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RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION INTRDUCTION People are integral part of any organization today.

No organization run without its human resources. In todays highly complex and competitive situation, choice of right person at the right place has far reaching implications for an organizations functioning. Employee well selected and well placed would not only contribute to the efficient running of the organization but offer significant and potential for future replacement. This hiring is an important function. This process of hiring begins with human resource planning (HRP) which helps to determine the number and type of the people on organization needs. Job analysis and job design enables to specify tasks and duties of jobs and qualification expected from prospective job HRP, Job analysis, job design helps to identify the kind of the people required in an organization and hence hiring. It should be noted that hiring is an ongoing process and not confines to formative stages of an organization. Employee leaves the organization in search of greener pastures, some retire and some die in the saddle. More importantly an enterprises grow, diversifies, take over the other units all necessitating hiring of new men and women. In fact the hiring function stops only when organization ceases to exist.

Hiring involves two broad categories 1) Recruitment and 2) Selection RECRUITMENT The word recruitment has many meanings and plays an important role. To understand recruitment in simple terms it is understood as process of searching for obtaining the applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected. Theoretically, recruitment process is said to end with receipt of application in practice the activity extends to the screening of applicants as to eliminate those who are not qualified for the job.

SELECTION Selection is a process of picking individuals (out of the pool of the job applicants) with requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization. A formal definition of selection is: It is a process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and here) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.

Recruitment and selection are the two crucial in the HR process and are often used interchangeably. There I, however, a fine distinction between the two steps. While recruitment refers to the process of identifying and encouraging prospective employees to apply for jobs, selection is concerned with picking the right candidates from the pool of applicants. Recruitment is said to be positive in its approach as it seeks to attract as many as candidates as possible. Selection, on the other hand, is negative in its applicants as possible in order to identify the right candidates. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem. In it, we study the various steps that are generally adapted by a researcher in studying research problem along with logic behind them. It includes the formulating of research problem, study of literature, collecting the data, analyzing that data and making interpretations of that data.

With Regards N.Rajani MBA (HR) Trainee GVRIPL Corporate Office Chennai


Identify the vacancy

Man power planning

Preparing job description and person specification

Advertising the vacancy

Inviting the applicants

Managing the response

What Is Infrastructure?
Definition: Infrastructure is a term architects, engineers, and urban planners use to describe essential facilities, services, and organizational structures for cities and communities. Infrastructure includes: Roads and bridges Mass-transit systems Air control towers Telephone lines and cell phone towers Dams, reservoirs, and sewers Electrical lines Fire stations and equipment Hospitals, clinics, and emergency response systems Schools Law enforcement and prisons Sanitation and waste removal Post offices and mail delivery

Why is Infrastructure Important? Transportation systems and public utilities are essential for the economic vitality of our businesses and communities, the conservation of fuel and other natural resources, and the comfort and safety of residents and visitors. On the most basic level, every community requires access to clean water and sanitary waste disposal.

FINDINGS: 1. From the three months, the cost spent on advertisement is higher from the other sources of recruitment. 2. In the month of November 30 candidates recruited through advertisements are high than the previous month 3. In the month of December 30 candidates are selected through consultants is high than the previous months 4. The number of candidates recruited through job portals increased from 5-17

5. In the month of November 7 candidates are selected through consultants are less than the previous month. 6. In December 25 candidates are recruited through advertisement are less comparing to the last month 7. The time given for the HR interview is 60 mins 8. Total time taken to complete the recruitment process is 170 mins on an average SUGGESTIONS 1. The cost spent on advertisement can be minimized 2. The effectiveness of recruitment can also be improvised by carrying out behaviour-based interviews, motivational fit inventories, computerized resume screening, and training/experience evaluations, simply structured comprehensive psychometric questionnaire will throw light on the temperament, attitude and drive of the individual. 3. The most important factor being the quality of the candidate in terms of work efficiency, the cost and time factors are taken into consideration to make the process economical 4. The time taken for the HR interview can be reduced to some extent. 5. Total process for selecting a candidate can be minimized. CONCLUSION: Recruitment and selection process are important aspects in staffing and the decisions regarding them have to be taken keeping in view the fit between the employee and the organization. The organization has to decide whether to hire temporary or permanent employees or recruit from the internal workforce or select through external sources. Interview is one of the most important selection methods. In the modern day selection methods, situational and behaviour description interviewing are

gaining importance. The core concepts in staffing include matching individual needs with organizational needs, the importance of staffing as a process, the importance of organizational and job analysis, the personjob fit for an organization and the growing emphasis on person. ____________________________________________________________ CONCLUSION Studying the recruitment procedures of BHEL., analysing the respondents answers,opinion survey and date analysis the researcher came to a conclusion that BHEL is agrowing Company. It has a separate personnel department which is entrusted with thetask of carrying out the various efficiently. The business of BHEL is carried on in a veryscientific manner. In the saturation point of business it need not waste the time todiversify into the another business. Management understands the business game verywell. At the time of difficulty it takes necessary action to solve the problem. Now the personnel department of BHEL is in infancy stage. It always try to modernize thedepartment. It strongly believes in manpower position of the organization because itknows in the absence of M for man all Ms like money, material, machines, methodsand motivation are failure. It always tries to develop the human resources. In theabsence of right man, material, money, machines all things will not be properly utilized.So it always recruits manpower in a scientific manner.

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