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All prefaces to prayers written and adapted by David-Anthony Curtis.

Transliterated according to the K4A Transliteration Guidelines developed by Rebecca Schwartz and David-Anthony Curtis.
Translated by David-Anthony Curtis and Rebecca Schwartz.
Edited by Rebecca Schwartz and David-Anthony Curtis.
Menorah Graphic: Kabbalah Centre International courtesy of Student Kabbalah Group.
Copyright 2009
zay zlaw
When a Festival falls on an evening other than Friday night, we begin on page 11.
tbs tlbq
The Kabbalists created Kabbalat Shabbat to begin with six Psalms that represent the week
we are leaving behind. They draw us into the world and values of Shabbat.
ho ,ylht
As we begin, we enter the realm of Shabbat singing with joy. The end of this psalm reminds
us of our nature to rebel and act only according to our egos desires. The effect of which is
chaos and absence of rest.
Lchu nranna lAdonai,
Come let us sing with joy to Hashem,
nariyah ltzur yisheinu.
let us call out to the Rock of our salvation.
Nkadmah fanav btodah,
Let us greet the Eternal with thanks,
biz-mirot nari-a lo.
let us call out with music to the One.
Ki Eil gadol Adonai,
For Hashem is a great Almighty One,
u-melech gadol al kol elohim.
and a great Sovereign of all divine beings.
Asher byado mech-krei aretz,
For in the Eternals hand are the depths of the earth,
vto-afot harim lo.
and the summits of the mountains belong to the One.
Asher lo hayam vhu asahu,
For the sea belongs to the One who perfected it,
vyabeshet yadav yatzaru.
and the dry land fashioned by the Eternals hands.
Bo-u nishtachaveh vnichra-ah,
Come let us bow down and kneel,
niv-rchah lifnei Adonai oseinu.
bend the knee before Hashem our maker.
Ki hu Eloheinu va-anachnu
For this is our Elohim and we are
am marito vtzon yado,
the people tended and the sheep in the Eternals care,
hayom im bkolo tishma-u.
if we but heed the Eternals call today.
,dedi l d p P p x p Eek l
.E ep r W y i xE e v l d ri x p
,d cF ez Aa ei p t d n C c w p
.Fel ri x p zFe x n f Aa
,dedi lFe c B b l ` i Mk
.mi l ` l Mk l r lFe c Bb Kj l nEe
,u x ` i x w g n F ec i Aa x W y `
.F el mi x d zFe t rFez e
,Eed Uy r `Ee d e m I i d Fe l x W y `
.E ex v i ei c i z W y A a i e
,d r x k p e d e g Yz W y p Ee` Aa
.E ep Uyr de di i p t l d k x a p
Eep g p ` e Eepi l ` `Ee d i Mk
,Fe c i o` v e Fezi r x n m r
.Eer n Wy z Fe l w Aa m ` mFe Ii d
zay zlaw
Al takshu lvavchem kimrivah,
Do not harden your heart as at Meribah,
kyom masah bamidbar.
as on the day of Masah in the wilderness.
Asher nisuni avoteichem,
When your ancestors tested Me,
bchanuni gam ra-u fa-ali.
they tested Me even though they had seen My works.
Arba-im shanah akut bdor,
For forty years I as angry with the generation,
va-omar am to-ei leivav heim,
then I said: they are a people with a heart that strays,
vheim lo yadu drachai.
and they know not My ways.
Asher nishbati vapi,
Therefore I have sworn in My anger,
im yvo-un el mnuchati.
that they shall not arrive at My resting place.
,d ai x n M m k a a l EW w Y l `
.x A c O A d Q n mFi M
,m ki zFa ` i pE Q p x W `
.i l r t E` x m B i pE p g A
,xFc A hEw ` d p W mi r A x `
,m d a a l i vY m r x o` e
.i k x c Er c i `l m d e
,i R ` a i Y r A W p x W `
.i z gEp n l ` oE`a i m `
vo ,ylht
This Psalm invites us to sing a new song to the Creator. What was the new song we sang in
the past week? How have we transformed our ego nature? How did we react and deal with
others? How have we shared with others?
Shiru lAdonai shir chadash,
Sing to Hashem a new song,
shiru lAdonai kol ha-aretz,
sing to Hashem all the earth,
shiru lAdonai barchu shmo,
sing to Hashem bless the Name,
basru miyom lyom yshuato.
proclaim redemption from day to day.
Sapru vagoyim kvodo,
Tell of the glory to the nations ,
bchol ha-amim niflotav.
and to all the people the wonders.
Ki gadol Adonai um-hulal mod,
For great is Hashem and much acclaimed,
nora hu al kol elohim.
the Eternal is held in awe by all divine beings.
Ki kol elohei ha-amim elilim,
For all the gods of the peoples are idols,
vAdonai shamayim asah.
and Hashem made the heavens.
Hod vhadar lfanav,
Honor and beauty are before Hashem,
,W c g xi W dedi l Exi W
.u x ` d l M dedi l Exi W
,Fn W Ek x A dedi l Exi W
.Fz rEW i mFi l mFI n Ex V A
,FcFa M m iFB a Ex R q
.ei zF` l t p mi O r d l k A
,c` n l N d nE dedi lFc b i M
.mi l ` l M l r `Ed ` xFp
,mi li l ` mi O r d i l ` l M i M
.d U r m i n W dedi e
,ei p t l x c d e cFd
zay zlaw
oz vtif-eret bmikdasho.
strength and splendor are in Hashems temple.
Havu lAdonai mishpchot amim,
Ascribe to Hashem O families of the peoples,
havu lAdonai kavod va-oz.
ascribe to Hashems awesome power.
Havu lAdonai kvod shmo,
Ascribe to Hashem honoring the Name,
su minchat uvo-u lhatzrotav.
raise up an offering and come to the Eternals courtyards.
Hishtachavu lAdonai bhadrat kodesh,
Bow down before Hashem in the beauty of holiness.
chilu mipanav kol ha-aretz.
tremble before the Eternal everyone on earth.
Imru bagoyim Adonai malach,
Proclaim among the nationsh Hashem reigns,
af tikon teiveil bal timot,
indeed, firmly established is the world so that it cannot topple,
yadin amim bmeisharim.
the Eternal will judge the peoples with fairness.
Yis-mchu hashamayim
The heavens will be glad
vtageil ha-aretz,
and the earth will rejoice,
yiram hayam umlo-o.
the sea and its fullness will roar.
Ya-aloz sadai vchol asher bo,
The field and everything that is in it will exult,
az yrannu kol atzei ya-ar.
then all the trees of the forest will sing with joy.
Lifnei Adonai ki va,
Before Hashem for the Eternal will have arrived,
ki va lishpot ha-aretz,
for the Eternal will have arrived to judge the earth,
yishpot teiveil btzedek,
the Eternal will judge the world with righteousness,
vamim be-emunato.
and peoples with faithfulness.
.FW C w n A z x ` t z e fr
,mi O r zFg R W n dedi l Ea d
.fr e cFa M dedi l Ea d
,Fn W cFa M dedi l Ea d
.ei zFx v g l E` aE d g p n E` U
,W c w z x c d A dedi l Ee g Y W d
.u x ` d l M ei p R n Eli g
,K l n dedi m iFB a Ex n `
,hFO Y l A l a Y oFM Y s `
.mi x Wi n A mi O r oi c i
m i n X d Eg n U i
,u x ` d l b z e
.F`l nE m I d m r x i
,FA x W ` l k e i c U fl r i
.x r i i v r l M Ep P x i f `
,` a i M dedi i p t l
,u x ` d hR W l ` a i M
,w c v A l a Y hR W i
.Fz pEn ` A mi O r e
zo ,ylht
This Psalm helps us imagine what it will be like when all human beings transform their ego's
nature and come together in love and harmony; a world of Light and joy.
Adonai malach tageil ha-aretz,
Hashem has reigned let the earth rejoice,
,u x ` d l b Yz Kj l n dedi
zay zlaw
yismchu iyim rabim.
let the many islands be glad.
Anan va-arafel svivav,
Obscure clouds surround the Eternal,
tzedek umishpat mchon kiso.
righteousness and justice are the base of the Eternals throne.
Eish lfanav teileich,
Fire goes before the Eternal One,
ut-laheit saviv tzarav.
and consumes the Eternal Ones enemies all around.
Hei-iru vrakav teiveil,
The Eternal Ones lightning bolts lit up the world,
ra-atah vtacheil ha-aretz.
the inhabitants of the earth saw and trembled.
Harim kadonag namasu
Mountains like wax melted
milifnei Adonai,
before Hashem,
milifnei Adon kol ha-aretz.
before the Ruler of all the earth.
Hagidu hashamayim tzid-ko,
The heavens declared the Eternal Ones righteousness,
vra-u kol ha-amim kvodo.
and all the peoples saw the Eternal Ones glory.
Yeivoshu kol ovdei fesel,
All who worship idols will be humiliated,
hamit-hallim ba-elilim,
who pride themselves in worthless gods,
hishtachavu lo kol Elohim.
bow down to Elohim all you powers.
Shamah vatismach Tziyon,
Zion did hear and rejoice,
vatageil-nah bnot Yhudah,
and exult did the daughters of Judah,
lma-an mishpatecha Adonai.
because of Your just actions Hashem.
Ki atah Adonai elyon
For You Hashem are supreme
al kol ha-aretz,
above all the earth,
mod na-aleita al kol elohim.
exceedingly are You elevated above all powers.
Ohavei Adonai sinu ra,
O you who love Hashem, despise evil,
shomeir nafshot chasidav,
the Eternal guards the lives of those who are loyal,
miyad rsha-im yatzileim.
saving them from the hand of the wicked.
.mi A a x mi Ii ` Ee g n U y i
,ei ai a q l t x r e o p r
.F e` q Mk oFe k n h Rt Wy n Ee w c v
,K l Y ei p t l W `
.ei x v ai a q h d l zE
,l a Y ei w x a Exi ` d
.u x ` d l g Y e d z ` x
EQ n p b pFC M mi x d
i p t N n dedi ,
.u x ` d l M oFc ` i p t N n
d ,F ew c v m i n X y d Eeci Bb
On r d l k E e` x e .FcFa M mi
,l q t i c a r l M EW a i
,mi li l ` A mi l l d z O d
.mi l ` l M Fl Ee g Y W d
,oFI v g n U Y e d r n W
,d cEd i zFp A d p l b Y e
Li h R W n o r n l dedi .
d Y ` i M dedi oFi l r
,u x ` d l M l r
.mi l ` l M l r zi l r p c` n
,r x Ee ` p U y dedi i a `
,ei ci q g zF e Wy t p x o Wy
.m li Sv i mi r W y x c Ii n
zay zlaw
Or zaru-a la-tzadik,
Light is sown for the righteous,
ul-yishrei lev simchah.
and gladness for the upright of heart.
Simchu tzadikim ba-Adonai,
Rejoice, O righteous, in Hashem,
vhodu lzeicher kodsho.
and give thanks to the remembrance of the Eternals sanctity.
,wi Cc Sv l r x f xF e `
.d g n Uy a l i x W y i lEe
,dedi A a mi wi Cc v Ee g n Uy
.FeWy c w x k f l Ee cF ed e
xo ,ylht
This Psalm invites us again to sing a new song. However, this time we are asked to look
back on the week that has passed and count our blessings. The Light is always shining
and miracles occur every day, even if the clouds of life try to convince us otherwise.
A psalm.
Shiru lAdonai shir chadash,
Sing to Hashem a new song,
ki nifla-ot asah,
for the Eternal has worked wonders,
hoshi-ah lo ymino
saved the Eternal has the Eternals right hand
uz-ro-a kodsho.
and the Eternals holy arm.
Hodi-a Adonai yshu-ato,
Hashem has made known the Eternals salvation,
leinei hagoyim gilah tzidkato.
in the site of the nations has revealed the Eternals righteousness.
Zachar chasdo ve-emunato
The Eternal recalled the Eternals kindness and faithfulness
lbeit Yisrael,
to the House of Israel,
ra-u chol afsei aretz
all the ends of the earth have seen
eit yshu-at Eloheinu.
the salvation of our Elohim.
Hari-u lAdonai kol ha-aretz,
Shout with joy to Hashem all the earth,
pi-tzchu vrannu vzameiru.
open your mouths and sing joyfully and play music.
Zamru lAdonai bchinor,
Play to Hashem with the harp,
bchinor vkol zimrah.
with the harp and the voice of music.
Bachatzotzrot vkol shofar,
with trumpets and the sound of the horn,
.xFe n f n
,Wy c g xi Wy dedi l E exi Wy
,d Uy r zFe ` l t p i Mk
Fe pi n i Fe Nl d ri WyF ed
.FeWy c w rF e x fEe
,Fe z rE eW y i ded i ri cF ed
.F ez w c v d Nl B b m iF eB b d i pi r l
Fez pE en ` e Fe Cc q g x k f
,l ` x U y i zi a l
u x ` i q t ` l k Ee ` x
.E epi l ` z rEe W y i z `
,u x ` d l M k dedi l E eri x d
.E ex On f e Ee p P p x e Ee g v Rt
,xFP k A dedi l Ex O f
.d x n f lFw e xFP k A
,x tFW lFw e zFx xv g A
zay zlaw
hari-u lifnei hamelech Adonai.
call out before the Sovereign Hashem.
Yir-am hayam umlo-o,
Let the sea thunder in its fullness,
teiveil vyoshvei vah.
the world and all who live in it.
Nharot yimcha-u chaf,
Let the rivers clap their hands,
yachad harim yraneinu.
let the mountains sing out as one.
Lifnei Adonai
Before Hashem
ki va lishpot ha-aretz,
who comes to judge the earth,
yishpot teiveil btzedek,
judging the world with righteousness,
vamim bmeisharim.
and the people with justice.
.dedi K l O d i p t l Eri x d
,F`l nE m I d m r x i
.D a i a y i e l a Y
,s k E` g n i zFx d p
.Ep P x i mi x d c g i
dedi i p t l
,u x ` d hR W l ` a i M
,w c v A l a Y hR W i
.mi x Wi n A mi O r e
7uo ,ylht
This Psalm reminds us that we live in a cause and effect universe. It assures us that we can
always return to the work of our spiritual transformation and be a part of the Creators Light.
Adonai malach yir-gzu amim,
Hashem reigns let the peoples tremble,
yosheiv kruvim tanut ha-aretz.
Who is presides over the Cherubim let the earth quake.
Adonai bTziyon gadol,
Hashem Who in Zion is great,
vram hu al kol ha-amim.
and Who is exalted above all the peoples.
Yodu shimcha gadol vnora,
They will acknowledge Your great and awesome Name,
kadosh hu.
holy it is.
Voz melech mishpat aheiv,
And mighty is the Sovereign Who loves justice,
atah konanta meisharim,
You have established fairness,
mishpat utz-dakah bYa-akov
the justice and righteousness of Jacob
atah asita.
You have made.
Rommu Adonai Eloheinu,
Exalt Hashem our Elohim,
,mi O r Ef B x i K l n dedi
.u x ` d hEp Y mi aEx M a oi
,lFc B oFI v A dedi
.mi O r d l M l r `Ed m x e
,` xFp e lFc B L n W EcFi
.`Ed WFc w
,a d ` h R W n K l n fr e
,mi x Wi n Y p pFM d Y `
aw r i A d w c vE h R W n
. zi U r d Y `
,Epi l ` dedi En nFx
zay zlaw
vhishtachavu lahadom raglav,
and bow down at the Eternal Ones footstool,
kadosh hu.
Holy is the One.
Mosheh vAharon bchohanav,
Moses and Aaron were among the Eternal Ones priests,
uSh-muel bkorei shmo,
and Samuel was among those who invoke the Divine Name,
korim el Adonai vhu ya-aneim.
and they would call upon Hashem Who would answer them.
Bamud anan ydabeir aleihem,
In a pillar of cloud the Eternal One spoke to them,
shamru eidotav vchok natan lamo.
they kept the testimonies and the decree that was given to them.
Adonai Eloheinu, atah anitam,
Hashem our Elohim, You answered them,
eil nosei hayita lahem,
a forgiving One were You because of them,
vnokeim al alilotam.
and exacting vengeance for their acts.
Rommu Adonai Eloheinu,
Exalt Hashem our Elohim,
vhishtachavu lhar kodsho,
and bow at the Eternal Ones holy mountain,
ki kadosh Adonai Eloheinu.
for Hashem our Elohim is holy.
,ei l b x mc d l Ee g Y W d e
.`Ed WFc w
,ei p k A ox d ` e d on
,Fn W i ` :w A l `En yE
.m p r i `Ed e dedi l ` mi` :w
,m di l ` x A c i o p r cEO r A
.Fn l o z p wg e ei nc r Ex n W
,m zi p r d Y ` ,Epi l ` dedi
,m d l zi i d ` op l `
.m zFli l r l r m ,p e
,Epi l ` dedi En nFx
,FW c w x d l Ee g Y W d e
.Epi l ` dedi WFc w i M
uk ,ylht
The word for voice, which is kol, appears seven times in this Psalm. The voice is that of the
Creator and the seven times represents seven dimensions of the Light. With this Psalm, we
are able to surround ourselves with the energy of mercy that flows into our world during
We stand during this Psalm.
Mizmor lDavid.
A Psalm of David.
Havu lAdonai bnei eilim,
Ascribe to Hashem divine beings,
havu lAdonai kavod va-oz.
ascribe to Hashems awesome power.
Havu lAdonai kvod shmo,
Ascribe to Hashem honoring the Name,
hishtachavu lAdonai
bow down before Hashem
bhadrat kodesh.
in the beauty of holiness.
.c e c l xFn f n
,mi l ` i p A dedi l Ea d
.fr e cFa M dedi l Ea d
,Fn W cFa M dedi l Ea d
dedi l Ee g Y W d
.W c w z x c d A
zay zlaw
Kol Adonai al hamayim,
The voice of Hashem is upon the waters,
Eil hakavod hir-im,
the Almighty of glory thunders,
Adonai al mayim rabim.
Hashem is upon abundant waters.
Kol Adonai bako-ach,
The voice of Hashem is powerful,
kol Adonai behadar.
the voice of Hashem is majesty.
Kol Adonai shoveir arazim,
The voice of Hashem breaks cedars,
vayshabeir Adonai
Hashem shatters
et arzei ha-lvanon.
the cedars of Lebanon.
Vayarkideim kmo eigel,
The Eternal makes them dance around like a calf,
lvanon vsiryon kmo ven reimim.
Lebanon and Sirion like a wild young ox.
Kol Adonai chotzeiv lahavot eish.
The voice of Hashem cleaves the flames of fire.
Kol Adonai yachil midbar,
The voice of Hashem rouses the wilderness,
yachil Adonai midbar Kadeish.
Hashem rouses the wilderness of Kadesh.
Kol Adonai ycholeil ayalot,
The voice of Hashem frightens the hinds,
vayechesof yarot,
and strips the forest bare,
uvheichalo kulo omeir kavod.
and the glory of the Eternal is proclaimed in the temple.
Adonai lamabul yashav
Hashem was enthroned at the flood
vayeishev Adonai melech lolam.
Hashem is enthroned, Sovereign forever.
Adonai oz lamo yitein,
Hashem give strength to Your people,
Adonai yvareich et amo vashalom.
Hashem bless Your people with peace.
,m i O d l r dedi lFw
,mi r x d cFa M d l `
.mi A x m i n l r dedi
, g M A dedi lFw
.x c d A dedi lFw
,mi f x ` x aW dedi lFw
dedi x A W i e
.oFp a N d i f x ` z `
,l b r Fn M m ci w x I e
.mi n ` x o a Fn M oFi x U e oFp a l
.W ` zFa d l a xg dedi lFw
,x A c n li g i dedi lFw
.W c w x A c n dedi li g i
,zFl I ` l lFg i dedi lFw
,zFx r i sU gI e
.cFa M x o` FN M Fl ki d aE
,a W i lEA O l dedi
.m lFr l K l n dedi a W I e
,o Y i FO r l fr dedi
.mFl X a FO r z ` K x a i dedi
zay zlaw
xkb ana
Considered by the Kabbalists to be the most powerful and mystical prayer of all; this
sequence of Hebrew letters is known as the 42-Letter Name of the Creator. When we
pray and meditate on this prayer, we are connecting in a very powerful way to the original
force of creation and drawing healing energy and protection into our lives.
` ` p A g k b z lEc i L p n Y xi Y v .d xEx
Ana bchoach gdulat ymincha tatir tzrurah.
Release all those in captivity, we beseech You, Almighty One whose power sets us free.
w l A x z P r L n U Ep ab h Ep x d p .` xF
Kabeil rinat amcha sagveinu tahareinu nora.
Accept the singing of all Your people who praise and glorify You alone.
p ` b xFA c i W xF i L cEg M z a a W .m x n
Na gibor dorshei yichud'cha kvavat shomreim.
Preserve those who seek Your unity, guard them like the pupil of the eye.
A m k x h m x d x i n g v L z w c Y ci n B .m l n
Barcheim tahareim rachamei tzidkatcha tamid gomleim.
Bless and purify them and always grant them Your compassionate righteousness.
g oi q w WFc A aFx h L aE p l d r .L z c
Chasin kadosh brov tuvcha naheil adatecha.
Invincible and Mighty One, with the abundance of Your goodness, watch over Your people.
i ci g B d ` l L O r R d p f i x kF w .L z WEc
Yachid gei-eh lamcha pneih zochrei kdushatecha.
O Exalted One, turn to Your people who remember Your holiness.
W Ep z r e w l A E r n W v Ep z w r i r cF Y .zFnEl r
Shavateinu kabeil ush-ma tza-akateinu yodei-a ta-alumot.
Turn to us and hear our prayers, You who know all hidden things.
!c r e m lFr l FzEk l n cFa M m W KEx A
Baruch sheim kvod malchuto lolam va-ed!
Blessed is Your glorious Name, Your Realm is for ever and ever!
zay zlaw
When a Festival falls on an evening other than Friday night, we continue with Chatzi Kaddish on page 20.
ydvd hkl
The ten Sfirot are emanations of the Light of the Creator which enliven the entire
universe, including our own souls. During the week we come in contact with negativity
which can misalign these Sfirot. Each verse of the Lchah Dodi realigns these energy
forces within us and within the universe. During the last verse, we receive the nefesh
level of the extra soul given to us on Shabbat.
Lchah dodi likrat kalah,
Go my beloved to greet the bride,
pnei Shabbat nkablah.
let us welcome the presence of Shabbat.
,d N M z` x w l i cFc d k l
.d l A w p z A W i p R
Shamor vzachor bdibur echad,
Observe and remember in a single utterance,
hishmi-anu Eil hamyuchad,
the Eternal One and Only made us hear,
Adonai echad ush-mo echad,
Hashem is One and the Name is One,
lsheim ul-tiferet vlit-hilah.
for renown, for splendor, and for praise.
,c g ` xEA c A xFk f e xFn W
,c g i O d l ` Ep ri n y d
,c g ` Fn WE c g ` dedi
.d N d z l e z x ` t z lE m W l
BINAH dpia
Likrat Shabbat lchu vneilchah,
Come and let us greet Shabbat,
ki hi mkor habrachah,
for it is the source of healing,
meirosh mikedem nsuchah,
it still flows as from the beginning,
sof ma-aseh bmachashavah tchilah.
last in deed but first in thought.
,d k l p e Ek l z A W z` x w l
,d k x A d xFw n `i d i M
,d kEq p m c T n W`x n
.d N g Y d a W g n A d U r n sFq
zay zlaw
Mikdash melech ir mluchah,
Royal shrine, city of kings,
kumi tzi mitoch hahafeichah,
rise up and leave your ravaged state,
rav lach shevet beimek habacha,
you have dwelt long enough in the valley of tears,
vhu yachamol alayich chemlah.
now the Eternal One will shower mercy upon you.
,d kEl n xi r K l n W C w n
,d k t d d KFY n i ` v i nE w
,` k A d w n r A z a W K l a x
.d l n g K i l r lFn g i `Ed e
Hitna-ari mei-afar kumi,
Shake off the dust as you arise,
livshi bigdei tif-arteich ami,
don your clothes of splendor my people,
al yad ben Yishai Beit ha-Lachmi,
Through Jessess son of Bethlehem,
korvah el nafshi galah.
draw near to my soul; redeem it.
,i nE w x t r n i x r p z d
,i O r K Y x ` t z i c b A i W a l
,i n g N d zi A i W i o A c i l r
.D l ` b i W t p l ` d a x w
Hit-orri hit-orri,
Wake up, wake up,
ki va oreich kumi ori,
for your light has come, rise up and shine,
uri uri shir dabeiri,
awaken, awaken and proclaim a song,
kvod Adonai alayich niglah.
Hashems glory has been revealed upon you.
,i x xFr z d i x xFr z d
,i xF ` i nE w K xF` ` a i M
,i x A C xi W i xE r i xE r
.d l b p K i l r dedi cFa M
Lo teivoshi vlo tikalmi,
Do not be ashamed or feel humiliated,
mah tishtochachi umah tehemi,
why are you downcast and why are you disconsolate,
bach yechesu aniyei ami,
the afflicted of my people find respite in you,
vniv-ntah ir al tilah.
the city will be rebuilt upon its hilltop.
,i n l M z `l e i WF a z `l
,i n d Y d nE i g gFY W Y d n
,i O r i I p r Eq g i K A
.D N Y l r xi r d z p a p e
zay zlaw
HOD ced
Vhayu limshisah shosayich,
Those who would trample you shall be trampled,
vrachaku kol mval-ayich,
all your foes will scatter far away,
yasis alayich Elohayich,
your Elohim takes joy in you,
kimsos chatan al kalah.
as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride.
,K i q`W d Q W n l Ei d e
,K i r N a n l M Ew g x e
,K i l ` K i l r Ui U i
.d N M l r o z g UFU n M
YESOD ceqi
Yamin usmol tifrotzi,
You shall be spread out right and left,
vet Adonai ta-aritzi,
and there worship Hashem alone,
al yad ish ben partzi,
await the promised one,
vnis-mcha vnagilah.
we will exult and we will be mirthful.
,i vF x t Y l`n UE oi n i
,i vi x r Y dedi z ` e
,i v x R o A Wi ` c i l r
.d li b p e d g n U p e
We now turn and face the front door as we sing the Malchut verse. When we come to the words, bo-i
chalah, we bow to greet Shabbat.
Bo-i vshalom ateret balah,
Enter in peace O crown of your husband,
gam bsimcha uv-tzaholah,
enter in gladness and enter in joy,
toch emunei am sgulah
among the faithful of the people most treasured,
bo-i chalah, bo-i chalah.
enter O bride, enter O bride.
,D l r A z x h r mFl W a i `F A
,d l d v aE d g n U A m B
,d N b q m r i pEn ` KFY
.d N k i `F A ,d N k i `F A
zay zlaw
rys rvmzm
This Psalm connects us to the energy of Shabbat. The first three lines connect us to the
physical realm and the remaining lines connect us to the spiritual realm. By joining them
together, we remove all chaos and darkness from our existence.
Mizmor shir lyom ha-Shabbat.
A psalm to sing for the day of Shabbat.
Tov lhodot lAdonai,
It is good to give thanks to Hashem,
ul-zameir lshimcha elyon.
and to sing praise to Your Name Most High.
Lhagid baboker chasdecha,
To declare Your kindness in the morning,
ve-emunatcha ba-leilot.
and Your faithfulness during the nights.
Alei asor va-alei navel,
With stringed instruments and with lyre,
alei higayon bchinor.
with singing accompanied by a harp.
Ki simachtani Adonai bfa-olecha,
For You make me rejoice in Your deeds Hashem,
bma-asei yadecha aranein.
I exult in the work of Your hands.
Mah gadlu ma-asecha Adonai,
How great are Your works Hashem,
mod amku mach-shvotecha.
Your thoughts are exceedingly profound.
Ish ba-ar lo yeida,
The ignorant do not know this,
uch-sil lo yavin et zot.
and a fool cannot understand this.
Bifro-ach rsha-im kmo eisev,
When the wicked spring up like grass,
vayatzitzu kol po-alei aven,
they may seem to flourish,
lhishamdam adei ad.
but their end will be destruction.
Vatah marom lolam Adonai.
For You are supreme forever Hashem.
Ki hinei oyvecha Adonai,
For behold Your enemies Hashem,
.z A X d mFi l xi W xFn f n
,dedi l zFcd l aFh
.oFi l r L n W l x O f lE
,L C q g x w A A ci B d l
.zFli N A L z pEn ` e
,l a p i l r e xFU r i l r
.xFP k A oFi B d i l r
,L l r t A dedi i p Y g O U i M
.o P x ` Li c i i U r n A
,dedi Li U r n El c B d n
.Li na W g n Ew n r c` n
,r c i `l x r A Wi `
.z`f z ` oi a i `l li q kE
,a U r Fn M mi r W x g x t A
,o e ` i l r R l M Evi v I e
.c r i c r m c n X d l
.dedi m :r l mFx n d Y ` e
,dedi ,Li a ` d P d i M
zay zlaw
ki hinei oyvecha yoveidu,
for behold Your enemies shall perish,
yitpardu kol po-alei aven.
and all who do evil shall be scattered.
Vatarem kir-eim karni,
But You have exalted me like the horn of an ox,
baloti bshemen ra-anan.
I am anointed with rich oil.
Vatabeit eini bshurai,
My eyes have seen the downfall of my foes,
ba-kamim alai mrei-im
and those who rose up to harm me,
tishmanah oznai.
my ears have heard their end.
Tzadik katamar yifrach,
The righteous shall flourish like the date-palm,
kerez ba-Lvanon yisgeh.
grow tall like a cedar in Lebanon.
Shtulim bveit Adonai,
Planted in the house of Hashem,
bchatzrot Eloheinu yaf-richu.
they shall flourish in the courts of our Elohim.
Od ynuvun bseivah,
They shall bear fruit in old age,
dsheinim vra-ananim yih-yu.
they shall ever be fresh and fragrant.
Lhagid ki yashar Adonai,
They shall proclaim that Hashem is just,
tzuri vlo avlatah bo.
my Rock in whom there is no wrong.
,Ec a`i Li a ` d P d i M
.o e ` i l r R l M Ec x R z i
,i p x w mi ` x M m x Y e
.o p r x o n W A i nN A
,i xEW A i pi r h A Y e
mi r x n i l r mi n T A
.i p f ` d p r n W Y
,g x t i x n Y M wi C v
.d B U i oFp a N A f x ` M
,dedi zi a A mi lEz W
.Egi x t i Epi l ` zFx v g A
,d ai U A oEaEp i cFr
.Ei d i mi P p r x e mi p W C
,dedi x W i i M ci B d l
.FA d z l e r `l e i xEv
zay zlaw
sbl tvag ;lm hvhy
This Psalm connects us to Zeir Anpin and ends with the 72 Name of Yud-Lamed-Yud,
which restores the Light we lost each time we reacted from our ego self.
Adonai malach gei-ut laveish,
Hashem has reigned donned with grandeur,
laveish Adonai oz hit-azar,
donned and girded with strength is Hashem,
af tikon teiveil bal timot.
also has shown that the world is firm that it should not topple.
Nachon kisacha mei-az,
Established is Your throne from of old,
mei-olam atah.
eternal are You.
Nasu nharot Adonai,
The rivers have lifted up, Hashem,
nasu nharot kolam,
the rivers have lifted up their voice,
yisu nharot dach-yam.
the rivers lift up their waves.
Mikolot mayim rabim,
Above than the roars of many waters,
adirim mish-brei yam,
mightier than the waves of the sea,
adir bamarom Adonai.
mighty on high are You Hashem.
Eidotecha ne-emnu mod
Your testimonies are exceedingly trustworthy
lvei-tcha na-avah kodesh,
regarding Your House the Sacred Dwelling,
Adonai lorech yamim.
O Hashem for length of days.
,W a l zE` B K l n dedi
,x G ` z d fr dedi W a l
.hFO Y l A l a Y oFM Y s `
,f ` n L ` q M oFk p
.d Y ` m lFr n
,dedi zFx d p E` U p
,m lFw zFx d p E` U p
.m i k C zFx d p E` U i
,mi A x m i n zFlT n
,m i i x A W n mi xi C `
.dedi mFx O A xi C `
c` n Ep n ` p Li nc r
,W c T d e ` p L zi a l
.mi n i K x ` l dedi
zay zlaw
This passage from the Zohar speaks about the Unity of the Creator and reveals the secret
of Shabbat. It helps to remove us from this physical world and enter fully into the
spiritual world of Shabbat.
Kgavna dinun mit-yachadin
Just as they (Zeir Anpin) are united
leila bechad,
above in the One,
of hachi i-hi it-yachadat
so too does She (Malchut) unite
ltata braza dechad,
below in the secret of the One,
lmehevei imhon leila chad
so that She may join them above as one
lakoveil chad.
paralleling one.
Kudsha brich hu echad,
The Holy Blessed One is One,
leilah la yativ al
above Who does not sit upon
kursaya dikareih,
the Throne of Glory,
ad dit-avidat ihi
until She also becomes
braza dechad,
as the secret of the One,
kgavna dileih lmehevei
like the Eternal One so that She may be
echad bechad.
One within One.
Vha ukim-na raza
And we have established the secret of
da-Adonai echad ush-mo echad.
Hashem is One and Whose Name is One.
Raza dShabbat,
The secret of Shabbat,
ihi Shabbat dit-achodat
She is called Shabbat when She is united
braza dechad,
in the secret of the One,
lmishrei alah raza dechad.
so that the secret of the One may rest upon Her.
Tzlota dma-alei Shabbata,
This is the prayer of the evening of Shabbat,
oi c g i z n oEP ` c ` p e b M
,c g ` A ` N r l
z c g i z ` i di ` i k d sF`
,c g ` c ` f x A ` Y z l
c g ` N r l oFd O r i e d n l
.c g l a w l
,c g ` `Ed Ki x A ` W c w
l r ai z i ` l ` N r l
,Di x wi C ` i q xEM
i di ` z ci a r z ` C c r
,c g ` c ` f x A
i e d n l Di li c ` p e b M
.c g ` A c g `
` f x ` p ni wE` ` d e
.c g ` Fn WE c g ` dedi c
,z A W c ` f x
z c g ` z ` C z A W i di `
,c g ` c ` f x A
.c g ` c ` f x D l r i x W n l
,` z A W i l r n c ` zFl v
zay zlaw
dha it-achodat kursaya
because then becomes united the Throne
yakira kadisha braza dechad,
of Glory which is holy in the secret of the One,
vit-takanat lmishrei alah
and is prepared for the supernal
malka kadisha ila-ah.
Holy Sovereign to rest upon it.
Cad ayil Shabbata,
When Shabbat arrives,
ihi it-yachadat vit-parshat
She unifies and is separated
misitra achara.
from the other side.
Vchol dinin mita-brin minah,
And all harsh judgements are removed from Her,
vihi ish-tarat byichuda
and She remains in the Oneness
dinhiru kadisha,
of the holy Light,
vit-atra bchamah it-rin,
and She crowns Herself with many crowns,
lgabei malka kadisha.
to receive the holy Sovereign.
Vchol shultanei rugzin umarei
And all the wrathful powers and the bearers
ddina kulhu arkin,
all flee together,
vitabaru minah.
and are removed from Her.
Vleit shultana ila-ah achora
So there is no other power
bchulhu alamin.
in all the worlds.
Vanpaha nhirin bin-hiru ila-ah,
And Her countenance shines with the supernal Light,
vit-atra ltata bama kadisha.
and She crowns Herself with the holy Nation below.
Vkulhon mit-atrin
And they are all crowned
bnishmatin chadatin.
with new souls.
Kdein sheirutah ditzlota
Then the commencement of the prayer
lvarcha lah bchedvah,
is to bless Her with joy,
binhiru danpin.
with radiant countenance.
` i q xEM z c g ` z ` ` d C
,c g ` c ` f x A ` Wi C w ` xi T i
D l r i x W n l z p T Y z ` e
.d ` N r ` Wi C w ` M l n
,` z A W l I r c M
z W x R z ` e z c g i z ` i di `
.` x g ` ` x h Q n
,D P n oi x A r z n oi pi C l k e
` cEg i A z x ` Y W ` i di ` e
,` Wi C w Exi d p c
,oi x H r d O k A z x H r z ` e
.` Wi C w ` M l n i A b l
i x` nE oi f bEx i p h lEW l k e
,oi w x r Ed N M ` pi c c
.D P n Ex A r z ` e
` x g ` d ` N r ` p h lEW zi l e
.oi n l r Ed N k A
,d ` N r Exi d p A oi xi d p ` d R p ` e
.` Wi C w ` O r A ` Y z l z x H r z ` e
oi x H r z n oFd N k e
.oi Y c g oi z n W p A
,` zFl v c ` zExi W oi c M
,d e c g A D l ` k x a l
.oi R p ` c Exi d p A
yicw ivg
sydq yox
The spiritual atmosphere is made up of five levels of the soul and ten Sfirot. We need a
tool which connects us to the different realms, one at a time. The Kaddish is that tool and
it is also the channel through which the Light flows to us.
Yitgadal vyitkadash shmeih raba.
Exalted and sanctified be the Eternal Ones great Name.
Balma di vra chir-uteih,
In the world created according to the Eternal Ones will,
vyamlich malchuteih,
and be enthroned in the realm of the Eternal One
vyatzmach purkaneih
and cause redemption to sprout
vikareiv Mshichei. {Amein.}
and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.
Bchayeichon uvyomeichon
In our lifetimes and in our days
uvchayei dchol beit Yisrael,
and in the lives of the entire house of Israel,
ba-agala uvizman kariv,
quickly and speedily may it come,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{Yhei shmeih raba mvarach
Let the great Name be blessed
lalam ul-almei almaya.}
forever and ever.
Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpa-ar
Blessed and extolled and magnified
vyitromam vyitnasei vyit-hadar
and hailed and exalted and honored
vyit-aleh vyit-halal
and glorified and praised
shmeih dkudsha brich hu,
be the Holy One whose Name is blessed,
leila min kol birchata vshirata
who is beyond all blessings or songs
tushbchata vnechemata,
or praises or words of consolation,
da-amiran balma,
that can be uttered in this world,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
.` A x D n W W C w z i e l C B z i
{.o n `}
,D zEr x k ` x a i C ` n l r A
,D zEk l n Ki l n i e
D p w x R g n v i e
{.o n `} .D gi W n a x wi e
oFki nFi aE oFki I g A
,l ` x U i zi A l k c i I g aE
,ai x w o n f aE ` l b r A
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
K x a n ` A x D n W ` d i}
{.` I n l r i n l r lE m l r l
x ` R z i e g A Y W i e K x A z i
x C d z i e ` V p z i e m nFx z i e
l N d z i e d N r z i e
,`Ed Ki x A ` W c w C D n W
` z xi W e ` z k x A l M o n ` N r l
,` z n g p e ` z g A W Y
,` n l r A o xi n ` C
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
rny z`ixw zekxa
ims tayrq tvkrb
The Zohar states, All sacred acts require summoning. The Barchu is a call for us to
declare the Creator as the source of all blessings and begins this section of preparation for
our recitation of the Shma. The Chazzan first sings the Barchu and as we repeat it, we
connect to all five levels of the soul.
(As we say the second line, we receive the ruach level of the extra soul given to us on
Bend the knees and bow at the words Barchu and Baruch and stand upright at the Divine Name.
!K :a n d dedi z ` Ek x A
Barchu et Adonai hamvorach!
Praise Hashem to Whom praise is due!
!c r e m lFr l K :a n d dedi KEx A
Baruch Adonai hamvorach lolam va-ed!
Praised be Hashem to Whom praise is due, now and forever!
rny z`ixw zekxa
The darkness of the first day differed from the darkness that preceded creation. Ma-ariv
also means mix and suggests that the Creator mixed light into the primordial darkness.
This blessing reminds us that darkness can be transformed by the tiniest spark of light.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
Eloheinu melech ha-olam,
our Elohim, Sovereign of the universe,
asher bidvaro ma-ariv aravim,
who brings on the evening twilight,
bchochmah potei-ach sharim,
with wisdom You open the gates of dawn,
uvitvunah mshaneh itim,
and with foresight You make time pass,
umachalif et hazmanim,
and make the seasons change,
umsadeir et hakochavim
You order the stars in their courses,
bmishmroteihem baraki-a kirtzono.
Your will keeping them in the sky.
Borei yom valailah,
You create the day and the night,
goleil or mipnei choshech,
turning light into darkness,
vchoshech mipnei or.
and darkness into light.
Uma-avir yom umeivi lailah,
You make the day fade away and bring on the night,
umavdil bein yom uvein lailah,
separating the day from the night,
Adonai, tzva-ot shmo.
Hashem, Ruler of the hosts of heaven.
Eil chai vkayam,
Eternal Source of Life,
tamid yimloch aleinu lolam va-ed.
the universe is fixed within You for ever and ever.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
hama-ariv aravim.
who brings on the evening twilight.
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
,m lFr d K l n Epi l `
,mi a x r ai x r n Fx a c A x W `
,mi x r W g zFR d n k g A
,mi Y r d P W n d pEa z aE
,mi P n G d z ` si l g nE
mi a kFM d z ` x C q nE
.FpFv x M ri w x A m di zFx n W n A
,d l i l e mFi ` xFA
,K o g i p R n xF` l lFB
.xF` i p R n K o g e
,d l i l `i a nE mFi xi a r nE
,d l i l oi aE mFi oi A li C a nE
.Fn W zF` a v dedi
,m I w e i g l `
.c r e m lFr l Epi l r KFl n i ci n Y
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
.mi a x r ai x r O d
rny z`ixw zekxa
,lvi tbha
The purpose of this blessing is to inspire us with a love of the world and other people. We
are reminded of the Creators love for us, the expression of which is through the gift of
Ahavat olam beit Yisrael,
Everlasting is Your love for the House of Israel,
amcha ahavta.
You have loved Your people.
Torah umitzvot,
Torah and commandments,
chukim umishpatim otanu limadta.
laws and precepts You have taught us.
Al kein Adonai Eloheinu,
Therefore Hashem our Elohim,
bshochbeinu uvkumeinu
when we lie down and when we rise
nasi-ach bchukecha,
we will meditate on Your laws,
vnismach bdivrei Toratecha
and we will rejoice in Your Torah
uvmitzvotecha lolam va-ed.
and Your commandments forever and ever.
Ki heim chayeinu vorech yameinu,
For they are our life and length of our days,
uvahem neh-geh yomam valailah,
and we will reflect on them day and night,
vahavatcha al tasir
may Your love never depart
mimenu lolamim.
from our hearts.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
oheiv amo Yisrael.
who loves Your people Israel.
,l ` x W i zi A m lFr z a d `
, Y a d ` L O r
,zF v nE d xFY
. Y c O l Ep zF` mi h R W nE mi T g
,Epi l ` dedi o M l r
Ep nEw aE Ep A k W A
,Li T g A gi U p
L z xFz i x a c A g n U p e
.c r e m lFr l Li ne v n aE
,Epi n i K x ` e EpiI g m d i M
,d l i l e m nFi d B d p m d aE
xi q Y l ` L z a d ` e
.mi n lFr l EP O n
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
.l ` x U i FO r a dF`
rny z`ixw zekxa
The Sh'ma is an affirmation of faith. It both expresses our love for the Creator, and also
serves as an ode to the divinity of the soul. It brings us into consciousness of the Oneness
of Ain Sof, opening our awareness that the Creator is within and without.
Before we begin the Shma, we must think about the concept of loving our neighbors as
we love ourselves. Kabbalah teaches that the Shma is the acknowledgement of unity and
connects us to Briyah, the World of Creation.
The first verse of the Shma channels the energy of the Upper Worlds, also known as Zeir
Anpin. The second verse expresses that energy in our world, known as Malchut. We
cover our eyes for the first line of the Shma. We emphasize the final letter dalet of the
last word "echad, which means one. The enlarged letters, ayin and dalet, combine to
form the Hebrew word eid which means witness. This reminds us that we are
witnesses of the Light in this world and that the Creator desires unity for all humankind.
Each of the following sections corresponds to one of the letters of the Divine Name and
contains a certain number of words. In the first we find 42 words that connect us to the
Ana Bchoach, in the second we find 72 words that connect us to the 72 Names of the
Creator, the third section has 50 words which link us to the 50 gates of Light contained
within the Sfirah of Binah, and the final section is another connection to the 72 Names.
n W r g ` dedi ,Epi l ` dedi ,l ` x U i c !
Shma Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad!
Hear O Israel, Hashem is our Elohim, Hashem is One!
!c r e m lFr l FzEk l n cFa M m W KEx A
Baruch sheim kvod malchuto lolam va-ed!
Blessed is Your glorious Name, Your Realm is for ever and ever!
rny z`ixw zekxa
Vahavta et Adonai Elohecha
You shall love Hashem Your Elohim,
bchol lvavcha uvchol naf-shcha
with all your heart and with all your soul,
uvchol modecha.
and with all your being.
Vhayu hadvarim ha-eileh asher
And these words which
anochi mtzavcha hayom al lvavecha.
I command you on this day shall be upon your heart.
Vshinantam lvanecha vdibarta bam
And you shall teach them to your children and speak of them,
bshiv-tcha bveitecha uvlech-tcha
and while sitting in your house and while walking along
vaderech uvshoch-bcha, uvkumecha.
the way and upon lying down and upon rising.
Uk-shartam lot al yadecha
And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand
vhayu ltotafot bein einecha.
and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
Uch-tavtam al mzuzot
And you shall write them upon the doorposts
beitecha uvisharecha.
of your house and your gates.
Lji l ` d edi z ` Y z a d ` e
Lj Wy t pl k aEe L j a a ll k Aa
:Lj +` nl k aEe
x W y ` d Nl ` d mi x a C c d Eei d e
:L j a a ll r mF e I i d Lj Ee v n i ap `
m Aa Y z x Aa c e Lji p a l m Yz p Pp Wy e
Lj Yz k l aEe Lj zi a Aa Lj Y z a W y Aa
:L j nEew aEe L j Aa k W y a Ee Kj x C c a
Lj c il r zF e ` l m Y z x W y wEe
:Lji pi r oi Aa z t o h l Eei d e
zFef f nl r m Y z a z kEe
:L ji x r W y aE e Lj zi Aa
Vhayah im shamo-a tishmu
And it shall happen if you listen attentively
el mitzvotai asher anochi
to my commandments, which I am
mtzaveh etchem hayom
commanding you this day,
lahavah et Adonai
to love Hashem
Eloheichem ul-ovdo
to serve your Elohim
bchol lvavchem uvchol nafshchem.
with all of your heart and with all of your soul.
Vnatati mtar artzchem bito
And I shall provide rain for your land in its proper time,
yoreh umalkosh vasafta dganecha
first rain and last rain and so you may gather your grain
Eer n Wy Yz v n Wy m ` d i d e
i ap ` x W y ` i ne v nl `
mFe I i d m k z ` d Ee v n
d ediz ` d a d ` l
Fe c a r lEe m ki d l `
:m k Wy t pl k aE e m k a a ll k Aa
Fe Y z r A a m k v x `x h n i Y z z p e
Lj p b c Yz t q ` e WyF e w l nEe d xF ei
rny z`ixw zekxa
vtiroshcha vyitz-harecha.
and your wine and your oil.
Vnatati eisev bsadcha livhemtecha
And I shall provide also grass in your fields for your cattle
vachalta vsavata.
and you shall eat and be satisfied.
Hishamru lachem pen yifteh
Be careful for yourselves lest seduced
lvavchem vsartem va-avadtem
be your heart and you turn away and serve
elohim acheirim vhishtachavitem
other deities and bow down
to them.
Vcharah af Adonai bachem vatzar
Then the anger of Hashem shall be upon you and He shall seal
et hashamayim vlo yih-yeh matar
the heavens and there shall be no more rain
vha-adamah lo titein et yvulah
and the earth will no longer yield its produce
va-avadtem mheirah mei-al ha-aretz
and you shall be banished quickly from the good land
hatovah asher Adonai notein lachem.
that Hashem has given you.
:L j x d v i e Lj Wy xi z e
Lj Yz n d a l Lj c U y A a a Uy r i Y z z p e
: Y z r a Uy e Y z l k ` e
d Yz t io Rt m k l Ee x n Xy d
m Yz c a r e m Y z x q e m k a a l
m zi e g Yz Wy d e mi x g ` mi l `
:m d l
x v r e m k Aa d edi s ` d x g e
x h n d i d i `l e m i n X y d z `
Dd lE ea iz ` o Yz z ` l d n c ` d e
u x ` dl r n d x d n m Yz c a ` e
:m k l o np d edi x W y ` d aH h d
Vsamtem et dvarai eileh
Set these words of Mine
al lvavchem val nafshchem
upon your heart and upon your soul
uk-shartem otam lot
and secure them as a sign upon
al yedchem vhayu ltotafot
upon your hand and as reminders
bein eineichem.
before your eyes.
Vlimadtem otam et bneichem
And you shall teach them to to your children
ldabeir bam bshivtcha bveitecha
to discuss and as you sit in your home
uvlech-tcha vaderech uvshoch-bcha
and as you walk along the way and as you lie down
and as you rise up.
d Nl ` i x a C cz ` m Yz n Uy e
m k Wy t pl r e m k a a ll r
zF e` l m n` m Y z x W y wEe
z t hF e h l Eei d e m k c il r
:m ki pi r oi Aa
m ki p A az ` m n` m Yz c O n l e
Lj zi a Aa Lj Y z a W y Aa m Aa x Aa c l
L j Aa k W y a Ee Kj x C c a Lj Yz k l aEe
:L j nEew aEe
rny z`ixw zekxa
Uch-tavtam al mzuzot
And write them upon the doorposts
beitecha uvisharecha.
of your house and upon your gates.
Lma-an yirbu ymeichem vimei
Then you will prolong your days and the days
vneichem al ha-adamah asher
of your children upon the land that
nishba Adonai la-avoteichem lateit
Hashem swore to your ancestors to give
lahem kimei hashamayim
to them like the days of heaven
al ha-aretz.
on earth.
zFefEef nl r m Y z a z kEe
:L ji x r W y aE e Lj zi Aa
i ni e m ki n i Ee A a x i o r n l
x W y ` d n c ` d l r m ki p a
z z l m ki n a ` l d edi r A a W y p
m i n X y d i ni M k m d l
:u x ` dl r
Vayomer Adonai el Mosheh leimor:
Hashem talked to Moses, saying:
Dabeir el bnei Yisrael vamarta
Speak to the children of Israel and say
aleihem vasu lahem tzitzit
to them that they are to make for themselves tassels
al kanfei vigdeihem ldorotam
on the corners of their clothes in every generation
vnatnu al tzitzit hakanaf ptil
and they shall put a put a blue thread on the corner
Vhayah lachem ltzitzit ur-item
And it shall constitute for you tassels and that you may see
oto uz-chartem et kol mitzvot
them and remember all the commandments
Adonai va-asitem otam
of Hashem and do them
vlo taturu acharei lvavchem
and not follow after your heart
vacharei eineichem, asher atem
and after your eyes which draw you astray
zonim achareihem.
leading to lust.
Lma-an tizkru va-asitem
In order that you may remember
et kol mitzvotai vih-yitem
all of My commandments and be
e :x n` Nl d W ynl ` d edi x n`Ii
Y z x n ` el ` x U y i i p A al ` x Aa Cc
z vi v m d l Ee Uy r e m d l `
m n: c l m di c b a i t p Mkl r
li z Rt s p M k d z vi vl r Ee p z p e
:z l k Yz
m zi ` xEe z vi v l m k l d i d e
n e v nl M kz ` m Y z x k fEe Fe n`
m n` m zi Uy r e d edi
m k a a l i x g ` EexEe z z ` l e
m Yz `x W y ` m ki pi r i x g ` e
:m di x g ` mi :f
m zi Uy r e Ee x Mk f Yz o r n l
m zi i d e i ne v nl M kz `
rny z`ixw zekxa
kdoshim lEiloheichem.
holy to your Elohim.
Ani Adonai Eloheichem asher
I am Hashem your Elohim who
hotzeiti etchem mei-eretz Mitzrayim
brought you out of the land of Egypt
lih-yot lachem lEilohim
of Egypt to be your own Elohim
ani Adonai Eloheichem.
I am Hashem your Elohim.
:m ki d l` l mi Wyc w
x W y ` m ki d l ` d edi i p `
m i x v n u x ` n m k z ` i z` vFed
mi l` l m k l zFei d l
:m ki d l ` d edi i p `
hnvmav tma
This blessing connects us to the energy of desire. If we wish to connect to any form of
spiritual energy, we must first have the desire to do so. Our desire creates the vessel for
the Light to fill. The Mi Chamochah connects us to the energy of gratitude as we sing
with thanks for our redemption and the beneficence of the Light towards us.
Emet ve-emunah kol zot,
All of this is true,
vkayam aleinu, ki hu
and firmly held by us, that You are
Adonai Eloheinu vein zulato,
Hashem our Elohim and no other exists,
va-anachnu Yisrael amo.
and we are Your people Israel.
Hapodeinu miyad mlachim,
We are delivered quickly from oppressors,
malkeinu hago-aleinu
by You our Sovereign,
mikaf kol he-aritzim.
from the hands of all tyrants.
Ha-oseh gdolot ad ein cheiker,
You do great things without number,
vnifla-ot ad ein mispar.
wonders beyond count.
Hasam nafsheinu bachayim,
You give us our life,
vlo natan lamot ragleinu.
and allow not our feet to slip.
Vra-u vanav gvurato,
And Your children witnessed Your strength,
shibchu vhodu lishmo.
and offered praise to Your name.
,z`f l M d pEn ` e z n `
`Ed i M ,Epi l r m I w e
,Fz lEf oi ` e Epi l ` dedi
.FO r l ` x U i Ep g p ` e
,mi k l n c I n Ep cFR d
Ep l `FB d Ep M l n
.mi vi x r d l M s M n
,x w g oi ` c r zFlFc b d or d
.x R q n oi ` c r zF` l t p e
,mi I g A Ep W t p m V d
.Ep l b x hFO l o z p `l e
,Fz xEa B ei p a E` x e
.Fn W l EcFd e Eg A W
rny z`ixw zekxa
Umalchuto vratzon kib-lu aleihem,
Your sovereignty they accepted upon themselves,
Mosheh uvnei Yisrael
Moses and the children of Israel
shirah bsimchah rabah,
sang to You with great rejoicing,
vamru chulam:
and all of them said these words:
,m di l r El A w oFv x a FzEk l nE
l ` x U i i p aE d on
,d A x d g n U A d xi W
:m N k Ex n ` e
hkmk ym
Mi chamochah ba-eilim Adonai?
Who is like You Hashem?
Mi kamochah nedar bakodesh,
Who is like You among the gods that are worshipped,
nora thilot, oseih fele?
extolled in praises, working wonders?
Malchutcha ra-u vanecha,
Your sovereign might was witnessed by Your children,
bokei-a yam lifnei Mosheh,
as the sea split they stood with Moses,
zeh Eili anu vamru:
and they cried out This is our Eternal One:
Adonai yimloch lolam va-ed.
Hashem will reign for ever and ever.
Thus it is said:
ki fadah Adonai et Ya-akov,
For Hashem redeemed Jacob,
u-galo miyad chazak mimenu.
and from a hand stronger than his own.
Baruch atah Adonai, ga-al Yisrael.
Blessed are You Hashem, Redeemer of Israel.
?dedi m l ` A d k n k i n
,W c T A x C ` p d k n M i n
?` l t d U r ,zN d z ` xFp
,Li p a E` x L zEk l n
,d on i p t l m i r wFA
:Ex n ` e Ep r i l ` d f
.c r e m lFr l Kl n i dedi
:x n ` p e
,aw r i z ` dedi d c t i M
.EP O n w f g c I n Fl ` bE
.l ` x U i l ` B ,dedi d Y ` KEx A
rny z`ixw zekxa
When a Festival falls on a Friday night, we use the Hashkiveinu on page 31.
In the morning service, there are only three blessings that surround the Shma. But in the
evening connection, a fourth one is added which invokes divine protection over us during
the night.
Hashkiveinu Adonai
May we lie down, Hashem
Eloheinu lshalom,
our Eternal One, in peace,
vha-amideinu shomreinu lchayim.
and may we arise, our Guardian, to life.
Ufros aleinu sukat shlomecha,
Spread over us the shelter of Your peace,
vtakneinu beitzah tovah milfanecha,
guide us with Your good counsel,
vhoshi-einu lma-an shmecha,
and save us for the sake of Your Name.
vhagein ba-adeinu,
and protect us for our sake,
vhaseir mei-aleinu oyeiv, dever,
and remove from us enemies, disease,
vcherev, vra-av, vyagon, vhaseir
and war, and famine, and anguish, and remove
satan milfaneinu umei-achareinu,
the Opponent from before us and from behind us,
uvtzeil knafecha tas-tireinu,
Under the shadow of your wings hide us,
ki Eil shomreinu umatzileinu atah,
for the One who guards us and saves us is You,
ki Eil melech chanun vrachum atah.
for You are the Sovereign of mercy and compassion.
Ushmor tzeiteinu uvo-einu,
Guard us when we go out and when we return,
lchayim ulshalom,
for life and for peace,
mei-atah vad olam.
from now until eternity.
Baruch atah Adonai, haporeis
Blessed are You Hashem,
sukat shalom aleinu val kol amo
whose shelter of peace is spread over us and over
Yisrael val Yrushalayim.
all the people of Israel and upon Jerusalem.
Ep ai M W d dedi
,mFl W l Epi l `
.mi I g l Ep x nFW Ep ci n r d e
,L nFl W z M q Epi l r UFx tE
,Li p t N n d aFh d v r A Ep p T z e
,L n W o r n l Ep ri WFd e
,Ep c r A o b d e
,x a C ,a iF` Epi l r n x q d e
x q d e ,oFb i e ,a r x e ,a x g e
,Epi x g ` nE Epi p t N n o h U
,Ep xi Y q Y Li t p M l v aE
,d Y ` Ep li S nE Ep x nFW l ` i M
.d Y ` mEg x e oEP g K l n l ` i M
,Ep `FaE Ep z` v xFn WE
,mFl W lE mi I g l
.m lFr c r e d Y r n
U xFR d ,dedi d Y ` KEx A
FO r l M l r e Epi l r mFl W z M q
.m i l WEx i l M l r e l ` x U i
.o n `
rny z`ixw zekxa
This blessing invokes divine protection over us during the night. On Shabbat we use a
shorter version of this prayer because we wish to reiterate the peace and calm of the
seventh day. When we say Ufros Aleinu..., we receive the nshamah level of the extra
soul given to us on Shabbat.
Hashkiveinu Adonai
May we lie down, Hashem
Eloheinu lshalom,
our Elohim, in peace,
vha-amideinu shomreinu lchayim.
and may we arise, our Guardian, to life.
Vtakneinu beitzah tovah milfanecha,
And guide us with Your good counsel,
vhoshi-einu lma-an shmecha,
and save us for the sake of Your Name.
Ufros aleinu sukat shlomecha.
Spread over us the shelter of Your peace,
Ushmor tzeiteinu uvo-einu,
Guard us when we go out and when we return,
lchayim ulshalom,
for life and for peace,
mei-atah vad olam.
from now until eternity.
Baruch atah Adonai, haporeis
Blessed are You Hashem,
sukat shalom aleinu val kol amo
whose shelter of peace is spread over us and over
Yisrael val Yrushalayim.
all the people of Israel and upon Jerusalem.
Ep ai M W d dedi
,mFl W l Epi l `
.mi I g l Ep x nFW Ep ci n r d e
,Li p t N n d aFh d v r A Ep p T z e
,L n W o r n l Ep ri WFd e
.L nFl W z M q Epi l r UFx tE
,Ep `FaE Ep z` v xFn WE
,mFl W lE mi I g l
.m lFr c r e d Y r n
U xFR d ,dedi d Y ` KEx A
FO r l M l r e Epi l r mFl W z M q
.m i l WEx i l M l r e l ` x U i
.o n `
rny z`ixw zekxa
When a Festival falls on an evening other than Friday night, we continue with Chatzi Kaddish on page 33.
We are reminded that Shabbat is a sign between the Creator and ourselves. Shabbat has
more power than all the holidays combined and each week we are offered the gift of
Vshamru vnei Yisrael
The children of Israel shall keep
et ha-Shabbat,
la-asot et ha-Shabbat
observing Shabbat
ldorotam brit olam.
in every generation for ever.
Beini uvein bnei Yisrael
Between Me and the children of Israel
ot hi lolam,
it is a sign forever.
ki sheishet yamim asah Adonai
for in six days Hashem made
et ha-shamayim vet ha-aretz,
the heavens and the earth,
uvayom hashvi-i shavat vayinafash.
and on the seventh day rested from all work.
l ` x U i i p a Ex n W e
,z A X d z `
z A X d z ` zFU r l
.m lFr zi x A m n:c l
l ` x U i i p A oi aE i pi A
,m lFr l `i d zF`
dedi d U r mi n i z W W i M
,u x ` d z ` e m i n X d z `
.W t P I e z a W i ri a X d mFI aE
rny z`ixw zekxa
sydq yox
The spiritual atmosphere is made up of five levels of the soul and ten Sfirot. We need a
tool which connects us to the different realms, one at a time. The Kaddish is that tool and
it is also the channel through which the Light flows to us.
Yitgadal vyitkadash shmeih raba.
Exalted and sanctified be the Eternal Ones great Name.
Balma di vra chir-uteih,
In the world created according to the Eternal Ones will,
vyamlich malchuteih,
and be enthroned in the realm of the Eternal One
vyatzmach purkaneih
and cause redemption to sprout
vikareiv Mshichei. {Amein.}
and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.
Bchayeichon uvyomeichon
In our lifetimes and in our days
uvchayei dchol beit Yisrael,
and in the lives of the entire house of Israel,
ba-agala uvizman kariv,
quickly and speedily may it come,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{Yhei shmeih raba mvarach
Let the great Name be blessed
lalam ulalmei almaya.}
forever and ever.
Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpa-ar
Blessed and extolled and magnified
vyitromam vyitnasei vyit-hadar
and hailed and exalted and honored
vyit-aleh vyit-halal
and glorified and praised
shmeih dkudsha brich hu,
be the Holy One whose Name is blessed,
leila min kol birchata vshirata
who is beyond all blessings or songs
tushbchata vnechemata,
or praises or words of consolation,
da-amiran balma,
that can be uttered in this world,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
.` A x D n W W C w z i e l C B z i
{.o n `}
,D zEr x k ` x a i C ` n l r A
,D zEk l n Ki l n i e
D p w x R g n v i e
{.o n `} .D gi W n a x wi e
oFki nFi aE oFki I g A
,l ` x U i zi A l k c i I g aE
,ai x w o n f aE ` l b r A
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
K x a n ` A x D n W ` d i}
{.` I n l r i n l r lE m l r l
x ` R z i e g A Y W i e K x A z i
x C d z i e ` V p z i e m nFx z i e
l N d z i e d N r z i e
,`Ed Ki x A ` W c w C D n W
` z xi W e ` z k x A l M o n ` N r l
,` z n g p e ` z g A W Y
,` n l r A o xi n ` C
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
This section is the central and most personal part of our connection to the Light. Amidah
literally means standing. We stand during this series of prayers with our feet firmly
together which imitates the angels, whom Ezekial perceived as having one straight leg. It
is important for us to remove all material thoughts from our minds. Naturally a persons
brain is active and wandering. The Amidah brings everything into focus. Through it, we
connect to Atzilut, the world of Ain Sof.
Kabbalah teaches that the Shchinah is in exile and that the Light wants to share endlessly
with us. This cannot take place until we make a conscious effort to transform our reactive
ego nature. Our desire to transform creates a vessel which is filled with the Light we
receive during the Amidah.
As we begin, we take three steps backward that represent withdrawing our attention from
the physical world. With complete concentration, we now take three steps forward as we
step into the land of Israel, into the city of Jerusalem, and into the Kadosh Hakadashim
(the Holy of Holies).
Before beginning the blessings of the Amidah, we invite the Creators Light to speak
through us. This assures that we request those things which bring us fulfillment and offer
us opportunities for spiritual transformation.
.L z N d Y ci B i i tE ,g Y t Y i z t U i :c `
Adonai sfatai tiftach, ufi yagid thilatecha.
Eternal One open up my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.
tvhmav tvba
With this blessing we invoke the protective shield of Abraham and connect to the Sfirah
of Chesed, which is loving-kindness. Sharing is the fruit of Chesed and when we share,
we block all forms of negativity.
We bow during this blessing.
Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu
Blessed are You Hashem our Elohim
vEilohei avoteinu vimoteinu,
and Elohim of our ancestors,
Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak,
Elohim of Abraham, Elohim of Isaac,
Elohei Ya-akov, Elohei Sarah,
Elohim of Jacob, Elohim of Sarah,
Elohei Rivkah, Elohei Racheil,
Elohim of Rebecca, Elohim of Rachel,
vEilohei Leah. Ha-Eil hagadol
and Elohim of Leah. The Almighty the Great One
hagibor vhanora, Eil elyon,
the Mighty One and the Awesome One, Supreme Almighty One
gomeil chasadim tovim,
the One who bestows loving-kindness and goodness,
vkoneih hakol,
embracing all,
vzocheir chasdei avot vimahot,
and remembering the loving-kindness of our ancestors,
umeivi go-eil livnei vneihem,
and bringing a redeemer to their descendants,
lma-an shmo bahavah.
lovingly for the sake of Your Name.
Melech ozeir umoshi-a umagein.
Sovereign who helps and saves and shields.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
magein Avraham vezrat Sarah.
shield of Abraham and helper of Sarah.
Epi l ` dedi d Y ` KEx A
,Epi YFn ` e Epi zFa ` i l` e
,w g v i i l ` ,m d x a ` i l `
,d x U i l ` ,aw r i i l `
,l g x i l ` ,d w a x i l `
lFc B d l ` d .d ` l i l` e
,oFi l r l ` ,` xFP d e xFA B d
,mi aFh mi c q g l nFB
,lM d d :w e
,zFd n ` e zFa ` i c q g x kFf e
,m di p a i p a l l `Fb `i a nE
.d a d ` A Fn W o r n l
.o b nE ri WFnE x fFr K l n
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
.d x U z x f r e m d x a ` o b n
This blessing speaks not only of our future existence but also to awakening daily. It
connects us to the energy of Isaac and to the Sfirah of Gvurah, which is judgement. It is
this energy that takes on the challenge of death and shortens the tikun process.
We bow during this blessing.
Atah gibor lolam Adonai,
You are forever mighty Hashem,
mchayeih meitim atah,
You renew life beyond death,
rav lhoshi-ah.
abundantly able to save.
Summer: Morid hatal.
Causing dew to fall.
Winter: Mashiv haruach,
Making the wind blow,
umorid hagashem.
and the rain to fall.
Mchal-keil chayim bchesed,
You care for the living with mercy,
mchayeih meitim brachamim rabim,
You renew life beyond death with compassion,
someich nof-lim, vrofei cholim,
supporting the fallen, healing the sick,
umatir asurim,
and releasing the captive,
umkayeim emunato lisheinei afar.
and keeping faith with those who sleep in the dust.
Mi chamocha, ba-al gvurot!
who is like You, Source of might!
Umi domeh lach, melech meimit
And who resembles You, Sovereign of death
umchayeh umatzmi-ach yshu-ah.
and of life and who sows deliverance.
Vne-eman atah lhachayot meitim.
Faithful are You in renewing life beyond death.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
mchayeih hameitim.
who renews life beyond death.
,i :c ` m lFr l xFA B d Y `
,d Y ` mi z n dI g n
. ri WFd l a x
:uiwa .l H d ci xFn
:sxega , gE x d ai X n
.m W B d ci xFnE
,c q g A mi I g l M l k n
,mi A x mi n g x A mi z n dI g n
,mi lFg ` tFx e ,mi l tFp K nFq
,mi xEq ` xi Y nE
.x t r i p Wi l Fz pEn ` m I w nE
!EzFxEa B l r A ,LF n k i n
zi n n K l n ,K N d nF C i nE
.d rEW i gi n v nE d I g nE
.mi z n zFi g d l d Y ` o n ` p e
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
.mi z O d d I g n
Through this blessing we acknowledge and emphasize the holiness of the Creator. It
connects us to the energy of Jacob, which corresponds to the Sfirah of Tiferet. This
energy enables us to balance our acts of loving-kindness and judgement toward other
During this blessing we stand on tip-toes each time the word kadosh is said.
Atah kadosh vshimcha kadosh,
You are holy and Your Name is holy,
ukdoshim bchol yom
and each day the blessed ones
yhallucha selah.
sing praises to Your Name.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
ha-Eil hakadosh.
the holy Almighty One.
,WFc w L n W e WFc w d Y `
mFi l k A mi WFc wE
.d l Q LE l l d i
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
WFc T d l ` d
,vyh tsvdq
This series of blessings connects us to the special energy of the Festival. On Shabbat we
say the portion in parenthesis.
Atah vchartanu mikol ha-amim,
You have chosen us from all the nations,
ahavta otanu vratzita banu,
You have loved us and found favor in us,
vromamtanu mikol halshonot,
and have exalted us above all tongues,
vkidashtanu bmitzvotecha,
and have sanctified us through Your commandments,
vkeiravtanu Malkeinu la-avodatecha,
and drew us close, our Sovereign, to Your service,
vshimcha hagadol vhakadosh
and Your holy and great Name
aleinu karata.
You have proclaimed upon us.
Vatitein lanu Adonai Eloheinu
And may You give us, Hashem our Eternal One,
with love
,mi O r d l M n Ep Y x g a d Y `
,Ep A zi v x e Ep zF` Y a d `
,zFpFW N d l M n Ep Y n nFx e
,Li ne v n A Ep Y W C w e
,L z cFa r l Ep M l n Ep Y a x w e
WFc T d e lFc B d L n W e
. z` x w Epi l r
Epi l ` dedi Ep l o Y Y e
d a d ` A
(Shabbatot limnuchah u-)
(Shabbatot for rest and)
mo-adim lsimchah,
festivals for gladness,
chagim uzmanim lsason,
and sacred seasons for joy,
et yom
the day
(ha-Shabbat hazeh vet yom)
(of this Shabbat and of the day)
chag ha-Matzot hazeh,
of this Festival of Matzah.
et yom tov
this good day
mikra kodesh hazeh,
this holy convocation,
zeicher litzi-at Mitzrayim.
a remembrance of the leaving of Egypt.
chag ha-Shavu-ot hazeh,
of this Festival of Shavuot,
et yom tov
this good day
mikra kodesh hazeh,
of holy convocation,
zman matan Torateinu,
the time of the giving of our Torah,
(bahavah) mikra kodesh,
(with love) a holy convocation,
zeicher litzi-at Mitzrayim.
a remembrance of the leaving of Egypt.
Sukkot/Shmini Atzeret:
Sukkot: chag ha-Sukkot hazeh,
of this Festival of Sukkot,
Shmini Atzeret: Shmini chag Atzeret hazeh,
of Shmini this Festival of Assembly,
li-mchilah vlislichah ulchaparah,
of pardon and of forgiveness and of atonement,
vlimchal bo et kol avonoteinu
and to pardon all of our iniquities
(bahavah) mikra kodesh,
(with love) a holy convocation,
zeicher litzi-at Mitzrayim.
a remembrance of the going out from Egypt.
(E d gEp n l zFz A W)
,d g n U l mi c rFn
,oFU U l mi P n fE mi B g
mFi z `
(mFi z ` e dG d z A X d)
:g q t l
,d G d zFS O d b g
aFh mFi z `
,d G d W +w ` x w n
.m i x v n z `i vi l x k f
:zFr a X l
,dG d zFr a X d b g
aFh mFi z `
,d G d W +w ` x w n
,Ep z xFY o Y n o n f
,W + w ` x w n (d a d ` A)
.m i x v n z `i vi l x k f
:i p n W l\zFM q l
:zFM q l ,d G d zFM Q d b g
:i p n W l ,d G d z x v r b g ipi n W
,d x R k lE d gi l q l e d li g n l
Epi zFpF r l M z ` FA l g n l e
,W c w ` x w n (d a d ` A)
.m i x v n z `i vi l x k f
Eloheinu vEilohei avoteinu,
Our Eternal One and Eternal One of our ancestors,
ya-aleh vyavo vyagi-a vyeira-eh
may it rise and come and arrive and appear
vyeiratzeh vyishama vhipakeid
and find favor and be heard and be considered
vyizacheir zichroneinu
and be remembered, our remembrance
ufikdoneinu vzichron avoteinu,
and the remembrance of our ancestors,
vzichron Mashiach ben David avdecha,
and the remembrance of Mashiach ben David, Your servant,
vzichron Yrushalayim ir kodshecha,
and the remembrance of Jerusalem Your holy city,
vzichron kol amcha beit Yisrael
and the remembrance of Your entire people Israel
lfanecha, lif-leitah, ltovah,
before You, for deliverance, for good,
lchein ulchesed ulrachamim,
for grace, kindness and compassion,
lchayim ulshalom,
for life and for peace,
on the day
(ha-Shabbat hazeh uvyom)
(of this Shabbat and on the day
Pesach: chag ha-Matzot hazeh.
of this Festival of of Matzah.
Shavuot: chag ha-Shavu-ot hazeh.
of this Festival of Shavuot.
Sukkot: chag ha-Sukkot hazeh.
of the Festival of Sukkot,
Shmini Atzeret: Shmini chag Atzeret hazeh.
of Shmini this Festival of Assembly,
Zochreinu, Adonai Eloheinu,
Remember us, Hashem our Eternal One,
bo ltovah,
on it for goodness,
ufakdeinu vo livrachah,
and consider us on it for blessing,
vhoshi-einu vo lchayim.
and deliver us on it for life.
uvidvar yshu-ah vrachamim,
with the words of deliverance and mercy,
chus vchaneinu,
take pity and be gracious to us,
,Epi zFa ` i l` e Epi l `
d ` x i e ri B i e `a i e d l r i
c w R i e r n X i e d v x i e
Ep pFx k f x k G i e
,Epi zFa ` oFx k f e Ep pFc w tE
,L C a r c e C o A gi W n oFx k f e
,L W c w xi r m i l WEx i oFx k f e
l ` x U i zi A L O r l M oFx k f e
,d aFh l ,d hi l t l ,Li p t l
,mi n g x lE c q g lE o g l
,mFl W lE mi I g l
mFi A
(mFi aE d G d z A X d)
:g q t l ,d G d zFS O d b g
:zFr a X l .d G d zFr a X d b g
:zFM q l .d G d zFM Q d b g
:i p n W l .d G d z x v r b g ipi n W
,Epi l ` dedi ,Ep x k f
,d aFh l FA
,d k x a l Fa Ep c w tE
.mi I g l Fa Ep ri WFd e
,mi n g x e d rEW i x a c aE
,Ep P g e qEg
vracheim aleinu vhoshi-einu,
and have mercy upon us and save us,
ki Eilecha eineinu,
for our eyes turn to You,
ki Eil melech chanun
for the One, the Sovereign who is gracious
vrachum atah.
and compassionate is You.
Vhasi-einu, Adonai Eloheinu,
Bestow upon us, Hashem our Eternal One,
et birkat mo-adecha,
the blessing of Your festivals,
lchayim ulshalom,
for life and peace,
lsimchah ulsason, ka-asher
for joy and gladness, even as You
ratzita vamarta lvarcheinu.
have desired and said to bless us.
(Eloheinu vEilohei avoteinu,
(Our Eternal One and Eternal One of our ancestors.
rtzeih bim-nuchateinu.)
accept our rest.)
Kadsheinu bmitzvotecha,
Sanctify us with Your commandments,
vtein chelkeinu bToratecha,
and place our lot in Your Torah,
sabeinu mituvecha, vsamcheinu
satisfy us with Your goodness, and gladden us
bishu-atecha, vtaheir libeinu
with Your salvation, and purify our hearts
lov-dcha be-emet, vhanchileinu
to serve You in truth, and let us inherit
Adonai Eloheinu (bahavah
Hashem our Eternal One (in love
uvratzon) bsimchah uvsason
and favor) with joy and gladness
(Shabbat u-) mo-adei kodshecha,
Your holy (Shabbat and) festivals,
vyismchu vcha Yisrael
and may Israel rejoice in You
mkadshei shmecha.
who sanctifies Your Name.
Baruch atah Adonai, mkadeish
Blessed are You Hashem, who sanctifies
(ha-Shabbat v) Yisrael vhazmanim.
(Shabbat and) Israel and the festive seasons.
,Ep ri WFd e Epi l r m g x e
,Epi pi r Li l ` i M
oEP g K l n l ` i M
.d Y ` mEg x e
,Epi l ` dedi ,Ep `i V d e
,Li c rFn z M x A z `
,mFl W lE mi I g l
x W ` M ,oFU U lE d g n U l
.Ep k x a l Y x n ` e zi v x
,Epi zFa ` i l` e Epi l `)
(.Ep z gEp n a d v x
,Li ne v n A Ep W C w
,L z xFz A Ep w l g o z e
Ep g O U e ,L aEH n Ep r A U
Ep A l x d h e ,L z rEWi A
Ep li g p d e ,z n ` A L C a r l
d a d ` A) Epi l ` dedi
oFU U aE d g n U A (oFv x aE
,L W c w i c rFn (E z A W)
l ` x U i L a Eg n U i e
.L n W i W C w n
W C w n ,dedi d Y ` KEx A
.mi P n G d e l ` x U i ( e z A X d)
We now begin the final blessings of the Amidah which bring down all the spirtual energy
we have aroused thus far with our prayers. This blessing connects us to the energy of
Moses, which corresponds to the Sfirah of Netzach. It assists us in recognizing and
carrying out the work we are here to do.
Rtzeih, Adonai Eloheinu,
Be pleased, Hashem our Elohim,
bamcha Yisrael,
with Your people Israel,
utfilatam bahavah tkabeil,
and accept our prayers with love,
uthi lratzon tamid,
and may it always be pleasing,
avodat Yisrael amecha.
the service of Your people Israel.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
she-otcha lvadcha byirah na-avod.
it is You alone that we serve in awe.
,Epi l ` dedi ,d v x
,l ` x U i L O r A
,l A w z d a d ` A m z N t z aE
,ci n Y oFv x l i d zE
.L O r l ` x U i z cFa r
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
.cFa r p d ` x i A L C a l L zF` W
divmh lvxbv sdx sarb
On Rosh Chodesh, Pesach and Sukkot, there is extra energy available to us. This blessing
connects us to the energy of those times.
Eloheinu vEilohei avoteinu,
Our Eternal One and Eternal One of our ancestors,
ya-aleh vyavo vyagi-a vyeira-eh
may it rise and come and arrive and appear
vyeiratzeh vyishama vhipakeid
and find favor and be heard and be considered
vyizacheir zichroneinu
and be remembered, our remembrance
ufikdoneinu vzichron avoteinu,
and the remembrance of our ancestors,
vzichron Mashiach ben David avdecha,
and the remembrance of Mashiach ben David, Your servant,
vzichron Yrushalayim ir kodshecha,
and the remembrance of Jerusalem Your holy city,
vzichron kol amcha beit Yisrael
and the remembrance of Your entire people Israel
,Epi zFa ` i l` e Epi l `
d ` x i e ri B i e `a i e d l r i
c w R i e r n X i e d v x i e
Ep pFx k f x k G i e
,Epi zFa ` oFx k f e Ep pFc w tE
,L C a r c e C o A gi W n oFx k f e
,L W c w xi r m i l WEx i oFx k f e
l ` x U i zi A L O r l M oFx k f e
lfanecha, lif-leitah, ltovah,
before You, for deliverance, for good,
lchein ulchesed ulrachamim,
for grace, kindness and compassion,
ulchayim ulshalom,
for life and for peace,
on the day
Rosh Chodesh: Rosh ha-Chodesh hazeh.
of this Rosh Chodesh.
Pesach: chag ha-Matzot hazeh.
of this Festival of of Matzah.
Sukkot: chag ha-Sukkot hazeh.
of the Festival of Sukkot,
Zochreinu, Adonai Eloheinu,
Remember us, Hashem our Eternal One,
bo ltovah,
on it for goodness,
ufakdeinu vo livrachah,
and consider us on it for blessing,
vhoshi-einu vo lchayim.
and deliver us on it for life.
uvidvar yshu-ah vrachamim,
with the words of deliverance and mercy,
chus vchaneinu,
take pity and be gracious to us,
vracheim aleinu vhoshi-einu,
and have mercy upon us and save us,
ki Eilecha eineinu,
for our eyes turn to You,
ki Eil melech chanun
for the One, the Sovereign who is gracious
vrachum atah.
and compassionate is You.
,d aFh l ,d hi l t l ,Li p t l
,mi n g x lE c q g lE o g l
,mFl W lE mi I g lE
mFi A
:W c g W`x l .d G d W c g d W`x
:g q t l .d G d zFS O d b g
:zFM q l .d G d zFM Q d b g
,Epi l ` dedi ,Ep x k f
,d aFh l FA
,d k x a l Fa Ep c w tE
.mi I g l Fa Ep ri WFd e
,mi n g x e d rEW i x a c aE
,Ep P g e qEg
,Ep ri WFd e Epi l r m g x e
,Epi pi r Li l ` i M
oEP g K l n l ` i M
.d Y ` mEg x e
This blessing expresses our thanks for protection and divine assistance. It connects us to
the energy of Aaron, which corresponds to the Sfirah of Hod. We are truly grateful when
we translate our spirituality into practical terms.
We bow at the beginning and at the end of this blessing.
Modim anachnu lach,
We give You thanks,
sha-atah hu Adonai Eloheinu,
for You are Hashem our Elohim,
vEilohei avoteinu vimoteinu,
and the Elohim of our ancestors,
lolam va-ed.
for ever and ever.
Tzur chayeinu, magein yish-einu,
Rock of our life, Shield of our salvation,
atah hu ldor vador,
are You from generation to generation,
nodeh lcha unsapeir thilatecha,
we thank You and sing Your praises,
al chayeinu hamsurim byadecha,
for our lives which are in Your hands,
val nishmoteinu hapkudot lach,
and for our souls which are in Your keeping,
val nisecha shebchol yom imanu,
and for the signs of Your Presence that are with us everyday,
val niflotecha vtovotecha,
and for Your wonders and Your goodness,
shebchol eit,
in every moment,
erev vavoker vtzohorayim.
evening and morning and noon.
Hatov, ki lo chalu rachamecha,
You are goodness, for Your mercy has no end,
You are compassionate,
ki lo tamu chasadecha,
for Your love has no limit,
mei-olam kivinu lach.
for ever our hope is in You.
,K l Ep g p ` mi cFn
Epi l ` dedi ,`Ed d Y ` W
,Epi YFn ` e Epi zFa ` i l` e
.c r e m lFr l
,Ep r W i o b n ,EpiI g xEv
,xFc e xFc l `Ed d Y `
,L z N d Y x R q pE L N d cF p
,L c i A mi xEq O d EpiI g l r
,K l zFcEw R d Epi zFn W p l r e
,Ep O r mFi l k A W Li Q p l r e
Li zFaFh e Li zF` l t p l r e
,z r l k A W
.m i x d v e x w a e a x r
,Li n g x El k `l i M ,aFH d
,m g x n d e
,Li c q g EO z `l i M
.K l Epi E w m lFr n
Continue with VAL KULAM. During the Festival of Chanukah, continue with Al Hanisim.
,ycnh li
This holiday connects us to the energy of miracles. This blessing helps us to harness the
power of miracles so that we can create them in our life whenever they are truly needed.
Al hanisim, val hapurkan,
(We thank You) for the miracles, and for the deliverance,
val hagvurot, val
and for the heroic acts, and for
ha-tshu-ot, val hamilchamot,
the salvation, and for the victories,
she-asita la-avoteinu
that You performed for our ancestors
bayamim hahem bazman hazeh.
in those days past at this season.
,o w x R d l r e ,mi Q P d l r
l r e ,zFxEa B d l r e
,zFn g l O d l r e ,zFrEW Y d
Epi zFa ` l zi U r W
.d G d o n G A m d d mi n I A
,lk liv
Val kulam yitbarach vyitromam
For all these, blessed and exalted
shimcha malkeinu
may Your Name be, our Sovereign,
tamid lolam va-ed.
continually for ever and ever.
Vchol ha-chayim yoducha selah,
Everything that has life will gratefully acknowledge You forever,
vi-hallu et shimcha be-emet,
and praise Your name truly,
ha-Eil yshu-ateinu vezrateinu selah.
O Almighty of our salvation and of our help forever.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
hatov shimcha
Your name is goodness
ulcha na-eh lhodot.
and You are worthy of thanksgiving.
m nFx z i e K x A z i m N M l r e
Ep M l n L n W
.c r e m lFr l ci n Y
,d l Q LE cFi mi I g d lk e
,z n ` A L n W z ` El l di e
.d l q Ep z x f r e Ep z rEW i l ` d
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
L n W aFH d
.zFcFd l d ` p L lE
This blessing connects us to the energy of Joseph, which corresponds to the Sfirah of
Yesod. It is a request for, and a declaration of, peace.
You may choose one of the following: either the Sim Shalom below or the Shalom Rav on the next page.
Sim shalom tova uvrachah,
May peace goodness and blessing,
chein va-chesed vrachamim,
grace and mercy and compassion,
aleinu val kol Yisrael amecha.
descend upon us and all of Israel and all the world.
Barcheinu Avinu
Bless us our Parent
kulanu kechad bor panecha,
all of us together as one with the Light of Your Countenance,
ki vor panecha natata lanu,
for by that Light of Your Countenance You give to us,
Adonai Eloheinu,
Hashem our Elohim,
Torat chayim vahavat chesed,
the Torah of life and to love mercy,
utz-daka uvracha vrachamim
and charity and blessing and compassion
vchayim vshalom.
and life and peace.
Vtov beinecha lvareich
For it is good in Your eyes to bless
et amcha Yisrael bchol
Your people Israel in every
eit uvchol sha-ah bishlomecha.
season and in every hour for the sake of Your Name.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
ha-mvareich et amo
Who blesses Your people
Yisrael ba-shalom.
Israel with peace.
Yih-yu lratzon imrei fi
May the words of my mouth
vhegyon libi lfanecha,
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You,
Adonai tzuri vgo-ali.
Hashem my Rock and Redeemer.
,d k x aE d aFh mFl W mi U
,mi n g x e c q g e o g
.L O r l ` x U i l M l r e Epi l r
Epi a ` Ep k x A
,Li p R xF` A c g ` M Ep N M
,Ep N Y z p Li p R xF` a i M
,Epi l ` dedi
,c q g z a d ` e mi I g z xFY
mi n g x e d k x aE d w c vE
,mFl W e mi I g e
K x a l Li pi r A aFh e
l k A l ` x U i L O r z `
.L nFl W A d r W l k aE z r
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
FO r z ` K x a n d
.mFl X A l ` x U i
i t i x n ` oFv x l Ei d i
,Li p t l i A l oFi b d e
.i l sb e i xEv dedi
Shalom rav al Yisrael amcha
Abundant peace to Your people Israel
tasim lolam.
offer to them for ever.
Ki atah hu melech
for You are the Sovereign
adon lchol ha-shalom.
Ruler of all peace.
Vtov beinecha lvareich
It is good in Your eyes to bless
et amcha Yisrael bchol
Your people Israel in every
eit uvchol sha-ah bishlomecha.
season and in every hour for the sake of Your Name.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
ha-mvareich et amo
Who blesses Your people
Yisrael ba-shalom.
Israel with peace.
Yih-yu lratzon imrei fi
May the words of my mouth
vhegyon libi lfanecha,
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You,
Adonai tzuri vgo-ali.
Hashem my Rock and Redeemer.
L O r l ` x U i l r a x mFl W
.m lFr l mi U Y
K l n `Ed d Y ` i M
.mFl X d l k l oFc `
K x a l Li pi r a aFh e
l k A l ` x U i L O r z `
.L nFl W A d r W l k aE z r
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
FO r z ` K x a n d
.mFl X A l ` x U i
i t i x n ` oFv x l Ei d i
,Li p t l i A l oFi b d e
.i l sb e i xEv dedi
rvon yhla
As we complete the Amidah, we now pray that the energy we have received has affected
us in a positive way. We ask for divine assistance in being proactive rather than reactive
in every aspect of our life.
Elohai ntzor lshoni meira,
Elohim please keep my tongue from causing harm,
us-fatai midabeir mirmah,
and my lips from telling lies,
vlimkallai nafshi tidom,
and let me be silent if people curse me,
vnafshi ke-afar lakol tih-yeh.
and let my soul be quiet and at peace with all.
Ptach libi bToratecha,
Open my heart to Your teaching,
vacharei mitzvotecha tirdof nafshi,
and give my soul the will to practice it,
vchol hakamim alai lra-ah
and all my foes who seek to do me harm
mheirah hafeir atzatam
may their plans and schemes
vkalkeil machashavtam.
come to nothing.
Aseih lma-an shmecha,
For the sake of Your Name,
aseih lma-an yminecha,
for the sake of Your power,
aseih lma-an Toratecha,
for the sake of Your Torah,
aseih lma-an kdushatecha.
for the sake of Your holiness.
Lma-an yeichaltzun ydidecha,
Rescue Your beloved,
hoshi-ah ymincha va-aneini.
and save me by Your right hand.
Yih-yu lratzon imrei fi
May the words of my mouth
vhegyon libi lfanecha,
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You,
Adonai tzuri vgo-ali.
Hashem my Rock and Redeemer.
,r x n i pFW l xFv p ,i l `
,d n x n x A C n i z t UE
,mC z i W t p i l l w n l e
.d i d Y lM l x t r M i W t p e
,L z xFz A i A l g z R
,i W t p sFC x Y Li ne v n i x g ` e
,d r x l i l r mi n T d l k e
m z v r x t d d x d n
.m Y a W g n l w l w e
,L n W o r n l d U r
,L pi n i o r n l d U r
,L z xFY o r n l d U r
.L z X c w o r n l d U r
,Li ci c i oEv l g i o r n l
.i p p r e L pi n i d ri WFd
i t i x n ` oFv x l Ei d i
,Li p t l i A l oFi b d e
.i l sb e i xEv dedi
We now take three steps backward as we retreat from the Divine Presence. We bow left at the first line, right
at the second line and to the center for the remaining lines as we offer peace to the world. You may use the
part in parenthesis in place of val kol ha-olam, only one should be used though.
Oseh shalom bimromav,
May the One who makes peace in the high heavens,
hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu,
bring this peace upon us,
val kol Yisrael val kol ha-olam,
and upon all Israel and upon all the world,
(val kol yoshvei teiveil,)
(and upon all the inhabitants of the earth,)
vimru amein.
and let us say amen.
Yhi ratzon milfanecha,
May it be Your will,
Adonai Eloheinu
Hashem our Elohim
vEilohei avoteinu vimoteinu,
and Elohim of our ancestors,
sheyibaneh beit hamikdash
that You shall rebuild the holy Temple
bimheirah vyameinu,
speedily in our day,
vtein chelkeinu bToratecha.
and place our lot in Your Torah.
,ei nFx n A mFl W d or
,Epi l r mFl W d U r i `Ed
,m lFr d l M l r e l ` x U i l M l r e
(,l a z i a WFi l M l r e)
.o n ` Ex n ` e
,Li p t N n oFv x i d i
Epi l ` dedi
,Epi YFn ` e Epi zFa ` i l` e
W C w O d zi A d p A I W
,Epi n i a d x d n A
.L z xFz A Ep w l g o z e
When a Festival falls on an evening other than Friday night, we continue with Kaddish Shaleim on page 51.
Through these verses from Torah we connect to the very first Shabbat. When we connect
to the original Shabbat we connect to the energy of Creation which brings rest and
renewal to our lives.
Vay-chulu hashamayim vha-aretz
Finished were heaven and earth
vchol tzva-am.
and all their hosts.
Vay-chal Elohim bayom hashvi-i
Elohim finished on the seventh day
mlachto asher asah vayishbot
all the work which was done and rested
bayom hashvi-i mikol mlachto
on the seventh day from all the work
asher asah.
which was done.
Vay-varech Elohim et yom hashvi-i
Elohim blessed the seventh day
u x ` d e m i n X y d Ee N l k i e
:m ` a vl k e
i ri a X y d mFeI i Aa mi l ` l k i e
nAa Wy Ii e d Uy r x W y ` Fe Yz k` l n
Fe Yz k` l nl Mk n i ri a X y d mFeI i Aa
:d Uy r x W y `
i ri a X y d mFe iz ` mi l ` K j x a i e
vay-kadeish oto ki vo shavat
and made it holy for thereon rested
mikol mlachto
from all the work that
asher bara Elohim la-asot.
Elohim had created to do.
z a Wy Fe a i Mk Fe n` Wy C c w i e
Fe Yz k` l nl Mk n
:zF e Uy r l mi l ` ` x A ax W y `
tvhmav tvba ]gm
Through this blessing we are obtaining the additional Light available on Shabbat as we
connect to the energy of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs.
Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu
Blessed are You Hashem our Elohim
vEilohei avoteinu vimoteinu,
and Elohim of our ancestors,
Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak,
Elohim of Abraham, Elohim of Isaac,
Elohei Ya-akov, Elohei Sarah,
Elohim of Jacob, Elohim of Sarah,
Elohei Rivkah, Elohei Racheil,
Elohim of Rebecca, Elohim of Rachel,
vEilohei Leah.
and Elohim of Leah.
Ha-Eil hagadol hagibor vhanora,
The Elohim the Great the Mighty and the Awesome One,
Eil elyon, koneih shamayim va-aretz.
Supreme Elohim, Creator of heaven and earth.
Magein avot vimahot bidvaro,
Shield of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs through His word,
mchayei meitim bma-amaro,
who resurrects the dead through His utterance,
ha-Eil hakadosh she-ein kamohu,
the holy Almighty One like whom there is none,
hameini-ach lamo
who gives rest to His people
byom Shabbat kodsho,
on the holy day of Shabbat,
ki bam ratzah lhani-ach lahem.
for the One found favor in them to grant them rest.
Lfanav na-avod byirah vafachad,
Before the One we will serve with reverence and awe,
vnodeh lishmo bchol yom tamid,
and we will give thanks to the Ones Name each day forever,
mei-ein habrachot.
with the proper blessings.
Epi l ` dedi d Y ` KEx A
,Epi YFn ` e Epi zFa ` i l` e
,w g v i i l ` ,m d x a ` i l `
,d x U i l ` ,aw r i i l `
,l g x i l ` ,d w a x i l `
.d ` l i l` e
,` xFP d e xFA B d lFc B d l ` d
,oFi l r l ` .u x ` e m i n Wy d pFew
,F ex a c A a zF ed On ` e zF ea ` o b n
,F ex n ` n A a mi z n dIi g n
,EedFe n M k oi ` W y W yF ec T w d l ` d
FeOn r l gi p O n d
,FeWy c w z A a Wy mF ei Aa
.m d l gi p d l d v x m a i Mk
,c g t e d ` x i A a cF ea r p ei p t l
,ci n Y z mFei l k Aa Fen W y l d cF ep e
.zF ek x A a d oi r n
Eil hahoda-ot, Adon ha-shalom,
Amighty One worthy of thanks, Ruler of Peace,
mkadeish ha-Shabbat
who sanctifies Shabbat
um-vareich shvi-i,
and blesses the seventh day,
umeini-ach bikdushah la-am
and in holiness gives rest to the nation
mdu-shnei oneg,
invigorated with delight,
zeicher lma-aseih breishit.
a remembrance of the work of Creation.
Eloheinu vEilohei
Our Elohim and the Elohim
avoteinu vimoteinu,
of our ancestors,
rtzeih na vim-nuchateinu,
may our rest be pleasing to You,
kadsheinu bmitzvotecha,
sanctify us with Your commandments,
vtein chelkeinu bToratecha,
and grant us a share in Your Torah,
sab-einu mituvecha,
fill us with Your goodness, l
vsamach nafsheinu bishu-atecha,
and let our souls know the joy of Your salvation,
vtaheir libeinu lovdcha be-emet,
and purify our hearts to serve You in truth,
vhanchileinu Adonai Eloheinu
and bestow upon us Hashem our Elohim
bahavah uvratzon
in Your love and goodwill
Shabbat kodshecha,
a holy Shabbat,
vyanuchu vah kol Yisrael,
and may all of Israel rest on it,
mkadshei shmecha.
who hallows Your Name.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
mkadeish ha-Shabbat.
who sanctifies Shabbat.
,mF el X y d oFec ` ,zF e` cF ed d l `
z A a X y d Wy C c w n
,i ri a Wy Kj x a nEe
m r l d Xy c w Aa gi p nEe
,b p r i p Xy c n
.zi Wy` x a d Uy r n l x k f
i l` e Epi l `
,Epi YFn ` e Epi zFxFc
,Ep z gEp n a ` p d v x
,Li ne v n A Ep W C w
,L z xFz A Ep w l g o z e
,L aEH n Ep r A U
,L z rEWi A Ep W t p g O U e
,z n ` A L C a r l Ep A l x d h e
Epi l ` dedi Ep li g p d e
oFv x aE d a d ` A
,L W c w z A W
,l ` x U i l M D a EgE p i e
.L n W i W C w n
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
.z A X d W C w n
mly yicw
,ls sydq
The Ari revealed that the Full Kaddish has the power of twice Light. One of them is the
Light within us all. The second Light is known as Or Makif or surrounding Light. The
Kaddish is the tool which links these two Lights together.
Leader and participants say together that which is contained within { }.
Yitgadal vyitkadash shmeih raba.
Let the glory of the Eternal One be extolled.
Balma di vra chir-uteih,
In the world created according to the Eternal Ones will,
vyamlich malchuteih,
and be enthroned in the realm of the Eternal One
vyatzmach purkaneih
and cause redemption to sprout
vikareiv Mshichei. {Amein.}
and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.
Bchayeichon uvyomeichon
In our lifetime and in our days
uvchayei dchol beit Yisrael,
and in the lives of the entire house of Israel,
ba-agala uvizman kariv,
quickly and speedily may it come,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{Yhei shmeih raba mvarach
Let the great Name be blessed
lalam ulalmei almaya.}
forever and ever.
Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpa-ar
Blessed and extolled and magnified
vyitromam vyitnasei vyit-hadar
and hailed and exalted and honored
vyit-aleh vyit-halal
and glorified and praised
shmeih dkudsha {brich hu},
be the Holy One whose Name is blessed,
.` A x D n W W C w z i e l C B z i
{.o n `}
,D zEr x k ` x a i C ` n l r A
,D zEk l n Ki l n i e
D p w x R g n v i e
{.o n `} .D gi W n a x wi e
oFki nFi aE oFki I g A
,l ` x U i zi A l k c i I g aE
,ai x w o n f aE ` l b r A
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
K x a n ` A x D n W ` d i}
{.` I n l r i n l r lE m l r l
x ` R z i e g A Y W i e K x A z i
x C d z i e ` V p z i e m nFx z i e
l N d z i e d N r z i e
,{`Ed Ki x A} ` W c w C D n W
mly yicw
leila min kol birchata
who is beyond all blessings
vshirata tushbchata vnechemata,
or songs or praises or words of consolation,
da-amiran balma,
that can be uttered in this world,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
Titkabeil tzlothon uva-uthon
May the prayers and supplications be accepted
dchol beit Yisrael kadam
of the entire House of Israel before
avuhon di bishmaya,
their Parent who is in heaven,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
Yhei shlama raba min shmaya,
May there be much peace from heaven,
vchayim tovim aleinu,
and good life upon us,
val kol Yisrael,
and upon all Israel,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
Oseh shalom bimromav,
May the One who makes peace in the high heavens,
hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu,
bring this peace upon us,
val kol Yisrael val kol ha-olam,
and upon all Israel and upon all the world,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
` z k x A l M o n ` N r l
,` z n g p e ` z g A W Y ` z xi W e
,` n l r A o xi n ` C
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
oFd zEr aE oFd zFl v l A w z Y
m c w l ` x U i zi A l k C
,` I n W a i C oFdEa `
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
,` I n W o n ` A x ` n l W ` d i
Epi l r mi aFh mi I g e
,l ` x U i l M l r e
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
,ei nFx n A mFl W d or
,Epi l r mFl W d U r i `Ed
,m lFr d l M l r e l ` x U i l M l r e
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
jxay in
;rbs ym
Healing energy is a very powerful force that restores and regenerates us at all levels. We
have the power, as we tap into the Light, to create this healing energy for ourselves and
for others. Through the Mi Shebeirach, we create a circuit for that healing energy to
travel to them. The following sequence of Hebrew letters is one of the 72 Names and is
used for healing. We take a moment to meditate on this powerful sequence before we
say the Mi Shebeirach.
Mi shebeirach avoteinu vimoteinu,
May the One who blessed our ancestors,
Avraham Yitzchak vYa-akov,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
Sarah Rivkah Racheil vLei-ah,
Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah,
hu yvareich et ha-cholim (names)
bless and heal those who are ill (names)
ben/bat (mothers name).
son/daughter of (mothers name).
Hakadosh baruch hu
May the Holy Blessed One
yimalei rachamim aleihem,
be filled with compassion towards them,
lhachalimam ul-rapotam
for their health to be restored
and their strength to be revived.
Vyishlach la-hem mheirah rfu-at
May the Eternal One swiftly send them complete renewal
shleimah min hashamayim,
from up above,
rfu-at hanefesh, urfuat haguf,
renewal of soul, and renewal of body,
hashta ba-agala uvizman kariv.
quickly and speedily may it come.
Vnomar amein.
And let us say, amen.
,Epi YFn ` e Epi zFa ` K x A W i n
,aw r i e w g v i m d x a `
,d ` l e l g x d w a x d x U
(ipelt) mi lFg d z ` K x a i `Ed
.(zipelt) z A\o A
`Ed KEx A WFc T d
,m di l r mi n g x ` l O i
m z`R x lE m ni l g d l
.m wi f g d lE
d `Et x d x d n m d l g l W i e
,m i n X d o n d n l W
,sEB d z `Et xE ,W t P d d `Et x
.ai x w o n f aE ` l b r A ` Y W d
.o n ` x n`p e
jxay in
These are alternative versions of the Mi Shebeirach which may be used instead of or in conjunction
with the traditional one on the previous page.
Mi shebeirach avoteinu
You who blessed our fathers,
Mkor habracha limoteinu.
Source of blessing for our mothers.
May the source of strength
Who blessed the ones before us
help us find the courage
to make our lives a blessing
and let us say, Amen.
Mi shebeirach imoteinu,
You who blessed our mothers,
Mkor habracha la-avoteinu.
Source of blessing for our fathers.
Bless those in need of healing
with rfuah shleima,
the renewal of body,
the renewal of spirit,
and let us say, Amen.
,Epi zFa ` K x A W i n
.Epi zFn ` l d k x A d xFw n
,Epi zFn ` K x A W i n
.Epi zFa ` l d k x A d xFw n
Written by Debbie Friedman and Drorah Setel.
Rfa-einu Adonai vneirafei,
Heal us Hashem and we will be healed,
hoshi-einu vnivashei-ah.
save us and we will be saved.
Eil karov lchol kor-av,
The Almighty is near to all who seek You,
ach karov lirei-av yisho.
surely help is near to all who revere You.
We pray for healing of the body.
We pray for healing of the soul.
For strength of flesh and mind and spirit.
We pray to once again be whole.
Eil na rfa na:
Please Almighty grant healing:
Oh, please, heal us now.
,` t x p e dedi Ep ` t x
.d r W E p e Ep ri WFd
,ei ` x w l k l aFx w l `
.Fr W i ei ` xi l aEx w K `
:` p ` t x ` p l `
jxay in
Rfu-at ha-nefesh,
Healing of the soul,
urfu-at ha-guf,
healing of the body,
rfu-ah shleimah.
complete healing.
Heal us now.
Hoshia et amecha,
Save Your people,
uvareich et nachalatecha.
and bless Your inheritance.
Ureim vnas-eim ad ha-olam,
Care for them and exalt them for ever,
mi shebeirach avoteinu,
You who blessed our fathers,
mi shebeirach imoteinu,
You who blessed our mothers,
ana Adonai hoshiah na.
O please help us Hashem.
We pray for healing of our people.
We pray for healing of the land.
And peace for every race and nation,
every child, every woman, every man.
,W t P d z `Et x
,sEB d d `Et xE
.d n l W z `Et x
,L O r z ` d ri WFd
.L z l g p z ` K x aE
,m lFr d c r m ` V p e m r xE
,Epi zFa ` K x A W i n
,Epi zFn ` K x A W i n
.` P d ri WFd dedi ` P `
Written by Cantor Leon Sher.
Wine is a powerful channel of the Creators Light. We bless wine and drink it and bless
bread and eat it as a manifestation of the energy we have aroused from the Upper Worlds
during our connection.
Shalom Aleichem is only said on Friday night, otherwise go directly to Kiddush on page 57.
(We greet the angels of Shabbat with Shalom Aleichem before Kiddush in order to secure
that they will be good angels by keeping us in the Light.)
Shalom aleichem,
Blessed is the Name of the Ruler of the world,
mal-achei hashareit, mal-achei
ministering angels, angels of the
elyon, mimelech malchei
Most High, of the supreme Sovereign
hamlachim, hakadosh baruch hu.
of sovereigns, blessed be the Holy One.
Bo-achem lshalom,
Enter in peace,
mal-achei hashalom, mal-achei
angels of peace, angels of the
elyon, mimelech malchei
Most High, of the supreme Sovereign
hamlachim, hakadosh baruch hu.
of sovereigns, blessed be the Holy One.
Barchuni lshalom,
Bless me with peace,
mal-achei hashalom, mal-achei
angels of peace, angels of the
elyon, mimelech malchei
Most High, of the supreme Sovereign
hamlachim, hakadosh baruch hu.
of sovereigns, blessed be the Holy One.
Tzeitchem lshalom,
Depart in peace,
mal-achei hashalom, mal-achei
angels of peace, angels of the
elyon, mimelech malchei
Most High, of the supreme Sovereign
hamlachim, hakadosh baruch hu.
of sovereigns, blessed be the Holy One.
,m ki l r mFl W
i k ` l n ,z x X d i k ` l n
i k l n K l O n ,oFi l r
.`Ed KEx A WFc T d ,mi k l O d
,mFl W l m k `FA
i k ` l n ,mFl X d i k ` l n
i k l n K l O n ,oFi l r
.`Ed KEx A WFc T d ,mi k l O d
,mFl W l i pE k x A
i k ` l n ,mFl X d i k ` l n
i k l n K l O n ,oFi l r
.`Ed KEx A WFc T d ,mi k l O d
,mFl W l m k z` v
i k ` l n ,mFl X d i k ` l n
i k l n K l O n ,oFi l r
.`Ed KEx A WFc T d ,mi k l O d
(Vayhi erev vayhi voker.
(There was evening and there was morning.
yom hashi-shi,
On the sixth day,
vaychulu hashamayim vha-aretz
the heavens and the earth were completed
vchol tzva-am.
with all their hosts.
Vaychal Elohim bayom hashvi-i,
And the Elohim completed on the seventh day,
mlachto asher asah,
the work which the Eternal One had made,
vayishbot bayom hashvi-i,
and ceased on the seventh day,
mikol mlachto asher asah.
all work which the Eternal One had made.
Vayvareich Elohim et
And the Elohim blessed the
yom hashvi-i, vaykadeish oto,
seventh day, and sanctified it.
ki vo shavat mikol mlachto
because on it ceased from all work,
asher bara Elohim la-asot.)
which in creating the Elohim had done.)
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
Eloheinu melech ha-olam,
our Elohim, Sovereign of the universe,
borei pri ha-gafen.
who creates the fruit of the vine.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
Eloheinu melech ha-olam,
our Elohim, Sovereign of the universe,
asher bachar banu mikol am
who has chosen us from all peoples
vrommanu mikol lashon,
and exalted us above all nations,
vkidshanu bmitzvotav.
and sanctified us with Your commandments.
Vatiten lanu Adonai Eloheinu
And You have given us, Hashem our Elohim
bahavah (Shabbatot limnuchah
in love (Shabbatot for rest
u-) mo-adim lsimchah,
and) holy festivals for gladness,
chagim uzmanim lsason,
and sacred seasons for joy,
.x w a i d i e a x r i d i e)
,i X X d mFi
u x ` d e m i n X d EN k i e
.m ` a v l k e
,i ri a X d mFI A mi l ` l k i e
,d U r x W ` FY k` l n
,i ri a X d mFI A zA W I e
.d U r x W ` FY k` l n l M n
z ` mi l ` K x a i e
,Fz` W C w i e ,i ri a X d mFi
,FY k` l n l M n z a W Fa i M
(.zFU r l mi l ` ` x A x W `
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
,m lFr d K l n Epi l `
.o t B d i x R ` xFA
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
,m lFr d K l n Epi l `
m r l M n Ep A x g A x W `
,oFW l l M n Ep n nFx e
.ei ne v n A Ep W C w e
Epi l ` dedi Ep l o Y Y e
d gEp n l zFz A W) d a d ` A
,d g n U l mi c rFn (E
,oFU U l mi P n fE mi B g
et yom
the day of
(ha-Shabbat hazeh vet yom)
(this Shabbat and the day)
chag ha-Matzot hazeh,
the Feast of Matzah.
et yom tov
this good day
mikra kodesh hazeh,
this holy convocation,
zeicher litzi-at Mitzrayim.
a remembrance of the leaving of Egypt.
chag ha-Shavu-ot hazeh,
of this Festival of Shavuot,
et yom tov
this good day
mikra kodesh hazeh,
of holy convocation,
zman matan Torateinu,
the time of the giving of our Torah,
(bahavah) mikra kodesh,
(with love) a holy convocation,
zeicher litzi-at Mitzrayim.
a remembrance of the leaving of Egypt.
Sukkot/Shmini Atzeret:
Sukkot: chag ha-Sukkot hazeh,
of the festival of Sukkot,
Shmini Atzeret: Shmini chag Atzeret hazeh,
of Shmini the Festival of Assembly,
li-mchilah vlislichah ulchaparah,
of pardon and of forgiveness and of atonement,
vlimchal bo et kol avonoteinu
and to pardon all of our iniquities
(bahavah) mikra kodesh,
(with love) a holy convocation,
zeicher litzi-at Mitzrayim.
a remembrance of the going out from Egypt.
Ki vanu vacharta, votanu kidashta,
For you have chosen us, and have set us apart,
mikol ha-amim.
from all people.
(VShabbat) Umo-adei kodshecha
(And Your Holy Shabbat) and holy festivals
mFi z `
(mFi z ` e dG d z A X d)
:g q t l
,d G d zFS O d b g
aFh mFi z `
,d G d W +w ` x w n
.m i x v n z `i vi l x k f
:zFr a X l
,dG d zFr a X d b g
aFh mFi z `
,d G d W +w ` x w n
,Ep z xFY o Y n o n f
,W + w ` x w n (d a d ` A)
.m i x v n z `i vi l x k f
:i p n W l\zFM q l
:zFM q l ,d G d zFM Q d b g
:i p n W l ,d G d z x v r b g ipi n W
,d x R k lE d gi l q l e d li g n l
Epi zFpF r l M z ` FA l g n l e
,W c w ` x w n (d a d ` A)
.m i x v n z `i vi l x k f
, Y W C w Ep zF` e Y x g a Ep a i M
.mi O r d l M n
L W c w i c rFnE (z A W e)
(bahavah uvratzon) bsimchah
(in love and favor) in joy
uvsason hinchaltanu.
and gladness You have given us.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
mkadeish (ha-Shabbat v)
who makes holy (Shabbat and)
Yisrael vhazmanim.
Israel and the festive seasons.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are You Hashem,
Eloheinu melech ha-olam,
our Eternal One, Sovereign of the universe,
she-he-cheyanu vkiymanu vhigianu
for giving us life and for enabling us to reach
lazman hazeh.
this season.
d g n U A (oFv x aE d a d ` A)
.Ep Y l g p d oFU U aE
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
( e z A X d) W C w n
.mi P n G d e l ` x U i
,dedi d Y ` KEx A
,m lFr d K l n Epi l `
Ep ri B d e Ep n I w e Ep i g d W
.d G d o n G l
Eepi l r
All of our prayers, according to the Kabbalists, have drawn inner Light. The Aleinu is a
magnet for external Light which seals and protects them, blocking out any negative
Aleinu lshabei-ach la-adon hakol,
It is our duty praise the Ruler of all,
la-teit gdulah lyotzeir breishit,
to recognize the greatness of the Creator of first things,
shelo asanu kgoyei ha-aratzot,
for we were not made like the nations of other lands,
vlo samanu kmishpchot
and did not make us the same as other families
ha-adamah, shelo sam chelkeinu
of the earth, we were not placed in the same situations
kahem, vgoraleinu kchol hamonam.
as others, and our destiny is not the same as anyone else.
Va-anachnu korim,
Therefore we kneel,
umishtachavim umodim,
and bow and give thanks,
lifnei melech malchei hamlachim,
before the Sovereign, Sovereign of all sovereigns,
Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
the Holy and Blessed One.
Shehu noteh shamayim
The One who spread out the heavens
vyoseid aretz, umoshav ykaro
and established the earth, and whose precious dwelling
bashamayim mima-al,
is in the heavens above,
ush-chinat uzo bgov-hei mromim,
and whose powerful Presence is in the highest heights,
hu Eloheinu ein od.
is our Elohim and there is no other.
Emet malkeinu, efes zulato,
Our Sovereign is truth, and nothing else compares,
kakatuv bTorato:
as it is written in Your Torah:
,lM d oFc ` l g A W l Epi l r
,zi W` x A x vFi l d N c B z z l
,zFv x ` d i iFb M Ep U r `N W
zFg R W n M Ep n U `l e
Ep w l g m U `l W ,d n c ` d
,m pFn d l k M Ep l :b e ,m d M
,mi r xFM Ep g p ` e
,mi cFnE mi e g Y W nE
,mi k l O d i k l n K l n i p t l
.`Ed KEx A WFc T d
m i n W d hFp `Ed W
Fx w i a WFnE ,u x ` c ci e
,l r O n m i n X A
,mi nFx n i d a b A FG r z pi k WE
.cFr oi ` Epi l ` `Ed
,Fz lEf q t ` ,Ep M l n z n `
:Fz xFz A aEz M M
Eepi l r
vyadata hayom vahasheivota
"And you shall know today and take
el lvavecha, ki Adonai hu
to heart, that Hashem is
ha-Elohim bashamayim mima-al,
the Elohim in the heavens above,
val ha-aretz mitachat ein od.
and on earth below and there is no other.
Val kein nkaveh lcha
Therefore we put our hope in you
Adonai Eloheinu,
Hashem our Elohim,
lirot mheirah btiferet uzecha,
let us witness the glory of Your power,
lha-avir gilulim min ha-aretz,
to remove worship of material things from the earth.
vha-elilim karot yikareitun,
and superstition and prejudice shall at last be cut off,
ltakein olam bmalchut Shadai,
to perfect the universe through the reign of the Almighty,
vchol bnei vasar yikru vishmecha,
and all humanity will call upon Your Name,
lhafnot eilecha kol rishei aretz.
and all the wicked of the earth shall turn to You.
Yakiru vyeidu kol yoshvei teiveil,
May all the inhabitants of the world know and recognize You,
ki lcha tichra kol berech,
that to You every knee should bend,
tishava kol lashon.
and every tongue pledge.
Lfanecha Adonai Eloheinu
In Your Presence, Hashem our Elohim,
yich-ru vyipolu,
they will kneel and bow down,
vlichvod shimcha ykar yiteinu,
and they will give honor to the glory of Your Name,
vikablu kulam et ol malchutecha,
and all will accept they yoke of Your Sovereignty,
vtimloch aleihem
that You may reign over them
mheirah lolam va-ed.
very soon forever and ever.
Ki ha-malchut she-lcha hi,
For the kingdom is Yours,
ulolmei ad timloch bchavod,
forever and ever You will reign in glory,
kakatuv bToratecha,
as it is written in Your Torah,
z a W d e mFI d Y r c i e
`Ed dedi i M ,L a a l l `
,l r O n mi n X A mi l ` d
.cFr oi ` ,z g Y n u x ` d l r e
L N d E w p o M l r e
,Epi l ` dedi
,L G r z x ` t z A d x d n zF` x l
,u x ` d o n mi lEN B xi a r d l
,oEz x M i zFx M mi li l ` d e
,i C W zEk l n A m lFr o T z l
,L n W a E` x w i x U a i p A l k e
.u x ` i r W x l M Li l ` zFp t d l
,l a z i a WFi l M Er c i e Exi M i
,K x A l M r x k Y L l i M
.oFW l l M r a X Y
Epi l ` dedi Li p t l
,El R i e Er x k i
,Ep Y i x w i L n W cFa k l e
,L zEk l n lFr z ` m N k El A wi e
m di l r Kl n z e
.c r e m lFr l d x d n
,`i d L N W zEk l O d i M
,cFa k A KFl n Y c r i n lF r lE
,L z xFz A aEz M M
mezi yicw
Adonai yimloch lolam va-ed.
Hashem will reign forever and ever.
Vne-emar, vhayah Adonai
Thus it has been said, Hashem will be
lmelech al kol ha-aretz.
Sovereign over all the earth,
Bayom hahu yih-yeh,
On that day,
Adonai echad, ush-mo echad.
Hashem will be one, and Hashems Name will be one.
.c r e m lFr l Kl n i dedi
dedi d i d e ,x n ` p e
.u x ` d l M l r K l n l
d i d i `Ed d mFI A
.c g ` Fn yE ,c g ` dedi
,vty sydq
We think of our loved ones who have recently departed from us, those who died at this
season in years past, and those whom we have drawn into our hearts with our own.
.d k x a l m pFx k f
Zichronam livracha.
May their memories be for blessing.
Leader and participants say together that which is contained within { }.
Yitgadal vyitkadash shmeih raba.
Let the glory of the Eternal One be extolled.
Balma di vra chir-uteih,
In the world created according to the Eternal Ones will,
vyamlich malchuteih,
and be enthroned in the realm of the Eternal One
vyatzmach purkaneih
and cause redemption to sprout
vikareiv Mshichei. {Amein.}
and bring near the Mashiach. Amen.
.` A x D n W W C w z i e l C B z i
{.o n `}
,D zEr x k ` x a i C ` n l r A
,D zEk l n Ki l n i e
D p w x R g n v i e
{.o n `} .D gi W n a x wi e
mezi yicw
Bchayeichon uvyomeichon
In our lifetime and in our days
uvchayei dchol beit Yisrael,
and in the lives of the entire house of Israel,
ba-agala uvizman kariv,
quickly and speedily may it come,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
{Yhei shmeih raba mvarach
Let the great Name be blessed
lalam ulalmei almaya.}
forever and ever.
Yitbarach vyishtabach vyitpa-ar
Blessed and extolled and magnified
vyitromam vyitnasei vyit-hadar
and hailed and exalted and honored
vyit-aleh vyit-halal
and glorified and praised
shmeih dkudsha {brich hu},
be the Holy One whose Name is blessed,
leila min kol birchata vshirata
who is beyond all blessings or songs
tushbchata vnechemata,
or praises or words of consolation,
da-amiran balma,
that can be uttered in this world,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
Yhei shlama raba min shmaya,
May there be much peace from heaven,
vchayim tovim aleinu,
and good life upon us,
val kol Yisrael,
and upon all of Israel,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
Oseh shalom bimromav,
May the One who makes peace in the high heavens,
hu ya-aseh shalom aleinu,
bring this peace upon us,
val kol Yisrael val kol ha-olam,
and upon all Israel and upon all the world,
vimru Amein. {Amein.}
and let us say amen. Amen.
oFki nFi aE oFki I g A
,l ` x U i zi A l k c i I g aE
,ai x w o n f aE ` l b r A
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
K x a n ` A x D n W ` d i}
{.` I n l r i n l r lE m l r l
x ` R z i e g A Y W i e K x A z i
x C d z i e ` V p z i e m nFx z i e
l N d z i e d N r z i e
,{`Ed Ki x A} ` W c w C D n W
` z xi W e ` z k x A l M o n ` N r l
,` z n g p e ` z g A W Y
,` n l r A o xi n ` C
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
,` I n W o n ` A x ` n l W ` d i
Epi l r mi aFh mi I g e
,l ` x U i l M l r e
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
,ei nFx n A mFl W d or
,Epi l r mFl W d U r i `Ed
,m lFr d l M l r e l ` x U i l M l r e
{.o n `} .o n ` Ex n ` e
This hymn is from the 14th Century and was written by Daniel Ben Yehuda, who tries to
describe the Creator. It is based on the thirteen basic principles of faith expressed by
Moses Maimonides (1135-1204).
Yigdal Elohim chai vyishtabach,
May the Living Elohim be magnified and praised,
nimtza, vein eit el mtzi-uto.
neither time nor ordinary existence relate to who You are.
Echad vein yachid kyichudo,
You are One but Your Oneness is unique,
nelam, vgam ein sof lachduto.
You are hidden, Your Oneness is without end.
Ein lo dmut haguf veino guf,
You have no bodily image nor any body,
lo na-aroch eilav kdushato.
we cannot know the fullness of Your holiness.
Kadmon lchol davar asher nivra,
You precede all created things,
rishon vein reishit lreishito.
You are the beginning of all things and are eternal.
Hino Adon olam lchol notzar,
You are the Ruler of the world, to all that You have made,
yoreh gdulato umalchuto.
You teach Your greatness and majesty.
Shefa nvuato ntano,
You have given an abundance of prophecy,
el anshei sgulato vtifarto.
to Your treasured and glorious people.
Lo kam bYisrael kMosheh od,
There never arose in Israel another like Moses,
navi umabit et tmunato.
a prophet who beheld Your image.
Torat emet natan lamo Eil,
The Torah of truth the You gave to us,
al yad nviyo ne-eman beito.
through the hand of this prophet, Your faithful servant.
mi l ` l C b i ,g A Y W i e i g
.FzE`i v n l ` z r oi ` e ,` v n p
,FcEg i M ci g i oi ` e c g `
.FzEC g ` l sFq oi ` m b e ,m l r p
,sEb Fpi ` e sEB d zEn c Fl oi `
.Fz X c w ei l ` KFx r p `l
,` x a p x W ` x a C l k l oFn c w
.Fzi W` x l zi W` x oi ` e oFW` x
,x vFp l k l m lFr oFc ` FP d
.FzEk l nE Fz N c b d xFi
,Fp z p Fz `Ea p r t W
.FY x ` t z e Fz N b q i W p ` l `
,cFr d on M l ` x U i A m w `l
.Fz pEn Y z ` hi A nE `i a p
,l ` FO r l o z p z n ` z xFY
.Fzi A o n ` p F`i a p c i l r
mler oec`
Lo yachalif ha-Eil vlo yamir dato
You do not change nor will Your teaching change
lolamim, lzulato.
You will forever remain the same.
Tzofeh vyodei-a stareinu,
You watch us and know our secret thoughts,
mabit lsof davar bkadmato.
You perceive the end of every matter before it begins.
Gomeil lish chesed kmif-alo,
You deal kindly with those who merit kindness,
notein lrasha ra krish-ato.
and bring upon the wicked the consequences of their deeds.
Yishlach lkeitz yamin pdut olam,
At the end of days You will send an everlasting redemption,
kol chai vyeish yakir yshu-ato.
all that lives and breathes will witness Your deliverance.
Chayei olam nata btocheinu.
You have implanted eternal life within us.
Baruch adei ad sheim thilato.
Blessed forever is Your praised Name.
Fz C xi n i `l e l ` d si l g i `l
.Fz lEf l ,mi n lFr l
,Epi x z q r cFi e d tFv
.Fz n c w A x a C sFq l hi A n
,Fl r t n M c q g Wi ` l l nFB
.Fz r W x M r x r W x l o zFp
,m lFr zEc R oi n I u w l g l W i
M .Fz rEW i xi M i W i e i g l
,Ep kFz A d h p m lFr i I g
.Fz N d Y m W c r i c r KEx A
,lvi ]vda
Through this song of praise we emphasize that the Creator is timeless, infinite and
omnipotent. Adon Olam has the same numerical value as Ain Sof. Each verse connects
us to the Sfirot and reminds us that though Ain Sof is great and beyond our reach, Its
Light descends to our world and enables us to say Hashem is with me, I shall not fear.
Adon olam asher malach,
You are the Ruler of the Universe,
bterem kol ytzir nivra.
who ruled before anything was created.
Leit na-asah vcheftso kol,
When everything was created according to Your will,
azai melech shmo nikra.
then the sovereignty of Your Name was declared.
,K l n x W ` m lFr oFc `
.` x a p xi v i l M m x h A
,lM Fv t g a d U r p z r l
` x w p Fn W K l n i f ` .
mler oec`
Vacharei kichlot hakol,
And after everything ceases to be,
lvado yimloch nora.
You will majestically reign alone.
Vhu hayah vhu hoveh,
And You were and You are,
vhu yih-yeh btifarah.
and You will be forever in grandeur.
Vhu echad vein sheini,
And You are One and there is no second one,
lhamshil lo lhachbirah.
You are incomparable and unique.
Bli reishit bli tachlit,
You are without beginning or end,
vlo ha-oz vhamisrah.
and to You alone are power and dominion.
Vhu Eili vchai go-ali,
You are my Creator and my living Redeemer,
vtzur chevli beit tzarah.
and You are my Rock in times of trouble and distress.
Vhu nisi umanos li,
You are my banner and refuge,
mnat kosi byom ekra.
a generous benefactor when I call upon You.
Byado afkid ruchi,
Into Your hands I entrust my spirit,
beit ishan va-irah.
when I sleep and when I wake.
Vim ruchi gviyati,
And with my spirit my body also,
Adonai li vlo ira.
Hashem is with me and I shall not fear.
,lM d zFl k M i x g ` e
.` xFp KFl n i FC a l
,d :d `Ed e ,d i d `Ed e
.d x ` t z A ,d i d i `Ed e
,i p W oi ` e c g ` `Ed e
.d xi A g d l Fl li W n d l
,zi l k z i l A zi W` x i l A
.d x U O d e fr d Fl e
,i l sB i g e i l ` `Ed e
.d x v z r A i l a g xEv e
,i l qFp nE i Q p `Ed e
.` x w ` mFi A i qFM z p n
,i gEx ci w t ` Fc i A
.d xi r ` e o Wi ` z r A
,i z I e B i gEx m r e
.` xi ` `l e i l dedi

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