Experiment 1

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Table of content

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Material and methodology

3.0 Results and discussion

4.0 Conclusion

5.0 Limitation of experiment



Objectives : To enable students to familiarize themselves with different types of engineering materials, compare their physical properties and relate these properties to practical applications. Introduction : Material is anything made of matter, constituted of one or more substances. All engineering disciplines involve the use of materials from manufacturing to processing as well as design of components. Some of the commonly encountered materials are wood (timber), concrete, brick, steel, plastic, glass, rubber, aluminium, copper, paper and ceramic. Because of constant research and development, new materials are frequently being created. Materials are the parts required to make something else, from buildings and art to stars and computers. Generally, materials are classified into the following groups: metals, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors and composite materials. Materials in each of these groups possess different structures and properties. In selecting materials for applications, properties that are considered include physical, mechanical, electrical, thermal, magnetic, optical and corrosion (chemical). Metals are composed of one or more metallic elements and have a crystalline structure. Metals in general are good thermal and electric conductors. They are relatively strong and ductile at room temperature. Metals may be further classified as ferrous or nonferrous. In chemistry, a metal is an element, compound, or alloy characterized by high electrical conductivity. Most polymeric materials consist of carbon-containing long molecular chains or networks. Their strength and ductility varies greatly. Most polymeric materials are good insulators, have low densities and relatively low softening temperatures. Ceramic materials consist of metallic and non-metallic elements chemically bonded together. Ceramic materials may have a crystalline or partly crystalline structure, or may be amorphous. Ceramics are strong and hard but also very brittle. They also have low electrical and thermal properties. Semi-conductors are not a major type of material but are considered due to engineering importance. Examples are silicon and germanium. Their electrical characteristics can be modified and controlled hence, they are widely used in electronic devices. Semiconductor materials are the foundation of modern electronics, including radio, computers, telephones, and many other devices. Meanwhile, composite materials are a mixture of two or more materials. They usually consist of a reinforcing material in a matrix. Two outstanding types of modern composites materials used for engineering applications are fiberglass-reinforcing material in epoxy matrix and carbon fibres in epoxy material. Composites of this type have excellent corrosion resistance.

Material and Apparatus : Part A: Samples labelled A, B, C, D E, F and G, vernier calliper, weighing balance. Part B: Samples labelled H, I, J, K, and L, 250ml beaker. Solutions of : ethanol/water solutions of various concentrations: 52% ethanol (density = 0.911), 38% ethanol (density = 0.9408), and 24% ethanol (density = 0.9549) calcium chloride/water solutions of various concentrations: 6% CaCl2 (density = 1.0505), 32% CaCl2 (density = 1.3059), and 40% CaCl2 (density = 1.3982) Procedure: A. Density measurement 1. The dimensions of each sample were measured. (length, width and thickness). 2. The samples were weighed on a weighing balance. 3. The density of the materials was obtained by using the formula:

where m = mass of object, V = volume of object.

B. Identification of Plastic Materials

1. Each sample was examined and a visual description was written in the proper location in the data table. a) Is the sample clear? Is the sample opaque? Does it have color? b) Flex each sample through an angle of 10o to 30o. Note in the data table how easy it was to flex the sample. Is it flexible or rigid? You might want

to compare the various samples. 2. 50 ml of 40% CaCl2 (Solution 1) was poured into a 150 ml beaker. Each of the plastic samples was placed in the solution. Which of the samples sink (S) or float (F) was noted in the data table. 3. The solution was returned to the appropriate container and the beaker was dried out. 4. The samples were dried off. 5. Step 2 to 5 were repeated with: Solution 2: 32% calcium chloride, Solution 3: 6% calcium chloride, Solution 4: 24% ethanol, Solution 5: 38% ethanol and Solution 6: 52% ethanol.

Discussion: Based on the information obtained, it can be summarized that materials can be distinguished by testing their physical properties. For part A of the experiment, the densities of different kind of metals are obtained and compared with the theoretical density of some metals to confirm its identity. However, some of the densities obtained deviate from theoretical values. For part B, different polymers were identified by examining whether they float or sink in an ethanol/water mixture or calcium chloride/water mixture. Their appearance was also examined to differentiate the polymers. Different polymers exhibit different properties due to the difference in density. Heavier polymers like PVC will sink but lighter polymers like PET will float.

Conclusion: Overall, the experiment was carried out with minimum errors and was followed according to the given procedure. The investigation was related to enable students to familiarize themselves with different types of engineering materials, compare their physical properties and relate these properties to practical applications. In this experiment, several different types of materials were measured and the densities were obtained. Other than that, plastic materials were identified and the various materials were compared.

Limitation of the experiment/ difficulties encountered: Finally, error in this lab could be derived from many places. The method used for this experiment could be a factor for these errors. Finally, error in this lab could be derived from many places. Simple human error could be a factor for these errors. Parallex error could have occurred in every measurement. This method may not be able to obtain accurate readings of the sample because it is reliant on the limits of the uncertainty. Therefore, it becomes a limitation within the experiment. . However, error was at a low apex because the data attained matches the pre-determined posted set of data. So the limitations are neglible Evaluation / Errors:

In this experiment, there are some mistakes that could have occurred. Parallex error could have occurred. The reading on the caliper is not properly read. This affects the precision of reading obtained. This may affect the reading that are to be taken. The eye position of the reader should be parallel to the meniscus of the reading. The eye position of the reader should be parallel to the the scale. To avoid such mistakes, the following measures should be taken.

Self Improvement: In order to avoid the above errors, a number of precaution steps can be taken. The same balance should be used throughout the experiment to find the mass of the materials. Be certain the balance doors are closed when taring and taking a mass reading. This avoids a big error in the experiment. Secondly, it is very important that all the readings are accurate. To do so, parallex error must be avoided.

Reference : 1. Frank Kreith and Yogi Goswami, eds. (2004). The CRC Handbook of Mechanical Engineering, 2nd edition. Boca Raton 2. Ashby, Michael; Hugh Shercliff and David Cebon (2007). Materials: engineering, science, processing and design (1st ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann 3. Gaskell, David R. (1995). Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials (4th ed.). Taylor and Francis Publishing

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