities. This condition represents another potent advantage in that there are commensurately large opportunities for renewal and turnaround. Analysis by the Task Force indicates that the Central Waterfront could comfortably accommodate a population in the order of that of present-day Oshawa or Brampton. An emerging policy of the City of Toronto is to seek the relatively intensive re-use of large vacant ex-industrial areas of the City.

(Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, page 15)

The Central Waterfront lands are potentially among the most valuable in Canada. The area is; vast, with some 2,000 acres of land that is clearly underused or vacant; unique in that there are no other remaining lands of really substantial size anywhere along the Toronto waterfront; in the centre of the city, adjacent to Torontos downtown core, to the intermodal transportation hub of Union Station, and extendable transit links; surrounded and permeated by some 25 kilometres of harbour, channel and lake edge, including the ship channel, which is one of North Americas great man-made artifacts and a powerful armature for development; excellently served by regional highways; connected to a municipal infrastructure system capable of accommodating at least the early phases of development in each area; mainly in public ownership; bordered by parkland along its southern edge; imbued with stunning and unusual landscapes and views back to the City and to the Lake; and large enough to accommodate a full variety of urban uses: for commerce, residence, leisure and recreation, transportation, industry and education- situated in a public and parkland environment. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 16-18)

(Photograph: Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, page 8) Why Renewal has not occurred up to now Why do the conditions of perpetual vacancy, under-use and under-valuation exist in the Central Waterfront today? The Task Force has examined the question in a global context of waterfront revitalization, and also in the context of Toronotos waterfronts history. There are a number of potent factors that now prevent revitalization in the Central Waterfront. Without their removal, renewal of any appropriate kind cannot occur. Although a number of excellent concepts and proposals have been formulated, including and most notably the ecosystems approach developed by the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, there is no agreed vision of the Central Waterfronts future among governments or in the public mind. From Barcelona to Cape Town to New York, experience shows that such an agreed vision is required to galvanize energies and investment. There is no vehicle for comprehensive management of renewal in areas that require it. This results in random and uncoordinated dispositions of public assets. Investment cannot be attracted unless such a mechanism is present to coordinate, phase, promote and integrate public and private actions. It is required for excellence of renewal, but it is also vital for developers and investors who, most of all, require clarity, certainty and the knowledge that their efforts and those of others will together create value. The regulatory regimes in most of the area are vestigial, outmoded and inappropriate to the accommodation of modern urban needs. There is no authority to define, sort out and manage the risks of polluted soil, and competing environmental requirements of industry and human settlement. In many parts of the area, both public transportation and service infrastructure are inadequate. Major infrastructure investments are required to support full build out and to achieve community objectives. A number of environmental factors, including the Gardiner Expressway/Lake Shore Corridor as presently constituted, mitigate heavily against revitalization and against the assumption of these lands into the fabric of the city. No mechanism exists for reversing what has been described as a condition of gridlock among the City, Provincial and Federal governments, and their agencies, each with differing objectives, assets, responsibilities and powers. These conditions appear to have been widely prevalent before comprehensive renewal was undertaken in major urban waterfronts studied by the Task Force, including the conditions of sclerosis and competing jurisdictions. At some point in all of these examples, governments have realized that conditions cannot be reversed without effective new vehicles for intergovernmental action. Renewal can only be achieved through such vehicles and collaboration. In the time available, the Task Force reviewed the history of the Toronto waterfront, particularly the previous attempts at regeneration, and took several lessons from this review. First, there has been a set of common themes, objectives and principles, enunciated at every stage of the areas evolution: the desire to accommodate nature and parkland; the need to reconcile the imperatives of the environment, human settlement and economic activity, and to realize that they are all interconnected, as is the waterfront to its watershed; the need for coordinated public and private investment and cooperation among the three levels of government; and the ambition to accommodate both urban settlement (including residence and work) and industry. Second, many large-scale plans have not transpired, or have been achieved only partially. As early as 1911, the Toronto Harbour Commissions grand plan created huge areas for industry, much of which did not materialize. (It also advocated housing at Cherry Beach.) In the 1950s and 1960s, the expected boom in shipping did not transpire, and it has declined to the point where now it is confined mainly to relatively low-volume deliveries of bulk items.

However, throughout the century there has been no agency or level of government able to restructure and manage major shifts in priorities and development. While the Toronto Harbour Commission had primary ownership and powers, it also lacked the comprehensive responsibilities and authorities needed to deal with change. But, at the same time, its powers prevented other governments or agencies from doing so. These historical threads need to be recognized, and new courses of action designed. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 18-20) The Pressures for Action Now Several factors or circumstances suggest that action is needed now to turn around the dilapidation of Torontos Central Waterfront. Inevitable Results of Further Inaction: The first, but not necessarily the most obvious, is that unless the governments deliberately choose and act to revitalize the area, other choices effectively will be made. An example is current pressure for big box retail developments in valuable Central Waterfront land. The Ontario Municipal Board recently rejected an application because such a use is not appropriate for prime waterfront land adjacent to downtown. However, pressures on the Portlands, particularly, to adopt the role of regional retail and distribution will continue. Once established, these essentially exurban building forms with large areas of surface parking will establish precedents that exclude a host of denser urban functions that are an essential part of city building. There are areas such as the West Donlands that are of prime urban importance, where there are clearly identifiable obstacles to welcome changes that might otherwise occur. Here, public soil reclamation and flood-prevention actions must take place before private investment can be attracted. Inaction will surely condemn the lands to storage and other radically inappropriate use. The Core of the Growing Region: More broadly, there is an urgent need to ensure that Toronto endures as a city and region with a healthy core. With a population growing at almost 100,000 people a year, the Toronto region is one of the fastest growing in North America, with a projected population in 2021 of 6.8 million. Toronto is part of one of the largest urban agglomerations on the continent, which includes the Golden Horseshoe and contiguous areas of New York State. Such growth places great premium on the value of the Central Waterfront. It makes no sense to have idle or underutilized land at one of Torontos best functional and symbolic locations. Opening up the waterfront lands assists in redirecting the relentless sprawl of the urban region by providing more accessible and more attractive locations close to the downtown core for participants in the new economy. Almost all the new employment spaces in the region are now being created in the urban fringe. This constitutes a very worrisome, long-term threat to recreational and farm land. The waterfront offers an opportunity to counterbalance these centrifugal forces, by creating a very large supply of living and working space at the core of the region. A Downtown in Decline: There are many factors that contribute to a citys quality of life: A healthy downtown core, convenient and diverse commercial neighborhoods, efficient, modern and safe transportation and infrastructure, available employment and a supply of affordable rental housing. Although the Greater Toronto Area is currently experiencing an economic boom, the future of the City of Torontos quality of life is at risk without a resurgent commercial and industrial sector to fuel development and employment. The warning signs are evident. Since the beginning of the 1990s, new office and hotel development has been stalled. No major office tower has been built in the downtown core since 1995, and virtually no new rental accommodation. The majority of commercial and industrial construction activity, and new jobs, have shifted outside the City of Torontos boundaries. The New Economy: Grasping opportunities in the new economy requires any city to provide new types of commercial and residential venues and services. Such has been the underpinning of the revitalization efforts being undertaken in other cities. The old boundaries between living and working environments and the old assumptions about the nature of work and workplace are changing rapidly. Tomorrows successful cities will be those that can provide technologically modern, flexible live/work space in an attractive and interesting context. While Toronto has been successful in providing such an environment in the Kings districts, it will need to provide additional areas in which new live/work venues of this type can be developed. The vast majority of high-tech growth is occurring in the 905 region. This is in contrast to many other waterfront cities, such as San Francisco, Seattle or Vancouver, where high-tech campuses are being developed on former portlands. The University of California at San Francisco is developing a new research campus at the core of a $4 billion (USD) mixed use development on derelict portlands in its central waterfront. Such initiatives are a critical part of the regeneration of the central city. Tourism: For the sixth year in a row, Torontos leisure market is under-performing. According to Statistics Canada, visits to the City by Canadian, U.S. and overseas tourists have decreased by 12.9% since 1996. Almost 90% of all tourism visits to Toronto originate from the U.S. border states. Leisure visits from the U.S. alone have declined 29.1 per cent since 1996. Notwithstanding, Toronto has experienced an increase in tourism dollars spent over the past few years with a record high in 1998 of $5.34 billion. Hotel occupancy rates have been on the rise, increasing from 60% in the early 1990s to 75% in 1998. These increases have been due to business trips. While construction activity of new hotels has been stagnant, the industry has invested close to $100 million on refurbishment of existing properties in recent years, most of those being in the downtown. Although these are promising signs, it is clear that Torontos tourism potential is not being maximized to the extent suggested by world trends. Toronto competes for both leisure and convention business in a very competitive North American marketplace. While Toronto is a major city in terms of the number of hotel rooms and meeting facilities it has to offer, its budgets for advertising and promoting the city are very low when compared to other tourism and convention bureaus. Waterfront revitalization projects elsewhere reflect the increasing importance of tourism, leisure and entertainment. These place very particular demands to provide competitive attractions and environments. Yet, many of Torontos existing waterfront attractions are tired and in decline with no new investment planned. Major waterfront revitalization also attracts major new initiatives for the regional economy that require prominence and world presence. For example, the new Guggenheim Museum on Bilbaos waterfront increased the total GDP of its province by 0.5 % (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 20-24)

(Photograph: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, page 34) The Big Challenges If the Toronto waterfront is to be revitalized, and if that should occur in a manner that will elevate it to one of worldwide recognition, interest and quality, then a series of key issues or challenges must be confronted now. ESTABLISHING A GALVANIZING CONCEPT: The review of other cities that have revitalized their waterfronts reveals the paramount need for a compelling comprehensive concept of the future that people embrace and are excited by. It is necessary that people perceive the waterfront as public territory, an asset that is widely held. Part of this challenge is for the citizens of Toronto, Ontario and Canada to foresee a revolution in the quality of the areas environment, and to partake in it. CONSTRUCTING A VEHICLE FOR ACTION: A vehicle or vehicles must be constructed with specific authorities and responsibilities for successful corporate action among governments. Only that will enable the planning, coordinating, financing and other actions required over time. RESPONDING TO THE ECONOMIES OF THE FUTURE: Within these vast lands, encouragement must be given to the development of new areas that flexibly accommodate new and emerging economic endeavours, as they develop. Such accommodation needs to be founded on new formulations of cluster enterprises. PLANNING FOR QUALITY AND EXCITEMENT: The fact that little renewal has occurred to date affords the opportunity to build places of coordinated quality, including the kinds of spectacularly important structures that have provided other cities with enduring landmarks. Further, it is crucial to make places all throughout the waterfront that provide diverse pleasure and excitement. GUARANTEEING A PUBLIC WATERFRONT: This waterfront must be, and be seen and understood to be, public to the greatest extent possible, with no new impediments to public access created. The waters edge is important, and so is the development of numerous paths to it. Building form must enhance, not impede, this public quality. DEVELOPING EXCELLENT TRANSPORTATION: The Central Waterfront is superbly located in relation to city and regional public transport and roads. One challenge is to extend those systems into the area in logical, digestible phases, so as to promote an area that is comprehensively served, but has a high degree of reliance on public transportation. Further, the basic public transportation system that serves the Central Waterfront, including importantly Union Stations GO train and TTC capacity, must be fortified through reinvestment. Pedestrian and bicycle travel must be accommodated and fostered, as well as ferries and water taxis. A second vital transportation challenge is the resolution of the problems of the Gardiner corridor, described below. REDESIGNING AND RECONSTRUCTING THE GARDINER CORRIDOR: There is a stark contrast in Torontos central area between the developed urban area north of the rail and expressway corridors and the under-utilized areas to the south. The elevated Gardiner deck is a massive structure that commands the landscape all across the Central Waterfront, rendering what should be nationally prized lands as a remote and exposed terra incognito. The structure is also a costly one to maintain. It should be dismantled now, while there is the space and latitude to do it economically and when surrounding lands can be enhanced in value. The challenge is to transform what seems to be an urban design liability into an urban asset; to provide a suitable environment for the comprehensive development of thousands of acres of Torontos Central Waterfront. Creative solutions are required to achieve this while coping with necessary traffic access for cars and trucks, improving the level of service for motorists, providing a thoroughly accessible waters edge, and doing it all in a very cost-effective manner.

MAKING EXCELLENT LIVING ENVIRONMENTS: A challenge is to settle wide areas of the Central Waterfront in excellent, livable, waterside communities, thus putting the lands to proper use and stimulating year-round and round-the-clock activity. Part of this is to provide a range of housing types and tenures, including affordable housing in accordance with City policies. MAKING GOOD THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: Revitalization will require the establishment of processes that can deliver, in a comprehensive and coordinated fashion, improvements to water quality, the remediation of polluted soils and the necessary flood protection actions. The necessary broad measures and risk management strategies can only be achieved through government action. Private sector investment will then follow. Natural linkages, such as the Don River valley as it connects to the Lake, must be restored. Water quality improvements will encourage development and public activity at, and near, the waters edge. Water quality should be appropriate for sailing, swimming and other water based activities. Current initiatives should be encouraged, coordinated and funded. INCREASING PUBLIC OPEN SPACE: In numerous ways, highly accessible parkland, plazas, walkways, and promenades need to be developed to build on the base of the trails and of the island, shore and wilderness park now available. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, page 24-26) Our vision will give us a new waterfront for a new millennium. Well reshape this front porch to our city as a seamless whole instead of a patchwork quilt. Its going to happen! We have the will, and with the co-operation and investment of the three levels of government and the private sector, well have the way. Its a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Our new waterfront will be a valuable resource for this generation, and an invaluable one for generations to come. (Mayor Mel Lastman, October, 1999)

(Photograph: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, page 37) A Strategic Business Plan The Development Concept In reviewing the opportunities and challenges established in the previous chapter, the Task Force has identified major development initiatives, all of which need to be advanced together in a logical and digestible development phasing strategy. These initiatives are outlined below. Numerous courses of action will be required to establish an extraordinary capital waterfront over a period of perhaps twenty or twenty-five years, but they can be grouped into these development initiatives. All of these initiatives can and must be undertaken together. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 29-39) i Building a Waterfront for Public Enjoyment The image of such a waterfront is already expressed in the Citys document Our Toronto Waterfront! the wave of the future. Our new Toronto Waterfront will offer the quiet joy of strolling along miles of wetlands, parks, boardwalks, promenades and heritage foot trails. It will offer the excitement of arts festivals, bike and boat races and activity-filled public squares, a butterfly sanctuary and a lakeside aquarium. Torontos waterfront will offer something for everyone. A place to play, work and live. The Development Concept provides the framework for realizing this image of public enjoyment, with a number of key components. New Living, Working and Leisure: The Concept provides throughout the Central Waterfront for new mixed-use communities, accommodating in total perhaps 100,000 residents and 25,000 employees over the development period. These communities will provide a range of housing opportunities, including affordable housing. This infusion will stimulate and support the creation of a lively all-year domain. The Concept contains a great range of places for varied leisure and tourist activity. For example, the whole waters edge is a public domain

and would contain a series of plazas at the ends of streets, places that could accommodate waterfront wide festivals. The Green Border: The Development Concept proposes a green border along the entire length of the Central Waterfront, from Leslie Street to Jameson Avenue. It would be defined as public territory by a waterfront boulevard, formed by extending Queens Quay to the east and west. This public border will include walkways, parks, promenades, piers and other public open space elements. It would also be an extraordinary domain for the location of major new public buildings such as an aquarium, concert hall, museum or cruise-ship terminal. It would contain more local but important public elements such as band shells and boat docking. New Public Open Space: The Development Concept would add over 450 acres of new public open space in the Central Waterfront. Depending on decisions on the future of the Port, large new areas of parkland can be located in areas of the Outer Harbour. Additional public space and parkland is created at Exhibition Place, including an urban entertainment park, and at Coronation Park. As well, the Mouth of the Don River would be re-made to include a large naturalized delta. Trails and walkways will be expanded, linking the whole waterfront. Excellence and Beauty: The Development Concept is built around the enhancement of many of the waterfronts unique assets, including the Inner Harbour, Cherry Beach and the Ship Channel. The removal of the Gardiner Expressway deck is an essential step in creating a waterfront of international stature. The corporate mechanisms proposed in this report allow the achievement of special quality in many respects. Environmental clean-up can be expedited. Comprehensive energy efficiency programs can be implemented. Development can be coordinated, so as to ensure a built environment with a scale and character appropriate to a waterfront of real consequence, and to prevent building that privatizes the public waterfront. A coherent landscape of public places and plazas can be designed and made over time, in accordance with a guiding Master Plan, and through innovative regulatory mechanisms. Finally, real excellence can be obtained in the design of landmark buildings by important architects, including the use of design competitions. ii Accommodating Business, Employment and the New Economy The Development Concept accommodates substantial business and employment opportunities, particularly for the new economy, by providing for a new Convergence Centre, Trade Marts, office space in new neighbourhoods, and increased tourism, as well as the potential of major education/technological institutions. In total, the Concept provides for 9 to 10 million square feet of new nonresidential space in mixed-use neighbourhoods throughout the Central Waterfront. Experience in comparable waterfront locations suggests that space of this quantity might accommodate up to 40,000 jobs over a 20 to 25 year period. The Task Force believes that the Central Waterfront location can be extremely attractive to businesses and employees, and that this activity and new residence will be mutually supportive, particularly with pervasive new telecommunications infrastructure. But, they can only succeed if a high degree of public transportation convenience is provided. Convergence Centre: The Development Concept provides for the creation of a convergence community in the Portlands to help Toronto more fully realize opportunities for interaction between the new media and the new high-technology and knowledge-based economy. It would foster interactions between activities such as music, film, TV, communications, software development, biotechnology and publishing, in a live/work environment. These opportunities have been made possible by technological advances, telecommunications deregulation and industry restructuring. For example, the volume of internet activity is thought to be doubling every 100 days. By the end of 2000, 8 % of the worlds retail transactions will be via the internet. Service and knowledge industries have already become the new core of the Toronto economy, an extraordinary base for expansion through convergence. For example, the report Economic Development in the Global Knowledge Economy: A Challenge to the City of Toronto, makes these points: The Biomedical and Biotechnology cluster (pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and biotechnology) in the Toronto region is the single largest cluster in any metropolitan area in North America in job terms. The City of Toronto has more Biomedical and Biotechnical jobs than any U.S. city, and the University of Toronto has the largest faculty of medicine in North America. The Business and Professional Services cluster is one of the largest in North America and is growing more rapidly in the Toronto region than in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston or Washington. After nearly a decade of decentralization from cities to suburban locations across North America, since 1994 this cluster has grown faster in the City of Toronto than the surrounding regions. The GTAs Information Technology and Telecommunications cluster is larger than New Yorks or Los Angeless. Our software industry is among the fastest growing in North America, well ahead of New York, Boston, Dallas, Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles, along with Seattle (Microsoft), San Jose (Silicon Valley) and Atlanta. The GTA IT&T cluster is unique in its strength in both hardware and software The Toronto region Media cluster is the 4th largest in North America, behind Los Angeles, New York and Chicago. Toronto was once the clear favourite in Canada for domestic and foreign film production but is now starting to lose market share to Vancouver and Montreal. This trend can be reversed. The competition for the entrepreneurs and workers of the new economy is fierce and will only increase. Cities around the world such as San Francisco, Shenzhen, Singapore and Hong Kong are redefining themselves as Smart Communities, Intelligent Islands or Cyber Cities. Connectivity, new generation facilities, infrastructure and creativity have become their hallmarks. Toronto has the opportunity to leverage its high-technology expertise and creative and entrepreneurial talent by providing state-of-the art facilities with the required broadband network to house converging businesses. It is essential that all new mixed districts, including the Convergence Centre, have access to the latest telecommunications infrastructure. Accordingly, the Task Force proposes a full and flexible communications supporting infrastructure throughout the new neighbourhoods, as well as a potential utility corridor along the Don Valley Parkway and the Lake Shore for installation of fibre-optic cable and other connections to the waterfront. Trade Marts: A real opportunity may exist to take advantage of the successes of the National Trade Centre and of the recently expanded Convention Centre, to secure Torontos position as a leading North American and global business city. This role could be considerably augmented by innovative relaxation of customs and other tariff restrictions, to create, in effect, a free trade zone for the trade centre and trade mart area. The Development Concept, therefore, proposes approximately three million square feet of new trade mart space. Trade marts are permanent showrooms managed by individual suppliers, product designers and trade associations, as well as by associated professions and services. In Dallas, Atlanta and several European cities, clusters of trade mart buildings have supported the temporary or rotating exhibition functions provided by the large exhibition halls. Frequently, individual buildings are themed to a specific product grouping (e.g. information technology, toys, design products or fashion). Hotel development is also typically associated with such complexes. Tourism: The Development Concept has at its core the enhancement of the waterfront as a public space with new attractions and places. For example, there will be increased space for cruise ships and boating, and family entertainment generally. Also, legacy facilities provided by the Olympics should be successful attractions. Increased tourism has been a key spin off of the revitalization of other waterfronts, such as Barcelona. The Port: The Task Force has concluded that the use of the federal lands of the Toronto Port Authority is a key component of any plan to

develop the Toronto waterfront and particularly the redevelopment of the entire Portlands area. It is the recommendation of the Task Force that Transport Canada enter into a consultative process with the City of Toronto, the present users of the Port and other interested parties, to consider and make recommendations to the Government of Canada with respect to the future of the Port of Toronto and specifically whether the Port should remain in its present location, or should be moved to a different location in the Toronto Harbour or elsewhere. A decision by the Government of Canada is of critical importance to a full determination of the utilization of the Portlands area. The Toronto City Centre Airport: The time constraints and the number and complexity of the issues involved precluded the Task Force from addressing the future of the City Centre Airport. The Task Force did make a point of doing nothing in its Strategic Business Plan that would impact on the airport. If Toronto is awarded the 2008 Olympic Games, the Airport would be required for hosting them. A comprehensive study should be undertaken immediately, however, in order to devise a plan for the airport that meshes with the vision for the waterfront. Specific attention should be paid to the noise cone of airport operations with respect to housing. iii Developing Comprehensive Transportation Networks The Development Concept is based on an integrated and comprehensive systems of streets and public transportation. Fundamental to the new street system is the web of streets that will carry and disperse the traffic loads of the Gardiner/Lake Shore and southern Don Valley Parkway systems. In the East Bayfront area, while these streets will carry substantial traffic, some in coupled one-way systems, they will be designed with traffic signals and wide sidewalks to act as excellent, traversable urban boulevards. In the new areas of development, particularly in the Portlands, the present major road system, designed for industry and transport, will require elaboration with local grids to serve their residential and work communities. Of major importance throughout is the creation of a waterfront boulevard, as discussed in i above. As development is undertaken, early transportation service will likely be by buses. However, the orders of intensity assumed for new development in this Development Concept will likely support streetcar/LRT service. Provision has been made in this plan for the accommodation of LRT lines across the Central Waterfront. The use of bicycles should be encouraged through design. The revitalization of the Central Waterfront has implications in a wide area with respect to transportation. The expansion of GO and TTC facilities at the intermodal Union Station is regarded as a critical element of the concept. Further, historical data shows that, for 20 years, the total vehicular flows into the downtown during the morning peak period have been relatively constant, despite increases in employment. These increases have been absorbed by public transport, particularly GO transit, and support to these systems is required for the future. In addition, there is the mooted LRT link from the new intermodal Union Station to Pearson International Airport, being studied by the Minister of Transport for Canada. The link would enable air passengers to check in at Union Station. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 29-34) iv Providing A Clean Environment It is the opinion of the Task Force that the challenges to development posed by environmental constraints must be addressed, and that this can best be done as an element of an encompassing waterfront strategy. Water Quality: The water in the Don River and Toronto Harbour is in a degraded state as a result of the impacts on urban runoff and combined sewer overflows. Water quality and the factors that influence it have been the subject of numerous studies and actions over the last 30 or so years. One of the key studies was the Toronto Area remedial action plan. Proposed between 1988 and 1991, this initiative was spearheaded by the federal and provincial governments in response to the International Joint Commission designation of area of concern under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. While this work has resulted in significant water quality improvements, it is the opinion of the Task Force (and many others) that further water quality improvements are still required. It is the Task Forces objective that the water quality be improved to the point that it is more aesthetically pleasing, the Harbour and Don River fishery is enhanced in terms of diversity, and ideally that Toronto Bay meets provincial swimming and water contact activity standards. Recognizing the importance of River and Lake water quality, the City is already working with a number of stakeholders to address water quality through the preparation of a Wet Weather Master Plan. This activity is applauded. The Task Force has included funding in its budget to accelerate the study and its implementation. Soils: The environmental condition of the soils in portions of the Toronto waterfront, particularly the West Donlands and the Portlands, has been a major impediment to the redevelopment of these lands. The soils were contaminated mainly as a result of previous industrial uses on the lands and in some cases adjacent or nearby lands. In order to facilitate the orderly and most economical development of these lands, it is necessary that the nature and extent of contamination be better understood for all sites, an orderly strategy for remediation be established and issues of long-term liability be addressed. Relatively recent changes to the Guideline for Use at Contaminated Sites in Ontario published by the Ministry of the Environment are helpful in establishing an appropriate and efficient clean-up program. Flooding: Land in the vicinity of the current terminus of the Don River (at the Keating Channel), and to an even greater degree north of the main railway crossing of the Don River are subject to flooding during major storm events. This is principally a result of constraints imposed by man as the area has been developed. Until the flooding problem is solved, it imposes a nearly total constraint on the appropriate development of the West Donlands and portions of the Portlands. The problem and preferred solutions are well understood and generally accepted. While they are expensive to implement, the benefits to the West Donlands and other areas, included and not included in the waterfront plan, are significant. The major elements of the preferred solution include increasing the capacity of the culvert under the railroad crossing, constructing a berm on the west side of the Don River across the West Donlands and improving the hydraulics of the river downstream of the railway. Don River Mouth: The southern reach of the Don River, particularly south of the railway crossing is contained in a man-made channel that discharges to the Keating Channel before it reaches the lake. This current configuration is problematic from a hydraulic, environmental and access perspective. Through the work of groups and organizations such as the City of Toronto, the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, and the Task Force to Bring Back the Don, a strategy has been developed to naturalize the River in this area. The implementation of this strategy is a high priority for the Task Force (and also the 2008 Olympic Bid Committee). Implementation of this strategy would create a meandering low flow channel in a wide floodplain, natural wildlife and fish habitat and some opportunities for improving stormwater quality. It would also allow for the integration of existing Don River trails and bicycle paths with a new and expanded waterfront trail system and provide an educational resource. Development in the vicinity of the mouth would relate to the River and crossings of the River would be undertaken in an aesthetically pleasing and hydraulically appropriate fashion to create a natural gateway to the Portlands. The Development Concept reflects this approach.Toronto, the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, and the Task Force to Bring Back the Don, a strategy has been developed to naturalize the River in this area. The implementation of this strategy is a high priority for the Task Force (and also the 2008 Olympic Bid Committee). Implementation of this strategy would create a meandering low flow channel in a wide floodplain, natural wildlife and fish habitat and some opportunities for improving stormwater quality. It would also allow for the integration of existing Don River trails and bicycle paths with a new and expanded waterfront trail system and provide an educational resource. Development in the vicinity of the mouth would relate to the

River and crossings of the River would be undertaken in an aesthetically pleasing and hydraulically appropriate fashion to create a natural gateway to the Portlands. The Development Concept reflects this approach. earlier analysis has produced an approach that give the Task Force confidence that the elevated expressway platform can be removed and the required traffic accommodated by substitute road systems. Lessons From Other Cities: As more and more cities around the world tackle the revitalization of their waterfronts, most face the challenge presented by barriers erected in previous decades in the form of freeways and expressways. The Task Force wanted to learn from others successes and mistakes. In North America, the most frequently cited examples are the West Side Highway in New York, the Embarcadero Freeway and Central Skyway in San Francisco and the Central Artery project in Boston. In New York and San Francisco, the freeways were essentially feeding traffic into the urban cores, and were removed without undue impact on automobile access to the central city. In Boston, where approximately 70% of the freeway traffic is through traffic, it was obviously not possible to eliminate the freeway. Instead, it is being reconstructed underground at an extremely high cost (about $17 billion CDN). To a great extent, this cost results from the need to construct a tunnel under the existing elevated freeway, as there is nowhere else to locate it in the built up Boston waterfront. Fortunately, Torontos situation is more like New Yorks and San Franciscos than Bostons, in that relatively little traffic on the Gardiner Expressway in the Central Waterfront is through-traffic, and in the fact that substitute systems can be built while the present elevated system is in operation. Notwithstanding this, Boston provides an important lesson to us that we should act now before incremental development leaves no room for a substitute surface roadway system to be built primarily off the current Gardiner alignment. Torontos Solution: The Gardiner/Lake Shore structure is largely outmoded in its present design. It was intended to be a link in a large-scale expressway system that would have included a Scarborough Expressway. In fact, relatively little traffic is through traffic and, the expressway acts effectively as two expressways, one from the east and one from the west that terminate in a handful of exits in the middle (Spadina, York, Yonge, Jarvis) to provide access to the downtown area. The very nature of expressways entails limited access and egress points. Congestion results from traffic trying to get on and off at a few ramps. To solve the Gardiner problem, the Task Force recommends a dramatic solution that requires a comprehensive approach to enhance distribution of traffic throughout the downtown core, as noted previously, including enhancements to the GO and other public transport systems. The Task Force recommends taking down the Gardiner expressway from west of Strachan Avenue to its east limit. Traffic will be distributed from the Gardiner Expressway and the southern reaches of the Don Valley Parkway to downtown streets at as many points as possible, including the long proposed Front Street Extension and improvements to the Richmond/Adelaide interchange, thus eliminating the need for an expressway through the core. From west of Strachan Avenue to Spadina Avenue, the expressway will be constructed below grade. East of that point, having distributed much of its traffic, it will become a surface arterial road system. Burying the roadway between Fort York and the Lake frees the Fort from its entrapment and permits a continuous flow of parkland between Fort York and the Lakefront via Coronation Park. It also frees the future redevelopment areas of the Molson and West Railway lands from the constraints imposed by the Gardiner. Bringing the Gardiner traffic to ground level throughout the central portion of the City removes its sterilizing influence, eliminates the debilitating effect of the overhead structure, allows attractive new neighbourhoods, improves access to the core, provides important new waterfront streets and unifies, rather than divides, Toronto with its waterfront. It also eliminates the not insignificant costs of maintenance. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 29-39) A Picture of the New Waterfront (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 40-54) The picture on the following page and the illustrations throughout this Section show how the six initiatives outlined in the previous Section can be implemented in the various precincts of the Central Waterfront. While the concept is coherent in its totality it is only a pictorial representation in its details. The details of the concept across the area will be developed further and, in fact, will evolve over the full course of planning and implementation. What the concept plan shows is an elaborate public realm of access-ways, open space and parks, framed by new city blocks designed for diverse urban development. The fundamental principle is to elaborate and enhance the public realm, through transformation of the Gardiner corridor, the creation of networks of public space and parks, of developing park streets to the water that arrive at extraordinary waterfront plazas, of creating a public water edge from Leslie Street to Jameson Avenue, and enlivening the whole waterfront with new mixed-use residence and work environments. i The Central Harbour: is the northern perimeter of Torontos Inner Harbour. It includes the West Bayfront, between Bathurst and Yonge Streets, and the East Bayfront, between Yonge and Parliament Streets. With the institution of a public waters edge along its eastern edge, the Inner Harbour is reinforced in its totality as a kind of central park for Toronto; a great water body surrounded by public open space. Parts of the centre and western areas of the Central Harbour now have buildings that obscure or compromise the public access to the waters edge. A number of measures are introduced in the Development Concept to combat this perceived privatization. A series of park plazas would be constructed at the conjunction of major landscaped streets and the waters edge at Spadina Avenue, and Portland, John, York, Bay, Yonge, Jarvis, Sherbourne and Parliament Streets. A wide new boardwalk promenade, about 70 feet wide, is suggested for the Harbour edge as a major new public space. This will allow the public to experience the waters edge in a close-up and intimate way from Bathurst Street to Parliament Street. Strategically placed piers would allow greater public contact with the water. Lighthouse lantern structures around the Inner Harbour would define the space at night. The East Bayfront: from Parliament Street to Yonge Street links the Downtown to the Portlands. The Marine Terminals to the south of Queens Quay are publicly owned and used for film production, storage and recreational uses. Land to the north is mainly privately owned and used for a range of service industries, car dealerships, a new Loblaws, the LCBO warehouse and the Toronto Star building. The Redpath Sugar Refinery is located on the south side of Queens Quay. Further west, a large residential project has planning approval but the site remains vacant. Throughout the length of the East Bayfront, the elevated Gardiner Expressway is a formidable overshadowing presence. The area has tremendous potential for mixed development, given its proximity to the downtown and to the waterfront and its views across the Harbour. The Redpath Sugar Refinery, which relies on delivery by ship, can remain and coexist with adjacent redevelopment with appropriate interface measures.The waters edge can house facilities for cruise ships that are coming to Toronto in increasing numbers and other tourist facilities. The West Bayfront: from Yonge to Bathurst Streets, hosts a concentration of cultural and recreational activities, residential and tourism developments, key development sites and the intermodal Union Station. The area is segmented by the elevated Gardiner Expressway, its ramps and the associated Lakeshore Boulevard, that collectively degrade the street and pedestrian environment. The district contains major regional recreation and tourism facilities such as the SkyDome, the Air Canada Centre, the CN Tower and the Convention Centre. In

addition, Harbourfront Centre located at York Quay is a national cultural hub that provides public programming for cultural, recreation and educational activities. The waterfront area includes the Marine Museum, a hotel, marina and mooring locations for tourist boats and visitors, public open space and parkland. This area is to be the Central Ring in the Olympics. Most of this area is either already developed or has planning approval for high-density residential or commercial development. Radical improvement of the surrounding urban environment by accommodating the Gardiner Expressway at ground level will greatly facilitate bringing the downtown and the waterfront together. The proposed new walkways and boardwalks will increase public space at the water along York and Maple Leaf Quays, with enlarged public plazas at York and Yonge Streets. This area of the waterfront is Torontos most public face to the world and requires a commensurate standard of design excellence and programming originality. ii The Portlands: The thousand acres of the Portlands represent perhaps the largest resource in any city of centrally located yet underutilized land. It is close to the downtown, surrounded on three sides by water with seventeen kilometres of shoreline and the Ship Channel at its centre. A comprehensive resolution of the jurisdictional, environmental and functional impediments to its most productive use as a new, central urban district of the City is essential. The Portlands, now a void in the life of the City, can become a unique, mixed waterfront area offering many types of venues to live, work and play. Magnificent new parks along the waters edge can provide locations for a memorable experience for families, tourists and everyone who wants to be on the Citys lakefront. The Toronto 2008 Olympic Bid can provide the catalyst for the transformation of the Portlands. If the Bid is successful the Western Portlands will represent the east ring of Torontos 2008 Olympic Plan that includes a new Stadium for 100,000 spectators during the Olympics and 20,000 seats afterwards, the Aquatic Centre and the Broadcast Centre, as well as other facilities that will be removed after the Games. The Ship Channel will be the home of rowing events. The Athletes Village will be located on the south side of the Ship Channel. Solutions to the issues of soil remediation and flooding and to the areas relative inaccessibility are all resolvable and must be addressed to unlock the remarkable development and parks potential. Accessibility to the Portlands at the Don River will be enhanced by replacement of the Gardiner fly-over with conventional roads and inspiring new bridges. The naturalised mouth of the Don River, instead of the concrete Keating Channel, will provide great opportunities for a green entrance to this new urban district. Depending on decisions with respect to the future of the Port, as noted previously, the Ship Channel could be transformed into a Grand Channel and the heart of the new Portlands, edged with public walkways linked to possible new canals and open spaces. A system of new canals and waterways will provide radically increased land areas overlooking water, making the Portlands a series of connected islands with associated promenades. The new waterfront boulevard will define a wide strip of public open space along the waters edge, with magnificent locations for waterfront attractions, new performance venues, tourism facilities, museums and galleries in dramatic settings. New City Neighbourhoods: Within the Portlands, several new neighbourhoods and districts are envisaged. The Toronto 2008 Olympic Bid contemplates locating the 2000 unit Athletes Village in the Cherry Beach and Grand Channel neighbourhoods on the south side of the channel. The Eastern Channel Neighbourhood will take advantage of dramatic views of the City skyline, the harbour and the Lake. Open space areas along the waters edge and the new waterfront boulevard will provide public access to the water. Cherry Street will be the Portlands Main Street, providing a pedestrian friendly street of shopping and services for this new quarter of the City. The Olympic District: The large Olympic District will contain the post-Olympics legacy facilities: the Olympic Stadium, the Aquatic Centre and other facilities that in future will become community uses. This section of Cherry Street could become an avenue of sports for the City. After the Olympics, this prominent site provides a remarkable opportunity for important city building projects (connected to the Convergence Centre to the east), such as a major corporate campus, new-high tech educational, institutional or world-class research facility, as well as for associated housing, offices and retail uses. The Convergence Centre: The Task Force recommends the creation of a convergence community as a striking innovation in the Portlands. As noted earlier, it combines new media, communications, software development, biotechnology and other activities in the new economy with film, television, publishing and other assets. Located along Commissioners Street, the Convergence Centre would help Toronto more fully realize the opportunities for convergence in arts, science and technology. The Convergence Centre would include a community with attractive loft and other residential housing for the entrepreneurs and creative people working in the Centre, who are urban people by nature.

(Photograph: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, page 29) Lake Ontario Park Depending on whether or not the Port is relocated, a large, new, waterfront park, larger than High Park, could be developed along the Outer Harbour, connecting the park at Cherry Beach to the Ashbridges Bay sewage treatment plant. The current community sailing clubs could be incorporated into the park or be relocated to adjacent areas. Park roads would provide access through the park so that everyone can enjoy the park and views. The Leslie Street Spit would remain natural open space. The new park could include reforestation projects, botanical gardens, a butterfly house, trails and formal gardens. Grand Channel District Depending on decisions with respect to the future of the Port, the Grand Channel can represent a transformation of the present Ship Channel. It is an extraordinary artifact, one of Canadas great man-made localities. With the development of its perimeter for public use and access, and for the location of a variety of residential and other uses, it can become a place of special local and international presence. Associated lateral canals could spread this water amenity for boating and skating. The future of the Hearn Plant has not yet been determined. Given its location on the Outer Harbour, the site and building presents interesting possibilities for resort-type recreation, major institutional or other facilities.

(Photographs: Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 49 & 50)

The Mouth of the Don River The restoration of the Don River Valley has been one of the Citys most imaginative and rewarding urban regeneration initiatives. The Development Concept proposes resolving one of the last major impediments to the restoration of the river and valley. The ugly and undignified Keating Channel would be replaced along with the removal of the Gardiner platform, by a naturalized river mouth, bordered by park spaces. This new river bed for the Don offers a wealth of environmental benefits that will be felt throughout the valley. A strong set of greenway connections can be developed between the valley and the Leslie Street Spit and a new waterfront park system. The mouth itself can be designed with new islands and pools and different depth and flow conditions to provide aquatic habitats and complement the reintroduction of fish stocks to the river. As noted previously, the up-stream flood risks (particularly to the West Donlands neighbourhood) that were compounded by the barriers created by the road and rail corridors, and by the shape of the Keating Channel, can be mitigated by the proposed river flow patterns. The new environment created by this regeneration initiative would provide a unique introduction to the new urban district of the Portlands.

(Photograph: Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, page 53)

The West Donlands The West Donlands area, now largely vacant, was publicly purchased for the development of a new, mixed use, urban neighbourhood. This Business Plan will provide the necessary framework for development to proceed at last. A berm can be built along the River to provide flood control, as well as some parkland. New techniques and regulatory environments are now available to reduce the costs of soil remediation. Bridges to carry the new waterfront boulevard and Cherry Street over the river mouth can be designed as signature entrances and the river setting provides some highly visible and accessible locations for new gateway buildings. An early program element, the area is proposed to include an Olympic Media Village, consisting of 2,000 residential units. The urban design character of the area is related to the successful development in the neighboring St. Lawrence district, namely medium rise and townhouse forms aligned along a central open space. Extensive planning, including a recent community design review, indicates that some 5,000 residential units could be accommodated. Commercial development, primarily local retail and office space would be built along the easterly extension of the Esplanade Park. New local roads will be added by extending the pattern of roads in surrounding areas and connecting to the Bayview Extension. Eastern Avenue will be the extended across the Don River as part of the new road infrastructure to increase access to the downtown. v Garrison Common Garrison Common is the area between Bathurst Street and Strachan Avenue that includes Coronation Park, Old Fort York and the Molsons/ Wittington lands. The district will change dramatically when the Gardiner Expressway is buried under Fleet Street. The new Garrison Creek open space will provide a strong north-south connection from the Lake to north of the rail corridor. Old Fort York will be linked to this open space system and, for the first time since the Expressway was built, will also be linked to the City. The new waterfront boulevard extension would cross from Stadium Road along a southern extension of Coronation Park to Ontario Place. This waterfront drive with its new associated park will increase the park size by almost 10 acres. The Parks regimental memorial trees, located at the west end, currently one of the most beautiful and solemn places on the waterfront, will be enhanced by giving it a wider park context and connection to the surrounding city. With the major realigned open space, this area will become attractive for the development of housing along its edges. vi Exhibition District Ontario Place and Exhibition Place, with their combined prime waterfront location of 270 acres, are desperately in need of new direction. With the exceptions of the new investments in the National Trade Centre and the Molsons Amphitheatre both Ontario Place and Exhibition Place are losing market share and public attractiveness and must have a new vision. Many recent attempts have been made to re-energize these lands, with limited success. The new vision for this area builds on its extraordinary location on the Lake, its proximity to a city core whose development is spreading inexorably in this direction. The Development Concept suggests normalizing this area as a part of the City, while still maintaining and enhancing the several healthy activities to be found within its precincts. These areas would accommodate the western ring of Olympic Games facilities. The green border is extended through these lands, connecting to Dufferin Street and Jameson Avenue. Jefferson Street could be extended south over the railroad and road corridor. This, and the removal of the street/train grade conflict on Strachan Avenue could reverse the isolation of this area. location on the Lake, its proximity to a city core whose development is spreading inexorably in this direction. The Development Concept suggests normalizing this area as a part of the City, while still maintaining and enhancing the several healthy activities to be found within its precincts. These areas would accommodate the western ring of Olympic Games facilities. The green border is extended through these lands, connecting to Dufferin Street and Jameson Avenue. Jefferson Street could be extended south over the railroad and road corridor. This, and the removal of the street/train grade conflict on Strachan Avenue could reverse the isolation of this area. A series of north/south plazas could link the city with the Lake. Princes Boulevard could be a series of linked plazas providing some 44 acres in total for public festivities, such as the CNE and Caribana. The area between Lake Shore Boulevard and the new waterfront boulevard offers the greatest potential for introducing permanent population to ensure year round activity for this section of the City. A band of housing development, with retail and entertainment uses at the street level, could create a lively new waterfront district. In addition, the Exhibition and Ontario Place sites offer substantial opportunities for locating some of the major destination tourism infrastructure that Toronto is sorely lacking: a major entertainment complex, urban resort hotels and for new ventures for family waterfront entertainment, such as winter gardens, butterfly houses, museums, aquaria and the like. The district is comprised of three parts: the Trade Centre Precinct, the Exhibition Gardens Precinct and the Marina Island Precinct. Trade Centre Precinct: The National Trade Centre is the anchor for this District. Since opening, the National Trade Centre has exceeded expectations in terms of the number of event days, suggesting the medium to long-term expansion of this facility is possible up to one million square feet. The Olympics could provide a catalyst for this. South of Princes Boulevard trade marts could be developed as well as hotels and housing, with underground parking. Marina Island Precinct: The land currently occupied by Ontario Place is proposed in the Development Concept as a marine-oriented allyear open public park. The number of mooring spaces are greatly increased, onshore services are provided, including boat supply and servicing, restaurants and related accommodations. Access is provided by a new local road and land bridges, and possibly water-taxi service. Exhibition Gardens Precinct: At the western end of Exhibition Place, an urban park is proposed. It includes the existing green area with its Victorian and historic buildings. Fashioned after Copenhagens Tivoli Gardens, museums, restaurants, clubs and other entertainment uses will provide for year-round use. Permanent rides could be a feature. New housing can be provided here, with linkages to the neighbourhoods to the north. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 40-54) The Eastern and Western Waterfronts While the Task Forces mandate focuses on the Central Waterfront, it appreciates that Torontos waterfront is part of a watershed for six major rivers - Etobicoke Creek, Mimico Creek, Humber River, Don River, Highland Creek and Rouge River, and that the Mayors waterfront vision extends along the entire lakefront. The Eastern and Western Waterfronts exhibit their own pattern of large regional parks separated by stretches of private ownership. For the Central Waterfront the development focus is on significant change and revitalization, but in the Eastern Waterfront (Scarborough) and Western Waterfront (Etobicoke) the emphasis is on protection and enhancement. The proposed revitalization will reconnect the Eastern and Western Waterfronts to the new Central Waterfront. The Mayors vision, expressed in the document Our Toronto Waterfront! the wave of the future, includes a number of initiatives for the Eastern and Western Waterfronts. The main objectives for these areas are to enhance current green spaces, to increase public access to the waterfront, with public trails along the edge of the lake, and to improve the environment.

Most of these initiatives have been developed with the local communities and are underway as part of existing City, or Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) programs. Generally, in contrast to the Central Waterfront, the Eastern and Western Waterfronts do not require major greening efforts. Nor are there large areas of public land suitable for major redevelopment. There are, however, complex issues of public accessibility because of private land ownership of sections of the waters edge. The proposed waterfront corporation should work with the City on its priorities and the Task Force has allocated funding to support these initiatives. In particular, opportunities should be sought that will help achieve continuous public access across the entire 29 mile Toronto waterfront. The initiatives for the Eastern and Western Waterfronts include environmental improvements, such as erosion controls, increasing public access through the creation of parkettes at the Lake in unopened street allowances, and improving streetscapes along their main streets, Kingston Road and Lake Shore Boulevard West, as well as specific projects described below. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, page 55) Eastern Waterfront Port Union: The City and TRCA have an ambitious plan to reconnect the developing residential community with the waterfront. It involves the development of a Village Common and a pedestrian connection under the CNR tracks linking with the TRCA Port Union waterfront project. This is a $16 million capital project for trail connections and bank stabilization from the Rouge River (more or less) west to the mouth of the Highland Creek and provides for a bridge across the Creek. East Point Park: The City owns approximately 60 hectares of largely undeveloped open space to the west of the Highland Creek. This area currently has a large baseball complex but little, if anything, else. The TRCA has a concept plan for a marina at East Point, similar to Bluffers, Humber Bay and Colonel Samuel Smith. This, along with Port Union, represents the two most significant opportunities in the East Waterfront for active recreational opportunities. The Guild Inn: The property surrounding The Guild Inn comprises 36 hectares of culturally significant landscape. Although the existing buildings are not in good condition, there are opportunities for theatre space, both indoor and open-air. The Citys Department of Economic Development Culture and Tourism is preparing feasibility studies for a multi-purpose arts and culture centre. This project could be pursued jointly with the Task Force. Bluffers Park: This is a TRCA facility which houses a commercial marina, restaurants and private yacht clubs. It is highly prized as a summer recreation destination and heavily used during peak periods. Connections/Linkages: The primary objective for the East Waterfront is to provide for linkages between waterfront sites (i.e. Waterfront Trail) and connections to the City (i.e. Kingston Road streetcar). The Kingston Road streetcar is a powerful and generating initiative to achieve an east/west linkage along the 29 mile waterfront. The linkages between open space areas can be achieved with strategic purchases of private property and by utilizing various local roads where topography makes waterfront linkages unfeasible, as is often the situation in the Eastern Waterfront. These were critical and supported the overall goal of a passive waterfront with several areas of enhanced recreational opportunities. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 56-57)

(Photograph: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, page 10) The Western Waterfront Mimico Waterfront Trail Extension: The continuation of the Waterfront Trail, from Humber Bay Shores through to Norris Crescent Park, is a long standing objective. This trail extension has been identified by the Etobicoke Community as the next logical step in the continuation of this important waterfront amenity. The former City of Etobicokes Waterfront Planning Committee initiated this half-mile trail extension in 1991. Since then both the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and City staff have been given direction to proceed with the project. Preliminary property negotiations have commenced and the TRCA along with the City/community are proceeding to obtain all environmental approvals. The project is at the conceptual stage and includes a 10 metre wide multi-use trail with a small boat day mooring facility located at Superior Avenue Park. The day mooring facility, while still conceptual, was originally supported by the Mimico Businesses and the Humber Bay West boating community. The project lands include approximately 15 private properties. The cooperation of these landowners is an important part of the implementation of the project. The implementation of this trail is the next step in the western extension of this important amenity and will help to facilitate not only increased recreational enjoyment of the Citys waterfront amenity but also will be an added benefit to the Lake Shore business community. This project will also complete the vision for the Humber Bay West harbour area and its sailing focus. Mimico Creek/ Etobicoke Creek Restoration: Just west of Park Lawn Road the Mimico Creek valley runs north/south and flows into Lake Ontario. A short distance north of Lake Shore Boulevard the creek forks to the west and has created a small wetland area. As part of

studies undertaken by the former City of Etobicoke, this area has been identified as an open space with the potential for creating significant connections and providing the habitat linkages between the waterfront and the remaining watershed. The Mimico Creek valley has also been identified as a flood plain. The design and management of this park system has been seen as an opportunity to support the natural environment of the major river valleys, enhance the aesthetic of the area and provide year round opportunities for education and recreation. A significant percentage of the land required for the restoration is already in public ownership. Community groups in South Etobicoke have identified the restoration of the Mimico Creek wetland and the regeneration at the mouth of Etobicoke Creek as important projects. These restoration projects have many similarities to the Bring Back The Don initiative and its implementation would be a welcome improvement to this Lake Shore community. Watershed management strategy development has been initiated for the Etobicoke and Mimico Creek Watersheds. A Task Force has been developed to prioritize opportunities for enhancement, regeneration and celebration of these watersheds. The strategy will support the initiatives identified along the waterfront and build important community partnerships. Enhancements to Colonel Samuel Smith Park Ongoing initiatives are transforming the area, including renovations to change the Lakeshore Assembly Hall into a cultural centre for the community, recently announced by the City. The building, situated on the south-east corner of Lake Shore Boulevard West and Kipling Avenue on the Lakeshore Grounds, formerly known as the Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital, has been a prominent and distinctive feature of the Etobicoke area for over 100 years. When completed, the Assembly Hall will provide facilities for a wide range of arts and cultural programs and gatherings, including exhibitions, community meetings, conferences, plays, presentations, and workshops. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 57-58)

(Connections to the Waterfront: Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, page 34) Phasing of Implementation The Development Concept is intended to be implemented over a period of 25 years. The phasing of development will be affected by the following key factors, assuming the organizational, approval and financing structures are in place. The timing required for completion of Olympic related facilities, including the development of the Athletes and Media Villages, the new Olympic facilities and open spaces such as the medals plazas, and the infrastructure to support this development. The impact of the Olympics on the scheduling of other development initiatives so that the City will appear in complete condition, with no disturbances due to construction activities during the Olympics. The ability of the market to absorb the proposed 40,000 new housing units, which is assumed to be at a steady rate, except for the 4,000 units required for the Olympic Villages in August 2008, and for the inevitable ups and downs of the economy. The need to jump start the Convergence Centre as a focus for the new economy in the Portlands. The need to coordinate the demolition of the elevated Gardiner Expressway from Exhibition Place and the Don Valley Expressway with the approved demolition of the Gardiner to the east of the Don Valley. The need to expedite soil remediation projects and flood control measures through the realignment of the Don River and development of berms along the river, prior to redevelopment of much of the West Donlands and Portlands areas. The need to coordinate and expedite environmental approvals so that the reconstruction of the Gardiner corridor, estimated to take 6 years, will be completed by 2008 for the Olympics. Careful coordination is required to ensure that disruption to traffic is minimized. The plan for rebuilding the Gardiner provides for the construction of new routes prior to demolition of the elevated roadway. It is understood that plans are underway for improvements to Union Station to increase GO and TTC capacity and develop an intermodal station, a key to transportation access for the Central Waterfront. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, page 59) Organizing Structure, Powers and Governance Previous attempts to revitalize Torontos waterfront failed, in part, because there has never been a realistic and effective operational mechanism for the financing and management of the redevelopment. One of the principal objectives of the Task Force has been to devise effective operational and financial strategies. A review of successful developments that other countries have undertaken revealed that they had in common the formation of a mandate specific development corporation. The corporation was formed by the governments involved for the specific purpose of developing a designated area. The corporation would act in a business like way but possess key government powers for catalyzing development. Each of these corporations was a function of their individual circumstances, yet common themes can be identified: All corporations had the authority to sell, lease or mortgage their land assets. They operated in a business model, with the requisite real estate and management skills. They offered investors or partners a greatly simplified planning process. Their governance structure was efficient and action-orientated. The corporations also received government financial assistance, not only by way of grants, but also in the form of tax abatements, credits and other programs. All were intergovernmental in their ownership and support. The conclusion is that once the consultative process is completed and the public policy objectives established, the management of the revitalization of the Toronto waterfront must ultimately be consolidated within one entity. By necessity, that entity must be a Corporation with its own legal persona, with an ability to acquire, hold and dispose of property, raise financing and be a party to transactions and legal proceedings in its own name. The corporation must have effective control of the development of all waterfront lands, implementing a

previously agreed overall plan. The corporation would have a sunset clause. For purposes of the financing model the Task Force recommends the incorporation of a non-share capital corporation under the Canada Corporations Act of which the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario and the City of Toronto would be members. The Toronto Waterfront Development Corporation (TWDC), thus constituted, would be what is known in government parlance as a joint enterprise. Although the federal and provincial governments would be members of the Corporation the TWDC would not be listed in the Schedules to the (federal) Financial Administration Act and, otherwise, would not be a federal Crown corporation. Likewise, the Corporation would not be scheduled as an agency, board, or commission of the Government of Ontario. The Task Force recommends that the Corporation be incorporated as soon as practicable. Legislative authority exists for the federal government to become a member of the Corporation, as long as the federal government does not acquire a control position. Specific statutory authority appears to be required for the Ontario government to become a member of, or shareholder in, a corporation. Furthermore, the current Municipal Act does not contain any authority for a municipality such as Toronto to be a member of a non-share capital corporation.13 Proposals to amend the Municipal Act released by the Ontario government in the Spring of 1998 include provisions specifically prohibiting municipalities from incorporating a corporation or acquiring or guaranteeing any interest in a security of a corporation.14 It is not clear whether these proposed prohibitions would apply to a municipality becoming a member of a non-share capital corporation. If they do, the Task Force recommends that Ontario provide the necessary statutory authority for the City of Toronto to become a member of the Corporation. The concept of this corporation is perhaps the key recommendation of the Task Force. The Task Force, therefore, strongly recommends that the three levels of government forthwith set up a working group to develop a specific acceptable proposal for the Toronto Waterfront Development Corporation. The Task Force has done significant research relating to corporations which other cities; such as London, New York, Detroit, Baltimore, etc, have used to advance their plan, and would be prepared to assist in developing the concept if requested to do so. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 61-62) The Financial Concept In order to develop a conceptual framework plan, a detailed study of the Development Plan as conceived was undertaken and subsequently costed by Marshall Macklin Monaghan. The cost estimates were then verified by Tempest Management Corporation SNC Lavalin. On the revenue, and potential P3 partnerships, advice was sought from RBC Dominion Securities, TD Securities and KPMG LLP. Values with respect to real estate were compiled by Barry Lyon Consultants Ltd. and Trust co Property Corporation. Based on input from the above, a financing model was built which served as the template for the financial concept. Introduction: The infrastructure costs associated with implementation of the Development Concept proposed by the Task Force are estimated to be in the order of $5.2 billion. Additional spending for the construction of buildings etc. by the private sector exclusively is estimated to be in the order of $7 billion, bringing the total project all-in cost to the order of $12 billion. In order to fund the $5.2 billion, the Task Force has provided the government with Revenue Generation options that range between $3.42 billion and $5.5 billion. Private debt financing utilizing the cash flow stream from some of these revenue options can be arranged for $1.99 billion to $3 billion. (These numbers are described in Figures 1, 2 and 3 which follow.) Land Sales/Leases (Residential): The Toronto condominium apartment market has expanded and diversified considerably over the past 20 years. Condominia are increasingly accepted as a lifestyle-oriented form of housing. In the area demarcated by the boundaries of the former City of Toronto in which the waterfront lands are located, a sustainable level of condominium apartment sales appears to be in the range of 3,000 to 4,000 units annually. For the four main redevelopment districts across the waterfront (Exhibition Place/Garrison, East Bayfront, West Donlands, Portlands), average sales in the range of 1,100 units per year appear to be reasonable. Based on a land-use concept prepared for the Task Force, the Task Force has estimated the residential development capacity of each of the available land parcels in the four main waterfront districts. That capacity is estimated to total about 38,700 residential units. Based on estimated absorption rates, the Task Force anticipates that the build out program would be completed by 2022. Revenues generated by the sale or lease of waterfront lands are estimated, for purposes of the Financing Model, to be in the range of $1.3 billion to $1.5 billion. The strength of the home-buying market is geared to the state of the job market. For the condominium and rental apartment market an added element is the fact that apartment occupants are largely motivated by convenience factors, considering the relatively high prices they pay for their relatively small living spaces. For many, being close to their places of work, if possible within walking distance, is a critical amenity. Accordingly, creation of the nearby employment envisaged by the Development Concept is critically important to maximizing the value of the residential land components. New employment in the range of 15,000 to 25,000 has been assumed for purposes of the Financing Model. Land Sales/Leases (Non-Residential) For purposes of the Financing Model, revenue from non-residential land sales and leases in the Central Waterfront are estimated to be in the range of $50 to $60 million. An average absorption rate of 500,000 square feet per annum (with the Portlands moving faster than average) has been put to the Task Force as a reasonable assumption. The Exhibition District, which will include the National Trade Centre expansion and the Trade Marts, constitute a third of the total commercial yield on the waterfront and are included in the Financing Model at zero value. Infrastructure Spending: Many of the lands to be developed are publicly owned and governments will undertake much of the infrastructure activity. Since the details have yet to be fleshed out, the implications for tax revenues such as GST and PST, land transfer tax and property taxes cannot be estimated with any precision. Total direct, indirect, and induced soft revenues associated with the infrastructure spending will be in the order of $0.9 billion, the largest component of which will be personal income taxes on increased incomes. Infrastructure spending is calculated to generate approximately 26,000 person-years of direct employment, primarily as on-site construction employment and an additional 30,000 person-years of indirect and induced employment. End-State Impacts: Soft revenues associated with the residential/business/land use mix of the Central Waterfront for the projected endstate year (2023) were also estimated. End state revenues include: Additional property taxes generated by the 40,000 residential units and non-residential development in the Central Waterfront; and Direct, indirect, and induced effects of the 24,000 jobs expected to be located in the Central Waterfront. Total direct, indirect and induced soft revenues associated with the end-state were estimated to be in the order of $0.6 billion annually. Existing economic activity and soft revenues on the site were not quantified, but the amounts are relatively small compared to the end- state outcomes already described. The analysis provided to the Task Force focused on the six zones that constitute the Central Waterfront. It developed no estimates of soft revenues associated with additional economic activity elsewhere in the GTA or the Province and made no adjustments for possible diversion of economic activity from other parts of the GTA to the Area as a result of its redevelopment. It is clear,

however, that this Business Plan, if implemented, could have a significant impact on the economy of the city, and would enhance existing tourist draws and create new ones, thereby renewing the Citys somewhat aging portfolio of destination attractions and offsetting the decline in tourism visitation to the City. (Our Toronto Waterfront, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, 2003, pages 62-70)

Torontos Waterfront Design Details;

Public Promenade & Wooden Deck Jetty:

(Photograph: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, page 26)

Bridge Design

(Photograph: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, 2007, page 21)

(Drawings & Models: Toronto Central Waterfront Public Meeting, TWRC, West 8+DTAH, 2007, pages 36-42)

GUIDING PRINCIPALS & KEY ISSUES; Sustainability Principals for Torontos Waterfront There is no single approach to sustainability that fits every community. Experience elsewhere demonstrates that it is through the systematic application of sustainability principles based on solid information about existing environmental, economic, and social conditions that a community will find its own pathway to sustainability. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 2, page 1) Sustainable Waterfront Revitalization for an Integrated Sustainable Community A precise definition is not critical. However, it is important to revitalization of Torontos waterfront that there is general agreement about the key aspects of a sustainable community, including; Social progress that meets the needs of everyone. Effective protection of the environment. Prudent use of natural resources. Maintenance of high and stable levels of economic growth and employment. Vibrant, diverse, economically strong community Efficient use of power & green energy Green space & green buildings Green water, waste water & storm water infrastructure Extraordinary design Reuse, recover & recycle land facilities & waste With a strong sense of place Transit, bike, pedestrian & water access (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 1, pages 3-4) Mission: To put Canada at the forefront of global cities in the 21 Century by transforming the waterfront into beautiful, accessible new communities, parks and public spaces, fostering economic growth in knowledge-based, creative industries and, ultimately, redefining how the city, province, and country are perceived by the world. Vision: Working with the community and public and private partners, the Corporation will create spectacular waterfront spaces, cultural institutions, and diverse and sustainable commercial and residential communities that offer a quality of life second to none. We will capitalize on Torontos existing global economic clusters to establish a Portlands District for Creativity and Innovation and strive to ensure that Toronto is the city where the world desires to live. Objectives Develop accessible, new and improved waterfront communities and public spaces that offer a high quality of life for residents and visitors alike Attract innovative, knowledge-based industries to the Portlands Engage the community as an active partner in revitalization Develop strategic partnerships to attract private-sector investment (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 1, page 2) Building a Sustainable Community Building a sustainable community means paying attention to several important aspects of revitalization at the same time. It is widely agreed that development is not moving in the direction of sustainability unless it is characterized by: Achieving exemplar standards of functional and beautiful urban design. Minimizing resource consumption and waste production. Ensuring that participation in governance is as broad as possible. Encouraging innovation that addresses conservation and building technologies. Increasing economic opportunity and self-sufficiency. Focusing on development that supports diversity of all types along with a strong sense of community. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 1, page 4) Core Principles of the City of Toronto Central Waterfront Plan1 A. Removing barriers/making connections B. Building a network of spectacular waterfront parks and public spaces C. Promoting a clean and green environment D. Creating dynamic and diverse new communities (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 2, page 1) Global Hub of Creativity and Innovation The Toronto waterfront will emerge as the global hub of creativity and innovation. Revitalization of the Toronto waterfront will drive the economy through leadership in sustainability and make the waterfront a place where people are drawn by the range of opportunities for innovation and investment. Revitalization of the Toronto waterfront will result in the tranquility, recreational activities, clean environment, aquatic and terrestrial habitat and natural wildness of a northern lakeside cottage with year-round recreational and cultural opportunities, green space, access to the lake and environmentally safe public amenities including clean beaches open for swimming and fish populations suitable for eating. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 2, page 9)

Responding to the changing economic, social, environmental and cultural conditions as well as technological and scientific breakthroughs, The Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporations (TWRC) Sustainability Policy is outlined in the Actions, Strategies, Objectives & Targets below; SUSTAINABLE LAND USE Goal: Land use planning that supports sustainable community development. Rationale: Land use planning is a fundamental driver of sustainable communities and links to most of the themes in the Framework. It provides the physical context within which communities grow but it is the principles underlying land use planning decisions that determine how features such as street layout, open space and building placement combine to bring vitality and diversity of opportunity to the Toronto waterfront. Sustainable land use will optimize street layout and building placement to capture energy savings, access to lake and community interaction. Response: Good urban planning has always been about finding balance among competing interests in a way that results in a high quality of life. In many respects this is consistent with a sustainability approach although it is incumbent on planners and urban designers to be explicit about how their decisions were shaped by an intent to move forward on sustainability. Sustainable communities rely on a mix of uses to bring diversity and vibrancy to an area. From a land use planning perspective that means the best land use planning is in no way homogenous. Mixed land use and compact urban development are essential to community sustainability. Other links between sustainability and land use planning include building placement that optimizes energy efficiency options and community interaction and features such as east/west recreational trails, north/south vistas, and fully integrated transit-system land use that encourages frequent interactions of residents, workers, visitors, and learners. Of particular importance on the Toronto waterfront is easy access to the lake along with excellent views of the lake. Increased access and visibility will contribute to the long-term viability of the area by inviting on-going interaction and engagement with the waterfront.8 Street layout that is welcoming and encourages walking and community interaction year-round are also essential to the sustainability of waterfront communities. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 11-12) Objective 1: Mixed land use. Strategy: Development patterns consistent with sustainability. Actions: Conduct consultative precinct planning that results in mixed land use, balancing residential, commercial, industrial and parks and open space and compact urban development with excellent access to the lake, to public transit, and to community and recreational features Determine minimum targets for pervious land surface and green space. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, page 13) Objective 2: Vibrant street life Strategy: Attract people to the streets. Actions: Orient buildings and streets to ensure most walking zones have good sunlight for a significant part of the day Install three to four kilometers of well-designed Designate car-free zones. walkways that are attractive and functional throughout all four seasons, regardless of climate Designate car-free zones. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, page 13) Objective 3: Maximize opportunities for use of renewable energy. Strategy: Taking energy requirements into account during land use planning. Action: Orient building and streets to optimize access to natural lighting and heat from winter sun. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, page 13) Objective 4: Enhanced animal and aquatic habitat. Strategy: Site design that accommodates animal and aquatic habitat. Actions: Habitat enhancement along the waters edge including harder edge on the western side and more wetland - as on the east Create and maintain networks of natural systems both within the site and beyond its boundaries including linking the Don River corridor, Cherry Beach, Lake Ontario Park, and the Leslie Street Spit. Infrastructure creation that facilitates understanding, appreciation, and use of fish and wildlife resources. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 13-14) Objective 5: Compatibility between designated land uses and sustainable infrastructure. Strategy: Coordinate infrastructure and land use planning. Actions: Site development adjacent to existing infrastructure Ensure that open spaces and parks planning complement objectives of the City of Torontos Wet Weather Flow Management Master Plan Ensure that site development and building placement strengthen opportunities for district energy solutions. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, page 14) Objective 6: Recapture value of abandoned and underused sites. Strategy: Redevelop abandoned sites. Action: Create a Brownfields Remediation Strategy for the Toronto waterfront. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, page 14) SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION Goal: Make alternative transportation options such as walking cycling and public transit the natural choice for residents and visitors to the waterfront area. Rationale: The use of cars is a major contributor to air pollution both through the use of fossil fuels and, to a lesser extent, the energy embedded in materials used in cars. Even if nonpolluting sources of fuel become common place one-day, the widespread use of cars will still have a negative impact on the environment through the expansion and building of roads through agricultural and natural ecosystems. Response: Sustainable communities maximize the use of alternative transportation options for moving people and goods. Getting people

out of cars and walking or cycling has significant public health benefits, decreases contributions to global warming and contributes to community vibrancy through increased opportunities for interaction. Objective 1: Minimize car use Strategy: Discourage car use. Actions: Restrict opportunities for parking on-site Designate car-free zones Minimize amount of impervious paved surfaces for roads and parking Situate basic shopping needs and personal services within walking distance of residential units. Target 1: Individual waterfront resident driving a maximum of 1300 kilometres per capita per year.12 Target 2: all residences within 350 metres of a light rapid transit (LRT), streetcar or bus stop.13,14 Objective 2: Increase walking, cycling and public transit use. Strategy: Make walking, cycling and public transit attractive options. Actions: Create bike paths and pedestrian linkages with and between waterfront neighbourhoods and the rest of the City Create extensive on-site bicycling facilities and parking. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 15-18) SUSTAINABLE BUILDINGS Goal: Elegant architectural building systems that reduce negative environmental impacts and provide high indoor air quality and exceptional comfort. Rationale: Sustainable building systems are ones that meet sustainability objectives for reduced use of natural resources during construction and during operation. They provide high levels of personal comfort for their occupants due to exceptional indoor air quality and a strong connection to the outdoors. Where possible, sustainable building systems also anticipate future technologies and take this into account during design. They demonstrate elegant architectural solutions to these challenges. Addressing the sustainability dimensions of a building site, such as aesthetic compatibility with the existing community or natural setting, presence of contaminated soil, or a lack of existing infrastructure, can enhance the sustainability features of a building and make a much greater contribution towards a sustainable community than a stand-alone building. Response: The Toronto waterfront will be a showcase of the multitude of innovations in high-performance building design, current and emerging. They will be built to last and will make use of existing on-site materials where it is safely possible to do so. The TWRC will choose land revitalization that supports sustainability by exploring options to conventional large-scale, top-down commercial development processes. Examples of alternatives include coordinated development of several sites within a designated area to promote diversity, sale of land to individual households or syndicates of households or not-for-profit agencies that will to conform to strong sustainability standards, or accepting a less than market return on land in exchange for achieving higher sustainability performance. During the past ten years, the combined efforts of pioneering architects and building engineers have come together to create a new generation of architecture with substantially reduced environmental footprints and increased occupant health, comfort and productivity. These building systems are the result of a new integrated design process that brings together a wide variety of disciplines early in the design process and seeks to maximize efficiency and elegance of design from a systems perspective. Sustainable buildings on the Toronto waterfront will meet economic and social demands for building longevity by focusing on durability of materials and systems and flexibility of building use. Sustainable buildings will apply Leadership in Energy and Design (LEED) standards through an integrated design process to implement appropriate energy efficiency measures, recycle materials, use materials from sustainable sources and local sources, and reduce the generation of construction and demolition waste over conventional building systems. LEED standards address indoor air quality through measures such as natural lighting and ventilation and minimizing the use of materials that have off-gas properties. LEED also encourages the use of appliances with high energy efficiency. The sustainability features of the building site are an important component of LEED. For example, is the proposed building in an area with existing infrastructure or part of a brownfield remediation scheme? For more detailed technical discussion of sustainable buildings on the waterfront. (Reference: TWRCs Green Building Standards.) Objective 1: More sustainable buildings. Strategy 1: Market sustainable building concept. Actions: Produce marketing materials aimed at the development community and at the general public outlining the benefits of sustainable buildings Develop an awards program that recognizes excellence in sustainable building design on the Toronto waterfront. Strategy 2: Showcase sustainability buildings of outstanding beauty and high performance. Action: Build an exemplary sustainability building or set of buildings very early in the waterfront revitalization process. Objective 2: High performance sustainable building systems Strategy 1: Integrated design process. Actions: Hold integrated design workshops with members of the design, construction, and operations teams at the beginning of all major building initiatives TWRC building and site design request for proposals and terms of reference will stipulate the use of an integrated design process. Strategy 2: Apply LEED standards. Action: Make LEED standards available to all interested parties. Target: All new buildings designed between 2005- 2008 will conform to LEED Gold certification. During 2008, an evaluation will be carried on the feasibility of all new buildings conforming to LEED Platinum. Objective 3: Building sites that maximize sustainable oppertunities. Strategy: Locate buildings close to existing infrastructure or in under-serviced areas such as the Portlands; site buildings to minimize the need for new infrastructure and resource use. Action: Explore the opportunities for different types of district heating and cooling, capitalizing on economies of scale and long-term financial arrangements. Objective 4: Buildings that are compatible with a high quality of life in associated communities. Strategy 1: Buildings that contribute to a sense of community.

Actions: Barrier-free design consistent with the City of Torontos Accessibility Design Guidelines for all major public buildings and facilities on the Toronto waterfront Design buildings and sites to allow sunlight into corridors and courtyards. For example, keep buildings low in the front to allow sunlight into the street. Strategy 2: Buildings that allow residents, workers, and visitors to the waterfront to feel connected to nature. Action: Design buildings that incorporate atria, winter gardens, roof-top gardens, terraces, green houses, and other elements that visually connect people with plants. Commercial building designs will enable all occupants with stationary desks to maintain visual access to the outdoors. Objective 5: Long life for buildings and related structures. Strategy: Buildings that allow for full adaptability over time. Action: Super-size the height of the first floor of residential buildings to allow for easier conversion to commercial uses over time. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 19-26) AIR QUALITY Goal: Minimize pollutant emissions on the Toronto waterfront to help improve air quality in the City and throughout the region. Rationale: Poor air quality has a dramatic effect on quality of life in the city, especially during the summer months, and can negatively affect plant, animal, and aquatic habitat. Air pollution includes ground-level ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and small particulates that can be inhaled and cause irritation to the respiratory tissues. A recent report by Toronto Public Health estimated that five common air pollutants contribute to about 1,700 premature deaths and 6,000 hospital admissions in Toronto each year19. Air quality is directly linked to energy and transportation choices. Fossil fuels are by far the current favoured energysource for transportation as well as for space heating, cooling, and lighting for all industrial, commercial, and residential purposes. The use of fossil fuels is fundamentally unsustainable since not only are they major sources of air pollution but they are also finite natural resources that will eventually be used up. Response: A sustainability response to air quality is strongly linked to energy use along with land use and infrastructure planning. Complementary benefits of reduced greenhouse gases, smog precursors and toxic air pollutants will be achieved through the TWRCs initiatives on energy, transportation and land use. Ultimately, the waterfronts influence on Torontos air quality will depend on the degree to which fossil fuel use can be avoided. The Toronto waterfront will address poor air quality by encouraging energy efficiency and the use of alternatives to fossil fuels for heating, cooling, light and transport. This approach will be supplemented and implemented through activities such as mixed use planning and alternatives to auto use, controlling pollutant and particulate emissions from construction and post-construction, developing partnerships with industry and research organizations to find ways to reduce emissions and track carbon offsets, and building a reasonable tree canopy to improve air quality and enhance biodiversity and community liveability. Goals and targets in the energy and transportation, land use and materials and waste sections of this framework are strongly related to this category of impacts. Objective 1: Reduce concentrations of the air pollutants that contribute to smog NOTE: Reducing smog has strong links to several additional strategies and actions listed under other themes particularly Transportation, Energy and Human Communities. Strategy 1: Mixed use planning to minimize car use. Action: Situate basic shopping needs and personal services within walking distance of residential units. Target: All residential units within 350m of basic shopping needs and personal services. Strategy 2: Increased control of polluting emissions during Smog Alert days. Action: Adopt a set of smog alert protocols for the Toronto waterfront for construction and post-construction phases. The protocols should complement the smog alert response plan already in place for City of Toronto operations. Objective 2: Minimize dust from construction and demolition activities. Action: Adopt a set of demolition and construction dust control protocols for the Toronto waterfront. Objective 3: Purify air and add beauty and comfort on site. Strategy: Expand tree canopy Action 1: Develop landscaping plan to provide shade in summer and wind resistance in winter. Target: 30-35% coverage of site with trees. Action 2: Develop tree maintenance protocols to ensure sustained tree growth. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 27-29) HUMAN COMMUNITIES Goal: Vibrant welcoming healthy and inclusive waterfront Communities. Rationale: Communities with a high quality of life are desirable places to live, work and do business. Sustainable communities are characterized by a clean environment, a resilient economy and strong sense of social-well being throughout the population. A sustainable community supports and encourages diversity and takes long-term and external impacts into account during decision-making. Strengthening sustainability within a community often begins with a clear vision but it is really a process of creative, local, balanced decision-making that continues to adjust to changing realities of community and urban living. Response: Pursuing the development of sustainable communities on the Toronto waterfront will ensure that the waterfront is transformed into a place where people from all backgrounds and ages can live, work, play, visit, and learn in a way that strengthens and celebrates the beauty, the diversity, the economic vitality, the opportunities, the creativity, the heritage, and the natural environment of the City of Toronto and the GTA. Sustainability communities will also attract a mix of people to the waterfront including adults with children, seniors, New Canadians and those from all economic backgrounds A sustainable approach to community development includes dramatically improving access to the waterfront, improving and maintaining attractive, environmentally sound parks, open spaces and recreational opportunities, stimulating mixed use development that provides housing options for a wide variety of living arrangements and pocketbooks, and creating small- and medium-scale commercial opportunities and diverse employment options. Objective 1: Waterfront communities that attract people all year round.

Strategy: Enhanced recreational features. Action 1: Create and maintain green and open space that is suitable for a wide range of recreational activities and park land. Target: 25% of waterfront area devoted to new and improved parks and open spaces (over 200 hectares). Action 2: Implement strategies to clean up waterfront beaches. Target: At least eight waterfront beaches meeting Blue Flag certification for water clean enough to swim in by 2008. Action 3: Develop winter recreational programs across the Toronto waterfront. Action 4: Create extensive year round walking, biking, fishing, and boating opportunities. Objective 2: A place to live, for people from all walks of life, of all ages. Strategy: A diverse housing mix and related community services. Action 1: Include appropriate housing to support all age groups and families of all types, sizes, and economic levels. Action 2: Build or enhance the appropriate number and type of community services including outdoor play areas, community centers, elementary and secondary schools, daycares, and libraries. Target: 25% of new residences targeted for affordable Housing Objective 3: Appropriate mix of residential and commercial space. Strategy: Draw small, medium, and large businesses to the waterfront. Action: Market the business benefits of being part of a sustainable waterfront community. Target businesses and corporations that have demonstrated interest in the sustainability concept. Target: At least 25% of space is commercial space. Objective 4: A peaceful and relaxing enviroment. Strategy: Minimize noise and light pollution. Action 1: Develop and implement a noise control strategy. Target: Ambient noise levels of 45 dB (A) in residential areas. Action 2: Develop and implement a strategy to minimize direct light beams directed beyond site boundaries or upwards without falling entirely on a surface for the purpose of illuminating that surface28 (this has a link to the Natural Environment theme since it would need to be designed to also minimize bird strikes of buildings). Objective 5: Community involvement in growing healthy nutritious food. Strategy: Community gardening Action: Creation of community gardens throughout waterfront communities. Identify and make available public plots of land that are suitable for food growing adjacent to or on residential and community development by 2004. Action: Encourage organic farming/gardening methods. Action: Establish a healthy food/local market caf by 2007. Target: All new residential buildings will incorporate roof gardens, balcony gardens, and/or community gardening plots. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 33-41) CULTURAL RESOURCES Goal: A high level of cultural vibrancy and creativity. Rationale: A strong commitment to cultural vibrancy goes hand-in-hand with support for the arts, recreation, cultural heritage, festivals, services, sports and street activities. An engaging waterfront is an attractive and stimulating place to visit, live and work, brings many different benefits to the community, the City and region and welcomes and enables all people to fully participate in City life. Response: Cultural priorities and the wise management of cultural resources on the waterfront need to be incorporated into many aspects of waterfront revitalization. Integrating cultural considerations into activities such as land use planning, the design of parks, public space and buildings, ensures the creation an attractive mix of features that draw people to the area year round and contribute greatly to the likelihood of achieving an overall beautiful natural and built environment on the waterfront. Integrating cultural considerations into revitalization requires understanding the cultural opportunities that exist in the near and longer terms as well as protecting and enhancing cultural heritage resources that are already in place. Objective 1: Maximize cultural resources on the waterfront. Strategy: Incorporate cultural features and activities throughout the waterfront. Action 1: Create a visual identity program including public art and interpretive resources. Action 2: Create cultural and heritage destinations on a variety of scales. Action 3: Strengthen connections between the waterfront and the city through historically and/or culturally significant corridors. Action 4: Support artistic and cultural expression in new buildings, new infrastructure, in urban ecological processes and in green and open spaces. Objective 2: Protect and enhance existing cultural and heritage resources, including built heritage. Strategy: Understand the nature and extent of existing waterfront built and cultural heritage and archaeological resources and how they can be integrated as part of sustainable community development. Action 1: Develop an inventory and map of cultural heritage resources along the waterfront, and ensure the inventory is reviewed for relevance to each waterfront initiative. Action 2: Develop an operational strategy for integrating cultural heritage resources into planning and design for site, buildings and infrastructure using approaches such as restoration, adaptive re-use and public art Objective 3: Maximize cultural activities. Strategy: Provide a wide range of opportunities for cultural activities and facilities. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 43-46)

NATIONAL HERITAGE Goal: Greatly enhance the environmental integrity of the Toronto waterfront Rationale: The health of the local ecosystem has profound implications for the ultimate sustainability of local communities and the City and region as a whole. Many issues relating to this theme are covered in other parts of the framework, including air quality and water. Polluted soil, air, and water pose health risks and are strong obstacles to building vibrant communities. Degraded habitats and invasive plant monocultures reduce the viability of area ecosystems over the long term and detract from the natural beauty that would attract people to the waterfront to live, work and play. As well, an enhancement or expansion of the current natural heritage promotes a more natural water cycle, enhances biodiversity and provides greater opportunities for recreation and a higher quality of life than paved and other water impervious ground cover. Prior to settlement of the Toronto area, the shoreline was very different from the one we know today. Rivers and creeks supplied clear, cool water and provided habitats for riverspawning fish such as salmon. Nutrient-rich estuaries supported wetlands teeming with wildlife. Sandy spits provided protection from winds and wave action. Sheltered stretches of shoreline were lined with lush stands of emergent vegetation. Much of the nearshore was covered with sand, gravel and stone (Whillans, 1999). Response: Measures will be taken to restore and enhance aquatic and terrestrial habitat including creating favourable conditions for migratory birds with an emphasis on high quality habitat restoration. Setting high targets for habitat improvement will strengthen biodiversity and focus attention on the value of these natural assets. Restored and enhanced aquatic habitats will allow renewed opportunities for sustainable use of fishery resources. A reasonable goal would be to introduce biodiversity into waterfront areas using regionally appropriate flora and fauna. Native plant species are an excellent choice because they generally require much less water to thrive and because they do not introduce the risk of ecosystem disruption that can accompany the introduction of non-indigenous plant species. Appropriate ecosystems for the waterfront would be wetland or Carolinian. Objective 1: Extensive habitat improvement. Strategy: Restore and enhance natural communities in accordance with soil, topographic and hydrologic conditions Action 1: Implement the recommendations for improving the ecological health of the shoreline contained in the Toronto Waterfront Aquatic Habitat Restoration Strategy including improving water and sediment quality, re-introducing top predators such as muskellunge and walleye and increasing structural diversity across the waterfront. Action 2: Protect and restore the habitat for all wildlife, including migratory birds. Action 3: Create and maintain networks of green space throughout the waterfront as identified in the Toronto and Region Terrestrial Natural Heritage System Strategy (TNHSS). Objective 2: Strengthen native biodiversity. Strategy: Ground cover with a diversity of indigenous plant species. Action 1: Identify native plants most suitable for waterfront revitalization. Action 2: Ensure a mix of plant species, avoiding the creation of monocultures. Target: 80% of all restoration plantings on publicly owned gardens and landscape areas are native to Southern Ontario. Remaining 20% must be non-invasive species. Objective 3: State-of-the-art integrated soil management. Strategy: Safe and effective management of contaminated soils. Action: Implement the TWRCs Integrated Groundwater Management Soil Strategy. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 47-50) WATER Goal: Improve water quality along the Toronto waterfront and reduce per capita consumption of fresh water. Rationale: Excellent water quality is a vital component of a sustainable community since it essential for human health and the health of the ecosystem as a whole. Conservation of fresh water is also important since, even in urban centres like Toronto that have a good supply of fresh water, it requires energy and other resources to deliver treated water to homes, businesses and industries. Response: The Toronto waterfront will be the demonstration city for the conservation, integration and sustainable innovation of waterfronts and water resources. The aim is to takes steps that will support the improvement of water quality on the waterfront while sharing the benefits of improved water quality with Toronto and the GTA as a whole. The waterfront will be clean, healthy and safe for recreation including swimming. The Toronto and Region Remedial Action Plan is an important source for building a sound response to some of the major sustainability challenges posed by under the water theme. The Toronto waterfront will also pursue revitalization in a way that maximizes the opportunities for the conservation of drinking water. Freshwater will be preserved and respected as a precious resource and will not be widely used for purposes where waste water (also known as grey water) would be a safe and effective alternative. The Toronto waterfront will also be foremost in the development of elegant waterfront architecture, water art and green building and open space design. Objective 1: Contribute to improved water quality in the lake. Strategy: Reduce likelihood of contaminants entering the lake. Action 1: Implement measures help absorb rainwater such greenroofs, widespread greenspace, permeable surfaces, rain gardens, and, where necessary, surface gutters routing water to rain gardens. Action 2: Institute best practice guidelines for the control of herbicides; salt; animal waste and other pollutants. Action 3: As permeable surfaces increase, build proposed tunnel to collect storm-water runoff for treatment prior to discharge. Action 4: Reduce the quantity and improve the quality of Storm-water runoff by implementing the recommendations of the City of Toronto Wet Weather Flow Management Master Plan. This includes: 1. As a priority, rainwater (including snowmelt) should be managed where it falls on the lots and streets of the city, particularly before it enters a sewer. 2. Wet weather flow should be managed on a watershed basis with a natural systems approach being applied to storm-water management as a priority. 3. A hierarchy of wet weather flow solutions should be implemented starting with at source, then conveyance, and finally end-of-pipe. 4. Torontos communities need to be made aware of wet weather flow issues and involved in the solutions. Objective 2: Reduce use of portable water

Strategy: Increase the use of rainwater and grey-water. Action 1: Capture storm-water and reuse on-site. Action 2: Design and implement an integrated water management plan that relies on the use of clean storm-water and available grey-water for toilet flushing and other uses where drinking water quality is not essential. Target: Set target for per capita consumption of potable water at 150 litres per person per day residential; 25 litres per person per day commercial water consumption. Action 3: Encourage use of dual flush toilets and installation of water-conserving appliances. Objective 3: Protect groundwater from contamination. Strategy: Minimize risks from contaminated sites. Action: Implement the TWRC integrated soil and groundwater management strategy. Objective 4: Celebrate the waterfront setting and water as a feature. Strategy: Encourage artistic expression using water as theme and incorporate art as an integral part of building sustainability components. Action 1: Design and install distinctive pieces of water art along the waterfront. Action 2: Organize a local and international design competition and seek sponsors to ensure water art is a distinguishing feature of the Toronto Waterfront. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 51-56) MATERIALS AND WASTE Goal: Significantly reduce per capita waste production over current levels and minimize the use of resources for production of building and other materials. Response: Integrated waste management is a process designed to close the loop on resources, with strategies to minimize the use of materials and systems for recycling or reusing all waste materials. The Toronto waterfront will demonstrate the highest standard of efficient resource and non-toxic materials use. Objective 1: Waste reduction. Strategy: Set per capita waste reduction targets. Action: Provide area residents with information on waste reduction strategies. Target: Per capita waste disposal targets of 200kg/person/year. Objective 2: Re-use and recycle. Strategy: Choose salvaged or recycled materials over new ones, and re-use building components and existing systems where safety and suitability permit. Action 1: Implement the TWRCs construction and demolition materials management strategy. Action 2: Establish a temporary on-site recycling facility to handle construction materials. Include opportunities for the public to purchase materials not needed for construction. Target: 75% of lumber from sustainable plantations or recycled sources. Target: 25% of building materials from recycled or renewable sources. Objective 3: Local economic development. Strategy: Buy from local suppliers. Action: Compile a directory of businesses within a hundred kilometre radius of Toronto selling sustainable products. Objective 4: On-site containment of waste. Action: Establish facility for on-site composting of organic waste. Develop protocols for transferring compost to community gardens and parks throughout the waterfront. Make compost easily available to all waterfront residents. Action: Import waste from other parts of the City as capacity allows. Objective 5: Avoid use of material and compounds that create health or environmental risks during production, use or disposal. Strategy: Minimize use or production of hazardous waste during revitalization activities. Action 1: Establish protocols for limiting the use of chlorinated solvents, and solvent-based paints in the first five years of revitalization (2005 2010) with the possibility of long-term phase out of the use of all hazardous substances. Action 2: Produce an information guide on product substitution of non-hazardous products for hazardous materials. Action 3: Conduct an annual hazardous waste audit to evaluate hazardous waste levels and find new opportunities for substitutions. (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 57-59) INNOVATION Goal: To encourage innovation as a means to make the Toronto Waterfront the foremost example of sustainability and a centre for creativity and knowledge. Rationale: Innovation is a way to change negative practices and patterns and support a shift to a more sustainable way of doing things. Innovation also offers the promise of exciting economic, social, and environmental benefits for the Toronto Waterfront communities and, potentially, for the region, the province, and the country as a whole. Creating an environment where innovation is encouraged and celebrated will attract those in the creativity and knowledge industries as well as increase interest among investors. Response: The Toronto waterfront will be a network of fully connected communities with the flexibility to take advantage of future advances in technology. All facets of waterfront development will pose challenges and opportunities for innovation as those involved in activities such as planning, design, construction, and maintenance take steps to incorporate sustainability principles into their efforts. As well, providing a rich and diverse cultural and learning environment coupled with ease of formal and informal interaction increases the likelihood of all types of innovation technological, artistic, and lifestyle springing to life on Torontos waterfront.

Objective 1: Stimulate creativity and innovation. Strategy: Incentives to be innovative. Actions: Establish a waterfront innovation in sustainability recognition program. Design that contains original and innovative technology. Design that uses existing technology in an original way. Design that can be replicated and marketed elsewhere. Design that uses recognized sustainable design specialists in design process (include copies of reports and recommendations). Design developed from multi-disciplinary or community participation. Innovative financing or partnership performance contracts (e.g. in areas such as energy). Objective 2: Bring attention to Toronto waterfronts sustainability achievements and potential. Strategy: Promotion of the Toronto waterfront as a centre for innovation and creativity. Action 1: Begin compiling inventory of all innovative activities on the waterfront in 2004. Document with photographs and video and promote at local, national and international events. Action 2: Hold a biennial international conference and exhibition on innovation in sustainability. Objective 3: Ability to accommodate important technological advances. Strategy: Flexibility platforms in new buildings and infrastructure (Sustainability Framework, 2005, section 3, pages 61-62)

CONCLUSION "The Transformation of the Urban Ports is, without a doubt, one of the big chapters of the urban renewal for the last 20 years and it can make sure it will be a crucial topic in next decades. The old central ports are entering in obsolescence fundamentally because of the changes in the system of port traffic and the growth of containerisation that demands other measures and another functional system (J. Busquets & J. Alemany, 1990) Coastal and waterfront communities have a natural boundarythe waterthat makes efficient land use critical. Not only is development physically limited within this boundary, but the proximity to the water is often of highest value and at greatest risk from natural hazards, requiring an approach to community and building design that provides high structural integrity and the greatest benefit on the least amount of land. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 11) Waterfront communities are linked to the water by docks, piers, and boardwalks. Applying compact community design principles to these uses can improve both function and aesthetics. These compact designs also can create attractive community spaces. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 12) In coastal and waterfront communities, thoughtfully integrating a mix of land uses with the waterfront can deliver many benefits including generating vibrancy from active, pedestrian-friendly streets, sidewalks, and public spaces. In contrast to conventional development approaches that isolate residential, commercial, and civic uses from one another, mixing these land uses creates vibrant, sustainable communities. Putting homes, stores, offices, schools, and other uses close to one another makes it easier for residents to walk or bike to their daily destinations instead of driving. Communities can use existing infrastructure more efficiently, with the same sidewalks, streets, and utility systems serving homes, commercial centers, and civic places. Having these diverse uses in the same neighborhood generates vibrancy from active, pedestrian-friendly streets, sidewalks, and public spaces. In coastal and waterfront communities, thoughtfully integrating a mix of land uses with the waterfront can deliver these same benefits. This approach can also incorporate the areas distinctive visual, historical, and natural features into the daily life of residents and visitors, giving people a strong connection to the water. On the coast or waterfront, a mixed-use approach to development may mean weaving water-dependent uses with those not dependent on the water. While some uses may complement one another, others may require buffers, such as warehouses, research facilities, or open space, to separate ports and heavy industry from homes, schools, shops, and other incompatible uses. Integrating compatible, nonwater- related uses with the water-dependent ones that have traditionally defined the identity of coasts and waterfronts can provide a more stable economic base. If water-dependent activities slow down because of economic conditions, weather, or seasonal fluctuations, the compatible non-water-dependent uses can help sustain the local economy and continue to serve the daily needs of those who live, work, and play in the community. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 7) Policies, Tools, and Techniques for Implementation on Create overlay and special area zones that permit horizontal and vertical mix of uses Create form-based codes that prescribe building type, not use Plan for the needs of water-dependent recreational, commercial, Employ visioning exercises to determine community support for and industrial users maintaining working waterfront Develop waterfront master plans to guide land-based uses Develop harbor management plans to guide water based activities Create special area management plans to supplement existing plans for natural resource protection in specific areas Implement fiscal policies and incentives that support a mix of uses Use current-use zones, tax abatements, and tax exemptions to reduce the cost of critical activities of a working waterfront Create tax increment financing districts to improve infrastructure to support water-dependent activities (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 9) In communities experiencing rapid growth and high demand for land, as well as those with slower growth or economic decline, a mixed-use approach to development provides a way to plan for growth that protects the environment and strengthens the economy. In all cases, Action Options Adopt zoning policies and building codes that support mixed-use development


preserving working waterfronts and public access to the water requires communities to plan ahead and create a vision for future growth that retains this mix of uses. A waterfront master plan can be an effective starting point to engage the community in envisioning future development and articulating the values that new planning policies will support. An effective harbor management plan can govern activity in the water, complementing the communitys waterfront master plan and can manage activities in both the water and the adjacent land area.6 By recognizing the interdependence of land and water uses and crafting rules that value and support water-dependent uses, both types of plans can help communities fulfill their vision. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 7) Guiding Principles 1. Mix land uses 2. Take advantage of compact building design 3. Create a range of housing opportunities and choices 4. Create walkable communities 5. Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place 6. Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas Waterfront Key Elements 1. Mix land uses, including water-dependent uses 2. Take advantage of compact community design that enhances, preserves, and provides access to waterfront resources 3. Provide a range of housing opportunities and choices to meet the needs of both seasonal and permanent residents 4. Create walkable communities with physical and visual access to and along the waterfront for public use 5. Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place that capitalizes on the waterfronts heritage

6. Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and the critical environmental areas that characterize and support coastal and waterfront communities 7. Strengthen and direct development toward 7. Strengthen and direct development toward existing communities and existing communities encourage waterfront revitalization (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 4) Key Action Options Mix land uses and design buildings to foster pedestrian activity and visual access to the water Policies, Tools, and Techniques for Implementation

Adopt policies and codes that allow for a mix of uses compatible with waterfront development Adopt building codes that establish appropriate building heights around water resources and ensure visibility of special points of interest or viewing areas Connect buildings, streets, and paths to the waterfront Create central parking facilities to serve as park-once locations within walking or shuttling distance of waterfronts or central business districts Foster a safe and supportive infrastructure for walking, Establish a pedestrian master plan that supports investment in good biking, and other non- motorized means of travel sidewalks, narrow streets, crosswalks, bike lanes, on-street parking, street art, and appropriately scaled green infrastructure Ensure pedestrian safety through street design standards and speed control measures Provide maps for pedestrians, bikers, (with tours and points of interest), informational signage, and guides to boating storage facilities, racks, and access points Provide well-maintained pedestrian walkways and bicycle paths Assess and consider impacts from expected sea level rise or lower lake levels Expand and manage physical access to the water Inventory existing access sites compared to current and projected demand for access Prioritize access needs by identifying what types of access are needed and their most appropriate location Identify potential funding sources that will support the acquisition of properties for new access and the construction of any physical infrastructure needed Provide attractive and safe pathways between parking areas, public transportation, and waterfronts, ensuring that the connections are well-lit with adequate signage (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 21) Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place that capitalizes on the waterfronts heritage. Coastal and waterfront

communities can capitalize on their location and strengthen their sense of place by visually and physically connecting their streets, buildings, and public spaces with the water. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 23) Key Action Options Create an understanding of the communitys assets Policies, Tools, and Techniques for Implementation

Conduct a community asset inventory Write an ecological history of the community Incorporate community asset inventories and ecological history into visioning efforts Create a community vision for the future Use visual preference surveys Conduct visioning exercises Incorporate ideas from citizen advisory committees Consider potential short- and long-term impacts of climate change Incorporate the community vision into policies and codes Adopt design guidelines for new development as well as redevelopment projects Adopt form-based codes Require new development projects to incorporate public charrettes into the plan development process Incorporate historic and cultural structures in development Implement historic preservation districts projects, including working waterfront features such as Implement tax incentives to protect historic resources buildings, docks, and piers Provide grants for reuse of historic structures Implement an economic development agenda that capitalizes on the communitys waterfront heritage and natural assets (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 25) Compact Design Waterfront views are an eagerly sought amenity; communities can protect them by using compact design. Here, the area with the highest development density is a short distance inland at a higher elevation. Building heights gradually decrease as development approaches the waterfront. Putting denser development on higher land with taller buildings protects water views for all buildings as they step down in height to the water. This preserves visual access to the water across the community, creating a compact neighborhood that complements surrounding uses, including the waterfront itself. Compact development can capitalize on the natural advantages of the waterfront, provide attractive communities by the water, protect valued assets, and improve the overall quality of life. When applied at both the building and community-level, compact design can make better use of the land at the waters edge, as well as the water bordering it. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 12) Walkable Mixed-use Communities In a walkable community, trips by bicycle or on foot are viable transportation alternatives to the car. Walkable communities locate a mix of uses, such as homes, shops, and schools, close to each other. They provide sidewalks, crosswalks, and bike lanes that create safe passage for walkers and bikers, and they offer convenient, well-designed parking that encourages people to park and walk to their destination. Walkable communities offer more transportation choices, higher levels of social interaction, greater opportunities for physical activity, and reduced emissions from automobile travel. For waterfront communities, improving the connection between pedestrians and the water can increase interest in walking and biking and help to decrease the pressures of seasonal traffic. The pedestrian connection to the water can be improved physically, with better street, path, and trail connections, and with access points to the water that are open to the public. The connection also can be approached visually, by designing the built environment in ways that preserve the view of the water and encourage residents and visitors to access the waterfront on foot. Orienting the built environment to the water can improve public access to it and encourage a better appreciation of this precious asset. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 19) Giving people more options for getting around meets many community goals. When people find it easy and safe to walk, bike, or take transit, they no longer have to rely exclusively on cars to get to shops, work, and school, reducing air pollution and traffic congestion. Walking and biking also help people include physical activity in their daily routines, give more freedom to those unable or unwilling to drive, and can reduce household transportation costs. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 35) In waterfront and coastal communities, strong and often competing demands between development, recreational uses, and protection of the environment must be balanced. The uncertainty in development can be magnified by the extra layers of local, state, and federal regulations that apply along the water. Often, planning and permitting agencies have different roles and responsibilities that must be reconciled. By creating an easily understood, predictable development process, waterfront and coastal communities can create a climate that is more likely to produce projects that meet multiple community goals. This can be achieved by effectively coordinating across regulatory agencies, providing non-regulatory incentives, and allowing flexibility in local development policies. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 39)

Key Action Options Come to consensus on a vision for future growth Develop processes that make decisions predictable and faster while meeting community development objectives and protecting natural and cultural resources Make development processes transparent, fair, and inclusive

Policies, Tools, and Techniques for Implementation Employ design charrettes, comprehensive plans, and other stakeholder visioning processes Create consistent cross-agency review criteria and processes Use one-stop shops for interagency review Develop pattern books and design guidelines that include form-based codes Create development policies and regulations that are easy to understand and apply Use published project review timelines Build on-line databases showing project status Use a variety of stakeholder involvement processes, including community meetings, design charrettes, and on-line discussion forums Produce publications and websites that outline processes Create on-line databases Use one-stop shops for information on the permitting process

Provide centralized, easily accessible information

Policies, Tools, and Techniques for Implementation Conduct a stakeholder analysis Schedule meetings to accommodate all stakeholders (including seasonal residents) Conduct individual and small group interviews Administer community surveys through the mail Develop a common understanding among the Engage all stakeholders to set goals diverse stakeholders Conduct walkability tours and audits Administer visual preference surveys Hold community visioning exercises Perform policy audits to ensure that plans, codes, and regulations are consistent with community vision Use appropriate and transparent meeting and Use charrettes to resolve complex design issues communication techniques Use trained meeting facilitators Employ a communication strategy to keep all interested constituencies updated and involved Use geographic information systems (GIS) to create maps depicting alternative development scenarios Analyze alternative development scenarios using visualization software Collaborate with federal, state, and local Employ special area management planning authorities who have jurisdiction over the Conduct joint coastal permit reviews public trust and coastal natural resources Provide feedback when federal agencies solicit input for environmental impact statements (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 41) One of the primary interests of people living and working near the water can be access to the water. However, the legal framework regulating access is complex. In most waterfront settings, historic public use can establish an easement allowing public access to the water across private land. But public access rights vary across jurisdictions. Often shorefront property owners also own the adjacent intertidal zone. The quality of life in coastal and waterfront communities depends in part on finding ways to constructively balance these rights of public access and private ownership. Well-designed, collaborative stakeholder involvement processes can help reach this objective. Identifying who to involve requires understanding who has an interest in, or will be affected by, proposed development. Near the water, there can be many stakeholders, such as recreational users, commercial fishers, developers, waterfront business owners, and permanent and seasonal residents. On the coast, a wide range of government entities must be engaged, since they are responsible for community health and safety and for protecting both the environmental quality of coastal ecosystems and the publics right of access to them. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 43-44) Key Action Options Enhance water-based public transportation and link it to pedestrian and landbased transit systems Ensure that transportation options consider the movement of goods, as well Policies, Tools, and Techniques for Implementation Encourage water-based public transportation options, particularly those that accommodate walk-on passengers (e.g., ferries and water taxis) Coordinate water-based public transportation with land-based systems and schedules (e.g., rail, bus) Apply transit-oriented development principles to water taxi or ferry terminal areas, using high-density, mixeduse projects to attract water transit riders Ensure efficiency of intermodal connections (e.g., port to truck, rail, air) Coordinate between marine transportation and port plans, local land use plans, and land transportation and infrastructure plans

Key Action Options Develop an inclusionary process to maximize participation and results

Use variable pricing policies for parking or tolls Consider a park-once strategy for cars and boats; complement with shuttle services and improved pedestrian access Locate parking structures and sites away from waters edge Increase shuttle service during seasonal peaks (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 37) Places where people want to be Vibrant streets and attractive public spaces are hallmarks of healthy communities. Distinctive features such as tree-lined boulevards, historic buildings, or rows of shops and cafes make neighborhoods and downtown centers places where people want to be. Old buildings lend themselves to reuse as housing, businesses, and cultural centers; new building designs can blend with the character of surrounding structures and the environment, creating a more cohesive community fabric that helps maintain economic vitality. In new coastal or waterfront communities, pedestrian scaled streets, well-designed buildings, and inviting public spaces can be connected with the water to create great places. In established communities, redevelopment efforts can incorporate buildings, docks, and other structures historically connected to the working waterfront, capitalizing on the rich heritage the waterfront provides. Natural and working lands play an essential role in the economic, environmental, and social well-being of communities. Natural areas and parks increase neighboring property values, attract businesses and residents, support tourism, offer opportunities for recreation, and provide scenic value Wetlands, forests, stream buffers, and other critical environmental areas provide many additional benefits, including water and air filtration, recharge of precious groundwater resources, protection of drinking water supplies, and habitat for plants, animals, and beneficial insects. Conserving these resources is important to the environmental health and well-being of any community as it grows or redevelops. Coastal and waterfront communities depend on their working lands, waterscapes, and ecological systems. The dynamic natural processes that characterize the shifting boundary between the land and the water create beautiful landscapes that are essential to both local ecology and economy. Freshwater and tidal creeks, marshes, cliffs, dunes, estuaries, and beaches intertwine to support complex ecological systems that provide invaluable services. Wetlands provide critical habitat, mitigate flooding, and capture and retain sediments, helping to keep pollutants from reaching downstream waters. Estuaries provide essential nurseries for commercial and recreational fish species. And beach and dune systems protect the shoreline against the natural hazards of erosion, storms, and sea-level rise. Local economies fueled by such activities as sport and commercial fishing, recreation, and tourism, as well as retiree and artist communities, rely on the natural assets that support them. Protecting the strength and health of waterfront and coastal communities natural resources requires balancing the needs of the built environment with those of the natural one. Green infrastructure planning can help communities get this balance right. Through green infrastructure planning, a community or region can identify and prioritize natural areas that should be preserved or restored to protect longterm ecological health and build community resilience. The process begins with an assessment of an areas most important environmental assets, identifying the natural and working lands and water bodies that need to be protected or restored. Along the water, this process should include a community vulnerability assessment, which systematically identifies areas that are vulnerable to, or that can help buffer communities from, natural hazards. The result is a framework that defines which lands and water bodies need protection and which areas can best accommodate growth. Central to any planning process along the shore must be the recognition that shorelines are constantly changing systems. Erosion, flooding, storm surges, and sea-level change in response to tides, waves, and storms are all natural processes Smart shoreline development can mitigate the damaging effects on the built environment caused by these changes by incorporating land use approaches that reduce the risks from coastal and waterfront hazards. For example, protecting, maintaining, and, where possible, restoring natural areas along the water can create buffers that protect development from environmental changes. Communities can use a variety of tools to implement this approach, including development setbacks (e.g., from the high tide line), conservation easements, and rolling easements, which shift automatically with natural changes in the shoreline. Capitalizing on the inherent resilience of these assets by properly protecting them can help protect people and property from the impacts of natural hazards and the additional challenges posed by a changing climate. Coastal and waterfront communities depend on their natural and working lands and the water. By preserving open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas, communities can maintain essential environmental services and improve community resilience. Infill development in existing communities, where roads, utilities, and transportation connections are already in place, is a preferred growth strategy because of the many environmental and economic benefits it provides. When communities convert underused infill sites, such as parking lots or vacant properties, into vibrant mixed-use developments, they strengthen their local tax base, concentrate growth, and reduce pressure to convert undeveloped land, yielding significant air and water quality benefits. Redevelopment of brownfieldssites where reuse is complicated by real or perceived contamination removes environmental hazards from communities and provides new investment opportunities in areas already well served by infrastructure. New development and investment in these infill locations can re-energize lagging commercial corridors, providing new stimulus to preserve traditional uses and promote recreational opportunities that strengthen the local economy. In many coastal and waterfront areas, properties at the waters edge are prime redevelopment targets, since they are in or

as people Plan for seasonal transportation needs

near the historic center of the community, are well connected to land- and waterbased modes of transportation, and are close to jobs, services, and tourist sites. Waterfront revitalization can enhance historic, cultural, and scenic resources, supporting community efforts to maintain a strong sense of place while protecting the water and other natural resources. All coastal and waterfront communities need to consider their vulnerability to natural hazards such as storms and flooding, and, for those on the coast, the risks from sea level rise. Communities must carefully consider the economic and environmental context before determining the best location for growth, development, and redevelopment. Along the water has always included factors such as sensitive natural areas, storms, and flooding. Communities facing the possibility of increased vulnerability from climate change-related impacts, such as increased flooding and sea level rise, may need to consider whether infill or redevelopment is appropriate. In appropriate locations, these development strategies can yield important economic, environmental, and community benefits. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, pages 23-32) Policies, Tools, and Techniques for Implementation Conduct community vulnerability assessments to ensure redevelopment is directed to appropriate areas Create waterfront master plans Use special area management plans Use harbor management plans Employ tax increment financing Create business improvement districts Promote infill development by Fix current infrastructure (fix it first policies) preserving, upgrading, Employ development incentives such as expedited permitting processes in areas with existing and reusing existing properties infrastructure Create concurrency policies for new development Retrofit historic waterfront for new Establish or promote historic preservation districts with associated incentives such as tax credits uses or easements Establish rehab codes for renovation of historic waterfront (or other area) buildings Clean up and reuse brownfields Use state and local brownfield assessment and cleanup programs (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 33) Resilience to Natural Hazards and Climate Change Coastal and waterfront communities must be ready to respond to and rebound from hazards created by weather and climate. The uncertainty about exactly how the climate will change should not stop communities from acting to protect property and lives. Much of the attention on climate change focuses on sea-level rise and coastal storm intensity. Planning with greater awareness can help communities make efficient investments in buildings and other infrastructure, protect and restore critical environmental areas, and protect public health. In applying these principles to any development project, communities need to explicitly consider natural hazards, including the potential impact of climate change. Resilience to natural hazards, such as storms and storm surges, sea-level rise, and shoreline erosion, is inextricably linked to the siting and design of development, as well as to the built and green infrastructure that supports it. Well-planned and well-maintained natural systems can help protect communities in many ways. (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 4) Key Action Options Plan with nature, anticipating dynamic waterfront and coastal processes (e.g., storms, sea-level rise, lake level fall, erosion) and manage ecological systems to be adaptive to changes caused by human activity Protect, maintain, and, where feasible, restore ecological systems, including submerged lands and shore habitat Policies, Tools, and Techniques for Implementation Conduct community vulnerability assessment to determine natural hazard risks; model future scenarios; include participatory approaches to understand risks perceived by the community Link community hazard mitigation plan to community comprehensive plan; incorporate into zoning, capital expenditure plans, and other local land use management tools Use green infrastructure assets (such as natural buffer zones) to accommodate projected risks from climate change Protect, restore, and enhance vulnerable shorelines through acquisition, rolling easements, living shorelines, buffers and setbacks, or site-level green infrastructure/LID storm-water management practices Key Action Options Promote community-based waterfront revitalization efforts

Use green infrastructure planning to identify community and regional environmental assets Designate marine or terrestrial management areas Use purchase of development rights, transfer of development rights, and land or marine conservation agreements to protect critical areas Use best management practices promoting on-site stormwater infiltration, native species, and living shorelines Protect or restore connectivity between natural areas where needed to support ecosystem function

Define appropriate indicators to measure and monitor ecosystem function and health over time Produce report cards and illustrative maps, based on goals and community vision, to align science with management priorities and to convey results to the public Preserve open space Partner with community land trusts to protect high priority lands and natural lands for Designate protection of waterscapes or coastal viewsheds within zoning schemes scenic resources and Create nature preserves, hiking and blue trails recreational Use targeted funding for open space and habitat preservation opportunities Zone waters for specific uses based on local circumstances and constraints (Smart Growth for Coastal and Waterfront Communities, 2009, page 29) Environmental Conservation and Waterfront Revitalization Urban waterfront redevelopment provides an opportunity to initiate a process of ecological function improvement of marine edge habitats and public awareness for sustainable management of coastal environments and resources. There is increasing awareness about the importance of coastal zones that is creating momentum for incremental recovery through a combination of conservation and technologically innovative restoration measures. Given the spatial and temporal convergence of critical shoreline habitat and intense settlement in the coastal zone, there are a variety of rationales for transformative change to urban waterfront settings. For decades, we have relied on no-take conservation paradigms to provide functioning ecological capital for present and future generations. However, most protected areas are too small, too fragmented, or ineffective in management to deliver the biodiversity and ecological function goals for which they were established. We need more proactive, widespread and incremental interventions to restore, enhance, and recreate habitats as a complement to continued conservation measures. Often the drivers behind waterfront change do not have marine ecosystem enhancement as a goal but they provide an opportunity to rethink an area holistically. Habitat restoration can be integral to urban waterfront redevelopment, bringing together the typically divergent worlds of design and ecology. This synergy can offer both educational and research opportunities to examine the recovery capacity of highly degraded marine environments. Science is increasingly asked to respond to complex social issues. Professionals and academics (e.g. city planners, engineers, landscape architects, scientists) that address issues of form and function of human inhabited space are being asked to incorporate ecological needs into design solutions. A nexus of ecological recovery that embraces elements of aesthetics, design and the celebration of place is emerging through the applied science of restoration ecology. Likewise, ecologically oriented urban design is vital for reconnecting us to the near-shore environment through diverse values including healthy ecology, society and economic factors. (Seattles Central Waterfront, 2006, pages 1-3)


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Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation (TWRC), Toronto Central Waterfront Meeting, [PDF, electronic document]. Toronto. 2007. Christopher, Glaisek, (VP Planning & Design, Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation (TWRC)). Hubbard, Pam, (Facilitator, LURA Consulting). Geuze, Adriaan, (West 8+DTAH, Overview: Design & Vision). , 16/05/2010, 12:10. FUNG, Robert. FARLINGER, William. GRANT, Ruth, et al. Our Toronto Waterfront; Gateway to New Canada, Waterfront Revitalization Task Force. [PDF, electronic document]. Toronto. 2003. , 14/01/2010, 13:00.

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