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Submitted by D.GOKULAN

Register No: 10MBO611

Under the Guidance of Mr. S.RAJASWAMINATHAN MBA., M.Com, M.Phil, NET, M.A.,(PhD.,)

Assistant Professor


DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this project work titled A STUDY ON EMPLYEE SATISFACTION is a bonafide record work done by Mr.D.GOKULAN (Reg. No.10MBO609) in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the degree MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION in during the year 2010-2011. Certified further that this work reported here-in does not form part of any other project report or dissertation on basis which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier date to this or any other candidate.

Guide Head of the Department

Submitted to the university examination held on____________________

External Examiner 1. 2.

Internal Examiner

DECLARATION D.GOKULAN (Reg.No:10MB0611),declare that project report entitled

A STUDY OF EMPLOYEE SATISFICARTION IN MEDOPHARM PRIVATE LIMITED,CHENNAI is the work done by me during the period of study under supervision of Mr. S.RAJASWAMINATHAN M.Com.,MBA.,M.Phil.,Phd Professor Department of management studies with the best of my knowledge, a similar work has not been submitted earlier to Pondicherry University, Pondicherry or other institution for the fulfillment of the requirement of course of study. This project work is submitted on partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY, PUDUCHERRY is my original work.

Place: Karaikal Date:

Signature (GOKULAN)


I express my wholehearted thanks to the GOD for having given me the courage and guidance to do this summer projects successfully. I wish to express my deepest sense of gratitude and whole heartiest thanks to Mr.S.RAJASAWMINATHAN.,MBA.,M.Com,M.Phil,NET,M.A.,(PhD.,) Department of management studies, RVS Institute of Management Studies and Computer Application. I wish to express my Management Studies And Computer Application, Karaikal, for his guidance and valuable suggestion during the course of study. I am highly indebted to Dr.C.S.G.KRISHNAMACHARAYALU, B.E, MBA, Ph.D., Director of the Department in Management Studies in RVS Institute of Management Studies and Computer Application, Karaikal. I am pleased to acknowledge my sincere thanks to Dr.A. RAJAN, Ph.D., Dean of the R.V.S Institute of Management Studies and Computer Application, Karaikal. For his I am highly in debuted to Mr. SIVARAMAN, MBA, M.Phil, head of the department in management studies in R.V.S institute of management studies and computer application, karaikal. I express my sincere thanks to all other faculty members , Department of management studies R.V.S institute of management studies and computer application , karaikal, for their valuable advice and generous help towards me for the completion Of this project. I express my sincere thanks to all department managers and staffs of MEDOPHARM (P) LTD CHENNAI. For their inspiration and Encouragement during the course of my study and the summer project. permission to do this project.


This project is undertaken to study the employee satisfaction in MEDOPHARM (P) LTD CHENNAI. The study has been conducted by adopting survey method among the employees in MEDOPHARM (P) LTD CHENNAI, with the help of questionnaire. The sample of size of 100 respondents from the company was chosen for the study. The scope of the study consists of the importance of the employee satisfaction is to find out the satisfaction level of the employees. The objectives tell about the necessity of the study. The research methodology consists of design, sample size & sample technique. The project work is based on descriptive research. Simple random sampling is used for data collection. Percentage analysis, weighted average method and chi-square are used for data collected through questionnaire. The study provides some findings that were interrupted from the analysis of the collected data. The suggestion and recommendations were given by the researcher which may help the company to improve their employee satisfaction.




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42 46 81 83 85 86

TABLE NO 5.1 5.2 TABLE 5.3 NO 5. 4 1 5. 5 2 5. 6 3 5. 7 4 5. 8 5 5. 9 6 5. 10 7 5. 11 8 5. 12 9 5. 13 10 5. 14 11 5. 15 12 5. 16 13 5. 17 14 5. 18 15 5. 19 16 5. 20 17 5. 21 18 5. 22 19 5. 23 20 5. 24 21 5. 25 22 5. 26 23 5. 27 24 5. 28 25 5. 29 26 27 28 29 TITLE PAGE NO 46 47 PAGE NO 48 49 5046 5147 5248 5349 5450 5551 5652 5753 5854 5955 6056 6157 6258 6359 6460 6561 6662 6763 6864 6965 7066 7167 7268 7369 7470 71 72 73 74

Age wise classification of the respondents Marital status of respondents TITLE Sex wise classification of respondents Qualification wise classification of respondents Age Experience wise classification of respondents wise classification of the respondents Modophram (p) limited strategy Marital status of respondents Satisfied with your job of respondents Sex wise classification of respondents Communication of respondents Qualification wise classification of respondents Continuous classification of respondents Experience wise feed back from managers of respondents Communicates objective to achieve the target of respondents Modophram (p) limited strategy Working your job of respondents Satisfied with conditions classification of respondents Relationship between management & employees of respondents Communication of respondents Respect regardless of their job of of respondents Continuous feed back from managers respondents Co operation among team company members of respondents Communicates objective to achieve the target of respondents Job security of classification Working conditionsrespondents of respondents The manager available when I need helps of respondents Relationship between management & employees of respondents Promoted based their job of of respondents Respect regardless ofperformancerespondents Satisfied among life company members of respondents Co operation with myteaminsurance of respondents Job Skills and abilities are utilized by the company of respondents security of respondents The Medophram limitedwhen I need helpsbenefits than other company of respondents manager available offer better than of respondents Decision making of respondents Promoted based performance of respondents Pay with my life insurance of respondents Satisfiedmatches my job performance of respondents Workplace safety utilized by the Skills and abilities are of respondents company of respondents Fair and equitable of better than Medophram limited offer respondentsbenefits than other company of respondents Company offer same opportunities of respondents Decision making of respondents Pay I am proud to tell other work of respondents matches my job performance Overall employees satisfaction Workplace safety of respondents in Medopharm of respondents FairNecessary resource to do your job well of respondents and equitable of respondents Medical facilities to you at needed time of respondents Company offer same opportunities of respondents I am proud to tell other work of respondents Overall employees satisfaction in Medopharm of respondents Necessary resource to do your job well of respondents Medical facilities to you at needed time of respondents



Employee satisfaction is the terminology used to describe whether employees are happy and contented and fulfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures purport that employee satisfaction is a factor in employee motivation, employee goal achievement, and positive employee morale in the workplace. Employee satisfaction, while generally a positive in your organization, can also be a downer if mediocre employees stay because they are satisfied with your work environment. Factors contributing to employee satisfaction include treating employees with respect, providing regular employee recognition, empowering employees, offering above industryaverage benefits and compensation, providing employee perks and company activities, and positive management within a success framework of goals, measurements, and expectations. Employee satisfaction is often measured by anonymous employee satisfaction surveys administered periodically that gauge employee satisfaction in areas such as:

management, understanding of mission and vision, empowerment, teamwork, communication, and Coworker interaction.

The facets of employee satisfaction measured vary from company to company. A second method used to measure employee satisfaction is meeting with small groups of employees and asking the same questions verbally. Depending on the culture of the company,

either method can contribute knowledge about employee satisfaction to managers and employees. Exit interviews are another way to assess employee satisfaction in that satisfied employees rarely leave companies.
Employers should look for ways to give employees more control over their schedules, environment, and/or work habits. For instance, employers could offer alternative work schedules such as flextime or telecommuting. Today's employees have demanding schedules outside of work, and many workers appreciate a boss who considers work-life balance. Because every person's obligations outside of work are different, customized schedules are a great way to improve employee satisfaction. Employers should also encourage employees to customize their workstations. This could include dcor and/or equipment. This not only gives employees control over their work environments, but it can ease personal barriers such as back pain or eyestrain. In addition, studies show that certain colors or dcor can improve happiness. Employees will be able to create a place they enjoy working in rather than being stuck in a bland office cubicle. Another way to give employees a sense of control is to create employee-driven competitions such as sales competitions. These activities put employees in control of their success. Each employee can set personal goals, and they will feel a sense of accomplishment rather than obligation

In order to execute well-informed business decisions, managers need more than a ledger of numbers to understand what is really taking place on the front line. The employees who work day to day with the customers can provide invaluable feedback drawn upon firsthand experience. Encouraging bidirectional Communications in this matter can create an organizational culture that breaks down silos and fosters teamwork between management and their staff. This type of employee-centric culture has an effect that extends beyond the internal sphere of an organization it can actually affect a companys bottom line with a direct and noticeable impact on profits. Take, for instance, the average annual turnover rate in the United

States. Depending on the industry, this can range from 15- 40%. With that in mind, consider also that it costs 10 times more to hire and train a new employee than it does to retain one. Furthermore, extensive research has shown that motivated and satisfied employees tend to contribute more in terms of organizational productivity and maintaining a commitment to customer satisfaction. Satisfaction is infectious and it indeed permeates across the employee-customer boundary, where revenue and brand image are continuously at stake. This white paper will demonstrate the significance of employee feedback and how companies can successfully implement a program to positively impact both organizational culture and ultimately Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their job and working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be of tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers will be more likely to produce more, take fewer days off, and stay loyal to the company. There are many factors in improving or maintaining high employee satisfaction, which wise employers would do well to implement. To measure employee satisfaction, many companies will have mandatory surveys or face-to-face meetings with employees to gain information. Both of these tactics have pros and cons, and should be chosen carefully. Surveys are often anonymous, allowing workers more freedom to be honest without fear of repercussion. Interviews with company management can feel intimidating, but if done correctly can let the worker know that their voice has been heard and their concerns addressed by those in charge. Surveys and meetings can truly get to the center of the data surrounding employee satisfaction, and can be great tools to identify specific problems leading to lowered morale. Many experts believe that one of the best ways to maintain employee satisfaction is to make workers feel like part of a family or team. Holding office events, such as parties or group outings, can help build close bonds among workers. Many companies also participate in teambuilding retreats that are designed to strengthen the working relationship of the employees in a non-work related setting. Camping trips, paintball wars and guided backpacking trips are versions of this type of team-building strategy, with which many employers have found success.


Of course, few workers will not experience a boost in morale after receiving more money. Raises and bonuses can seriously affect employee satisfaction, and should be given when possible. Yet money cannot solve all morale issues, and if a company with widespread problems for workers cannot improve their overall environment, a bonus may be quickly forgotten as the daily stress of an unpleasant job continues to mount. If possible, provide amenities to your workers to improve morale. Make certain they have a comfortable, clean break room with basic necessities such as running water. Keep facilities such as bathrooms clean and stocked with supplies. While an air of professionalism is necessary for most businesses, allowing workers to keep family photos or small trinkets on their desk can make them feel more comfortable and nested at their workstation. Basic considerations like these can improve employee satisfaction, as workers will feel well cared for by their employers. The backbone of employee satisfaction is respect for workers and the job they perform. In every interaction with management, employees should be treated with courtesy and interest. An easy avenue for employees to discuss problems with upper management should be maintained and carefully monitored. Even if management cannot meet all the demands of employees, showing workers that they are being heard and putting honest dedication into compromising will often help to improve morale.



Medopharm was born in 1970 with its sights set on becoming a global leader in the pharmaceutical industry. Today, with operations spanning over 60 countries worldwide, this forward-looking company, one of the top contenders on the Indian pharmaceutical scene, is on the right path to turning its vision into a reality. Medopharms values, management principles and business practices act as a compass to guide the company to success. Having won recognition for trustworthiness, reliability and world-class standards, the company is poised for a major breakthrough in cross-boundary sales. To meet global standards, Medopharms procurement, production, planning, manufacturing, testing, dispatch, finance and human resource systems are ERP focused. It also places emphasis on TQM. Value building in human relations is a core element of Medopharm. Our employees and associates are important to us and are cherished as part of our ever-growing family

The Medopharm Team A team of dedicated, innovative and professional employees which forms the backbone of the company is the secret of our success. The Medopharm team successfully adapts to suit the needs of clients in different environments, cultures and markets across the globe. Our vision To maintain our role as a global player in the pharmaceutical industry and supply value-added products at reasonable prices. We will ensure that our organization is propitious for both our associates and employees. To use state-of-the-art technology to satisfy market needs and evolve with the times to stay competitive, adaptable and prompt Our mission 12

Innovation, automation and R&D will be the nucleus of our future business endeavors. We will ensure our presence in regulated markets and strive to be amongst the top five companies in the Co Amoxyclav segment Products We have an extensive range of products to suit your needs: Analgesics, Antipyretics, Anti-Inflammatory Anthelmintics Anti Allergic Anti Asthmatics Anti Bacterials Anti Diabetics Anti Fungals Anti Diarrhoeals / Anti Protozoals / Anti Amoebiosis Anti Malarials Anti Neoplastic & Immunosupperssants Anti Tubercular Anti Viral Arthritis / Osteoporosis Anxiolytics / Sedatives / Hypnotics Cardiovascular Drugs Central Nervous System Cerebral Activators Diuretic Gastro Intestinal System


Hormones Steroids Vitamins & Minerals Supplements Direct Compression Granules

Quality The Mainstay of our Success Quality Assurance remains Medopharms number one priority for our clients. Thus, every stage of manufacturing - from procurement of raw materials to the finished product - follows strict quality control measures in keeping with international norms and standard operating procedures. These quality control procedures were developed by Medopharms experienced and qualified personnel manning the QC department. Being awarded with status, all our systems are validated to meet

ISO 9001-2000

international standards. With an outstanding track record for maintaining quality, we continue to operate one of Indias top-notch Quality Control and Analytical Research Laboratories. Our Quality Control Laboratory has also met the approval of the Drug Control Authority of India This has paved the way for us to carry out tests and conduct research for other drug companies. Regulatory affairs is one area of expertise for Medopharm and our professional in-house team takes the appropriate measures to file DMFS/Technical dossiers with the Ministry of Health and other regulatory bodies. Medo House 25, Puliyur 2nd Main Road, Trustpuram, Kodambakkam, Chennai - 600 024,INDIA Phone no : + 91 44 66149999 Fax no : + 91 44 66149990 14

Email: support@medopharm.com Our Facilities Medopharms manufacturing plants are at Chennai and Bangalore employ sophisticated and technologically advanced machinery. All our facilities are state-ofthe-art and boast high-speed machines and integrated packaging lines that enable us to operate at a high-capacity, cost-effective level Medopharm is a WHO-cGMP Certified Company. Our manufacturing units strictly comply with the guidelines and standards set by

and have

been approved by several international regulatory bodies. As the company operates in both the domestic and international markets, its facilities produce high-tech formulations for its clients without compromising on quality.


Job satisfaction plays an important in ensuring the organization commitment of its employees. When an employee is satisfied, he/she is more committed to the organization. It is therefore necessary to understand how job satisfaction can be enhanced in organization. Some researchers are of the opinion that organizations willing to successful must know what workers want. What keeps them happy, and what makes them stay. Some of the very important factors of employees satisfaction are pay, Fringe benefits, operating conditions, co-workers, etc., That can be reviewed from time to time to make employee satisfied and stay with the organization The study of job satisfaction started with mayos study of productivity at the western electric hawthorns plant in Chicago in 1933 (Hudson, 1991) since then many researchers have studied the various aspects of job satisfaction including Mobley et al. (1979) ; Price and Mueller (1981a,1981b, 1986); Bluedorn (1982); and mow day et al. (1982) among others . Job satisfaction is defined as the extent of the positive affective orientation towards a job (Blegen and Mueller, 1987). Specter (1997) defined job satisfaction as the liking (satisfaction) or disliking (dissatisfaction) behavior of the employees towards their job. Thus, it is the employees emotional bond to their jobs.


Job satisfaction is often seen as a concept that concerns only an employees overall feeling about the job, not the employees behavior towards the job, i.e., lateness, absenteeism, etc. (Smith et al.,1969; and Blegen and Mueller, 1987). Porter et al. (1974) view job satisfaction as the sum total of an individuals met expectations. Some researchers have attempted to measure the global job satisfaction but there was also a concern to measure different dimensions of job satisfaction. Careful analysis of these dimensions in an organization can bring more depth to devising strategies to enhance the job satisfaction of employees. Some of the traditional factors that contribute to job satisfaction are co-workers, pay, job conditions, supervision, nature of the work, and benefits.

Job satisfaction a worker's sense of achievement and success is generally perceived to be directly linked to productivity as well as to personal wellbeing. Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well, and being suitably rewarded for one's efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with one's work. The Harvard Professional Group (1998) sees job satisfaction as the keying radiant that leads to recognition, income, promotion, and the achievement of other goals that lead to a general feeling of fulfillment.

Importance of Employee Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is important in all the organization because it: keeps and motivate people to work well in the organization o Pay o Promotion o Work Task o Coworkers o Supervisors o Safety


o Training and development o Co operation o Friendliness o Fair treatment o Equal opportunity


Many economists consider self-reported job satisfaction as a fascinating subjective variable (Levy-Garboua and Montmarquette, 2002:1). This attraction recently resulted in a number of studies in the empirical analysis of well-being, specifically in job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has been investigated in several disciplines such as psychology (Argyle 1989), sociology (Hodson, 1985; Kalleberg and Loscocco, 1983), economics (Hamermesh 1977, 2001; Freeman, 1978), and management sciences (Hunt and Saul, 1975). Employers prefer that their employees be satisfied, since employees satisfaction is closely related to their labor market behavior such as productivity, quits and absenteeism. Several findings indicate that job satisfaction is as good predictor of quits as wages(Freeman, 1978; Akerlof et al., 1988; Clark et al. (1998). For this reason it is important to study the determinants of job satisfaction. Different aspects of job satisfaction are studied in the literature. These include job satisfaction with gender (Clark, 1997), wage growth (Clark, 1999), age (Hunt and Saul (1975), Clark et al., 1996), comparison income and unemployment (Clark and Oswald, 1994,1996) work environment (Idson, 1990), work environment and relations with managers (Gazioglu and Tansel, 2002). Locke (1976) defines the job satisfaction as the individuals subjective valuation of different aspects of their job. Higher job satisfaction may be due to improvements in the objective aspects of the job either from reduced expectations or dissatisfing aspect of job is downplayed while pleasing aspects are given greater weight. Hamermesh (1977) is one of the first studies that used job satisfaction data to investigate a model of occupational choice. This paper analyses four different measures of job satisfaction, using British data and investigates their relationship to individual and job characteristics. Individual characteristics include age, sex, education and gender. Job characteristic include income, establishments size, hours of work and industrial composition. Clark (1996)used British Household Panel Data (BHPD91) from 1991 to investigate the determinants of job satisfaction. We use a more recent (1997) and larger data set in order to see whether the previously obtained results are upheld. Although the job satisfaction measures we use are somewhat different than those of Clark and others, a number of results that are commonly obtained with international data are found to hold in our data set as well.


One special difference from the previous results in that the married individuals have lower job satisfaction levels than the unmarried in our data set. Further, it was noteworthy that individuals in education and health sectors are less satisfied with their pay but more satisfied with their sense of achievement. 4 Section 2 presents a brief discussion of our data and the various measures of job satisfaction used in this study. Section 3 analyses the ordered probit estimation results of the relationship between job satisfaction measures and a number of individual and job characteristics. Section 4 includes concluding remarks It is an obvious statement but high employee satisfaction levels can reduce employee turnover Dissatisfied employees tend to perform below their capabilities, result in high turnover of staff and leave their jobs relatively quickly , and are not very likely to recommend your company as an employer. Employee satisfaction research gives employees a voice and also allows the pinpointing of problematic areas, leading to the raising of staff satisfaction levels, developing and reviewing of staff management, and optimizing corporate communication. Issues our research covers the current workplace situation, management styles/attitudes, internal communication, workplace atmosphere, corporate culture/vision and image. Employee satisfaction research encompasses many different research techniques but the measurement of satisfaction is only the first step to improving employee.Employee satisfaction market research may not be as expensive as you think. Moving your staff satisfaction research to the web will dramatically reduce the cost and significantly improve the quality of the results you receive. In fact, employee surveys conducted online have resulted in approximately 75% completion rates compared to 65% for the traditional paper and pencil methodology.


Job Security
With regards to job security the survey question asked if the respondent agrees with the following statement: I feel that that my job is secure in this work place. In this study, those who strongly agree or agree with this statement are assigned a value of one and zero otherwise. Inclusion of this dummy variable in the regressions in Table 3 indicates that a secure job leads to highly significant, higher satisfaction levels for all measures of satisfacion considered. The issue of job security and job satisfaction is investigated by Blanchflower and Oswald (1999). They also found that job satisfaction is higher among those with secure jobs. Blanch flower and Oswald further asked the question if US job satisfaction falling because of increasing job insecurity or because of the decline of trade unions. They found that the answer was negative to both of the quarries

Someone hired by an employer under a contract of employment to perform work on a regular basis at the employer's behest. An employee works either at the employer's premises or at a place otherwise agreed, is paid regularly, and enjoys fringe benefits and employment protection.

Employee benefits are the assortment of rewards and compensation schemes that move from the employer to the employee. It is an effective instrument for boosting the motivation level of the employees. The paper examines the different employee benefit options. In this context, some related federal laws are also discussed.

The act of satisfying, or the state of being satisfied; gratification of desire; contentment in possession and enjoyment; repose of mind resulting from compliance with its desires or demands. "The mind having a power to suspend the execution and satisfaction of any of its desires." Locke. Settlement of a claim, due, or demand; payment; indemnification; adequate compensation. "We shall make full satisfaction." Shak That which satisfies or gratifies; atonement. "Die he, or justice must; unless or him some other, able, and as willing, pay the rigid satisfaction, death for death." Milto



The study is carried out to find the employees satisfaction levels in MEDOPHARM Limited. It helpful to the Management to find out a ways to increase the satisfaction levels and increase productivity. To increase a good relationship between employers and employees.

The study helps to find out a way to avoid labor turnover. This study provides me a practical exposure to upgrade my knowledge.

2. Employee satisfaction
It is an obvious statement but high employee satisfaction levels can reduce employee turnover. Dissatisfied employees tend to perform below their capabilities, result in high turnover of employee and leave their jobs relatively quickly and are not very likely to recommend your company as an employer. Employee satisfaction research give employees a voice and also allow the pinpointing of problematic areas leading to the raising of staff satisfaction levels, developing and reviewing of employee management and optimizing corporate communications. Measuring and Improving Employee Satisfaction and Commitment Employee satisfaction measurement has grown from simply recording employees' opinions on various topics to accurately and robustly measuring employee commitment. The American Customer Satisfaction Index has demonstrated the relationship between customer satisfaction and profits. Now research shows that satisfied, motivated employees will create higher customer satisfaction. Successful organizations realize that involved employees are key to improving organizational performance and that motivated employees are the first link in a causal chain that leads to greater customer loyalty and profits. This course will demonstrate how to implement world-class techniques for measuring the satisfaction and engagement of


employees and will provide participants with the best system for using the results to improve employee commitment and to retain high-performing employees.

Five ways employers can create a satisfying work environment: Build employees competence and self-confidence through training, feedback and recognition. "There is a very close relationship between high job satisfaction and feelings of effectiveness on the job," says Dr. Loehr. "Encouragement of genuine selfconfidence is probably the number one way to achieve higher job satisfaction." Communicate the value of the organizations products and services, and the role the organization plays in the marketplaces where it operates. "People with high job satisfaction also report an extraordinarily high sense of mission, vision and passion for their work," says Loehr. "They feel their work is consistent with their values. They couldnt achieve that feeling if their employers didnt enable them to get meaningful insight about the value they provide to customers." Encourage and reward thoughtful risk-taking. "People with high job satisfaction also score high on the desire to try novel approaches, face challenges and perform problemsolving both individually and in groups," says Loehr. "They appear to have an appetite for mission-driven change. They also rate themselves very high on perseverance." Encourage positive workplace relations. "People who are highly satisfied in their jobs report good feelings about their bosses, peers and coworkers," says Loehr. "Their feelings of opportunity are elevated, and they perceive a low hassle-factor." Encourage meaningful rest breaks and light diversion. "High job satisfaction correlates strongly with the feeling of having fun at work," says Dr. Loehr. "Highly satisfied individuals also report that they find it easy to wake in the morning, and that their sleep is deep and restful." He adds: "This is consistent with our thirty years of research on world-class athletes. Top performers in every field know how to enhance performance through rest and recovery."



From recruitment to retirement and beyond lies the complex world of human resource management. Not too long ago, employee feedback became a buzz phrase that senior managers paid up service to, while budgeting an annual survey to show they were really serious about it. The rest can be found in Scott adams Dilbert comic strip. Yet a few leading organizations did more than pay lip service. They embraced the idea that they needed motivated employees before they could have happy customers. In fact, such organizations realized that, in a sense, their employees were customers, and listening to them was equally critical. It is no coincidence that these organizations have emerged as leaders in their areas of business. Information provisioning is a customized application of Zarcas platform. The following processes are covered: a) university recruitment process: Ensure your company is presenting the right image at universities to attract the best talent. Identify and remove all factors from the process that might contribute negatively to your recruitment effort. b) recruitment process for experienced employees: Identify and remove all factors from the recruitment process that might contribute negatively to your effort to hire and best mid- and senior level talent. c) employee orientation and training studies: Track the effectiveness of expensive training programs. Ensure the outcome meets your goals. d) performance review: Build a culture of accountability and reward by measuring employee performance in critical business areas. e) corporate pulse survey: Unleash the creativity of your employees by including them in open dialogues about your organizations strength and weaknesses. WHY ASK DEMOGRAPHIC QUESTIONS IN AN EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION SURVEY?


We almost always include demographic questions in our questionnaires, including employee surveys. This is not merely nosiness on our part. These questions serve two main purposes: 1. To see how closely the sample replicates the known population. The more closely the demographic distribution of survey respondents matches the population, the more confidence you can have in the data. 2. To allow analysis of sub-groups of those responding to the survey. It is this second purpose, analysis of sub-groups, which provides the most utility. If the sample size is small(less than 100 or so), this cannot be done. However, with larger sample size, an analysis of sub-groups can tell you things that would be missed by looking at the aggregate data. For example, you might find that 10% of employees would rate the health care plan provided by your firm as poor. You might be tempted to conclude that you do not have a major problem in this area. However, if you were to drill down into the data and find that 30% of employees with children rated the health care plan as poor you would have a potentially serious issue on your hands. Questionnaire length usually limits the number of demographic questions you can include in your survey. The particular items you choose to include will be influenced by the type of industry you are in and the composition of your work force. Below is a list of the types of demographic questions you should consider including in your employee satisfaction questionnaire. Age, Sex, Martial status, Department, Experience. It is not necessary to include all of the above questions in the survey. The key is selecting the items to include is determining, to extend possible, the variable that you believe will segment the population in a manner such that the different segments will have different needs and/or feelings about the organizations. DETERMINING THE NEED TO CONDUCT AN EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION SURVEY. 24

This is a fairly simple tip. There are two questions to ask you. 1. Do you have employees? 2. Do you know how they feel about their jobs and their work environment? If the answer to the first question is yes and the answer to the second question is no, you need to conduct an employee satisfaction survey, even if you have only a few employees and gather the information through informal discussions. The urgency of the matter is another thing entirely. The need to survey is greater when one or more of the following factors are present. o Rapidly growing organization. When an organization is growing quickly, it is critical to find out how employees feel about their jobs, the organization, and their fit and future within it. o High or growing turnover rate. While some industries have a naturally high turnover, growing turnover is a problem for any organization. If your absolute level of turnover exceeds the industry average, you have a problem that an employee satisfaction survey is the first step to solving. o Excessive rumors. A strong rumor mill is symptomatic of other problems in the organization. These can include communications, trust, and fear. Only a survey can uncover the extent to which any of these issues exists. o Highly competitive industry. In a highly competitive industry, turnover minimizations and productivity and creativity maximization are keys to success. Staying in such with employees is necessary to facilitate continued competitiveness. o Contemplated changes in pay and benefits. You must know what needs to be fixed and how much fixing it needs to maximize return on invested money and people resources.



In todays ultra-competitive environment, smart employers understand that having a motivated, engaged, creative work force is a competitive advantage. Your employees cannot reach their full potential when they are answered about work and life problems. It is your job to create an environment that minimizes their problems so that they can live a fuller, happier life and can stay focused on their job, not their problems, while at work. Select one of the areas below to learn more about these issues and how our employer solutions group professionals assist you as you help your employees live more fulfilling lives both at home and at work.

HEALTH How do I protect my health and the health of my family?

INCOME PROTECTION How do I provide for my family if I die or am disabled? WEALTH ACCUMULATION How do I save enough money for my childrens college education and my retirement? EXECUTIVE BENEFITS As a key executive, what special benefits can I expect from my employer?

1. HEALTH Our professionals have the tools and experience necessary to offer innovative solutions and help you make the tough decisions about health insurance, dental insurance, prescription drug coverage, and visions plans. 2. INCOME PROTECTION Strong life insurance and disability programs and strategies are key to protecting your employees and their families. 3. WEALTH ACCUMULATION:


Make sure rewards are for genuine contributions to the organization. Be consistent in your reward policies. If your wages are competitive, make sure employees know this. Rewards can include a variety of benefits and perks other than money.

ADEQUATE AUTHORITY Employees are more satisfied when they have adequate freedom and authority to do their jobs. Actions: Let employees make decions. Allow employees to have input on decisions that will affect them. Establish work goals, but let employees determine how they will achieve those goals. Later reviews may identify innovative best practices. Ask, If there were just one or two decisions that you could make, which ones would make the biggest difference in your job? EMPLOYER OF CHOICE: FAIRNESS From the receptionist at the front door to top executives, people want to be treated fairly. Traps: understanding fairness can be challenging. An organizational policy can be viewed as fair by some and unfair by others. Fairness is important. When employees are treated unfairly, they Are more negatively affected by their workload. Have lower productivity Are more likely to quit Have higher levels of conflict and Are more likely to resort to collective bargaining to solve their problems. Symptoms like these are costly to both the employees and the organization. Most often, we create our judgment of fairness by comparing how things are with how we think they should be. Our judgement of how things should be can be gained externally and internally. More is not necessarily better


Fairness seems to have a threshold effect. When a work situation is seen as unfair, this can be highly motivating to employees to try to correct the injustice. Once employees feel that they are being treated fairly, being treated exceptionally fairly is not much more motivating. As with employee satisfaction, fairness can be thought of as either a single. Your key employees make the decisions, lead the team, and drive the profits. Shouldnt taking care of them be one of your highest priorities? Let us help you design custom benefits packages to attract and retain your organizations leaders. 4. EXECUTIVE BENEFIT Your key employees make the decisions lead the team, and drive the profits. Shouldnt taking care of them be one of your highest priorities? Employee satisfaction surveys provide the information needed to improve levels of productivity, job satisfaction, and loyalty. Organizations can identify the root causes of job issues and create solutions for improvements with an accurate perspective of employee views. Discover what motivates people, what drives loyalty, and what genuinely makes and keeps your employees happy. Satisfaction levels will increase when employees know that their issues are being addressed. There is a direct link between employee satisfaction and financial results. MANAGING JOB SATISFACTION Increasing job satisfaction is important for its humanitarian vale and for its financial benefit. As early as 1918, Edward Thorndike explored the relationship between work and satisfaction in the journal of applied psychology. NBRI typically includes measures of job satisfaction in all our employee surveys. Clear patterns have emerged. Employees with higher job satisfaction: Believe that the organization will be satisfying in the long run, Care about the quality of their work, Are more committed to the organization, Have higher retention rates, and Are more productive. What are the statistically significant factors that affect job satisfaction? Six factors that influenced job satisfaction. 28

When these six factors were high, job satisfaction was high. When the six factors were low, job satisfaction was low. organizations. 1. OPPORTUNITY Employee survey studies show that employees are more satisfied when they have challenging opportunities at work. This includes chances to participate in interesting projects, jobs with a satisfying degree of challenge, and opportunities for increased responsibility. Important: this is not simply promotional opportunity, as organizations have become flatter, promotions can be rare. People have found challenge through projects, team leadership, special assignments-as well as promotions. Actions: Promote from within when possible. Reward promoting employees with roles on interesting projects. Divide jobs into levels of increasing leadership and responsibility. 2. Stress When negative stress is continuously high, job satisfaction is low. Jobs are more stressful if they interfere with employees personal lives or are a continuing source of worry or concern. Actions: Promote a balance of work and personal lives. Make sure that senior managers model this behavior. Distribute work evenly (fairly) within work teams. Review work procedures to remove unnecessary red tape or bureaucracy. Manage the number of interruptions employees have to endure while trying to do their jobs. Some organizations utilize exercise or fun breaks at work. These factors are similar to what we have found in other

3. Leadership


Data from employee satisfaction surveys has shown employees are more satisfied when their managers are good leaders. This includes motivating employees to do a good job, striving for excellence, or just taking action. Actions: Make sure your managers are well trained. behavior. It can be learned. People respond to managers that they can trust and who inspire them to achieve mean ingful goals. 4. Work standards Again, our NBRI employee survey data points out that employee are more satisfied when their entire workgroup takes pride in the quality of its work. Actions: Encourage communications between employees and customers. importance when employees see its impact on customers. Develop meaningful measures of quality. Celebrates achievements in quality. 5. Fair Rewards Employees are more satisfied when they feel they are rewarded fairly for the work they do. Consider employee responsibilities, the effort they have put forth, the work they have done well, and the demands of their jobs. In our employee survey work, we have focused on two forms of fairness. These seem to be consistently motivating to employees. Fairness of managers, and Fairness of pay. Although these two factors can be related, in practice, these are generally distinct. 6. Fairness of Pay It is interesting that the perception of being paid fairly is more motivating than the actual level of pay. Said another way, these who are paid more are not necessarily more satisfied. When people feel they are paid fairly, they are more likely to: Be satisfied, Feel that the organization will satisfy their long term needs and goals, and 30 Quality gains Leadership combines attitudes and

Feel that their workload is reasonable, Indirectly, fairness of pay also reduces stress and increases retention Manager Fairness Employees need to know you are doing the best you can in an imperfect world. Periodic, sincere communication from managers can help preserve cooperation and trust. Our employee survey research findings show that when managers treat others fairly, Employees are more satisfied There is less blame and conflict in work teams. Indirectly, fairness also Increase teamwork Increases employee commitment Increase retention and Increase productivity Thus, fairness is not related simply to soft returns. The data from employee surveys show that manager fairness increases teamwork, retention and productivity which have genuine bottomline consequences. Overall, prudent organizations will carefully manage fairness. This will not only create a more satisfied workforce, but will make genuine contributions to the bottom-line while positioning and organization as an employer of choice. EMPLOYER OF CHOICE: OPPORTUNITY When people choose your organization over others as the preferred place to work, your organization saves money through increased retention, makes money through increased productivity as well as becomes more effective as the best of your job applicants choose to work for you. Due to these practical and financial consequences, being an employer of choice will continue to be important to organizations for a long time to come. Our employee survey research has consistently shown that the degree of opportunity in the workplace affects employee attitudes and behaviors. Thus, opportunity plays a major role in becoming or remaining an employer of choice. What is opportunity? 31

The problem is that there are different forms of opportunity. Although there are no firm rules there do seem to be some trends in the opportunity preferred by employees of different ages. Among younger employees, opportunity is more likely to relate to opportunity for: Increased income, Promotions/advancement, and Training (and/or job experience). Why is opportunity important? Opportunity has direct and indirect effects on employee attitudes and behaviors. Higher opportunity directly increases: Job satisfaction and Employees expectations that the organization will meet their long-term needs and goals. Thus, opportunity directly affects satisfaction but also expectations about job conditions in the future. Job satisfaction and long-term expectations have their own consequences. affects other factors that are influenced by job satisfaction and long-term expectations. Thus, opportunity indirectly increases: Employee involvement Employee commitment, Desire to stay, and Employee productivity. Consequently, having adequate opportunity significant affects organizations-not because opportunity, in and of itself, has inherent value. It gains importance because it is an underlying cause with multiple symptoms. It happens that those symptoms are typically on the list of key factors that make organizations successful. Thus, because opportunity directly affects job satisfaction and long-term expectations, it indirectly


9 STEPS TO IMPROVING EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION: SHARED MISSION OR VISSION: Organization that have a mission or vision statement and use it as a guide for decision making find employees spend less time and resources on non-income- producing activities when their people management strategies are aligned to the mission. A team guided by a clearly stated and communicated mission is more cost effective and competitive than one where the mission is fuzzy or nonexistent. REGULAR EMPLOYEE INPUT AND FEEDBACK PROGRAM: Building a corporate culture that requires employees to be an integral part of the organization can be an effective way of getting the most from the talents or competencies brought to the organization by each employee. Allowing employees at all levels of the organization to share their ideas and concerns will also help the company develop and maintain a safer and more productive work environment. Knowing employees feelings for, and levels of commitment to the organization can be essential to measuring whether people management programs are producing the desired results. CLEARLY DEFINED AND COMMUNICATED JOB EXPECTATIONS: When an organization makes the decision to fill a new position, it has an idea of what will be expected of the new employee. However, unless these expectations are clearly communicated, the result can be disappointing for both the employee and employer. Such situations cause conflict and inefficiencies in the workplace. Therefore, it is very important that the employer establish a mechanism for making sure the needs of the organization are clearly communicated and understood. REGULAR AND FAIR PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK: Research has found that most employees in todays economy want to believe that they contribute to the overall success of the organization. However, if the employee is not sure how his or her job fits into the bigger picture, an employer may suffer a reduction in productivity or morale. A well-designed, consistently-applied and fair system for discussing the business goals, objectives and individual employee contributes can be a valuable tool in ensuring each employee becomes and remains an integral part of the organizations team.


COMPENSATION, BENEFITS AND REWARDS PROGRAMS THAT ARE ALIGNED WITH MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT: There is no way to overstate the importance of developing properly aligned compensation, benefits and rewards programs. Employees emulate behavior that they see being rewarded. When employees see executive and management employees being rewarded for behavior or work product that does not support the stated mission and / or vision of the organization, they may become disgruntled. These employees will either change their own behavior to mirror the rewarded behavior or become disgruntled with the lack of recognition they receive for towing the line consequently, the work group loses its mission alignment. PROMOTION OF A DIVERSIFIED WORK FORCE: Diversity in todays global market is much different than the old affirmative action plan that characteristically sits on the shelf in a binder and gathers dust. A truly diverse work environment not only welcomes but also encourages employees of different cultures and backgrounds. Such work environments promote the sharing of new ideas, diverse points of view and employees who challenge the way we do things here. HIRING THE RIGHT EMPLOYEES: No, this is not a contradiction to the statements made above. It actually is a compliment to diversity. Mission and vision are guiding principles for employees as to why the organization exists, what services it provides and how it operates. Corporate culture flows from the mission and vision. Hiring the right people means not only finding employees with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities but also those who will be productive members of the organizational work team. Bringing in an employee who does not understand or support the shared mission and goals can be very disruptive and costly to the organization. COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION AND INTEGRATION PROGRAM: Once an organization has developed a clear mission, defined its expectations, developed and implemented appropriate feedback and rewards programs and hired the right people, it is important to make sure that all employees have the information and tools necessary to transition smoothly into the work environment. Well developed employee orientation and integration programs help both new and current employees work together to form a productive


and satisfying work environment. Organization that lack such programs can find that it loses many new employees who just never got off to the right start. STRONG COMMITMENT TO TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS: One of the most important benefits offered by many employers is a employee personal development. Employers that invest in personal development programs that encourage to updates skills and expand their knowledge base can directly contribute to bottom line profitability. This is because the organization will remain competitive and being able to adapt to market changes quickly, with little interruption in daily operations.



To identify the employee satisfaction levels in Medopharm Private Limited.


To know the communication networks between employers and employees. To find out the employee satisfaction levels relating to salary. To identify the employee satisfaction in team works. To know the employee satisfaction in safety & welfare facilities provided by the organization. To identify the satisfaction levels with training program. To know the job satisfaction of employee in Medopharm Private Limited. To made suggestions and recommendation to improve the employee satisfaction in Medopharm private Limited .


Research methodology is way to systematically solve the research problem. It is a plan of action for a research project and explains in detail how data are collected and analyzed. Research Methodology may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. It can cover a wide range of studies from simple description and investigation to the construction of sophisticated experiment. A clear objective provides the basis of design of the project. Since the main objective of this study is to identify the customers preference, expectation and perception. It was decided to use descriptive research design include, surveys and fact-findings enquires of different kinds, which found out to be the most suitable design in order to carry out the project. MEANING OF RESEARCH Research is an art of scientific investigation. The advanced learners dictionaries of current English lay are down the meaning of research as, a careful investigation (or) inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Redmen and Mary define research as a systematic effort to gain knowledge. RESEARCH DESIGN A Research design is plan that specifies the objectives of the study, method to be adopted in the collection of the data, tools in analysis of data and helpful to frame hypothesis. A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure. Research design is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various project operations, thereby making the project as efficient as possible yielding maximal information with minimal expenditure of effort time and money. Also it minimizes bias and maximizes the reliability of the data collected.



Primary data The data which are collected afresh for the first time and thus happen to be original in character is called primary data. The primary data was collected from the employees of MEDOPHARM Limited through a direct structured questionnaire. Respondent has filled the questionnaire. Secondary data The data which have already been collected and analyzed by someone else is called secondary data. The secondary data was used mainly to support primary data. Company profiles, websites, magazines, articles were used widely. SAMPLING SIZE AND TECHNIQUE Type of universe The first step in developing any sample is clearly defining the set of objectives, technically called the universe, to be studied. Here the universe is the employees of Medopharm private Limited. Size of sample It refers to the number if items to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample. Here 100 employees of Medopharm Limited in Setharapet were selected as size of sample. Questionnaire construction In constructing questionnaire, care was taken to investigate the difficulties that the respondent may face while answering them. It was prepared keeping in view the objective of the study. During the constructing care was taken to avoid questions, which may lead to misinterpretation. The question thus constructed was a structured one so as to collect al the relevant information. The questions were arranged in a logical order/sensible sequence. The Questionnaire consists of a variety of questions presented to the employees for their response. Dichotomous questions and multiple choice questions were used in constructing the questionnaire.


STATISTICAL TOOLS USED To arrange and interpret the collected data the following statistical tools were used. 1. 2. 3. Percentage Method. Weighted Average Method. Chi square Analysis. The percentage method was extensively used for findings various details. It is used for making comparison between two or more series of data. It can be generally calculated Percentage of employees= No of employees favourable ----------------------------------100 Total number of employees Weighted Average Method: In the Weighted Average Method, the weighted average can be calculated by the following formula XW = WX/ X Here XW represents the weighted average X1, X 2, X3..Xn represents the value for variable values W1, W2, W3 .Wn represents the weightage given to the variable. Steps: Multiply the weights(W) by the variables(X) to obtain WX Add all WX to obtain WX Divide WX by sum of the weights (X) to get weighted average.

Percentage Method:

Chi Square Analysis Chi square analysis in statistics to test the goodness of fit to verify the distribution of observed data with assumed theoretical distribution. Therefore, it is a measure to study the divergence of actual and expected frequencies. It makes no assumptions about the population


being sampled. The quantity 2 (chi- square) describes the magnitude of discrepancy between theory and observation. If 2 is zero, it means that the observed and expected frequency completely coincides. The greater the value of 2, the greater would be the discrepancy between observed and expected frequencies.

The formula for computing Chi Square (2) is as follows. 2 = {(O-E)^2 /E}

The calculated value of 2 is compared with the table of 2 for given degrees of freedom at specified level of significance. If the calculated value of 2 is greater than the table value then the difference between theory and observation is considered to be significant. On the other hand, if the calculated value of 2 les than the table value then the difference between theory and observation is not considered to be significant. The degrees of freedom is (n 1) where n is number of observed frequencies and in case of contingency table the degrees of freedom is number of columns and R is number of rows. (C-1) (R-1) where C is



Table:5.1 Age wise classification S.NO 1 2 3 4 TOTAL AGE 18 to 26 26 to 34 35 to 43 Above 43 NO OF RESPONDENTS 20 36 28 16 100 PERSANTAGE 20 36 28 16 100

INFERENCE From above table it is inferred that 20% of respondents are in between age of 18 25,36% of respondents are in between age of 26-34,28% of respondents are in between age of 35-43,and remaining 16%of respondents are in between age of above 43.

Chart :5. 1 Age wise classification

Table :5.2


Marital status
S.NO 1 2 TOTAL INFERENCE The above table describes that 64% of respondents were married and 30% of respondents were unmarried. MARITAL STATUS Married Un married NO OF RESPONDENTS 64 36 100 PERSANTAGE 64 36 100

Marital status

Table: 5. 3

Sex wise classification



SEX Male Female


PERCENTAGE 60 40 100

From the table shows,60% of respondents are male and remaining 40% The respondents were female.

Chart:5.3 Sex wise classification


Qualification wise classification

S.NO 1 2 QUALIFICATION Below 10 10th-12th




3 4 5 TOTAL


36 14 32 100

36 14 32 100







RESPONDENTS 1 Above 2 years 17 17 Above the table shows that the 100 respondents, 36% of UG employees,32% diploma employees 2 Between 2to 5 years 35 35 th th 14% of PG3employees, 10% and 8% 5 years Above of the employees below 10 -12 MEDOPHARM 48 48 TOTAL 100 100


Qualification wise classification

Table:5 Experience wise classification



From above the table shows at 48% of the respondents have experience below 35% respondents have experience between 2 to 5 years 17% respondents have experience between above 2years CHART:6 Experience wise classification

Table:5.6 MEDOPHARM LIMITED STRATEGY PARTICULARS Yes No Total INFERENCE The above table shows that out of 100 respondents 44% are knows about the MEDOPHARMLimited strategy, 56% are doesnt know the MEDOPHARM Limited strategy. Chart: 6 NO. OF RESPONDENTS 44 56 100 PERCENTAGE 44 56 100


MEDOPHARM Limited Strategy

Slice 3 4 0% YES 44%

NO 56%

Table: 7 satisfied with your job S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Total Inference PARTICULARS Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree NO OFRESPONDENTS 33 54 7 6 0 100 PERSANTAGE 33 54 7 6 0 100


From the table shows that 28% of respondents the strongly agree,36% of the respondents are agree,20% of respondents the somewhat agree,12% of the respondents disagree and 2% of the respondents of strongly disagree with satisfied your job at MEDOPHARM Limited. Chart::7 satisfied with your job

Table:5.8 COMMUNICATION PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Total Inference: NO. OF RESPONDENTS 28 55 5 11 1 100 PERCENTAGE 28 55 5 11 1 100


The above table shows that out of 100 respondents 28% are strongly agree with communication between manager, 55% are agree, 5% are somewhat, 11% are disagree and 1% is strongly disagree. Chart:8 Communication

Table:5. 9 CONTINOUS FEEDBACK FROM MANAGER PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total NO. OF RESPONDENTS 31 45 9 9 6 100 PERCENTAGE 31 45 9 9 6 100



The above table shows out of 100 respondents 31% of them are Strongly agree with continuous feedback from Manager, 45% are agree, 9% are somewhat agree and 9% are disagree and 6% are strongly disagree. Chart:5.9 Continuous feedback from Manager

Table: 5.10 COMMUNICATES OBJECTIVES TO ACHIEVE THE TARGETS PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total NO. OF RESPONDENTS 25 57 4 13 1 100 PERCENTAGE 25 57 4 13 1 100



From the above table it is inferred that out of 100 respondents 25% are Strongly Manager communicates objectives to achieve the targets, 57% are agree, 4% are somewhat agree, 13% are disagree and 1% are strongly disagree. Chart:5.10 communicates objectives to achieve the targets.

Strongly Agree Disagree 1% Strongly Agree 13% Somewhat 25% 4%

Agree 57%

Table:5.11 Working conditions S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL Inference PARTICULARS Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree NO OF RESPONDENTS 28 36 17 15 10 100 PERCENTAGE 28 36 17 15 10 100

From the table shows of at 28% respondents are strongly agree,36 of the respondents are agree,17% of respondents of somewhat agree,15% of respondents are disagree and 10% of respondents are strongly disagree


Chart:11 Title: Working conditions

Table:5. 12 Relationship between management and employees PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total NO. OF RESPONDENTS 67 32 1 100 PERCENTAGE 67 32 1 100

Inference: From the above table it is inferred that out of 100 respondents 67% are strongly agree with there is a relationship between employers and employees, 32% are agree and 1% are somewhat agree. Chart:12 :Relationship between management and employees.


Somew hat 1% Agree 32%

Slice 4 0%

Strongly Agree 67%

Table:5.13 Respect regardless of their job S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL Inference; From the above table it is inferred that out of 100 respondents 14% are respect regardless of their job, 58% are agree, 20% are somewhat agree, 8% are disagree and 0% are strongly disagree. CHART:5.13 Respect regardless of their job PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree NO OF RESPONDENTS 14 58 20 8 0 100 PERCENTAGE 14 58 20 8 0 100


Table:5.14 Cooperation among team company members S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL INFERENCE From above the infered with of 100 respondents of 17% are with strongly agree, 56%are with agree, 12%are somewhat agree, 10% are disagree, 5% are strongly disagree. CHART:5.14 Cooperation among team company members PARTICLARS Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree NO OF RESPONDENTS 17 56 12 10 5 100 PERCENTAGE 17 56 12 10 5 100


Table:5.15 Job Security S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL INFERENCE: From the above table respondents of the 24% of the respondents of strongly agree, 43% of the respondents with agree, 4% of the respondents with some what agree, 24% of the respondents with disagree and remining 5% of the respondents with strongly disagree. CHART:5.15 Job Security PARTICULARS Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree NO OF RESPONDENTS 24 43 4 24 5 100 PERCENTAGE 24 43 4 24 5 100


Table: 5.16 THE MANAGER IS AVAILABLE WHEN I NEED HELPS. PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total NO. OF RESPONDENTS 40 52 5 3 100 PERCENTAGE 40 52 5 3 100

INFERENCE: From the above table it is inferred that out of 100 respondents 40% are strongly agree with manager available when I need helps, 52% are agree and 5% are somewhat and 3% are disagree. Chart:5.16 The Manager is available when I need a helps.


Som ew hat Disagree

Strongly Agree


Table:5.17 Promoted based performance S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Total INFERENCE: From the table above total respondents that, 33% of the respondents with Strongly agree, 36% of the respondents with agree, 16% of the respondents somewhat agree, 16% of the respondents disagree and 0%of the respondents with strongly disagree. CHART:5.17 Promoted based performance PARTICULARS Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree No of respondents 33 36 16 15 0 100 PERCENTAGE 33 36 16 15 0 100


Table:5.18 Satisfied with my life insurance S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 Total INFERENCE: From the table that total respondents of 100, 20% of the respondents with strongly agree, 49% of the respondents with agree, 6% of the respondents with somewhat agree, 25% of the respondents with disagree and 0% of the respondents with strongly disagree. CHART5.18 Satisfied with my life insurance PARTICULARS Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree NO OF RESPONDENTS 20 49 6 25 0 100 PERCENTAGE 20 49 6 25 0 100


Table:5.19 SKILLS AND ABILITIES ARE UTILIZED BY THE COMPANY PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total NO. OF RESPONDENTS 28 41 7 18 6 100 PERCENTAGE 28 41 7 18 6 100

Inference From the above table it is inferred that out of 100 respondents 28% are strongly agree with my skills and abilities are effectively utilized by the organization, 41% are agree and 7% are somewhat, 18% are disagree and 6% are strongly disagree. Chart:5.19 Skills and Abilities are effectively utilized by the organization


Table:5. 20 MEDOPHARM LIMITED OFFER BETTER BENEFITS THAN OTHER COMPANIES PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total NO. OF RESPONDENTS 12 51 8 24 5 100 PERCENTAGE 12 51 8 24 5 100

Inference From the above table it is inferred that out of 100 respondents 12% are satisfied with the organization provides better benefits than other companies, 51% are agree and 8% are somewhat, 24% are disagree and 5% are strongly disagree. Chart:5.20 MEDOPHARM Limited offer better benefits than other companies


Table:5.21 DECISION MAKING PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total NO. OF RESPONDENTS 25 50 15 10 100 PERCENTAGE 25 50 15 10 100

Inference: From the above table it is inferred that out of 100 respondents 25% are strongly agree with considering my decisions, 50% are agree and 11% are somewhat agree, 10% are disagree. Chart:5. 21 Considering my Decision


TABLE5.22 PAY MATCHES MY JOB PERFORMANCE S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL INFERENCE From the table that total respondents of 100, 24% of the respondents with strongly agree, 46% of the respondents with agree, 4% of the respondents with somewhat agree, 23% of the respondents with disagree and 3% of the respondents with strongly disagree. CHART:5.22 PAY MATCHES MY JOB PERFORMANCE PARTICULARS Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree NO OF RESPONDENTS 24 46 4 23 3 100 PERCENTAGE 24 46 4 23 3 100


TABLE:5.23 WORKPLACE SAFTY S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL INFERENCE: From the table that total respondents of 100, 31 % of the respondents with strongly agree, 62% of the respondents with agree, 2% of the respondents with somewhat agree, 5% of the respondents with disagree and 0% of the respondents with strongly disagree. Chart:5. 23 WORKPLACE SAFTY PARTICULARS Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree NO OF RESPONDENTS 31 62 2 5 0 100 PERCENTAGE 31 62 2 5 0 100


TABLE:5.24 FAIR AND EQUITABLE S NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL INFERENCE: From the table that total respondents of 100,17 % of the respondents with strongly agree, 56% of the respondents with agree, 12% of the respondents with somewhat agree, 10% of the respondents with disagree and 5% of the respondents with strongly disagree. CHART:5.24 FAIR AND EQUITABLE PARTICULARS Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Disagree Strongly disagree NO OF RESPONDENTS 42 48 7 3 0 100 PERCENTAGE 42 48 7 3 0 100


Table:5.25 COMPANY OFFER ADEQUATE TELECOMMUNICATIO,SCHEDULING FLEXIBILITY, AND CHILDCARE OPPORTUNITES. S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL INFERENCE: From the above table it is inferred that out of 100 respondents 7% are strongly agree COMPANY OFFER ADEQUATE TELECOMMUNICATIO,SCHEDULING FLEXIBILITY, AND CHILDCARE OPPORTUNITES MEDOPHRAM Limited, 34% are agree and 6 % are somewhat agree,43% are disagree and 10% are strongly disagree. CHART:5.25 PARTICULAR Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree NO OF RESPONDENTS 7 34 6 43 10 100 PERCENTAGE 7 34 6 43 10 100



Table:5.26 I AM PROUD TO TELL OTHERS I WORK FOR MEDOPHARM LIMITED. PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Total NO. OF RESPONDENTS 30 62 6 2 100 PERCENTAGE 30 62 6 2 100



From the above table it is inferred that out of 100 respondents 30% are strongly agree with I am proud to tell others I work for MEDOPHRAM Limited, 62% are agree and 6% are somewhat agree and 2% are disagree. Chart5.26 I am proud to tell others I work for MEDOPHARM Limited.


From the above table it is inferred that out of 100 respondents 19% are excellent with their overall employee satisfaction in MEDOPHARM Limited, 48% are good, 32% are average and 1% is poor. Chart:5.27 Overall employee satisfaction in MEDOPHARM Limited.


TABLE:5.28 COMPANY PROVIDES YOU WITH NECESSARY RESOURES TO DO YOUR JOB WELL S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL INFERENCE: From the table that total respondents of 100, 30% of the respondents with strongly agree, 61% of the respondents with agree, 3% of the respondents with somewhat agree, 5% of the respondents with disagree and 1% of the respondents with strongly disagree. PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree No of respondents 30 61 3 5 1 100 PERCENTAGE 30 61 3 5 1 100



TABLE:5.29 MEDICAL FACILATIES TO YOU AT NEEDED TIME S.NO 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL INFERENCE: From the table that total respondents of 100, 38% of the respondents with strongly agree, 54% of the respondents with agree, 4% of the respondents with somewhat agree, 3% of the respondents with disagree and 1% of the respondents with strongly disagree. CHART:5.29 MEDICAL FACILATIES TO YOU AT NEEDED TIME PARTICULARS Strongly Agree Agree Somewhat Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree NO OF RESPONDENTS 38 54 4 3 1 100 PERCENTAGE 38 54 4 3 1 100



Attributes Job Satisfied Respect Regardless of their job Fairly Job Security Promotion Pay

1 33

2 54

3 7

4 6

5 0

Total 100





17 24 33 24

56 43 36 46

12 4 16 4

10 24 15 23

5 5 0 3

100 100 100 100


Matches Resources 30 61 3 5 1 100

Weighted Average to rank the job related activities in the organization. Formula = WX _____ W W- number of respondent Xrating given by the respondents Job Satisfied
X 1 2 3 4 5 Total w 5 4 3 2 1 X1 33 54 7 6 0 100 Wx1 165 216 21 12 0 414 X2 14 58 20 8 0 100 Wx 2 70 232 60 16 0 378 X3 17 56 12 10 5 100 Wx3 85 224 36 20 5 370


X4 24 43 4 24 5 100

Job Security
Wx4 120 172 12 48 5 357

Promotio n
X5 33 36 16 15 0 100 Wx5 165 144 48 30 0 387 X6 24 46 4 23 3 100

Pay Matches
Wx6 120 184 12 46 3 365

X7 30 61 3 5 1 100 Wx7 150 244 9 10 1 414


4.14 I

3.78 III

3.70 IV

3.57 VI

3.87 II

3.65 V

4.14 I

Inference: From the above table it is understood that 100 respondents give 1st ranks to Resources and Job Satisfied, 2nd rank to Promotion, 3rd rank to Respect regardless of their jobs, and 4th rank to fairly treat, 5th rank to pay matches, 6th rank to Job Security


WEIGHT METHODED:2 Title: Weighted average method for SAFETY and WELFARE facilities in the Organization.

Attributes Life Insurance Workplace Safety Grievance process Telecommuting Medical facility Training

1 20 31 42 7 42 1

2 49 62 48 34 44 36

3 6 2 7 6 2 0

4 25 5 3 43 12 57

5 0 0 0 10 0 6

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100

Weighted Average to rank the safety and welfare facilities provided in the organization. Formula = WX _____ W



number of respondents

Z- Rating given by the respondents. Life Insurance

X 1 2 3 4 5 Total W 5 4 3 2 1 X1 20 49 6 25 0 100 WX1 100 196 18 50 0 364 X2 31 62 2 5 0 100

Workplace safety
WX2 155 248 6 10 0 419

Grievance process
X3 42 48 7 3 0 100 WX3 210 192 21 6 0 429


Medical facility


X4 7 34 6 43 10 100

WX4 35 136 18 86 10 285

X5 42 44 2 12 0 100

Wx5 210 176 6 24 0 416

X6 1 36 0 57 6 100

Wx6 5 144 0 114 6 269

CW Ranks

3.64 IV

4.19 II

4.29 I

2.85 V

4.16 III

2.69 VI

Inference: From the above table it is found that all 100 respondents give 1st ranks to Grievance process, 2nd rank to Workplace Safety, 3rd rank to Medical Facility, 4th rank to Life Insurance, 5th rank to Telecommuting and 6th rank to Training.


NULL HYPOTHESIS Ho To find out there is no significant links between Gender and Working Condition in the organization. ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS H1 To find out there is a significant links between Gender and Working Condition in the organization


21 7 28

15 15 30

12 5 17

7 8 15

5 5 10

60 40 100


O 21 15 12 7 5 7 15 5 8 5 TOTAL

E 16.8 18 10.2 9 6 11.2 12 6.8 6 4

O-E -4.2 -3 1.8 -2 -1 -4.2 3 -1.8 3 1

O-E^2 17.64 9 3.24 4 1 17.64 9 3.24 9 1

O-E^2/E 1.05 0.5 0.32 0.44 0.17 1.58 0.75 0.48 0.67 0.25 6.21

Calculated value of Chi-square = 6.21 Degree of freedom = (c-1) (r-1) = (5-1) (2-1) =4 The table value of chi-square for four degree of freedom at 5 percent level of significance is 9.488 Interpretation: The calculated value of chi-square is much less than the table value. The result, thus, support the hypothesis and its can be concluded that the significant links between Gender and Working cond



The study was conducted to know the employee satisfaction levels in Medopharm Limited. The following are the findings from the study. In overall employee satisfactions levels in MEDOPHARM Limited, 19% of employees are feels excellent, 48% of employees are good, and 32% of employee rate Average and 1% of employee feel Poor. 44% of employees are knows about the MEDOPHARM Limited strategy and 56% of employees doesnt know about the MEDOPHARM Limited strategy. 28% of employees are strongly agree with the communication between Manager and Employee, 55% of employees are agree, 5% of employees are somewhat agree and 11% of employees are disagree. 31% of employees are strongly agree with the continuous feedback from the Manager, 45% of employees are agree, 9% of employees are somewhat agree, 9% of employees are disagree, 6% of employees are strongly disagree. 25% of employees are strongly agree with the Manager communicate objectives to achieve the targets, 57% of employees are agree, 4% of employees are somewhat agree, 13% of employees are disagree and 1% of employee is strongly disagree. 67% of employees are strongly agreed with the relationship between management and employees and 32% of employees are agreeing. 40% of employees are strongly agree that the Manager is available with me when I need a help, 52% of employees are agree, 5% of employees are somewhat agree, 3% of employees are disagree.


28% of employees are strongly agree with my skills and abilities are utilized effectively by the organization, 41% of employees are agree, 7% of employees are somewhat agree, 18% of employees are disagree and 6% of employees are strongly disagree. 12% of employees are strongly agree with the MEDOPHARM Limited it offer better benefits than other companies, 51% of employees are agree, 8% of employees are somewhat agree, 24% of employees are disagree and 5% of employees are strongly disagree. 25% of employees are strongly agree with the supervisor to give opportunities to take decisions, 50% of employees are agree, 15% of employees are somewhat agree and 10% of employees are strongly disagree. 30% of employees are strongly agree about I am proud to tell others I work for MEDOPHARM Limited, 62% of employees are agree, 6% of employees are somewhat agree and 2% of employees are disagree. With the use of weighted average method, the following are findings: a) The employees are ranks the job related activities in the organization: 1. job satisfied 2. Resources for do the job well. 3. Promotion based on performance. 4. Give respect regardless of their job. 5. Fairly treated. 6. Pay matches for my job. 7. Job Security. b) The employees are ranks the safety and welfare facilities in the organization. 1. Grievance process. 2. Workplace safety. 77

3. Medical facilities. 4. Life insurance. 5. Telecommuting. 6. Training.

With the use of chi-square method, the following should be finding: a) There is a significant links between Gender and Working condition in the organization.



The employee in the organization may expect canteen facility. But the management is provided canteen allowance to the employees. The canteen allowance is 225 per month. The original cost of the food is Rs.18. The employee should give Rs.8 for the food and employees. remaining Rs.10 is provided by the management. Rs. 10 is benefited for the The employees should not awareness about the canteen allowances

provided by the management. So, the management should arrange a meeting and say about the advantages of canteen allowances. The management should provide transport facility to female only. The employee (male) in the organization should also expect transport facility for me also. So the management should invests a certain amounts into transport and fulfill his needs. It improves productivity and avoids late coming. In year to year, the employees strength is reduced in the organization. Because of, they get voluntary retirement services (VRS) and out of the organization. This creates a labor turnover in the organization and productivity is reduced. This kind of activity is continued, the management should invest amounts for trained new employees and expenses are high. The management should handled VRS carefully so as to avoid demotivating other employees. In MEDOPHARM Limited, the employees should say thanks to the Management for providing pure drinking water facility. The management should provide 1000 liters per day. The management should never stop it and continue the services to the employees. It increases satisfaction among employees. The organization can also arrange a telephone facility for employees. It reduces mental tension. Why because, in urgent times the employees needed telephone for transferring the message to the right person. They dont transfer the message to the right person and his concentration is diverting and not does the work in efficient manner. Therefore, the organization is arranging a telephone facility to the employees and reduces the mental tension.


The management should provide training program to initial level of employees and any new technology is implemented in the market. But, the employees in the organization should expect training program in periodic manner. The management should arrange a training and development in regular basis and improves the knowledge and experiences of the employees. It is very useful to the management and creates job satisfaction and job involvement among employee side.



Any changes made in the organization (Rules/Policy), the study is not suitable. Few employees refused to answer the question write conduct the interview. New employees are appointed in the organization the study is affected. The respondent had the fear that the questionnaire may be shown to the management.

8.2 SCOPE:
To suggests a ways to improve smoothly relationship between employees and management. The study is useful to the Management for know about the employee views about the organization. The study is useful as it identifies ways to solve the employees problems arising in the organization.



Now a days employees plays a vital role in every organization without employee production is zero. The study conducted at MEDOPHARM Limited. Deal with the employee satisfaction of the organization. Employee Satisfaction Research give employees a Voice and also allow the pinpointing of problematic areas leading to the raising of employee satisfaction levels, developing and optimizing corporate communications. The study concluded that majority of employees are very much satisfied in the organization. But few facilities dont in the organization like canteen, transport. But most of employees are needed canteen facilities and it is very useful for all of me. So the organization mainly takes a necessary step to arrange a canteen facility for employees and fulfill his/her needs. Employee satisfaction is determining the growth of the organization.



: : :



: 1.Below 10th

: : 1.18 to25 2.26 to32 3.35 to 43 4.above

2. Unmarried 2.Female
2.10th-12th 3.UG 4.PG 5. Diploma

: ________________________________

: 1. Above 2 year 2.between 2 to 5 years 3.above 5



1. Regarding the statement, you are aware of MEDOPHARM Limited overall strategy, would you say
A, Yes B, No

2. Overall you are very satisfied with your job at MEDOPHARM Limited.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

3. The Manager/supervisor clearly communicates what is expected of you.

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

4. The Manager/supervisor provides you with continuous feedback to help you achieve targets.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

5. Managers communicate clear objectives for the company to achieve.

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

6. The MEDOPHARM Limited working conditions are good. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

7. The relationship between management and employees is good.

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

8. There is cooperation among team members.

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

9. Employees in the company are treated with respect regardless of their job.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree


10. Do you feel everyone is treated fairly in your department?

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

11. Are you feeling I have job security?

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

12. The manager is available to you when I have questions or need help.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

13. Employees are usually promoted based on performance.

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

14. Do you satisfied with my life insurance plan.

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

15. My skills and abilities are utilized effectively by the company.

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 16. MEDOPHARM Limited offers better benefits than other companies. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagre 17. My Supervisor considers the opinions of others before making important

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 18. My pay matches my job performance a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree


19. Managers pay attention to workplace safety a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 20. The grievance process used at MEDOPHARM Limited is fair and equitable. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 21. MEDOPHARM Company offers adequate telecommuting, scheduling flexibility,

and childcare opportunities.

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 22. I am proud to tell others I work for MEDOPHARM Limited. a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree 23. On a scale of excellent to poor, how would you rate your overall employee

satisfaction in MEDOPHARM Limited? Excellent Good Average Poor 24. Company provides you with the necessary resources to do your job well.
a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

25.MEDOPHARM Limited provides Medical facilities to you at needed time?

a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) somewhat agree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree


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