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Date sheet May,2012 Examination MBA 4th Semester: Time of examination: 9.00am-12.

00noon Date of examination Paper code Paper title

16th May,2012 21st May,2012 24th May,2012 28th May,2012 CP-401 MM-402 MM-403 FM-403 HR-402 IB-401 HM-401 31st May,2012 MH-401 FM-404 HR-404 HM-403 IB-405 MH-404 Business Policy & Strategic Analysis Marketing of Services Integrated Marketing Communication Financial Management Services Managing Interpersonal & Group Dynamics Export Import Documentation Programme Travel Agency and Tour Operations Patient Care Services Wealth Management Strategic HRM Airport Management Cross Cultural and Global HRM Hospital Operations Management

MBA 2nd Semester Time of examination: 01.00pm-04.00noon

17th May,2012 22nd May,2012 25th May,2012 29th May,2012 1st June,2012 5th June,2012 8th June,2012

CP-201 CP-202 CP-203 CP-204 CP-205 CP-206 CP-207

Business Environment Operations Research Business Research Methodology Consumer Behaviour Financial Management Human Resource Management Operations Management

BBA 6 Semester Time of examination: 9.00am-12.00noon

18th May,2012 23rd May,2012 26th May,2012 30th May,2012 2nd June,2012 BBCP-602 BBCP-603 BBCP-604 BBMM-607 BBFM-605 BBHRM-605 BBIB-607 Entrepreneurship Development Disaster Management Project Management Marketing of Services Banking Concepts and Principles Performance Management International Marketing

BBA 4th Semester

Time of examination: 9.00am-12.00noon

17th May,2012 22nd May,2012 25th May,2012 29
st th

SM - 401 MO -402 CSBP -403 MM-404 FM-405


1 June,2012

Corporate Strategy & Planning Managing in Organizations International Business Case Study Strategic Marketing Management Corporate Finance


OB- 201 Acct- 202 Econs- 203 QM- 204 Organisational Behaviour Financial Accounting Economics Principles & their Applications to Business Quantitative Methods for Business & Management

Time of examination: 9.00am-12.00noon

16th May,2012 21st May,2012 24th May,2012

28th May,2012

B. COM 3rd Year Time of examination: 9.00am-12.00noon

18th May,2012 23rd May,2012 26th May,2012 30th May,2012 2nd June, 2012 6th June,2012 8th June,2012 13th June,2012 BCH-301 BCH-302 BCH-303 BCH-304 BCH-305 BCH-361 BCH-362 BCH-365 Computer Fundamentals And Its Business Applications Financial Management Management Accounting Auditing Indirect Taxes Financial Services Principles of Marketing Human Resource Management

B. COM 2nd Year Time of examination: 9.00am-12.00noon

17th May,2012 22nd May,2012 25th May,2012 29th May,2012 1st June,2012 5th June,2012 8th June,2012 BCH-201 BCH-202 BCH-203 BCH-204 BCH-205 BCH-206 BCH-207 Corporate Accounting Company Law Business Statistics Cost Accounting Principal of Business Management Income Tax Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

B. COM 1st Year Time of examination: 9.00am-12.00noon

16th May,2012 21st May,2012 BCH-101 BCH-102 Business Communication Mathematics

24th May,2012 28th May,2012 31st May,2012 4th June,2012

BCH-103 BCH-104 BCH-105 BCH-106

Financial Accounting Business Regulatory Framework Business Economics Business Environment

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