Level 3 Communications SOFA System

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Introduction about Level 3 Communications

Level 3 Communications offers a wide range of communications services over its approximately
23,000 mile broadband fiber optic network including Internet Protocol (IP) services, broadband
transport, co-location services, and patented Softswitch-based managed modem and voice
services. Services offered under the “Level 3

• Internet access services

• Managed modem dial-up services
• Broadband transport
• IP-centric voice services
• Private packet-switched services
• DSL Aggregation
• Co-location
• Metropolitan and intercity dark fiber.

2. SOFA auditing system

2.1 Where does SOFA Source from & why?

2.1.1 Orders NRL (Order Data)

The “Order Value” in SOFA sources from Clarify; which primarily includes the Network and
Internet Services products. Excluded are Magma orders as there is no plan to audit these due
to strategic priority.

2.1.2 F_ Run_ Rate (Billing Data)

The “Arbor Value” in SOFA sources from Billing.

2.1.3 DIGRS
Order Data compares to Billing Data at a Service level by PIID-SCID for a set of attributes. For
each PIID-SCID and each attribute DIGRS determines if the attribute is a Match (M),
Mismatch (E), or No Match (N). The Attributes are MRC, NRC and YRC. The Service Status
is Active or Disconnect. The items that are a Mismatch or No Match must be active in either
Clarify or Arbor not necessarily in both. If the Service Status in both is Disconnect then these
are held in DIGRS and not moved to SOFA.

2.1.4 SOFA (Statement Of Financial Activities)

The SOFA Audit Database not only offers DIGRS Audits but also One Off, You may also
request SOFA Enhancements.
SOFA Detail

The SOFA Order Detail – Section

This section provides key information from the Order and Arbor. A description of key fields is
 SOFA ID – This is your unique identifier in SOFA. It is created by SOFA.
 Order Number, Line Item, Order Type, Action Type, SO Number ,PIID, SCID, PCID,
BUS Org ID, BUS Org Name and Bill SITE ID, Product Type, Product Component,
Region, Bill Start Date and Bill Stop Date
The SOFA Additional Service Detail – Section
 Audit Name – This tells you what kind of SOFA item you are looking at. There are
items pulled from GRAB or DIGRS.
 The Compare Key is the SCID and PIID
 The Source System can be Arbor, Clarify, Magma or SLDB.
 The Specials Flag (at this time Rowdy is not sure what this is)
 MA Baseline Flag is either Yes or No telling us if there is a Magma Clarify X Ref.
 The Magma Clarify X Ref is the Magma Order number entered into Clarify (SOFA is
not bringing in the Magma orders at this time
 Service Status Order can be Active or Disconnect
 Service Status Arbor can either be Active or Disconnect
 Order Reason Code can be one of a many from “Already Billed” to “Z Alc Cis

2.2 SOFA Audit Process Overview

SOFA Audit process is performed to resolve the discrepancies from order to bill. Data is
pulled from the SOFA Dashboard and will be sent weekly on an Excel sheet. From the SCIDs on
the spread sheet data is pulled from TOES query (for orders) and Revmart query (for billing). In
case of necessity Clarify notes to review notes, (3)View to view the invoices, OCSC to review
currency discrepancy is also reviewed. When the discrepancy is identified then update SOFA with
Comments, Status, and Attachments. Upon completion send the spread sheet to Vicki Bours.
2.3 SOFA Audit Process Flow

SOFA Audit process


Send Audit file


every week

Receive audit file

Analysts Create
Assign Queue to Audit Non- Complete the Update SOFA
Queue Reference Check for Specials
Analysts Specials SOFA Record Audit File
File 3
1 4 5 6

2.1 Open SOFA Audit 3.1 Open Specials.xls file 4.1 Order Audit 5.1 Open SOFA

6.1 Update daily

file 3.2 Copy SCIDs into 4.2 Open Reference 5.2 Go to SOFA 6.2 Update Status
2.2 Filter on your name Specials file Query File Record and Dates
2.3 Filter on “(Blanks)” 3.3 Copy formula 4.3 Select Audit Item 5.3 Select record for
for Date Started 3.4 Review All Specials 4.4 Look up SCID in SCID
2.4 Copy & Paste queue Tab TOES 5.4 Review data in
into new file 3.5 Review the 4.5 Look up SCID in RM record
2.5 Copy SCIDS into information 4.6 SOFA ID File created 5.5 Select MRC, NRC,
Notepad 3.6 Additonal research as 4.7 Compare TOES and or YRC
2.6 Run TOES Query needed RM 5.6 Complete Statuses
2.7 Run RM Query 3.7 Go to Complete 4.8 Reference audit Item & Comments
2.8 Query Reference SOFA Record 4.9 Research additional
File Created info if needed
4.10 Go to Complete
SOFA Record

Step by step Docuement

SOFA Audit Doc

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