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Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic Force

Hydrostatic Force Exercises

Hydrostatic Force

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Hydrostatic Pressure Hydrostatic Force Hydrostatic Force Exercises

Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic Force

Hydrostatic Force Exercises

Hydrostatic Pressure Deep-sea divers realize that water pressure increases as they dive deeper. This is because the weight of the water above them increases. In general, suppose that a thin horizontal plate with area A is submerged in uid of density kilograms per cubic meters at a depth of d meters below the surface of the uid. The uid directly above the plate has volume V = Ad, so its mass is m = V = Ad. The force exerted by the uid on the plate is therefore F = mg = gAd The pressure is the force divided by the surface area: P = gd An important principle of uid pressure is that at any point in a liquid the pressure is the same in all directions.

Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic Force

Hydrostatic Force Exercises

Computing Hydrostatic Force

Steps to nd the force on a plane region submerged in a liquid.

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Slice the object horizontally (No choice here.) Imagine rotating the slice so that it is parallel to the surface of the liquid. Compute the force on the slice: the hydrostatic force on the slice is the weight of the liquid above it. Add up the forces on all the slices (i.e., integrate.)

Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic Force

Hydrostatic Force Exercises


Question: A dam has the shape of a trapezoid as shown, The height is 20 m, and the width is 50 m at the top and 30 m at the bottom, Find the force on the dam due to hydrostatic pressure if the water level is 4 m from the top of the dam. (Density of water is 1000 kg/m3 .)

Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic Force

Hydrostatic Force Exercises

Solution We choose a vertical xaxis with the origin at the surface of the water, in meters and positive direction is down. (Other choices are possible but this one simplies the equations.) Slice horizontally. As labeled, the width of the slice is wi = 2(15 + a) and we can use similar triangles to a determine a. Note that = 16 xi 10 1 xi = which implies a = 8 . 20 2 2

Thus the width of the strip is wi = 2(15 + a) = 2(15 + 8 1 xi ) = 46 xi and therefore the 2 area of the strip is Ai = (46 xi )dx.

Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic Force

Hydrostatic Force Exercises

The height of the water above the strip is xi , the volume is Vi = xi (46 xi )x. To get the mass, we multiply the density of water by its volume: Mi = 1000xi (46 xi )x. Finally, to get the weight we must multiply the mass by the acceleration of gravity. Fi = (9.8)1000xi (46 xi )x. Now we add up the force for all the slices for x = 0 to x = 16.

F = lim =

n 16

(9.8)1000xi (46 xi )x

(9.8)1000x(46 x)dx

= 9800

(46x x 2 )dx
16 0

x3 = 9800 23x62 3 4.43 107 N

Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic Force

Hydrostatic Force Exercises

Example Question: Find the hydrostatic force on one end of a cylindrical drum with radius 3 ft if the drum is submerged in water 10 ft deep.

Choose origin so equation of the end of the drum is x 2 + y 2 = 9, so the width of horizonal strip at y is 2 9 y 2 .
Hydrostatic Pressure Hydrostatic Force Hydrostatic Force Exercises

The height of the water above the strip is 7 y so the volume of the water above the strip is (7 y ) 2 9 y 2 dy The weight density of water is 62.5lb/ft3 and thus the force on the strip is 62.5(7 y ) 2 9 y 2 dy . Adding up the force on all strips gives us the desired force:

F =

62.5(7 y ) 2

9 y 2 dy

= 125

(7 y ) 9 y 2 dy
3 3

= 125 7

y 2 dy


9 y 2 dy

The second term is 0 since the integrand is an odd function. The rst is 875 times the area of a semicircular disk of radius 3. Thus the desired result is 1 7875 F = 875 (3)2 = 12.370 lb. 2 2

Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic Force

Hydrostatic Force Exercises

Question: 1. An aquarium 5 ft long, 2 ft wide, and 3 ft deep is full of water. Find the hydrostatic pressure on the bottom of the aquarium the hydrostatic force on the bottom of the aquarium the hydrostatic force on the one end of the aquarium

Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic Force

Hydrostatic Force Exercises

Question: 2. A tank is 8 m long, 4m wide, 2 m high, and contains kerosene with a density of 820 kg/m3 to a depth of 1.5 m. Find the hydrostatic pressure on the bottom of the tank the hydrostatic force on the bottom of the tank the hydrostatic force on one end of the tank

Hydrostatic Pressure

Hydrostatic Force

Hydrostatic Force Exercises

A vertical plate is submerged (or partially submerged) in water and has the indicated shape. Find the hydrostatic force against one side of the plate.

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