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The package includes: the ArchiTerra Add-on, which adds the necessary terrain modelling commands to ArchiCAD; the ArchiTerra 20.LIB library, which contains a set of simple, intelligent objects that can be used as terrain modelling tools; the ArchiTerra exteriors library, which provides a collection of 3D parametric elements (trees, garden furniture, external light sources, etc.) that can be used to create realistic environments within the terrain models developed with ArchiTerra. Work method With the interactive mode, the user defines the information relative to the morphology of the terrain directly on the

ArchiCAD Plug-in for Terrain Modelling

A common problem faced by ArchiCAD users is the creation and management of 3D terrain models. The ArchiTerra Plug-in was developed to resolve this problem. To create a realistic setting, designers often need to contextualise their projects within certain surroundings. This allows the environmental impact of the project to be monitored throughout the planning phase. The need for such functionality may also arise for city planning or landscaping purposes, requiring the creation of more or less vast 3D terrain models.
Following the correct installation of ArchiTerra, ArchiCAD users are presented with a new Tool Palette that allows the simple and rapid creation of 3D terrain models that are fully compatible with ArchiCAD. ArchiTerra allows topographic data to be imported directly into the ArchiCAD Worksheet from text files (lists of points) or DXF files, or new terrain can be created using points, constraints, contour lines and land modelling tools to define the information necessary for constructing the 3D model. ArchiTerra is an indispensable tool for ArchiCAD users who need to manage site modelling or create complex terrain features.

ArchiCAD worksheet (perhaps using a scanned in site plan as a guide). Using this method, the operator manually enters the data that describes the terrain. The types of information that can be used to define the terrains attributes include Topographic points, Constraints and Contour lines. Topographic points: points that define the topography of the terrain are entered using the mouse and require the following information: Coordinates, Code/Description Constraints: constraints force triangulation by joining" two point according to user-defined specifications, allowing a sequence of points to be defined as an obstacle. Contour lines: contour lines are drawn using the tools provided by ArchiCAD (Polylines, Arcs and Splines). The basic idea is to first draw the course of the contour lines using one of the abovementioned tools. These graphical primi-

tives are then converted into Points and Constraints. With import mode, ArchiTerra allows ArchiCAD users to read information directly from lists of points (TXT format) or DXF drawings. Using this mode, ArchiTerra handles the automatic positioning of points, contour lines and constraints based on the specifications read in from the imported files. Once the 3D Mesh has been generated by ArchiTerra, the contour lines can be calculated (primary and secondary) and the terrain can be modelled using levelling, basins, streets and walls of the desired shape and size. Users can supply digging and embankment angles and can calculate the surfaces, perimeters and volumes of the areas of land being modelled. When the information entered (using either interactive or import mode) is processed, a 3D Mesh is generated that can be edited and modified by the user as

desired using the standard ArchiCAD functions. ArchiTerra resolves problems related to modelling and managing terrain simply and efficiently within the ArchiCAD application, eliminating the use of other programs and maintaining the ArchiCAD work philosophy users are familiar with.


ArchiCAD Plug-in for Creating Custom Stairs

ArchiStair is an ArchiCAD extension that allows stairs to be created even when the design constraints of the new project or remodel prohibit them from having a regular shape. With its simple and rapid graphical interface, ArchiStair allows users to create stairs with treads and landings that have customised, creative shapes.
Work method ArchiStair is easy and fun to use. To begin, you can either select one of the predefined stair types displayed in the main dialog window or use 2d ArchiCAD elements to draw the shape you desire. Editable Hotspots allow treads and landings to be graphically modified both in the Floor Plan Window and in the 3D Window by simply selecting a node and dragging it to the desired position. The treads of the stair can be curved and the risers can be either standard or angled. All other aspects of the stair are editable and customisable. Lets start with the handrails. The shape of the handrails and handrail ends can be chosen, as can the number and shape of the posts, panels and newels. Even custom objects can be used as ele-

ments. For the panels, both the material and thickness can be modified. Users can add finishing touches such as skirting boards and stringers, which are also customisable both in terms of material and measurements. To facilitate 3D visualisation, supporting walls can be placed under the stair, which can be

New improvements: 1. New stair structure types 2. Easy definition of custom railing along your Stairs and along ArchiCAD Slabs 3. Graphic creation of custom handrail profile and posts/newels 4. Gravity On Stair option (newly created library parts will be placed on top of the Stair) 5. Multi-story stairs 6. Full control on pens and fills customization (plan, section/elevation, 3D) 7. Settings transfer between Stairs.

edited for thickness and material. You can even customise the 2D appearance of the stair and modify the scale with which it is viewed in the ArchiCAD worksheet. A complete application, ArchiStair allows you to cut the opening in the slab over the stair automatically. And, as a special feature, the image of a

person can be positioned in the Section Window or 3D Window, providing a means of controlling the height and comfort of the stair. The settings of the stairs created can be saved and used again later to create a new stair.


ArchiCAD Plug-In for Object Creation

ArchiForma is an extension that uses API (Application Programming Interface) technology to add new functionality to ArchiCAD. The Plug-in was designed and developed to give ArchiCAD users complete freedom in creating special shapes without having to use GDL scripting. Designers often need to use complex shapes when drawing 3D representations of architectural details, decorative objects, doors and windows or other solids or surfaces that are difficult to create with the basic primitives available in the ArchiCAD Toolbox. ArchiForma provides a new series of graphical primitives, commands and functions designed specifically to solve this problem, allowing users the freedom necessary for customising their projects and adding details as desired.
Work method Using ArchiForma is just like using any other simple ArchiCAD function. You wont even realise youre using a Plug-in. ArchiForma can be activated at any moment by selecting the command ArchiForma/Visualise ArchiForma Palette, which is added to the standard ArchiCAD menus during installation. All commands and functions on the ArchiForma Palette are immediately available and may be used both on the

Floor Plan worksheet as well as in the ArchiCAD 3D Window. The ArchiForma Palette is divided into four main sections that contain logical groupings of the different types of commands and functions required for creating or modifying objects. These include simple 3D primitives, 3D forms generated from 2D outlines (groups of lines, arcs, lines and arcs, fills), editing functions (holes, cutting, rotating) and miscellaneous tools, which include instruments for editing elements, saving and general editing. The graphic interface allows quick and simple editing of even the most complex

forms, such as extrusions, tubing or surfaces. With the hole, cutting plane and rotate commands, even the most minute details can be sculpted to get the desired shape. The objects created with ArchiForma, such as doors and windows, can be saved as library parts and used again in future projects. They can also be edited any time modifications are necessary and saved again as new Objects. The following example shows how easy it is to work with ArchiForma. It provides a step by step description of the operations required for creating a translational surface.
1) Create a Section/Elevation on the Floor Plan and open the associated window. Select the 3D Polyline tool from the ArchiForma Palette and design the first profile.

6) In just a few seconds, ArchiForma generates the surface by extruding one profile along the path defined by the other.

2) On the last double-click, ArchiForma reactivates the Floor Plan Window for the polyline to be inserted. 3) Reopen the Section/Elevation Window and create another 3D polyline to delineate the second side of the area to be covered.

4) Position the second polyline on the Floor Plan. 5) Select both polylines and activate the Translational Surface tool from the ArchiForma Palette.



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ArchiCAD Plug-in for 2D Drawing

ArchiRuler is a highly useful 2D drawing application that allows quick and easy management of the twodimensional tools needed to create design details and working drawings for the building site. It satisfies the requirement often faced by designers of completing and refining their 3D models with technical and descriptive elements.
Work method

ArchiRuler adds two extra palettes to the ArchiCAD working environment. These contain 2D tools that are not provided by ArchiCAD and a set of snaps located at geometrically significant points.

ArchiRulers main tool palette is dynamic; in other words, the commands displayed in the second column change depending on the tool selected in the first column. The first four tools: lines, guidelines, polylines and arcs/circles, form the basis of 2D drawings. ArchiRuler provides various methods for drawing these elements, all of which are easy to use and can interact with 2D ArchiCAD primitives. In fact, the distinguishing characteristic of this plug-in is its close link with ArchiCAD. For example, when you import complex DWG files into ArchiCAD, you can use the Simplify Polyline tool to reduce the number of nodes of the lines and polylines. Or, using the Transform into Polyline tool, you can transform groups of consecutive 2D elements into a single element. The second part of the ArchiRuler Palette contains the tools needed for managing the 2D elements you create.

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Using the Measurements tool, you can obtain information on the distance or angle of the elements on the Floor Plan, while, with the settings window, you can change the element sizes numerically. Another useful tool is the Delete Area tool, which, based on an area you define using ArchiCAD's "Marquee" tool, allows you to cancel or cut elements according to various settings: - cancel only the elements that are either completely inside or outside the area; - cancel only the elements that intersect the area or cut and cancel everything inside or outside the area; - cut and divide the elements inside the area and move them to another part of the drawing. ArchiRulers true strong point, however, lies in its Tools section, which gives the user access to powerful commands, such as: - The Alignment tool, which provides

various methods for aligning elements on the Floor Plan. - The Distribution tool, which provides additional functionality with respect to ArchiCADs Multiply command. - The Asymmetrical Scaling command, which lets you resize a selection with different scaling factors for the X and Y axes. - The Insulation tool, which allows you to insert and control a fill pattern that runs along two or more parallel segments. - The Fill for Composite Walls tool, which lets you stack a 2D object on top of one or more composite walls in order to enhance the graphic quality of the fill pattern. - The Text on Polyline tool, which allows you to create text and position it along a polylines path. - The Fill: Maximum Area tool, with which you can create a fill based on the largest possible bounding box sur-

rounding a closed geometric shape on the Floor Plan. - The Fill with Color/Material tool, which allows you to transform an image or add bicolor shading to geometric shapes defined on the Floor Plan. - The Zigzag tool, which allows you to cut the elements you select by positioning a 2D object on the Floor Plan.



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Illustration by: Studio Rubini Perez e Cattozzi (Ve)

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ArchiCAD plug-in for surveying interiors

This plug-in provides you with all of the tools necessary for creating as-built surveys within ArchiCAD. Its tools for designing and placing doors and windows allow you to quickly and easily draw an as-built survey and convert it into a 3D model made up of parametric ArchiCAD elements.
Work method With the Room tool, using the same logic as if you were doing a freehand sketch, you design the rooms being surveyed on the Floor Plan (rectangular, L-shaped or freeform) and add any necessary notes or information. Next you define the positions of doors and windows, using either a generic type (single- or double-door) or choosing one from the ArchiCAD Library. Using the Trilateration tool, you insert the diagonals in the room to block the as-built survey geometrically; if there are intersecting diagonals, ArchiMap lets you define which ones are primary and which are secondary. Furthermore, you can define a 90 angle between two walls or insert hotspots inside, outside or along the sides of the room being surveying (for example, for placing a pillar or to

define the position of an element on a wall). The Measurements tool lets you insert the lengths of the rooms sides or diagonals either individually or in sequence. You can input the measurements manually or by interfacing directly with Leicas Disto Plus laser distance meter (via a BlueTooth connection). The Join tool allows you to connect rooms that have been surveyed and sto-

red, using the doors that the rooms have in common. If the thickness of the wall separating the Rooms is not uniform, you can join the rooms using four hotspots (two in each room), resulting in the generation of a trapezoidal wall. Once the rooms have been joined, you can create a Perimeter around them and define the following parameters: the maximum and default thickness of the perimeter wall and internal walls, the trapezoidal wall limit, the limit for the difference in aligned walls thicknesses and the limit for trapezoidal perimeter walls. Using the 3D Construction tool, you can select the as-built and the Perimeter and then either manually or automatically erect all of the walls and insert the doors and windows selected from the ArchiCAD Library. ArchiMap erects editable walls individually based on the active settings for ArchiCAD's Wall tool (height, materials, pen, internal hatching, etc.); the 2D as-built is thus converted into a 3D model

made up entirely of parametric ArchiCAD elements.

Illustration by Andrea Talamini (BL)


ArchiCAD Plug-in for Straightening Perspective Images

ArchiFaade is a Plug-in that allows perspective images (photographs of faades, objects, etc.) to be transformed in order to straighten them. Based on the principles of projective geometry, ArchiFaade uses the appropriate mathematical transformations to remove perspective distortions from an image until a rectified version is generated.
ArchiFaades Tool Palette can be opened when necessary and is used just like any other palette, providing a simple and rapid way to correct the perspective of a building. Obtaining the straightened image of a tall building perhaps one with elaborate mouldings and other architectural elements is a lengthy and difficult task. The most rapid and efficient solution involves digitalising your photograph and then, with the help of ArchiFaade, transforming it into a straightened image in which the measurements of the individual parts correspond to the exact proportions of the actual structure. ArchiFaade provides two simple methods for straightening perspective images, both of which require just a few measurements. With the first method, the real coordinates of four points of the structure (measu-

rements taken on-site) are indicated on the photograph that has been imported into the Floor Plan. With the second method, first a significantly sized horizontal or vertical segment of the actual faade is indicated on the photograph. Then, on the same plane, two points are extended from the end points of the segment to apply the triangulation technique. The program allows any unnecessary parts to be deleted from the bitmap, so that images can be refined and adjusted as desired. Lastly, ArchiFaade provides a simple graphic procedure for converting photographic images into ArchiCAD library parts, allowing them to be reused in photorealistic settings. With a few simple and quick calculations, photographs of people, trees, wings of buildings or any other type of image can be inserted into 3D models without GDL scripting or the use of other programs.

How does it work?

Or consider a line that, on the actual structure, is horizontal or vertical and use it to implement the triangulation technique.

Or you can modify the plane of a flat image to transform it into a backdrop for an ArchiCAD 3D representation.

Just define four hotspots on the photograph and enter the measurements taken from the actual structure.

Once the image of the faade has been straightened, any parts of the photograph that are not relevant to the project can be selected and removed.


ArchiCAD Plug-in for the Creation, Layout and Calculation of Tiles

The ArchiTiles Plug-in is used for planning, setting and calculating the layout of tiles on surfaces developed with ArchiCAD, such as floors, walls and ceilings.
Tile coverings can be developed using one of the tile types already available in the ArchiCAD library, or users can create new tiles using the ArchiTiles tools provided. A variety of tile shapes are possible, such as square, rectangular, polygonal or even custom shapes. Colours and textures can also be defined for the tiles created, as well as information such as the manufacturer, price per square metre or per tile, etc. Each tile is stored as an ArchiCAD library part, allowing it to be reused, edited and modified at any time. Surfaces to be tiled, such as walls, floors and ceilings, are identified and extracted automatically using ArchiTiles Zone tool. Different tile laying options allow the user to choose between tiling an entire surface with a customised tiling pattern or dividing the surface into a maximum

of three rows. In the latter case, different widths and tiling patterns and/or tile types can be defined for each row. ArchiTiles provides a number of tile laying patterns for users to choose from

or custom patterns can be created if necessary. ArchiTiles handles the calculation of the exact dimensions of the surface to be covered. The program automatically cuts the tiles or panels as necessary and leaves out the areas that will not be tiled, such as doors and windows. Once the 2D representation is complete, the walls are rotated 90 and the tiled areas are inserted into the ArchiCAD Floor Plan, where they can be visualised in any 3D view.

Various calculations can be performed regarding the tiles used, including the exact dimensions of the tiled surfaces, the number of tiles and total and partial costs. Calculations can be made either on an overall basis or by room or tile type. Even partially used tiles are taken into account. The calculations are presented in a printer-ready diagram or in table format, providing accurate quantitative and financial control of the tiling layouts generated.


ArchiCAD plug-in for designing false ceilings and raised floors

With ArchiPanel, you can design raised floors and false ceilings starting with an ArchiCAD Zone or Fill. To cover an area, you can use panels to create simple or checkered layouts or you can use panel modules for more elaborate arrangements with repeated shapes, sizes and materials.

Work method In the settings for your floor or false ceiling paneling, you can define the panel/module sizes and materials, the minimum surface area for cut elements, the joint size and layout origin and orientation, and you can also configure the vertical and horizontal supporting elements.

The Offset function allows you to define an inset for the paneling with respect to the perimeter of the area being covered, and you can specify whether to include or exclude any holes inside the area; you can also configure a false ceilings border and customize its edging. The Cut/Drill function allows you to add additional holes (which may have curved sides) to a paneling once you have positioned it, while the Modify Paneling tool lets you edit the elements of a

floor/false ceiling, either by selecting them manually or using customizable search criteria. Searches can be performed based on the surface material of a panel, its name or the name of an accessory that is associated with it, or

the name of its support or supporting beam. Different search criteria can be combined, and they can also be based on geometric rules (by row/column and either horizontally or diagonally). Once you have confirmed your panel selection in the settings window, you can define optional accessories, including fans, aeration systems, grates, towers, smoke detectors and ceiling signage. You can also add lamps, letting you illuminate your environments according to the settings you define. The Change Default Configuration tool allows you to update only those ele-

ments that use standard settings, leaving the panels you configured separately unchanged. The Change Layout Origin tool allows the origin and orientation of the panels/modules to be redefined while keeping track of the changes you made to the individual components and maintaining their settings. With the Modify covering/Create structure tool, you can generate a support structure with columns that support a beam (for floors) or suspension elements that hold up a beam (for false ceilings). When a paneling has been selected, this tool allows you to activate or deactivate the display and numbering of the panels, structure and accessories, both in 2D and in 3D; furthermore, you can change the position of the supports and accessories for each separate panel. If you make design changes to a room, you can make the necessary adjustments to the paneling with the automatic update tool: just use the Update ArchiCAD Zone command (or change the fill manually) to regenerate the covering. All of the previou-

sly defined settings will be maintained. ArchiPanels element calculation functions are particularly interesting: they allow you calculate the number of whole panels and cut panels by material, display their sizes and list the supports, beams and associated accessories.


Calculating estimates linked

ArchiQuant is an ArchiCAD plug-in developed to provide users with a simpler and more immediate way of calculating estimates linked to the construction (and other) elements in an ArchiCAD Virtual Building. Using ArchiQuant requires no knowledge of GDL language, nor the use of Property Objects or the ArchiCAD calculation database. You simply need to assign a component to the construction element in question, then define the calculation method (quantity calculation formula) for that element and it will be automatically calculated from the list of calculations provided by ArchiQuant.
How ArchiCAD changes when you install ArchiQuant If ArchiQuant is correctly installed in the ArchiCAD add-ons directory, there will be a new panel inside most of the element setting dialog boxes (in practice, for all elements which can be calculated by ArchiQuant) and a dedicated tool palette providing access to the various ArchiQuant functions. You will be able to calculate quantity estimates using just these two elements (settings panel and tool palette). The components database The components database file (in other words, the price list) contains all the

items which can be calculated in our ArchiCAD project. It is essentially based on two types of element: - the Chapter (identical to the concept of the Key in the ArchiCAD database); - the Component (identical to the concept of the Component in the ArchiCAD database). The data in the database (codes, descriptions, measurement units and unit prices) can be imported from external files or defined manually using ArchiQuant itself. Quantity calculation formula When a component is assigned to an ArchiCAD construction element, the way in which that component is calculated must be defined according to the sizes/quantities of that construction element. The rule used for this calculation, simply a mathematical equation easily and intuitively defined by the user, is known as the calculation formula.

List of linked components You can link a number of components and therefore a number of formulas to each ArchiCAD construction element: For example, in the case of a certain type of wall, the individual components could be: - bricks (number of bricks per cubic metre of wall); - external plaster (linked to the external surface area of the wall); - internal plaster (linked to the internal surface area of the wall); - external finish (linked to the external surface area of the wall); - internal painting (linked to the internal surface area of the wall); - skirting (linked to the internal length of the wall minus the width of the doors in the host wall); - etc. The list of components could be quite long and the formulas quite complex. ArchiQuant enables the user to save these lists of components, change the settings

- formatted calculation lists (where the data are arranged in a structured layout). The calculation lists can obviously be customised, choosing which data to display, the filters to be used and the graphics of the list itself. Once again, the settings can be saved for use at any moment without having to waste time reconfiguring the list as required.

and link them again later (or in other projects) to the various construction elements. Calculation Lists These lists display the estimates calculated by ArchiQuant. There are two types: - tabbed calculation lists (where the data are presented within a grid of cells);


ArchiCAD Plug-in for Creating Free-form Walls

ArchiWall lets you add overlaid structures to regular ArchiCAD walls, allowing simple prismatic blocks to be transformed into multiform architectural elements. With ArchiWall, users can add free-form accessory elements to normal ArchiCAD walls to create mouldings and other decorations, giving projects a more realistic appearance while maintaining the characteristic simplicity and speed of ArchiCAD.
Work method Using ArchiWall is easy. Just select the wall you want to connect the object to, then choose one of the seven transformation types available from the Tool Palette. Each transformation type has an associated

Settings window in which details such as the materials to be used for the object, the starting level and total height, the plan attributes and cross section elevation can be defined. Since the object created is connected to the wall, it inherits the walls door and window openings. Once an ArchiWall element has been created, if the host walls window or

door openings are modified or removed, such changes can be reflected in the ArchiWall element by selecting the element and clicking on the Data Update button in the ArchiWall Tool Palette. These updates can also be performed automatically by enabling the Automatic Update option on the elements Settings window. An elements settings can be modified even after it has been positioned on the Floor Plan, either by selecting the appropriate button from the Tool Palette or by selecting the element to open its Settings window. For the transformation types that require the definition of profiles or paths, the Explosion button can be selected from the ArchiWall Tool Palette to make a copy of the ArchiWall elements after their creation. This allows the user to modify the geometry of the elements and to use the same profiles and paths for other walls. Once modifications have been made to the geometry of the

exploded elements, these objects can be regenerated by clicking on the Update Geometry button. ArchiWall objects are connected to the host wall, but are not dependent on it. This means that the host wall can be deleted after the desired element has been created, making it possible to view only the outline of the object when creating

furnishings or decorative elements. ArchiWall also makes it possible to export the elements created to other file formats and enables documents to be exchanged among co-workers without the risk of providing an incomplete image. Just remember to supply other users with the ArchiWall library or save the project in Archive format. Elements created with

ArchiWall maintain all of the geometric characteristics of the walls from which they originate, including the cuts made with roofs and door and window openings. ArchiWall objects can also be edited using ArchiCAD, though with limited functionality.

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ArchiCAD Plug-in for Creating Spreadsheets, Captions and Graphs

ArchiTabula is a Plug-in that allows tables containing text or numbers to be created or imported into ArchiCAD. The contents of tables can be displayed in grid form or, if conditions allow, in graphs or diagrams, using a variety of highly customisable formats. The contents of tables that are created and arranged on the Floor Plan can be updated at any time without losing the formatting. The elements placed on the Floor Plan are library parts and maintain a dynamic link to their data files. This means that any time the document of origin is modified, the corresponding data is automatically updated in ArchiCAD.
Work method To begin working with ArchiTabula, first the Tool Palette must be activated. To do this, just open the ArchiTabula menu and select the View ArchiTabula Palette option. The command is available from any 2D window (Floor Plan and Section/Elevation). The Tool Palette contains six buttons, each of which performs a different function. The first tool, Create/Modify Spreadsheet, allows electronic spread-

sheets to be created for entering text, numbers or mathematical formulas. ArchiTabula spreadsheets are similar to normal spreadsheets; the only difference is that, due to restrictions imposed by the API development environment, the dimensions are limited to 128 rows and 64 columns. ArchiTabula allows files to be opened in either tabulated text format or in the ArchiCAD Calculation Lists format. After processing, they can be saved in .SLV format and placed on the ArchiCAD Floor Plan Worksheet as Objects. ArchiTabula also has its own calculator. This handy tool is similar to regular calculators but has a number of added features that make it especially popular among users. First of all, up to eleven numbers can be stored in memory, for easy retrieval and viewing in the lateral extension of the calculator.

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6 6
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Additional functionality is provided by the Read Length and Read Area buttons, which can be used to read the dimensions of 3D and 2D elements in the Floor Plan or Section/Elevation. The measurements can be read in two ways: either by selecting the elements on the Floor Plan and then clicking on the read commands or by selecting the commands first and then the elements. Of course, these values can also be memorised in the calculators display area. ArchiTabula also allows spreadsheets to

created using the Spreadsheet Object tool. Files previously created in .SLV format are used as reference files and are opened directly in the dialog window. Elements such as the background colour of the spreadsheet and font can also be customised in the dialog window. Spreadsheets placed on the Floor Plan are ArchiCAD Objects, which means that they can be reopened and modified as desired. Native .SLV files can also be used to create graphs with the Graph Object tool. A series of icons in the Settings dialog window allows quick and easy selection of the type of graph to display. As with spreadsheets, elements such as font, dimensions and display colours are customisable. The Caption Object tool allows creation of a caption using a predefined structure divided into various boxes that change size to accommodate the data entered. Even a company logo can be displayed,

with the size and position desired. The font type can vary from box to box. Once the caption has been completed, it can be saved and placed on the Floor Plan as an Object.


Management of ArchiCAD surface materials

ArchiMaterial improves management of ArchiCAD surface materials, organising them in a user-defined hierarchy, specifying favourites and using the drag-&-drop technique to select and drag a preview of the material to assign it to the required element. A simple procedure also generates images to create seamless tiling, bumpmapping, transparency effects, etc.
The ArchiMaterial palette The ArchiMaterial palette contains seven icons, each corresponding to a particular function: - Materials Tracker and List of Materials in the project; - Copy materials (eyedropper) between different types of element; - Transfer materials (syringe) between different types of element; - Create a texture image: - Straighten a texture image; - ArchiCAD/LightWorks materials toggle; - Help. Materials Tracker The Materials Tracker enables you to configure the materials for the current selection without having to display the relative tool settings box. You therefore have simultaneous access to the materials associated with different types of element (not possible with the standard ArchiCAD interface), enabling you to assign a material to the surface of a wall, the component of an object, the edge of a slab etc. The window is extremely simple to use: select the element (or elements) for which you want to view the materials and the materials assigned will be listed immediately in the Materials Tracker window. List of Materials The ArchiMaterial List of Materials displays a list of all the materials present in the project currently open. The materials listed (in alphabetical order) are represented with a preview of their texture or colour. The ArchiMaterial tools make it easy to

helps the user manage the materials, keeping them organised and enabling them to be found and used as efficiently as possible. Assigning Materials to ArchiCAD elements By combining the two list windows (Materials Tracker and List of Materials in the project), you can rapidly assign surface materials to the construction elements in your project: define a list of favourite materials (those used most frequently and which therefore require quick access) or organise the materials of a project into a hierarchy. Many users have requested the possibility of grouping materials according to a customised hierarchy. ArchiCAD lists materials in alphabetical order and when the list of materials present is very long, finding a material in order to assign it to a given surface can be tedious. Grouping the materials together, for example by type (Masonry, Metals, etc) 1. select the element (or elements) to which you want to assign the required material; 2. the Tracker window displays a list of materials currently used; 3. drag and drop the selected material from the project's List of Materials window to the item in the Tracker list; 4. ArchiMaterial immediately modifies the element (or elements) to which you have assigned the new material, displaying the modifications immediately.

Create a texture image When managing materials, users often find it difficult to create seamless textures starting from an original image. ArchiMaterial can process any original image with just a single click and without complex configuration, in just a few seconds generating a new image which can be repeated seamlessly horizontally and vertically.


Hand Drawn Effects for ArchiCAD Drawings

ArchiSketchy is an extension that uses API (Application Programming Interface) technology to add new functionality to ArchiCAD. The Plug-in was created to allow ArchiCAD users to transform the perfect lines of computer-generated images into the softer, irregular lines of handsketched drawings. ArchiSketchy opens the road to creativity, allowing projects to be created that resemble drawings done with a pencil and pen, but without smudges or imperfections.

Arch. Marco Toffol (TN)

Studio Rubini Perez e Cattozzi

Arch. Marco Toffol (TN)


To automatically create comparison overlays

With the ArchiGiallieRossi plug-in for ArchiCAD, you can compare two views of a project and highlight the differences. Its main use is to automatically (or semi-automatically) generate comparison overlays in which two situations of the same project (current and proposed situation) are superimposed and then compared. The structures to be demolished are shown in yellow (and possibly with dotted lines), the "new" structures in red and unchanged elements in grey.
The ArchiGiallieRossi comparison procedure is extremely simple to use, but may also be customised as ArchiCAD enables the user to manage the current and proposed situations of a project in various ways, as required or as set in the custom preferences. Basically, all ArchiGiallieRossi does is to take the two views, superimpose them and verify/highlight the differences, in practical terms, the changes from before (the situation represented by the first view) and after (the situation represented by the second view). The comparison procedure does not compare any primitive, but performs the comparisons on the basis of element type, with a logic obviously linked to the virtual building. The walls present before are therefore compared with the walls present afterwards, the slabs with the slabs, the beams with the beams, the objects with the objects and so on. The result is shown with the three colours, fills and line types set by the user.


ArchiCAD Plug-in for the Analysis of Time Management Statistics

How often have you asked yourself how much time you or your colleagues have spent in front of the computer designing a particular project? This type of information is of great value for determining the time and, hence, the costs required to develop a project and for evaluating how the ArchiCAD program is used and what influence this has on the total costs of work performed. Such figures can be used for statistical and informational purposes as well as for assessing the costs of inputting data into the computer, which is one of the primary factors in determining your prices. ArchiTime, which is launched automatically each time you work on a project, keeps track of the operations carried out based on element type and function performed. It also tracks the time spent in each work session, broken down by worksheet window and work day. When the project is completed, ArchiTime provides a detailed summary report of the data collected (including explanatory graphs) that can either be printed or saved in text format for further processing in spreadsheets or by dedicated programs. No effort is required on the users part; ArchiTime goes unnoticed, working discreetly in the background and requiring no interaction unless you request information.


Rotate ArchiCAD objects in 3D space

With ArchiRotate, arranging objects in 3D space knows no limits. This plugin, in fact, enables ArchiCAD users to rotate objects in 3D space however they want. ArchiRotate can convert any library element into a new element (without losing any parameters) which can then be rotated using the ArchiRotate commands in both the map view and 3D window.
Select, in the ArchiCAD floor plan window, the library part you want to rotate. Click on the Save Rotatable Object tool icon.A standard Save dialog window appears, here type the new object name and choose the desired location than click on the Save button. The resulting object can be rotated in the 3D space using ArchiRotate. The Rotation tool can be used both in the ArchiCAD Plan and in the 3D window. You can rotate even more than 1 object at the same time. If you are working in the 3D window, you can enable the graphic definition of the angle. With the Rotation tool you can rotate in the space all the elements generated with ArchiRotate.

What is an ArchiCAD plug-in?

A Plug-in is a software component that allows ArchiCAD to provide new functions in addition to the standard characteristics. ArchiCAD allows you to manage the plug-ins automatically, starting them up and closing them through the menu bar. Indeed, once the Plug-in has been installed, a new menu will appear in the menu bar. This menu will behave completely like any other ArchiCAD menu. It will allow you to access the Plug-in palette and therefore to access all of its tools. In fact, you will not even realise that you are using a Plug-in: it will still be similar to using your ArchiCAD, but with more functions.

Cigraph Factory S.r.l. ArchiTerra, ArchiStair, ArchiForma, ArchiRuler, ArchiFaade, ArchiTiles, ArchiTime, ArchiMap, ArchiPnel, ArchiMaterial, ArchiQuant, ArchiSketchy, ArchiTabula, ArchiRotate and ArchiWall, ArchiMap, ArchiGiallieRossi are registered trademarks of Cigraph S.r.l.. ArchiCAD, GDL are registered trademarks of Graphisoft. Other products and trade names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies and are used purely for demonstrative purposes in favour of the trademark holder, without intent of breach. Illustration by: Marco Marella, Studio Rubini Perez & Cattozzi (Ve), Andrea Talamini (BL), Arch. Marco Toffol (TN).


The Plug-Ins configuration is determined by the configuration required by ArchiCAD. To know the most recently updated configuration visit the Cigraph web site:

Cigraph S.r.l. Via Orsato, 38 - 30175 VE/Marghera -Italy Tel. +39 041932 388 - Fax +39 041920 031

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