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Lending policies of IFCI

With a view to setting out Fair Lending Practices in a transparent manner, it is proposed to adopt the following as Lenders Fair Practices Code. The Fair Practices code applies to the following areas :

Applications for loans and their processing Loan appraisal and terms/conditions Disbursement of loans including changes in terms and conditions Post disbursement supervision Loan appraisal and terms/conditions Other general provisions I. Applications for loans and their processing:

Standard schedule of fee/charges relating to the loan application depending on the segment to which the accounts belong will be made available to all the prospective borrowers in a transparent manner, along with the loan application, irrespective of the loan amount. Likewise, amount of fee refundable in the event of nonacceptance of the application, pre-payment options and any other matter, which affects the interest of the borrower, will also be made known to the borrower at the time of application. Receipt of completed application forms will be duly acknowledged. The acknowledgement would also include the approximate date by which the applicant should call on IFCI for preliminary discussions, if deemed necessary. All loan applications will be disposed of within a period of 8 weeks from the date of receipt of duly completed loan applications i.e. with all the requisite information/papers. In case of rejection of loan application, irrespective of category of loans or threshold limits, the same would be conveyed in writing along with the main reason(s), which led to rejection of the loan application. II. Loan appraisal and terms/conditions:

In accordance with IFCIs prescribed risk based assessment procedures, each loan application will be assessed and suitable margin/securities will be stipulated based on such risk assessment and IFCIs extant guidelines, however without compromising on due diligence. The sanction of assistance along with the terms and conditions thereof is to be conveyed to the borrower in writing and borrowers acceptance of such terms and conditions will be obtained in writing. Such terms and conditions as have been mutually agreed upon between IFCI and borrower prior to the sanction and general terms and conditions applicable to such assistance will be stipulated. Copy of loan documents, along with a copy of all relevant enclosures will be made available to the borrower. Standard sanction letter would include instances of approval, disallowance, etc. IFCI shall be under no legal obligation to consider increase/additional limits/facilities without proper review/assessment. In case of lending under consortium arrangement, the participating Financial Institutions / Banks would decide the timeframe to complete appraisal of the proposal and communication of the decision. IFCI will abide by the decision of the consortium. III. Disbursement of loans including changes in terms and conditions:

Disbursement of loans sanctioned is to be made immediately on compliance of terms and conditions including execution of loan documents governing such sanction. Any change in terms and conditions, including interest rate and other charges / levies will be informed individually to the borrowers in case of account specific changes and in case of others by Public Notice/IFCI's website from time to time.

Changes in interest rates and charges / levies will be effected prospectively. Consequent upon such changes any supplemental deeds / documents or writings are required to be executed, the same shall also be advised. Further, availability of facility will be subject to execution of such deeds / documents or writings. IV. Post disbursement supervision:

Post disbursement supervision would be constructive with a view to taking care of any genuine difficulties that the borrower may face. Before taking a decision to recall/accelerate payment or performance under the agreement or seeking additional securities IFCI would give reasonable notice to the borrower. All securities pertaining to the loan would be released on receipt of full and final payment of the loans subject to borrower satisfying any legitimate right / any other claim that IFCI may have against the borrowers. If such right is to be exercised, borrowers would be given due and proper notice with requisite details. V. Other general provisions:

IFCI would refrain from interference in the affairs of the borrower except for what is provided in the terms and conditions of loan sanction documents (unless new information, not earlier disclosed by the borrower, has come to the notice of IFCI as lender). However this does not simply that IFCIs right of recovery and enforcement of security under Law as well as appointment of nominee directors, where required, is affected by this commitment. IFCI will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, caste or religion in its lending policy and activity. In the case of recovery, IFCI would resort to the usual measures as per laid down guidelines and extant provisions and would operate within the legal framework. In case of request for transfer of borrowal accounts, either from the borrower or from a Bank/Financial Institution, IFCIs consent or otherwise shall be conveyed within 21 days from the date of receipt of request. VI. Complaints: In case of any complaint/grievance, the borrowers will have to inform in writing the concerned Regional Office (RO) of IFCI. The RO Officials shall immediately take up the matter for redressal. VII. Redressal:

In case of complaints received, the matter with full details will be brought before the Grievance Redressal Authority within 7 days from date of receipt, as under: (a) Matters approved by Delegated Authority (b) Matters approved by officials under delegated authority Grievance Redressal Authority Next higher authority

Upto the level of GM CGM ED CEO & MD

CGM at HO / RO ED CEO & MD Board

The Grievance Redressal Authority would take all necessary steps to redress and resolve the grievance/dispute, preferably within a maximum period of 30 days. In order to enhance value and relevance to the borrowers, this code would be under review from time to time. IFCI would, therefore, greatly value any suggestion for improvement.

Functions of IFCI Granting Loans and Advances to Industrial Concerns. Subscribing To Debentures Floated By The Indu s t r i a l Concerns. G u a r a n t e e i n g L o a n s R a i s e d B y I n d u s t r i a l C o n c e r n s i n t h e Capital Market. Underwriting the Issue of Stock, Shares, Bound s a n d Debentures of Industrial Concerns.

Subscribing To Equity, Preference Shares and Debentures of Companies.

Providing assistance for setting up new industrial projects asa l s o f o r e x p a n s i o n , d i v e r s i f i c a t i o n , m o d e r n i z a t i o n a n d renovation of existing units.

Assisting in the form of rupee and foreign currency loans;

Promotional activities to supportive measures to improve thep r o d u c t i v i t y o f h u m a n a s w e l l a s m a t e r i a l r e s o u r c e s a n d t o accelerate the process of industrialization in multi-facet form.

Merchant banking operations in 1982 under which it providesproject counseling issue management and credit syndicationconsultancy for sick industrial units

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