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- IMPERIUM OVERVIEW :IMPERIUM - DELTA: The British government is developing a high powered hallucinogen they call 'subject delta'.

this is a gas to be used on a large scale in trench warfare. The gas is programed to have a specific hallucinogen, the first one they develop is called "paradise lost" - this makes the soldiers see an angel, and therefore go across to the british side in search for peace and get shot. The other side is seeing the devil; which makes them kill their own men. When they're testing this drug it kills many scientists involved and kills all the subject because its to powerful. So they go back to correct this however they can't remove 2 things - 1) when someone is under the influence of the drug there iris has flecks of yellow 2) at any time they can have a heart attack. The hallucination lasts for between 5-10 minutes. the information they get to make the drug is literally found out of nowhere. an alien type creature (later to be known as the first Oculos) walks into the army base (which no one knows about) drops a note and starts to cough and blood and bleeds to death. On the note are locations to computers, machines, information etc buried underground, to make the drug. They still need a fair amount of money to make it, and it's backed from a company called Imperium. Which is odd as no companys had any intention for war. So its strange the backed it. (they're the big bad company in the whole of the story). Anyway so they use it on the german soldiers, but when the press find out about it. Its banned very quickly as obviously many people were christian and they don't want a drug which makes you see angels/devils. So its banned. However records are kept by a scientist who goes on to make LCD. However he cant program it to be one effect. And thus people see all different visions. Imperium Inc release a new product. Which they call fahrenheit 451. It makes burn victims feel like they have skin again; however it is also used on young children who are scared to make freinds and have an addiction to reading. There is major uproar

over it. Its not banned however companies get a hold of it and start to program their own versions on to it. Anyway so many versions of these drugs get released. But a few months later because of prolonged usage lots of people start having heart attacks and dying because of it. Or losing limbs etc as the drug is still experimental. Because its so powerful and can do literally everything it dominates the world market. And Sweden/Holland etc become very rich because they have the climate to product the drug. So anyway it becomes basically a currency and the world is falling apart. So the government's form one world government, and start a solution. They stop all production of the drug.However people are still making it illegally. So they round up all the addicts and basically put them into massive vaults. or camps. anyway. so they do that. and the users are changing. there hair is falling off they constantly have yellow eyes and they're referred to as the Oculos so anyway. the world is falling apart. all the users are used as workers by the rich. and the ones who don't use are extremely poor and live in shanty towns and start to become overseers of the users. because its all they can work as. At this time Imperium create a colony on Mars and everyone starts to move there. Leaving everyone behind. So there are no rulers. A group of criminals and warlords get together called Hawk whos motto is Work will set you free. (theyre given weapons by imperium) and start a dictatorship of earth. :IMPERIUM - VENDETTA: The main person is Francois, who works for a resistance group called Vendetta, trying to bring down the raiders and make earth a better place again. they find out lots of the users have been taken for mars and they want to also free them. So anyway they do some stuff..which ive forgoten, eugh. yeah. they do some stuff. Oh dammit..eughhmeme. yeah. so they find out all these secrets and stuff. and rally people together and start to take over earth and

help users. Now they have no hair, pale skin, and bright bright yellow eyes. They cannot survive without constant light. Its like water to them. They dont drink, or eat. Francois becomes corrupt. he starts producing the drug for money. and takes power of some of the places against the wishes of his girlfriend, every (Evie came up with both of the names), who wants to still free the slaves. Francois splits away from the group, when imperium offer him power, and Evey stays. The resistance group carry on without him, after taking major control of earth, and fly to mars. Evey leads the mars attack and finds the core. Which is the time portal, this is how they got the machines in the beginning, Imperium created a tangent universe, where the drug wasnt released, this allowed them to develop it without having fear of it creating a wasteland. they do this to basically control everything. Anyway. So Evey goes to destroy the core which will close the tangent universe and therefore stop the major production of a weapon Imperium are creating. Basically a robot suit, which lets them control everything, even the rich. However Francois shoots her. Which knocks her over. Nearly dead he goes over to her, he doesnt realise it was her, however the imperium leader comes out and tells him to kill her. And he doesnt want to. But the imperium guy convinces him. So he gives her a high Delta which stops her pain but will kill her within 10 seconds. she gives enough time to say she is pregnant. he then rages and runs into the prototype robot suit and kills the imperium leader. Her death has basically killed her. And it ends with him going back to earth with the robot suits and taking it over. :IMPERIUM - THE IRON DICTATORS: its about 2 friends in the earth wasteland who sell imperium. they go back to their slums, and find their parents have been killed by Imperium soldiers because they find Delta in the houses. So they go to a guy called Underdog to find retribution.

anyway. He agrees and they give him a lot of money. he goes to kill the officer. but he is trapped. however the two boys were watching and free him. he now owes them and they decide to bring down the officer station. they then go to each station to take them down. And start a rebellion. so its about that. they get lots and lots and lots of people together. to start a war. many are killed. including one of the friends. however they rage on. And then...and then ive gotta think of an ending. xD. Anyway, thats it! for now. I've missed out LOOOADS of stuff D: This is a very very very rough version. (p.s Francois lasts words are I go to seek a Great Perhaps)

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