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a. Hostile Takeover: It is a takeover attempt that is strongly resisted by the target firm and is undertaken by purchasing the majority of outstanding shares of the target company in the open stock market. The technique that the acquirer adopts in this case is .Street Sweep.. E.g. Oracle Corp. and Peoplesoft Inc. Hostile Takeover b. Leveraged Buyout: It is a type of acquisition wherein the acquiring company uses a large amount of Debt . financing to pay the target company its valuation at the time of the takeover in cash and / or Junk bonds (i.e. the bonds are usually not investment grade and are referred to as junk bonds.) E.g. Oracle Corp. and I . Flex Takeover 3. Asset Buyout: A buyout strategy in which key assets of the target company are purchased, rather than its shares. This is particularly popular in the case of bankrupt companies, who might otherwise have valuable assets which could be of use to other companies, but whose financing situation makes the company unattractive for buyers (an asset buyout strategy may be pursued in almost any case where the potential target company has an unattractive financing structure). Motives behind Acquisitions To achieve Market Dominance. To achieve Economies of Scale. To Increase Revenues. To enable Cross - Selling. To improve Technological Capabilities. To enable better Tax Management. To expand into new Geographies. To expand Customer Base, etc.

Benefits of Acquisitions


Benefits of Acquisitions


Fairness of Price Paid Lower Cost to the Acquiring firm Market Dominance Issues in Acquisitions Resistance from the target company Inability to secure adequate shares to gain Management Control Hostility Reputation Assaults

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Acquisitions, Motives behind Acquisition, Benefits, Issues


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