ST Bulletin May 26 2012

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Benjamin Yudin, Rabbi 5 Sivan, 5772 May 26, 2012 Andrew Markowitz, Assistant Rabbi
Erev Shabbat Candle-lighting: Early 6:51 / Zman 7:59 PM Mincha: Early 6:36 / Zman 8:04PM

Oneg/Tish with V'Samachta in Shul: 9:30PM Daf Yomi: 7:45AM Shacharit 7:45/ 8:30/ 9:00AM Sof Zman Kriyas Shema: 9:12 AM Mincha: Early 2PM/ Zman 7:50PM Rabbi's Shuir After Mincha Candle Lighting: 9:12PM Shuir for Women in The Commons w/ Mira Stokar and in Shomrei Torah w/ Rabbi Markowitz:11:15PM Tikkun Leil Shavuot in Shul w/ Rabbi Yudin War: Its Unique Laws and Ethics 12 4:30AM Kumsitz w/ Vsamachta 4:15- 4:35AM
Parsha: Artscroll: p726 The Living Torah: p654 Hertz: p568 / Haftorah: Artscroll: p1180 The Living Torah: p1183 Hertz: p582

This week we read Perek 6 of Pirkei Avos. Kiddush: Kiddush upstairs: follows davening Kiddush downstairs: follows davening Youth Kiddush: sponsored by the Jarashow family in honor of Zev and the Yavneh graduating class of 2012 and in honor of Avigayil and the Frisch graduating class of 2012. Mazal Tov to: Sondra and Norman Fox on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Emily Ann Binstein Moshe Glasser on his marriage to Elizabeth Ravkin Anna and Boris Gulko on the birth of a granddaughter, Shylie Efrat born to Michal and David Gulko. Michal and David Gulko on the birth of a daughter, Shylie Efrat Yossi and Bette Herbert on the engagement of their son Joshua to Lesley Sklarin from Manhattan
Condolences to: Susan Liebmann on the loss of her mother, Esther Stall.
Welcome to: The Vsamachta Group - Craig Resmovits , Josh Twito, Dovid Rubin, Benji Weintraub, Ephraim Schonbron Thank You to: The Baal Kriah Upstairs A. Schreiber Young Couples G. Bannett Youth Minyan- C. Berman, J. Gans, J. Gold, Y. Goldstein, J.

Jarashow, Aryeh Levin, Shalom Zharnest

Refuah Shelaimah to: Faiga bas Yita Rivka, Bernice Grossman (Breina bat Leah), Tova Flancbaum (Tova Tziporah bat Pesya), Leah Goldman (Leah Golda bat Esther Frimmet), Evelyne Hait (Esther Frimmet bat Raizel), Ceil Heller (Tzivia Rivka bat Naomi Chedvah), Regina Klepfisz (Rivka bat Tzipporah Sima), Jeff Packard (Chayim Zelig ben Sarah Rivkah), Stuart Schochet (Shimon Yaakov HaKohen ben Chava Sheindel), Zvi Yerachmel ben Shaindel, Lola Weisfeld (Leah Devorah bat Priba Tziral), Talya bat Yehudit Shlomit & Avichai ben Rivka.

Shavuot at Shomrei Torah: Our special guests throughout Shavuot will be the Vsamachta Group. Please refer to flyers for full schedule of events throughout Shavuot. There will also be Torah fun activities for children w/ Ari Mayefsky. Join the Vsamachta Group at a Kumsitz at 4:15 AM on Sunday May 27, at a 5PM Ice Cream Party for Children on Sunday, at the Siyum on Monday May 28 and at a special Neilas Hachag between Mincha and Maariv on Monday May 28, plus more!
In Our Shul:

The business listings from the shul dinner have been loaded on the shuls website under the heading of "sponsors". Please patronize them and tell them that you are from Shomrei Torah. Additionally, the "Book of Honor" will be posted shortly so that if anyone wants to see the actual journal that the honorees received, they can look there. Torah Tuesday at Night presents Rabbi Yosef Mendelevich well known Jewish Refusenik and Soviet prisoner. Rabbi Mendelevich will speak at Shomrei Torah on June 6th. Special Mincha at 6:30 PM, Dinner at 6:45PM and Rabbi Mendelevich will speak at 7:15 PM on keeping the mitzvot in the Gulag and the miracle of the Exodus from Russia. If you would like to make a reservation or sponsor please contact Mendy Aron at required and must be made no

later than June 4th. A five dollar donation per person is suggested to defray any expenses

To sponsor a Seudah Shlishit please call Esther Silvestri at 201 741-5341 Please note that on June 16, 2012 we will have our Graduation Kiddush. To be a sponsor please contact Reina Wertman at 201-9268182/ Tachanun will not be recited until Shacharit on Sivan 13, Sunday June 3 The Sisterhood is happy to announce they will be honoring Marilyn Barth at this year's Sisterhood Dinner on Tuesday, June 5th. For further information and if you would like to volunteer please contact Barbara Irwin at 201-791-3224 or Robin Stern at 201-797-8989. RSVP for dinner to Leah Bien at 201-791-0625.

SCRIP is available at Shoprite, Pathmark, Staples, Glatt Express, Best Glatt, Food Showcase, Petaks, Zaidies, Glatt Express, Maadan, Dunkin Donuts, AMC Movies, Lands End, LL Bean, Lowes, Home Depot, I Tunes and more. SCRIP can be purchased on line If more information is required you can contact Milty Frank directly" at 201 796-8260 or at for immediate delivery. Mishnayos Shiur for Boys in Grades 2-5 w/ Yossi Loewy every Shabbos 45 minutes before Mincha. Important Mikva notice. Please note the following change of schedule:1.Beginning Sunday, May 6, 2012, weekday mikva hours will be
9:00 P.M. - 10:30 P.M. 2.Any arrival after 10:00 P.M. will be charged an additional late fee of $25. 3.The mikva continues to be open on Motzei Shabbat and Motzei Yom Tov 1 hour 15 minutes after Shabbat or Yom Tov ends, and stays open for 1 hours. Please note that any arrival after hour before closing will be charged an additional late fee of $25. Please call the mikva tape regularly for updates and important information. Please call Dossy Brandstatter with any questions or concerns 201-796-5839. Please remember not to park in the Mikvah spots when coming to the zman and 9PM maariv minyanim. When leaving shul after 9PM maariv please do not exit shul from back entrance.

In our Nursery School: Leah Sokoloff Nursery School introduces new extended care hours and fees! 7 am- 6:30 pm! Come see what we are about. Call Debbie or email for info. Now registering for Summer Program and Fall. Summer programs run from June 18-August 17. Our 7 week program is only $975, 9:30-2:30 pm daily In Our Community: DUE TO CUSTOMER REQUEST, FOOD SHOWCASE IS ADDING A LATE NIGHT TO ITS SCHEDULE. STARTING THE WEEK OF THE MAY 21ST, FOOD SHOWCASE WILL BE OPEN LATE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY NIGHT ( till 8-0-clock) Valley Hospital has openings in the Pastoral Care Department for volunteers to visit Jewish patients. If you are interested, please call Joan Rimberg Goldfarb @ 201 791-6209 or Sheila Weinberg @ 201 797-0493. YIFL shiurim, Rabbi Frand, Thurs 9 pm Rabbi Reisman and Rabbi Schaffer shiurim will resume in the fall
DAVENING TIMES SUN May 27 6 Sivan Akdamus Shavuot I MON May 28 7 Sivan Ruth Shavuot II TUES May 29 Isru Chag 8 Sivan WED May 30 9 Sivan THURS May 31 10 Sivan FRI June 1 11 Sivan SHABBOS June 2 Parshas Nasso 12 Sivan

Earliest Tallis & Tephilin: 4:21AM SOF ZMAN K SHEMA: 9:11AM

Shacharit Mincha: (Earliest) Maariv

4:45/ 7:45 8:30/ 9:00AM 8:00PM Candle Lighting 9:13PM

4:21AM 9:11AM 7:45/ 8:30/ 9:00AM Yizkor 10:30AM 8:00PM Yom Tov Ends 9:14PM

4:21AM 9:11AM 5:55/ 6:30/ 7:45AM 8:05PM 1:31PM 8:35/ 9:30PM

4:20AM 9:11AM 5:55/ 6:30/ 7:45AM 8:05PM 1:31PM 8:35/ 9:30PM

4:20AM 9:11AM 5:45/ 6:30/ 7:45AM 8:05PM 1:31PM 8:35/ 9:30PM

4:18AM 9:10AM 5:55/ 6:30/ 7:45AM Candle-lighting: Early 6:56PM Zman 8:04PM Mincha Early 6:41PM Zman 8:09PM

4:18AM 9:10AM 7:45/ 8:30/ 9:00AM Mincha: 8:00 PM Shabbat Ends: 9:18


SUN 5/27 7:15PM

MON 5/28 7:00PM w/Zvi Loewy

TUES 5/29 6:30AM 8:00PM w/Ely Lenik 7:30AM 9-11AM TORAH TUESDAY 8:15PM Womens shiur w/ Rabbi Markowitz

WED 5/30 6:30AM 8:00PM w/Ari Mayefsky 7:30AM 9-11AM : Torah Learning w/ Rabbis Yudin & Markowitz 8:15PM Mens shiur w/ Rabbi Markowitz 9:15PM: Rabbi Yudins Gemara Shiur


THURS 5/31 6:30AM 8.00PM w/ Rabbi Yaakov Langsner 7:30AM 9-11AM: Torah Tuesday on Thursday 9:15- 10PM Parsha Chumash and Rashi w/ Rabbi Yudin

FRI 6/1 6:30 AM 7:30AM

SHABBOS 6/2 7:45 AM

Rabbi's Shiur: 7:15

Pachim KTanim from Rabbi Yudin: On

Motzei Shabbos there is a long kiddush that contains in it havadaha. It is known as Yaknehaz. This stands for Yayin, Kiddush, Nair, Havdalah and z for Shehchicanu. The obvious question is: Why does kiddush come before havdalah? wouldn't it make more sense to first make havdalah and end shabbos and then make kiddush to sanctify the Yom Tov? The Rashbam in Pesachim (102b) suggests the following answer: Were we to make havdalah right away, it would seem as though we wanted shabbos to end

as quickly as possible and therefore, the Rabbi's set it up to show that every minute of shabbos is very precious to us.

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