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Human Resource Management - Transfer and Promotion

Policy and Procedure

Subject Area: Policy Title: Responsible Office: Documents Needed: Employment Transfer and Promotion Human Resources Management Transfer & Promotion Application & current resume, HR/Payroll Action form

Policy / Procedure No: HRM022

PURPOSE: To define University policy for transfers and promotions. SCOPE: All full- and part-time non-faculty benefits eligible employees. POLICY: Northeastern University recognizes that opportunities and support for career growth and mobility are key issues for employees at all levels in the organization. The Transfer and Promotion Policy, the Tuition Reimbursement Program, and the internal posting procedure affirm the University's commitment to employee advancement and career development. PROCEDURES: 1. An employee must be in his/her present position for a minimum of one year and have attained at least a satisfactory level of performance to be eligible for a transfer or promotion 2. Employees are encouraged to discuss with their supervisor their interest in pursuing a transfer or promotion within the University. However, if the employee does not feel comfortable doing so, he/she may proceed through the stages of the interview process on a confidential basis. 3. To indicate interest in a particular position, an employee should complete the Transfer and Promotion Application and submit that form, along with a cover letter and resume to: The Employment Representative in HRM for Office Support, Technical and Service positions The Hiring Manager listed on the internet job posting for Administrative Professional positions

After an employee has interviewed for a position and if mutual interest continues to exist between the employee and the hiring supervisor, the employee must inform his/her present supervisor so that the hiring supervisor can obtain a reference from the employee's current supervisor. 4. Department heads, hiring supervisors and employees should be aware that promotions may result in an increase in pay of 4% to 7%. Similarly, downgrades in positions may result in a decrease in pay of 4% to 7%. With Lateral transfers there is no salary change, unless there is a change in hours worked. For Administrative Professional transfers, salary increases or decreases are at the discretion of the department.

5. An Employment Representative or HR Consultant is available to meet confidentially with the employee to explore career interests and options. 6. Department heads and hiring supervisors are strongly encouraged to give consideration to current employees whose experience and performance record makes them strong candidates for positions of greater responsibility. As a courtesy to the employee, hiring supervisors are expected to honor his/her request for confidentiality until the appropriate time in the process when references will need to be obtained.

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