King of Britain: Rock 4 Rights Concert

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friday 1 april 2011



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rock 4 rights concert >6

King of Britain
A young Arthur discovers his true destiny in the 10-part TV series Camelot, starring Jamie Campbell Bower. >2-4



STARTWO, FRidAy 1 ApRil 011

Canadian guitarist Erik Mongrain is a riot on the fretboard. >7

Acoustic lightning

Adam Sandler and Woody Allen are recognisable voices of their generations. >14

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interpreting language

mind our english

Translating takes more than knowing the equivalent word. >16

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Dark retelling
Tense: Arthur (Jamie Campbell Bower, left) and Merlin (Joseph Fiennes) have a difficult student-teacher relationship in Camelot.
Stories by EliZABETH TAi

Diana Wynne Jones wrote intelligent, beautiful and seminally important fantasies. But no more. >26

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T was a mild winters day in November last year when we visited Camelots great hall. The imposing, two-storey building was a crumbling ruin of arches and stairs, a relic of the Roman age. Dried-out bush and weeds stuck out from cracked floor tiles, and a dim light gave the place a ghostly, ethereal feel. Silence, please! came a voice from the upper storey. As one, we journalists huddled before a camera at the edge of the hall. Joseph Fiennes, in medieval garb, walked into the camera frame to approach a regal-looking Claire Forlani in what appeared to be a room in a castle. The director made numerous takes, shooting the scene from different angles before taking a break. The cast was wrapping up the last few episodes of Camelot, a new, 10-episode series about the life of King Arthur. The Irish-Canadianmade series will air all over the world, including the American channel Starz, and Astros AXN Beyond. The great hall of Camelot is actually an impressive set located at Ardmore Studios, Dublin, Ireland the same place where they filmed The Tudors, a series about the life of King Henry VII starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers. It is a multi-level and multi-functional set, with additional rooms in the second storey that serve as interiors of various castles. The Pendragon hall is located in the neighbouring studio, its dungeon tucked under a tent beside it. Outside the studio, two men,

Camelot is set to rise from the murky mists of legend again in a new, big-budgeted television series.
dressed in medievalish costumes, played what looked like a game of ancient cricket on a field. Just a few blocks away, was the exterior of a castle, complete with a well, imposing walls and a gate. The actual castle was built a few miles away from Ardmore with a gorgeous view of Irelands green-covered hills. Money has clearly been poured into the project. According to Britains The Times, Camelot is said to be an even bigger production than The Tudors, which cost 20mil (RM85mil) in Ireland in 2009. The budget of one of Camelots episodes is more than I normally work on in small independent films that get years to realise, said Fiennes, who plays Merlin, in an interview the day before the set visit. Camelot is like 10 small films, he said. ning, before the knights, and before Arthur was even King. Its the Dark Ages, and King Uther Pendragon (Sebastian Koch) rules a Britain that is often at war. His daughter Morgan (Eva Green), whom he banished to a nunnery 15 years ago, unexpectedly appears, demanding his fathers forgiveness. Uther refuses. And that very night, he is dead of poison. Merlin, the kings wizard, arrives too late to save him, but gets a royal order from Uther that he recognise his son Arthur (Jamie Campbell Bower), whom he had secretly given to his loyal knight Sir Ector (Sean Pertwee) for protection 22 years ago. Merlin, in haste, goes to Arthur and tells the shocked young man that he must now take the throne. This is Camelot being built up from the ground up, said Canadian actor Peter Mooney, who plays Arthurs foster brother Kay. Camelot, said Fiennes, is also a dark retelling. It will be bloodier, grittier, and well, sexier. It wasnt all Toyota Prius and the Green Party back then, said Jamie Campbell Bower. People were having limbs chopped off, being burnt at the stake and hung, drawn and quartered. We have to stay true to the story if youre ever to recreate it, he said. And although it is steeped in realism, the Arthurian tales magical qualities, such as the Lady of the Lake and Excalibur, will still be there. But Camelot is going to tell

the story in a unique way. We get to understand the truth of that legend, or how that legend was born, and maybe it wasnt all it seems, said Fiennes. And while people may know where the story is headed, it will go down unexpected paths. It has an interesting duality to it, said Mooney. In one way, its very loyal in terms of A and B, but in the middle we have absolute freedom to go anywhere.

Playing the king

Bower hopped into the room in Four Seasons Hotel Dublin on crutches, a foot in a cast. He had a little stumble and a little fumble on the set and broke his ankle clean in half, he explained. But nevertheless, the 23-year-old London lad who appeared as Caius in Twilight: New Moon and Gellert Grindelwald in Harry Potter And The Death Hallows was in good spirits. Sporting rings on his fingers, and wearing a black-and-white ensemble of trendy T-shirt and jeans, Bower looked more like a frontman of a rock band (actually, he used to be the lead singer of a band called The Darling Buds) than the legendary king who united Britain in the Middle Ages and assembled a troop of noble knights. This is Bowers first lead role one that was played by luminaries such as Richard Harris (1967 movie Camelot), and Sean Connery (First Knight, 1995) before, so he is understandably nervous. Still, Bower believes that he should not study the Arthurs of films before too much. What you should try and do as an actor is bring personal experi-

Remaking Camelot
There have been countless film adaptations about King Arthurs tale over the decades. One wonders if theres a new way of telling such a familiar tale. But good storytelling lasts for centuries, said Fiennes, and thats a quality King Arthurs tale has. It deals with love, deceit, jealousy, deception, human condition, confrontation, family disputes, international disputes and these dont really change, said Fiennes. Camelot starts at the very begin-

STARTWO, FRidAy 1 ApRil 2011



Arthur (Jamie Campbell Bower) and Guinevere (Tamsin Egerton).

lived for centuries, said Fiennes. And instead of being an old, friendly wizard with a long beard, this Merlin is young (at least in appearance), athletic and ... not very nice. I went for a warrior monk, a bit of a thug and political animal, Fiennes said. Whats more, Merlin is reluctant to rely on his magic in this world, using magic has a mental and physical cost so he manipulates to get his way instead. I look at Merlin as an angel and a devil, hes good and bad. He is a cause for democracy but he is also this absolutely devious, evil figure that youll never trust who would fight fire with fire, and drives out a nail with a nail, he said.

Royal sacrifice: Queen Igraine (Claire Forlani) has to give up Arthur at birth to ensure his safety.
ences to roles, he said. But how do you play the guy who has the weight of the world on his shoulders from personal experience? Hunched, he quipped. Its incredibly difficult and it has been difficult, he said on a more serious note. But I didnt have to go in with this weight of the world on my shoulders. I didnt have to be very intense and very confused all the time. I was able to be that jovial character and as the show progresses, yes, he does become more confused. Yes, he does become more intense, he says.

Lady love
No tale of Camelot would be complete without Arthurs lady love: Guinevere. Playing Arthurs significant other is Tamsin Egerton, who has known Bower since they acted in youth theatre. It does help to have Jamie on set because I feel like Im doing a youth theatre production, she said laughing. When we first see Guinevere, who is in her late teens, she is betrothed to her childhood sweetheart a powerful soldier-leader whom her father has chosen for her. But while she thought that her life was all mapped out she wants something more. Then she meets Arthur ... and he just ignites a fire in her. Were meant to feel that they are old souls together, she said. But its not easy to play the woman who is the downfall of Camelot. Its very hard to show a woman being torn between two lovers and not allow the audience to judge her, she said. My hardest role is to try get people to feel for her and to empathise. I didnt want people to think that she wasnt very nice, and she was just following her flickering passion. But despite her flaws, Edgerton loves her character. Especially since its in the stars that Guinevere makes mistakes. Shes a human character I can really relate to rather than Arthur, who is considered king of out of this world in the way with the things he is capable of, she said. n Camelot premieres on AXN Beyond (Astro Channel 720) next Monday at 9pm.

Teacher and student

When we first see Arthur, he is a naive 22-year-old who has had a sheltered upbringing. He is pulled from his safe, normal life as a commoner and is suddenly thrust into an unfamiliar, nightmarish world. People die, are slaughtered ... people are stabbed in the back and family members are tortured. So (Arthur) has to quickly assemble and galvanise himself into what it is to be a warrior and a king very quickly, said Fiennes. And there to help him in this task is Merlin, who has to be cruel to be kind to his reluctant protg. Its brutal (their relationship) Id like to think that its not too sweet, said Fiennes, giving us a small smile. When we first meet Arthur and Merlin together theres a lot of tension, its very fraught, said Bower. That encounter was one of the first scenes that Bower and Fiennes shot together. Merlin tells a less-than-pleased Arthur that he is now the King of Britain and gives the young man a night to leave everything he knew behind and follow him. And in the night he finds Merlin in a dark corner, and tells him, Who are you to tell me my life? My life is here. And he takes out a knife and

Morgan (Eva Green) was banished by her father, King Uther Pendragon (Sebastian Koch), to a nunnery when she was a child.
says, I can kill you if I want to. I didnt tell Jamie, but I gave him a big slap in the face, said Fiennes, laughing. That was the second scene we did together and he just hit me across the face! Carried on with the scene, being the professional that I am obviously! said Bower, grinning. I can always rely on (Fiennes) to deliver a fantastic performance ... the man is not only a very, very talented actor and one of the most fantastic people Ive worked with. He is also a really lovely guy. I dont know if I can rely on him to look after my child or anything like that. What if he slaps him? he said, chuckling. Fiennes thought that this was where he and Bower should begin. I think from then on he never trusted me or the character and he wasnt quite sure which way were going to go! Jamie is always like, What is he going to do? which is kind of what Merlin is. You just dont know about Merlin, he said. Camelots Merlin is probably not the one youre used to. Hes someone with a history. He has probably



STARTWO, FRidAy 1 ApRil 2011

Besides the talented cast, Camelot boasts of authentic sets, gorgeous costumes and weaponary.
Stories by EliZABETH TAi
he production on Camelot began in June last year and lasted six months, with most of the cast living in Dublin, Ireland, the entire time. Two months prior to the start of filming, the cast had weapons training and horse riding lessons to get them ready for life in the Dark Ages. While some scenery shots are CGI, the cast did film on location: Irelands green mountains, valleys, rivers and cliffs have been used to great effect. The landscapes weve been filming in have been epic. I dont think you can get it anywhere else. even england has some beautiful country but its just not as unspoiled as in Ireland, said Tamsin egerton. Camelot is gritty, said Peter Mooney. And to ensure that comes across, the cast had to look as dirty as possible, with dirt under their nails and on their faces. Its great because when we shoot on location we dont have to keep on cleaning that stuff up we just accumulate it, said Mooney, grinning. The joy of period dramas are the costumes, and Camelot has the cream of the crop clothing the cast: emmy Award-winning costume designer Joan Bergin, who also designed lush and rich costumes for The Tudors. We know a great deal about Tudor times and Roman times, but the strange thing is that from the fifth to seventh centuries ... well, its not for nothing that its called the Dark Ages, said Bergin when we meet her at at Ardmore Studios. There is remarkably little evidence even in diaries and peoples writings about what they wore. So, I have to make it up in many ways, she said. One of the things that she worked out was that there were a lot of Roman influences left over from the time the Romans in Britain, so the costumes have a touch of Roman elements to them. Warriors, for one, wear toga-like cloaks. Bergin walked us around the studio, pointing out the jewellery (many bought from India), and the gorgeous costumes that have been created by a team of very busy seamstresses. Weve become a medieval workshop, The legend of King Arthur has inspired countless adaptations. here are some that have surfaced in the last few decades.

Attention to detail

No shining armour: Kay (Peter Mooney) grew up with Arthur and thought that they were brothers. He accompanies Arthur to Camelot, determined to keep him on the path that their parents had begun for them.
Dont expect the knights to be in shining armour. The armour of Camelot is cobbled together, said Mooney. Theres no central government; everyones piecing together something for themselves ... some people have metal breast plates, some of us have layers and layers of leather. And the swords were authentic enough in that they were made of metal. The actors playing warriors would go to a small trailer to pick up their leather shields, crossbows and arrows, leather armour and swords, which they wore 12 hours a day. It just becomes such a part of you after wearing it every day, 12 hours a day; its sort of an extension of your body. Which is great, because for these guys it was you always have it with you. Its your means of protection, said Mooney. As fun as it was having swordfights in the mud, excalibur, complained Jamie Campbell Bower who plays King Arthur, weighs a tonne. Poor Jamie! It is massive, agreed Mooney.

were now making everything: crowns, shoes, underwear ... she said. In a way, the costumes become an extension of the characters; all are designed according to the characters personalities and ambitions. Morgan, for one, often has little military touches to her costumes (we were shown a gorgeous black dress with chain mail) because she wanted to be a king. Being a queen is not enough for her, said Bergin.

There is remarkably little evidence even in diaries and peoples writings about what they (people in the Dark Ages) wore. So, I have to make it up in many ways, says Camelots costume designer Joan Bergin.

Excalibur (1981)
Adapted from the 15th century Arthurian novel Le Morte DArthur by Thomas Malory, Excalibur is probably one of the most memorable Arthurian legend adaptations because of its striking visuals, though by 21st century standards, the movie has not aged well. It stars Nigel Terry, helen Mirren and Nicol Williamson.

Inspiring tale

King Arthur (2004)

Dont expect to see magical elements in this one. Antoine Fuquas version has its feet firmly planted in reality (or rather, an upside down version of it, complain historians). This is a more realistic portrayal of the Arthurian legend, and takes place during the chaos that followed after the Roman empire collapsed. here, Guinevere is no simpering maiden waiting for her knight in shining armour. Instead, she is a bow-and-arrow-wielding warrior from the Woad tribe, so she doesnt really need King Arthur to gallop to her rescue. Starring Clive Owen and Keira Knightley.

First Knight (1995)

Sean Connery portrays King Arthur, and Richard Gere plays Lancelot, who falls in love with Guinevere (Julia Ormond) and thus imperils an entire kingdom. A truth behind the legend retelling of the Arthurian tale, First Knight focuses on the love triangle involving Arthur, Lancelot and Guinevere.

Merlin (2008)
This British fantasy adventure TV series has Merlin (Colin Morgan) and Arthur (Bradley James) as teenagers. Both are grappling with wielding power responsibly for the young, spoiled Prince Arthur, it is immense political authority, and for Merlin, his magical talent. Unfortunately, Merlin has to keep his powers secret as magic has been outlawed by the ruthless King Uther Pendragon, Arthurs father. Despite their differences, Prince Arthur and Merlin eventually form a friendship that will lead them to build a mighty kingdom.

Keira Knightley and Clive Owen in the realistic King Arthur.

Goodall), Guinevere (called Gwenhwyfar and played by Samantha Mathis) and Morgaine (Julianna Margulies) having meatier and more powerful roles. here, Morgaine is more of a heroine than a villain; she loves Arthur, but like everyone else, is batted about by lifes circumstances. however, she has a dark edge the use of magic that causes great harm when she lashes out in anger.

The Mists Of Avalon (2001)

This miniseries, which is based on a book by Marion Zimmer Bradley, features the Arthurian tale from the female characters perspectives. Therefore you see Queen Igraine (Arthurs mother played by Caroline

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