HR Questionnaire

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NAME : ______________________________ DESIGNATION : _____________________________ NO: OF MONTHS/YEARS IN THE DEPT: _______ Date :

1. What are the goals and functions of your department? Specify your personal role in achieving them.

2. Does the senior human resources manager integrate all HR activities with the organizations strategic business plan. Yes No 3. Has a Human Resources department organization chart been published and distributed? If so, to whom? Yes No 4. Are job descriptions established for all HR personnel stating major job objectives, responsibilities and accountabilities? Yes No 5. Do all personnel understand their respective roles and relationships to others in the organization? Yes No 6. Are department personnel provided adequate training and professional development to meet organizational challenges and demands? Yes No 7. Do they work on team and department task force projects? Yes No 8. What is the span of control of the top position within the departments (i.e., how many and which positions report to it)? 9. Are supervisors or managers reporting to other mid-level managers? Yes 10. How many employees are in the Human Resources department? No

11. Is there one position accountable for reviewing the organizations human resources requirements( i.e for HR Planning)? Yes No 12. How is this review carried out? Formally/informally? (please describe) Yes No 13. How often is this analysis updated (e.g., yearly, every two years, three years or more)? Yes No

14. If the human resources plan calls for restructuring or downsizing, are there strategies set to deal with displaced employees? Is outplacement assistance offered? Are there strategies to support remaining employees? Yes to all No to all Any other (specify) 15. Is there a formal process in place for identifying job vacancies? Yes 16. Briefly describe the process from needs identification through final approval authorization. No

17. Is consideration given to internal candidates for all or some job openings before outside recruitment begins? Yes No If some positions are determined to be filled from within, how is this determination made?

18. What kind of recruiting sources does your organization use and for what positions: [ ] Newspaper sources [ ]. Professional journals/periodicals [ ]College recruiting [ ] Special events recruitment (e.g., job fairs and expos) [ ] Community referral agencies (e.g., state employment and training offices) [ ] "Quasi-search" methods (e.g., hourly rate paid to recruiting professionals for targeting candidate sourcing or use of professional candidate researchers) [ ] Employee referral [ ] Internal computerized applicant database [ ] Professional networking (e.g., associations) [ ] Direct mail recruitment [ ] Personal networks (e.g., local competitors, customers, suppliers, outplacement firms or industry research) 19. Does your organization have a pay-for-performance (merit-based) system? Yes No 20. Does the organization have a policy clearly stating its position on employee compensation? Yes No 21. Is the organization current on competitive employee benefit practices, such as childcare, flextime, job sharing, vacation/sick time, time-off provisions and health plan alternatives? Yes No 22. Does your organization engage in employee opinion surveys? a. If yes, how frequently? b. Do you communicate survey results to employees? 23. Are employees afforded a process where both sides of a complaint are heard and a decision is rendered fairly? Yes No

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