Friday, June 1, 2012: General Conference Continues

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+ Friday, June 1, 2012

General Conference Continues

7:00 - 8:00 am 7:30 am - 1:30 pm Breakfast Room: Served Outside the Kachina Ballroom Technology Lab Open Room: El Tovar

8:00 - 8:15 am

Introductions Room: Kachina Ballroom Keynote: From Disability to Possibility Room: Kachina Ballroom Patrick Schwarz, Professor, Diversity in Learning & Teaching Department, National-Louis University, Illinois Using real life stories from womb to tomb of individuals with possibilities, Dr. Patrick Schwarz will illustrate what supports are successful and what else is needed for effectiveness in education and human services for all people. These compelling examples will motivate participants to reimagine and support individuals in new and inventive ways. Be prepared for something fun and different! Session Takeaways: Participants will identify examples of how they can provide positive change in the fields of special education and human services. Participants will provide examples of individual and classroom supports that empower students and self-advocates, and create membership and participation. Participants will articulate reasons why it is important to promote diversity awareness and training for our communities and general public.

8:15 - 9:15 am

9:15 - 9:30 am


Does your Center want to win a brand new Chromebook by Google? Well, then make sure each participant from your center completes their online evaluation by no later than June 8 at noon MDT, and maybe your Center will be the lucky winner! And, the 2nd Prize will be a Flip Video Cameradont delay, evaluate the conference today!
*Please note offer only available to participants from Region 5 Parent Centers.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Breakout Sessions (2) 1. Universal Design, Differentiation, and Curricular Adaptations Room: Kachina Ballroom Patrick Schwarz, Professor, Diversity in Learning & Teaching Department, National-Louis University, Illinois Universal design is providing access to curriculum for all learners through use of multiple means of representation, action, and expression. Differentiation is the use of educational strategy, technology, materials, sequences, and procedures to support successful learning for all students in a classroom. Curricular adaptations are individualized strategies to help a learner who needs further educational support to participate meaningfully in the classroom. In this immediately useable session, definitions, universal planning processes, and outstanding examples of student supports will be provided and applied to participants classroom, teaching and learning situations. Session Takeaways: Participants will define universal design for learning, differentiation and curricular adaptations and provide examples of each. Participants will provide lesson ideas that promote universal design for learning, differentiation and curricular adaptations that promote student involvement and understanding. Participants will discuss planning options to provide student and self-advocate supports in schools and community settings

9:30 - 11:00 am

2. Leadership + Synergy = Success: Maximizing The Energy and Contributions of Parent Center Boards of Directors Room: Boardroom Facilitated by Connie Hawkins, Director, Region 2 Parent Technical Assistance Center, ECAC, North Carolina Nonprofit Parent Centers shine when there is an effective Board of Directors, coupled with strong staff leadership. Since the best consultants often are peers, Board Members are invited to attend this session to discuss the strengths, challenges, strategies, and triumphs of Parent Center Boards of Directors.

11:00-11:15 am

Break: Light Snacks and Drinks Served Outside the Kachina Ballroom

Chromebooks are a new type of computer: lightweight; fast to use; and security built-in to protect against viruses. Chromebooks run web apps allowing you to create documents, edit photos, listen to music, and much more. Thousands of web apps can be found in the Chrome Web Store.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Breakout Sessions (2) 1. Custom Lives: Practical, Realistic, and Attainable Room: Kachina Ballroom Beth Gallagher, Director, Life Works, California Services for people transitioning to adulthood commonly leave a lot to be desired. This session challenges the status quo. Join Beth to explore creative and unique methods of designing support systems around individuals to ensure that they successfully live, work and go to school in the community setting of their choice. Experience tools that can be used to identify dreams and goals. Collaborate with other participants on idea shaping. Work with participants on how to ask "The Next Best Question." Experience examples of how supports that are truly individualized can allow people to live the life they find rewarding. Session Takeaways: Experience actual ideas that have been successful Walk away with an action plan of what to do when you get back home Guided practice of how to ask the Next Best Question

11:15 am - 12:45 pm

2. Catching and Realizing Dreams for Families: The Impact and Benefits of Collaboration for Families, Parent Centers, and State Agencies Room: Boardroom Andy Gomm, Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program Manager, NM Department of Health/Developmental Disabilities Supports Division, New Mexico Camila Gutierrez, DreamCatchers Parent Liaison, Parents Reaching Out, New Mexico Kendra Morrison, PTI Program Manager, Parents Reaching Out, New Mexico

Particularly in early childhood, families are involved with many service providers and supports. Multiple players, different projects or divisions within organizations, and varied initiatives at systems levels can cause confusion, duplication, and problems for families. However, with an open and effective communication process, collaboration can be enhanced and families can be served more seamlessly. The Early Intervention program (DreamCatchers) and the Parent Training and Information Center project at Parents Reaching Out, along with staff of New Mexicos Family Infant Toddler program will share successful strategies they have used for coordination and interagency collaboration to improve outcomes for young children with disabilities in New Mexico. 12:45 - 1:30 pm Boxed Lunches Served & Close of Conference

Thank you for joining us and explor ing the complexities of change. Region 5 extends a huge and heartfelt thanks to the staff at PRO (Parents Reaching Out) , and the staff at EPICS (Education for Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs) for their hard work, vision, commitment, and hosp itality!


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