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Camille Erika M.



1. What is food flavor? is the sensory impression of a food or other substance, and is determined mainly by the chemical senses of taste and smell. The "trigeminal senses", which detect chemicalirritants in the mouth and throat as well as temperature and texture, are also very important to the overall Gestalt of flavor perception. The flavor of the food, as such, can be altered with natural or artificial flavorants, which affect these senses. 2. What are the sources of food flavors? - Amino Acid Compounds Ammonium Carbonates - Amyl Acetate This is pear and banana oil. Many artificial flavors are made using amyl acetate. It may cause nervous system depression, indigestion, chest pain, headaches, fatigue, and irritate the mucus membranes. - Amyl Alcohol Closely related to Amyl Acetate and also known to be toxic. - Annatto bixine (yellow orange) - Benzoates (including sodium benzoate) Can trigger the allergies such as skin rashes and asthma as well as believed to be causing brain damage. - Benzaldehyde Almond flavor, and when derived from nature, traces of hydrogen cyanide a deadly poison can be found in it. When made by mixing oil of clove and amyl acetate, no cyanide is produced. Nonetheless, both natural and artificial benzaldehyde can cause central nervous system depression and convulsions. - Benzyl Acetate Also related to Amyl Acetate and may cause gastrointestinal, bronchial, skin, and eye irritation. - Borneol Artificial flavoring that may cause gastrointestinal irritation, seizures, confusion, and dizziness. - Bromates Destroy the nutrients in the foods. It can give rise to nausea and diarrhea. - Butyl Acetate Related to Butryic Acid can be toxic in high quantities. Butylates Responsible for high blood cholesterol levels as well as impaired liver and kidney function. Ex) Butylated Hydrozyttoluene (BHT), Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) Caffeine Colorant and flavorant that has diuretic, stimulant properties. It can cause nervousness, heart palpitations and occasionally heart defects, symptom you get when you drink caffeinated soft drinks such as coke and red bull. For more information about caffeine. - Canthaxanthin: Other names Canthaxanthine, Carophyll Red, CI Food Orange 8, Colour Index No. 40850, E161, Roxanthin Red 10. Orange-red colored dye fed to farmed salmons in order to make their flesh look like wild salmon.

Caramel Very common flavoring and coloring agent that can cause vitamin B6 deficiencies. It can cause certain genetic defects and even cancer. Carvacrol Artificial flavoring that can lead to respiratory and circulatory depression as well as cardiac failure. - Cinnamyl Formate Also simply known as formic acid, (artificial cinnamon it may simply say "cinnamon flavor" in the label) has caused cancer in mice and may affect our kidneys. - Vanillan Artificial vanilla, can cause allergic reactions. It can limit the liver enzyme dopamine sulphotransferase by 50%. Its sources are the waste product of paper mills and petroleum. 3. What is the food source of these food flavors? Butter & Vanilla Blend, Natural WONF

`Almond Flavor, N&A

`Almond Flavor, Natural WONF Butter Solids, Natural WONF `Amaretto Flavor, Artificial Apple Favor, Natural WONF Apple Flavor, N&A Butter Supreme, Artificial "Pareve" Butter Supreme, N&A Butter Supreme, Natural WONF

Apple Pie Spice Blend, Natural Butter, "True" N&A Butter, Lemon & Vanilla Blend, N&A Butter, Lemon & Vanilla Blend Butter, Lemon & Vanilla Blend, Natural WONF Butter, Lemon, Orange & Vanilla Blend, N&A Butter, Lemon, Orange & Vanilla Blend, N&A 'Pareve' Butter, Lemon, Orange & Vanilla Blend, Kosher 'Pareve'

Banana, Ripe N&A Banana, Ripe Natural WONF Black Cherry, N&A

Blueberry, N&A


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