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128105, January 24, 2001 LUDRING VALDEZ Accused- appellant, xxx--------------------------------------xxx Facts: The above cited accused was charge of murder with aggravating circumstances of use of superior strength. After the trial the court rendered decision convicting the Ludring Valdez guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder. On appeal the accused contended that the testimony of the witness by the name of Amanda Tabion must not be given credence, imputing ill-motive on her part against him and that she wasnt able to see the actual killing. Issue: WON the testimony of the witness is credible to convict the accused. Held: The testimony of the witness is worthy of credit. The court has stated that it will not interfere with the trial courts assessment of the credibility of witness, in the absence of any indication or showing that the trial court overlooked some material facts or gravely abused its credence. This case is no exception. Amanda Tabion was in a position to witness the incident, considering her proximity to the scene of the crime. Although the witness failed to see the actual killing, circumstantial evidence suffices for sustaining a conviction. Circumstantial evidence may be sustain if the following requisites are present: 1) there must be more than one circumstance; 2) the facts from which the inferences aare derived are proven; 3) the combination of all the circumstances is such as to produces a conviction beyond reasonable doubt.

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES Vs. G.r no. 128105, January 24, 2001 LUDRING VALDEZ Accused- appellant, xxx--------------------------------------xxx Facts: The above cited accused was charge of murder with aggravating circumstances of use of superior strength. After the trial the court rendered decision convicting the Ludring Valdez guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder. On appeal the accused contended that the testimony of the witness by the name of Amanda Tabion must not be given credence, imputing ill-motive on her part against him and that she wasnt able to see the actual killing. Issue: WON the testimony of the witness is credible to convict the accused. Held: The testimony of the witness is worthy of credit. The court has stated that it will not interfere with the trial courts assessment of the credibility of witness, in the absence of any indication or showing that the trial court overlooked some material facts or gravely abused its credence. This case is no exception. Amanda Tabion was in a position to witness the incident, considering her proximity to the scene of the crime. Although the witness failed to see the actual killing, circumstantial evidence suffices for sustaining a conviction. Circumstantial evidence may be sustain if the following requisites are present: 1) there must be more than one circumstance; 2) the facts from which the inferences are derived are proven; 3) the combination of all the circumstances is such as to produces a conviction beyond reasonable doubt.

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