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Pentecost Praise

One of the great events in the Christian year is Pentecost, when we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. This year we are having a service of praise and worship at 6.30 pm this evening at St Pauls, There will be a full band leading the worship and prayer ministry, so come along and be part of our worshipping

27th May Hosted by the Spring Cell Family Communion 10.30 I am the true vine Pentecost Praise 18.30 St Pauls, Roundshaw 3rd June Big Jubilee Lunch Wallington Girls

caf connect
Every Monday morning from 10.30 - 12 noon, at least one member of staff will be in the Wallington Library caf in Shotfield. Its an opportunity to have a chat, a chance for community, knowing someone will be there. If you forgot to hand something over for the office on the Sunday, then theyll happily take it for you and pass it on. Please continue to use church email addresses as normal, or 07906 941 560 for admin contact with the church office: This phone will normally held by Ann on Mondays and Nigel from Tuesday to Friday. They will only access it during normal working hours, but messages can be recorded at any time. It won't be possible to visit the office until we have a public centre.
Minister: Revd. Will Cookson (day off Saturday) Curate: Revd. Donna Lazenby (day off Friday) Church Office Pastoral Care 020 8404 6064 020 8763 4222 07906 941 560 07871 768 070

Welcome to our Service, particularly if you are with us for the first time today. Please do join us for tea and coffee after the service. There is a welcome desk in the foyer with more information about the churchs activities

springfields big jubilee lunch

The good weather has finally arrived and just in time for our Big Jubilee Lunch on Sunday 3rd June!! Book your tickets for next Sunday's great event (you can reserve them today or online) and come and enjoy a great community day out with friends, family and neighbours. This event is for the whole church, so even if none of your friends or neighbours can't make it, there are always people to welcome, talk to, sit with and share time in this great community event. Cream teas must be ordered TODAY

Tonight @ 6.30 pm Pentecost Celebration St Pauls, Roundshaw May 28th @ 7.30 pm Cell leaders training 49, Stanley Park Road May 30th All Day Springfield Day of Prayer May 30th @ 8.00 pm Churches together prayers All Saints, Hackbridge May 31st @ 7.30 pm Cell leaders training June 3rd 11.00 am Springfields Big Lunch June 19th @ 7.30 pm Gideon cell football evening June 24th @ 7.30 pm Churches Together Music Festival June 30th Sue Cookes ordination July 1st Donnas ordination July 6th @ 7.30 pm

Pray for our church family

New Website
The new Springfield website is now live- do visit and check out all the new bits

Return to Guate
Trish King returns to Guatemala to work with Centro Esdras for 8 months at the end of June. To help raise funds for the charity and to say goodbye to her, there are two events: Ashby Grange cell event 19th June @ 10.30am and Food, Fun: Farewell Garden Party & Family Fun Bring food to share in Carol Drivers garden from 1pm Sunday 24th June

Please continue to pray for:

Nikki Donovan, for the right help as she sorts out her accommodation and the way forward Al Golder, for a positive outcome as he reaches the end of his treatment Anna Devitt, for relief from pain as she starts her treatment

Footy Fun
Gideon Cell Social at cricket4change on Tuesday 19th June, in aid of the Royal Marsden Hospital. Bring your mates to watch England play the Ukraine and enjoy a fish & chip supper, all for only 10. Talk to the cell for more details, invites and tickets

Also pray for: (and on the day of prayer on Wednesday)

Our Big Jubilee Lunch, for all the preparations and for the guests that we are inviting For the Holiday Club and all the preparations that Chris and her team are doing. Pray for a great atmosphere and that children and families would be touched by the Spirit of God For all the Summer conferences - New Wine/ Soul Survivor/ Momentum - that God would speak to those that go and that they would come back filled by the love and grace of God

Emu Excursion
on Sat 2nd June, the EMU cell are walking in memory of Basil Jeffery and Ron Nicholls to raise money for St Raphaels hospice. They have details of how you can support them

Big Jubilee Help

We need a few people to help at our Big Lunch so that it all runs smoothly: for set up beforehand; for Gate Duty to check people in; for Cream Teas, to help on Ann Nicholls team and for setting down afterwards. Please sign up to help on the sheets in the foyer

To ensure your childs place, please return your booking forms asap, as some groups are nearly full

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