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Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

Writing a Scientific Paper

A. von Keudell Ruhr-University Bochum

1. Why publish ? 2. Elements of a Scientific Paper 3. Presenting Data and Results 4. Convincing the reviewer and the reader

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

1. Aims 1.1. Why publish ?

Mark your scientific claim Support your scientific career Methods are well documented Scientific Message is challenged by the community Re-evaluate your own science project

Somebody should read and cite the paper

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

How to measure scientific impact ? The h-index

G.Ertl, Nobel prize chemistry 2007

papers since 1996

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ? Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

non-optimized publication strategy

papers since 1996

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ? Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

definitely non-optimized publication strategy

papers since 1996

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ? Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

1.2. What should be published ?

Scientific Message ! One message per paper letter ~ 3 figures, paper < 10 figures no data collection without any discussion no experiments that are already published by others

A paper that somebody likes to read and cite

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

1.3. Where to publish ?

Journal with high impact factor ! One paper ~ 3 months of work Journal with the scope on your own scientific community never in proceedings (only very few exemptions) rarely in conference journals not in journals with doubtful subscription policies

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

Impact Factor all journals (>6000)

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

Impact Factor Physics Journals (~ 350)

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

Impact Factor Physics Journals (~ 350)

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

The craft of writing a scientific paper Challenges, Goals and Concepts Finishing a manuscript takes usually 1..3 months full time ! A paper is worth 50.000100.000 of tax payers money. Be respectful ! The art of writing is re-writing Choose the right time to write after a successful talk or experiment Write the first draft as quickly as possible dont think, just write Scientific Writing is a collaborative effort seek frequent feedback by coauthors and outside persons Start the writing with the master figures telling the message of the paper Write already while experimenting

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

Advertise your paper Title and Abstract

8 words Short and specific (no correlation) No abbreviations Define final title after the paper is finished

The title should attract the reader to read/cite your paper

Avoid superfluous words (Investigation, Study, New, Novel...) The methods should be exactly mentioned in the title You may use hanging titles

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

Abstract: completeness precision objectivity clarity brevity 1-2 sentences for Background/Objective/Methods/Most important results/Conclusion Informative (no mystery story)
The voltage as a function of temp. was measured vs. The voltage decreased with increasing temperature reaching a saturation value of 30 mV above 500 K

No references in the abstract

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology


Methods Main results Conclusion

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ? Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

What characterization ? Density of what ? particular wavelength ? Which gas ? No SI unit

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

Example, hanging titles

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

What spectroscopy What plasma

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

Authorship ???? Who is an author Person with a scientific contribution to the paper Sequence according to the individual contribution Each author is responsible for the content Who is not an author Person who educated in methods Person who wrote the proposal Necessarily the boss of the institute

according to DFG regulations

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ? Achim von Keudell

Ruhr-University Bochum, CoE Plasma Science and Technology

Homework Try to formulate a title and abstract for your own research project

send it to me via email ( until 18:00

Scientific Writing Lecture 1: Why publish ?

Achim von Keudell

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