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Safari Series Mike Dooley April 8, 2010 www.tut.com

Abundance The Concept The Big Picture Mechanics Ironies Misunderstandings The Plan 21 Steps to Opening the Floodgates

Abundance The Concept The Big Picture Mechanics Ironies Misunderstandings The Plan 21 Steps to Opening the Floodgates

Do you realize that the I cannot have, do, and be more ...
Unless you have, do, and be more? Want it all! The Universe

As if you didn't.

Abundance The Concept The Big Picture Mechanics Ironies Misunderstandings The Plan 21 Steps to Opening the Floodgates

Big Picture Mechanics


2.Show up!

The real reason so many have trouble with the baby steps -doing all they can, with what they've got, from where they are, no matter how humble or seemingly futile -- is because they haven't yet grasped that the baby steps trigger unseen forces that throw wide the floodgates of unstoppable momentum, infinite abundance, and eternal life.

Take em! The Universe

Just threw in the eternal life bit. Everyone gets that anyway, but I think it makes the whole thing sound more prophetic, don't you?

Abundance The Concept The Big Picture Mechanics Ironies Misunderstandings The Plan 21 Steps to Opening the Floodgates

What if the word work was changed to dance-withlife? And instead of it being viewed as an alternative to fishing or a way of paying your dues, it was seen as a chance to meet a parade of new friends, discover your own untested potentials and unpolished gifts, and open avenues for abundance to come pouring into your life? Yeah, I bet lottery sales would plummet. The Universe Not to mention the office parties, donut runs, and free pens... cha, cha, cha!

Sometimes the hard way is really the easy way and the slow way is really the quick way.
Yet such sublime surprises may remain forever unknown when one waits... and waits, for the quick and easy way to manifest. Oh-wee-oh, The Universe Actually, what could be quicker than beginning with where you are, or easier than starting with what you've got? Oh my, the wonder of it all...

Abundance The Concept The Big Picture Mechanics Ironies Misunderstandings The Plan 21 Steps to Opening the Floodgates


1. DREAM! Define your abundant lifestyle! 2. Visualize daily.

3. Create vision boards, scrap books, post quotes, etc.

4. Until you know what to do, master whats before you. 5. Do the obvious; do what others do who have your dreams. 6. Constantly try new things; constantly take baby steps. 7. See everything you do as a stepping stone to greatness.

8. For direction, consider all you like and love.

9. Go! Start! Now! Today! 10. Dont attach to details nor insist upon specific paths/hows.

11. Use your brain! Get a little logical; sometimes even practical.
12. Face fears as they arise. 13. Playfully prepare the way for your inevitable arrival. 14. Do not judge progress with your physical senses alone. 15. Constantly ask for help, guidance, and ideas.

16. Constantly offer help, guidance, and ideas.

17. Surround yourself with likeminded (and wealthier) people. 18. Immerse yourself in truth books, CDs, DVDs, events.

19. Rest, play, take time off.

20. Be fair and responsible every step of the way.

21.Celebrate often! Splurge, act as if, buy the shoes!

Do you know what the one question is, that we hear the most from those who've made big dreams come true? You know, once the floodgates burst open, torrents are unleashed, and they're swimming in laughter, friendships, and dinero? In the very same moments that it seems the entire world is beating a path to their door with more love, appreciation and opportunities than they've ever known?

"What on earth did I ever do to deserve so much?"

And we're usually, like, "Dude, you visualized."

Beginners! The Universe

Safari Series Mike Dooley

April 8, 2010

Heaven forbid! Do you really think I'd let you go to a place where you couldn't find new friends, laughter, health, and abundance of every sort? Where you couldn't be happy about something every single day? Where you would be limited, stuck, or unable to change your circumstances? Do you even think such a place might exist? Not in a zillion years. Your Michelin Tour Guide to the Cosmos The Universe

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