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Q1) Describe in detail the concept of software testing? Q2) What are the objectives of verification and validation techniques? Q3) What are the limitations of Verification and Validation? Q4) Why is it impractical to test all the paths in coding? Q5) Write a short note on No absolute proof of correctness. Q6) Discuss the terminologies in software testing? Q7) Who should perform the validation test- The software developer or the software user? Justify your answer. Q8) Do you agree with the statement: System testing can be considered as a pure black box test. Justify your answer. Q9) Explain the concept of test stub and test drivers? Q10) Why is it advantageous to detect error during code and design reviews rather than leaving them to be detected at the time of the testing. Q11) Discuss the role of Software during software life cycle and why is it so difficult? Q12) Explain the design guidelines that can be used to produce good quality classes or reusable classes. Q13) Discuss the objectives of software design. How do we transform on informal design to a detailed design. Q14) What do you mean by software quality standards? Illustrate their essence as well as benefits. Q15) Define the concept of walkthrough. In walkthrough, how many members are included for the review process on the software product.

Q16) What is the difference between Verification and Validation techniques in software development process? Q17) The first step in system testing is to layout a test plan. Outline the activities that represent the test plan. Q18) What is a software failure? Explain necessary and sufficient conditions for software failure. More presence of faults means software failure. Is it true? If not, explain through an example, a situation in which a failure will definitely occur. Q19) What is the difference between white box and black box testing? Is determining test cases easier in black or white box testing? Is it correct to claim that if white box testing is done properly, it will achieve close to 100% path coverage? Q20) Explain the criteria for: (a) Identification for Verification and Validation techniques? (b) Selection of Verification and validation techniques? Q21) What do you understand by software project management. Give general activities of project management. Q22) Write short note on function oriented and object oriented design of software. Q23) Explain in detail the software quality assurance plan. Q24) Discuss the role of V & V in software evolution. Q25) Discuss the 7 steps testing process with diagram. Q26) Consider a program for the determination of the nature of roots of a quadratic equation. Its input is a triple of positive integers ( say a, b, c ) and values may be from interval [0,100]. The program output may have one of the following words: [Not a quadratic equation; Real roots; Imaginary roots; Equal roots] (a) Design the boundary value test cases. (b) Also design the robust test cases and Worst test cases for this program. Q27) Discuss the difference between worst case and adhoc test case performance evaluation by means of testing. Q28) ) Why is testing of real time system software more complex than non real time system software. Q29) Differentiate between correctness and consistency with respect to software testing. Q30) What do you understand by reverse engineering. Differentiate between reverse engineering and re engineering.

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