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Open Letter to Humanity

Maya calendar end not signifies the end of the world but the end of the "TIME" (without "TIME" any calendar has no sense)! What is the difference? Enormous one! A CERTAIN world will be ended: the one in which the "TIME" makes sense! I showed in the "Gravitational Theory of Life" that the "TIME" is what prevents us from seeing the true face of existence, which is only geometrical. He separates, for our ego the "cause" from his "effect". But there is a "world" outside of our ego (in which exists the geometrical correspondent of the "TIME"), which respond predictably (with an acceptable probability), to our actions based on causality. Thus the ego is preserved (within certain limits - the social environment). The problem is that our ego and that world, each of them are no self-consistent. Both disappear: "the world" tends toward disorder (II principle of thermodynamics) and the ego "dies" from time to time (it changes), which all mean the same thing. Thus, relationship (expressed by "general laws", supported by science) between I and that kind of "world" (in which the "TIME" has a correspondent), is preserved and it permanently manifested, but always between other egos and other "worlds", more disordered, every time. That means that the "laws" are preserved, but at a different level with a different (strictly geometrical) nature, from the level at which it manifests the elements which are related by those "laws"! Therefore, the support context that preserves the general laws cannot be causally modeled (missing "Grand Unification Theory" in physics, for example). How is this possible? The only answer is that the egos, as the phenomena limited of a state of total causal indeterminacy of the "world" considered by them (given by the Uncertainty Principle of Heisenberg), have, in fact, a continuous support, which links them (eliminating any kind of indeterminacy) and which, by thus, it preserving the "general laws". Under these conditions, that support can have only a geometric nature: 1) For the ego will be a not causal structure (strictly geometrical shape) of the body, as I described in "GTL" 2) For the Universe will be the "geometric reality", also described in "GTL". The "shape" and the "GEOMETRIC REALITY" are the two categories mentioned, by default, in the material God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is female": the first is completely characterized only by the "shape" and the second contains the principle of "chaotic movement. Taken separately, each has a problem: - The "shape" didn't exists "there" (it not manifests), is "dead" and - The "GR" is occurred by a "crisis" that generates (by "chaotic movement" principle) his geometric expansion with preserving the included symmetries " (like the swelling of a painted balloon on which surface the "images" becomes only "bigger", does not change their shape) which implicitly lead to another "crisis": a state where the symmetries lose their meaning for a certain values

of metrics (the images on the balloon becomes so great that no longer have any sense). That it means chaos to, or "death"! Their chance (on the idea of overcoming their "death") was that they meet each other and so it generated the "orderly movement"! The "orderly movement", on closed and stable trajectories, means "life", and offers the possibility to maintain the perpetuity of "running" of this geometric complex. Misfortune is that the nature of orderly movement varies quite widely depending on the predominance of one or other of the principles that compose it, in various geometric contexts. These events, being geometric, are continuous and together form what I called "The Base Material Universe" (BMU). As I said, in certain contexts (generated by gravitation*) is obtained the "LIFE" ("orderly movements" on closed and stable trajectories). There where dominant is only the "movement" on the closed path (that preserve the symmetries - the shapes on the balloon - despite its swelling), it means "physical field" and where the "orderly movements" has opened paths it obtains the "substance". In the same terms can be defined the "inertial motion", "accelerated movement", "gravitation", etc. The "LIFE is, in fact, the direct response of the BMU, by orderly (geometric) impositions, for the entropic phenomena. Is the one that would, possibly, make it possible the preservation forever of the "world" in which, for the moment, the TIME" has a correspondent, and of the entire geometrical context. But is a spontaneous reaction, "unconscious": - In the most violent "non orderly" situations such as catastrophes and plagues, the LIFE" always reacted by increasing the power of reproduction of the bodies, - If the situation deteriorated progressively, in terms of entropy, it was remedied by developing bodies with greater skills to impose an order, which means more "complex". There was, in this evolution, and a fortuitous circumstances so that the "shape" and "chaotic movement" have lost both, simultaneously, their meaning, by creating a new principle, outside to each of them, the Man", Adam! It was "of them" but he may "look" at them also from the outside, so can work, "AWARE" this time, to correct intrinsic abnormalities that lead to their individual death" and, thus, the "death" in general . What means "aware"? It's about the difference between the "WHOLE" and "parts" (Aristotle was right in his "Metaphysics: "The "WHOLE" is different from the sum of its parts "). This difference makes possible the emergence of what we call "self-consciousness". A dynamic system of processes and phenomena, distinct but which causelessly inter-rationing (the simultaneity of their evolutions being accompanied by a stable state of this context), as "orderly closed chain", generates what I called a "WHOLE" or "Living organism". But its only attribute is the "SHAPE" which is "something else" than "causal relationships" (of parts), and which pull off the "WHOLE" outside of "parts", offering an outside perspective on them: the "self-consciousness"! But this happens in two distinct situations: -There where the "parts" manifests it as such: With help of the "self - consciousness" (which is exclusively "shape") Homo sapiens can see from the outside the "parts" of his ego and the external phenomena (implicitly, the causal relations between them), which appear only in "social environment" as is defined in GTL). The "Parts" of ego appear by resulting structuration (as the process of adaptation) to repeated contact of the body with a "signal" stimulus. Structuration occurs in the central nervous system (at synaptic level) so that is made the comparison of forms - functions" relations of distinct structures of the body in two cases: with and

without stimulus. Thus, "self-consciousness" becomes a "referee" from outside and ideal (being characterized only by "shape") for what happens to the ego and with the consequences of his actions. Animals in their "natural environment" (that is also ALIVE", a "WHOLE", also defined in GTL) don't manifests like "parts". Neither of them, both are "form"! So the "self-consciousness" can't possibly occur. - But, really special is when "The Man", a "whole" (like Adam with the rib) may have "consciousness" to the "WHOLE" (Universe as "geometric reality", which is also exclusively "shape"). That means that it can "see" "whole WHOLE"! That's because he possesses, in addition, the "movement on closed paths" (the life) which gives him an external perspective to "geometric reality. Now: it seems that common existence of the "shape" and "chaotic movement" in Adam, without being able to have independent manifestations, had the appearance of a the "death" for them. So what is left outside of Adam became, in compensation, highly "corrosive" for it. "WHOLE Adam ended up by being split: to the one or/and to the other (the "good" and the "evil"). It appeared the ego! And he died! The transformations, from "body" to "ego" and, correspondingly, from the geometric reality" to what I called Apparent Material Universe (AMU), where the "time" has a correspondent, was artificially made by the action of those entities, from outside of Adam. What happens currently: of course that, separately, they continued to move towards disorder ("death"). It seems that what was frightened them in Adam (the perpetual closed order, which means "death" for them) is now abundantly, even in them. They are dying! Their only chance was again the Man. But, as the disorder now is much greater than at the appearance of Adam, is need by we all to recover more or less the situation (reorder by orderly movement). They are willing to give up the "TIME". They haven't another choice! What did it mean this for people? Simply, what I described above: the perspective of the universe will become entirely geometric, continuous, and so "complete". Each of us will know "everything"! Differences of view will come only from the difference of points of view. But because we know "everything" will be obvious that the "WHOLE" will look the same for anybody. And that will unite some of us! And we will work to generate a perpetual Universe! I think it pays for us to take advantage of that opportunity! Especially since any other choice means "death... The problem is that not everyone will want to give up this broken world that they feel that it controls. The problem for them is that the control actions will be so visible (where the others will know "everything") that will not be any more effective. And it will be very difficult to overcome the shock. Are there some conditioned synapses which can hardly be restored: they must to want more for this. For those will be very hard, can apocalyptic. The rest of us would be helpful to begin to prepare. First, try to make a mental experience (no religious one): programing your next day like as you know that you will live forever! I, Gabriel Pascu from Romania, I want to live forever! Only because that it can happen!

*- those who cannot readily accept the gravitation, as the rational solution for the general principle of "LIFE", I ask them to consider the results of biological experiments made on the orbit (in a different gravitational context than on the surface of the Earth) showing unambiguously the direct influence of

gravitation to changes on the evolution of plants and organisms in conditions in which all processes of the "living" are considered to be informational controlled exclusively by the genetic code.

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