Holton 2012 Girls' BBall Feature

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Four Headed Monster Interview by David Holton and Kelsi White After coming up short in the state title

game last season, the girls basketball team was ready for a trip back to Bowling Green. The team was highlighted by their four seniors, Lauren Bodine (12, #15) Leasia Wright (12, #23), April Wilson (12, #20), and Kara Wright (12, #12). They all had two things in common: they were headed towards a collegiate career at division I schools and were out to avenge a heart-breaking loss. Q: Had any of you all met before you got to Manual? AW - Me and Lauren have known each other since we were eight or nine, but that was through basketball. Same with Kara, it was all through basketball. Q: What was the first practice at Manual like freshman year? LW - It was really intense and the seniors were yelling. At the time, we didnt realize that we had to take the yelling too hard. It was constructive criticism. They were just trying to push us to get better. AW - It was kind of intimidating, too. Coming in as freshmen on varsity we were scared. But the upperclassmen really welcomed us. They were tough leaders. Q: As freshmen, did you guys become closer, knowing that youd be spending the next four years with each other? KW - We definitely had that bond from the start. With us being freshmen and being new to the program, it would be hard to get used to so we stuck with each other, both on and off the court. LB: We went through a lot of adversity, like issues with playing time, and we had to stick together through those tough times. AW - I think were closer than ever now. Q: As freshmen, did you all have any idea of how good you all would become as seniors? AW - Well, Coach P sat us down in his office and basically just told us that we would get to play, people would be jealous, and that we would get a lot of playing time. He told us that we would just have to stick through it. Q: What events,on and off the court, brought you closer together over these four years?

KW - We have a bunch of different team get-togethers, either over at someones house or at a restaurant and we would just hang out afterwards and that formed us as a team. As far as a class, just everything that weve been through, whether its someone getting yelled at or getting into it with another teammate, someones there to comfort you and have your back. Q: Were there any games or on-court experiences that brought you together as a group of seniors? AW - Freshman year we had a really big tournament, the Lexington Catholic Tournament, it brought us together. We were 9-0 going into it and then we won the tournament and the next game, Brown County, we got blown out they were calling us overrated. We needed to step it up and not get complacent. KW - Ever since we were freshman, when a game was close, one of us were called on to take the game-winning shot or make the big-decision, so we all know what that feels like. We knew that if a play was called for us we would all be like, Okay you got it, dont worry about it and if it didnt turn out the way you wanted we all said Its not your fault. Q: Since you are all really talented players, was there any sort of competition that you guys had that forced you all to get better during your four years here? LW- At practice everyday we try to go at each other hard to make each other better. Q: What was it like, as juniors, to lose in state last year in such a close game? Did that set the tone for this season? KW - It was definitely an eye-opening experience because we didn't realize until after the game how close we were and how bad we wanted state. It was definitely motivation coming into this season. We want to get to state, but, at the same time, were taking this season one game at a time. We dont want to have that same feeling we had after we lost state again. AW - It was the worst feeling ever, but, as juniors, we knew we had one more shot at it. KW - Its good experience as well. We know what to expect if we make it back to state this year. Q: What is different about this years team.? LB - Us four are more experienced as leaders. We know what to do and how to

do it, especially since weve had so much experience these past four years. Q: Where have you committed to play next year? LB - University of Maine LW - Im still undecided. AW - Purdue KW - Southeast Missouri State University Q: What will the college experience be like? Especially going from being the top dogs as seniors back to freshmen without the other three seniors not with you? AW - Its a big adjustment, but us three have gotten close to the players already at the programs and other incoming players. Its just another bond well have to build and make stronger. Q: So, will you all keep in touch? AW- Of course, we dont have a choice. Q: What have been some things that you have taken away from the Manual Basketball experience? KW - Just keeping a positive attitude about things. Even when youre going through rough stretches, keeping a positive attitude will always help. AW - Coach P really instilled enthusiasm and keeping a positive attitude. He also focused on the team and making sure personal accolades didnt come before the team. Q: How has your relationship grown with Coach P through these four years? KW - There have been some bumps in the road, but we love Coach P to death. Hes always pushing us to get better. He may yell sometimes, but we know hes looking out for us and only wants the best for us. AW - Even when there has been negativity around us, Coach P has always been there for us with a positive attitude. Q: Is there a possibility that you guys could play against each other in college?

LB - Well, were all playing Division 1. AW - Theres a chance. Maybe in an exhibition or the tournament.

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