Model Test 4

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Passage 1, Page 343 Precipitation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Precipitation = rainfall (curah hujan) Hail = small balls of ice falling like rain (hujan es) Annually = yearly (tahunan) Formula = rule expressed in symbols (rumus) Record = note down (mencatat) Amount = quantity; total (jumlah) Altitude = height above sea level (ketinggian di atas permukaan laut) Proximity = nearness; closeness (kedekatan) Prevailing = usual (biasa) Gulf = inlet of sea (teluk) Diversity = variety (keragaman) Ranges = row of mountains (rangkaian) Leeward = away from wind; sheltered (berlawanan arah angin) Substantially = significantly; greatly (pada dasarnya) Average = be more or less (kurang lebih) Currents = flow of air (aliran udara) Ascending = rising; going up (naik) Passage 3, Page 348 Characteristics and Varieties of the Acacia 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. genus = type; species (jenis) shrubs = trunkless woody plants (semak belukar) mud = defamatory (harmful) material (lumpur) wattle = ornamental tree (pohon hiasan) daub = spot; mark (noda, tanda) lentils = plant with edible seeds (miju-miju) pods = shell or husk (polong) edible = eatable (bisa dimakan) resin = organic substance from plants; dammar (damar) gum = stick; glue (getah) bark = skin of tree (kulit pohon) tannin = yellowish substance in plants used in dyeing (tanin, zat pewarna) hides = animal skin (kulit hewan) survival = staying alive (bertahan hidup) arid = dry; waterless (gersang, tandus) thrive = grow well (tumbuh) fernlike = like plant without flowers (seperti pakis) fragrant = sweet smelling (harum) clusters = bunches; groups (kelompok) squat = short; thick (pendek) spined = thorny (berduri) twig = small branch (ranting) foliage = leaves (dedaunan) hemisphere = half of the earth (belahan bumi) blossom = flowers on trees (kumpulan bunga)

Passage 2, Page 345 Womens Suffrage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. reform = improvement; restructuring (perubahan) improve = get better; advance (meningkatkan) ban = forbid; prohobit (melarang) sale = trade; selling (penjualan) grant = allow; agree to (mengizinkan) rights = privilege (hak) slave = person forced to work (budak) feminist = believer in womens right (pendukung / pembela hak wanita) fervent = enthusiastic (antusias) abolitionist = opponent of slavery (penentang perbudakan) stake = investment; concern (bagian) conform = follow; agree (setuju, memenuhi syarat) primarily = mainly (terutama) gained = got; obtained (memperoleh) convinced = persuaded (meyakinkan) earned = received; got (mendapatkan) amendment = modification; revision (perubahan undang-undang) constitution = statement of fundamental laws (konstitusi / hukum dasar) adopted = accepted (menerima) suffrage = right to vote (hak memilih) discouraged = hopeless (putus asa) resolved = determined; committeed (tegar, tabah) yielded = gave something as result (menyerah) resisted = refused (menolak) vote = elect (memilih)

Passage 4, Page 352 A History of New York City 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. settlement = small community (pemukiman) negotiate = consult; bargain (bernegosiasi) purchase = buying; obtaining (membeli) company = corporation; firm (perusahaan) extreme = boundary; limit (paling jauh) tip = end (ujung) attempts = efforts (usaha) encourage = inspire; give hope (membesarkan hati) generous = kind (lebih besar dari yang biasa) consequently = as a result (sebagai akibatnya) heterogeneous = various; mixed (heterogen) fort = building with strong defenses (benteng) prosper = succeed financially (makmur) multilingual = speaking several languages (banyak bahasa) claim = demand (tuntutan) duke = nobleman; ruler (gelar bangsawan tinggi) territory = governed area (wilayah) formidable = frightening (kuat, menakutkan) surrender = give up (menyerah) acquire = obtained (memperoleh) onset = beginning (permulaan) bustling = busy (sibuk, ramai) maintained = keep; continue (menjaga) haven = harbour; port (pelabuhan) plunder = robbery (barang-barang rampasan) initial = first; early (awal)

Source : DRS. J.H, MMA

Davi $uk$e$

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