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Hollow Earth Army Ants

Created by: Dr. Argent

Hollow Earth Army Ants

Archetype: Animal Style: 0 Primary Attributes Body: 0 Dexterity: 7 Strength: 0 Secondary Attributes Size: -8 Move: 1 (2)* Perception: 5 Skills Brawl Stealth Survival Talents None Resources None Flaw Bestial (Character cannot communicate or use tools) Weapons Rating Size Attack (Average) Bite 1N -1 11 L (5+) L Stinger 1N -1 11 L (5+) L Venom** 2N N/A Special Special * Creatures with four or more legs double their Move rating when running **Army Ants that successfully hit with a Stinger attack may also inject the target with venom, dealing 2N additional damage Base 0 7 0 Levels 11 3 4 Initiative: 1 Defense: 9 Stun: 0 Rating 11 10 4 (Average) (5+) (5) (2) Motivation: Survival Health: -3 Charisma: 0 Intelligence: 0 Willpower: 8

several at once, will not endanger a grown human, but the painful welts can become infected easily and leave scars. The real threat posed by these things is that you almost never encounter less than several thousand of them at a time. They do not dig nests, preferring to build a shelter out of leaves and twigs in a patch of jungle undergrowth they have staked out for themselves. Nothing that is not a member of the colony is suffered to live near a nest. The ants will attack anything that gets too close. Their jaws and stingers cannot penetrate the hide of most dinosaurs, but the eyes and orifices of even a T. Rex are vulnerable. At great intervals, for reasons no one knows, a nest will undergo a population explosion and swarm. The result is a huge living blanket of ants that will eat anything in their path until most of the crawlers die off and a new nest is established. A swarm can reduce a full-grown Irish elk to a pile of bones in about four minutes. Once a swarm begins moving, nothing stops it except fire and running water. The ants can usually cross still water and narrow fires by building bridges with their own bodies. Villages, even cities in the path of a swarm will be evacuated until the ants are gone. The ants are native to the tropical regions of the Hollow Earth. They never nest elsewhere, and it is believed that not even swarms will leave the jungles.

The HEX Army Ant is an aggressive little brute. Blood red in color which shades to dark on its underbelly, it is about six inches long and comes equipped with an impressive set of jaws. It can move quickly for its size, and its armored body is very tough. Although those jaws can deliver a nasty bite, its primary weapon is the stinger in its rear end. An ant stings by biting and then doubling up to jab its stinger into the bit of skin it has grabbed in its jaws. This bug's sting hurts! Think of a lit match applied to the skin, only the pain goes under the skin. The ant does not lose its stinger and can keep injecting venom until it is knocked off or killed. One sting, or even

Hollow Earth Expedition TM and 2006 Exile Game Studio, LLC

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