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When I stepped into the verandah of a nearly empty plot. I was astounded at the amazing image I saw, children of different class and creed and age all studying in unison in the scorching heat under nothing but a shade of a tree. I was even more astonished when they saw us and greeted us with such respect. As everybody started talking to students there, I felt awkward and shy standing there thinking what shell I ask them without making them feel awkward. As I was looking at the students a boy not older than 8 years was looking around with hopeful eyes that anyone would talk to him. His small shy smile and hopeful eyes caught my attention and I with the hope to fulfill his, this little wish I sat next to him. So this is new friend Muhammad Asad who is 8 years old. He has two sisters and three brothers and one of them is working in a pen factory while his father is a carpenter and his mother works in a match factory to provide for the family. This shows that he comes from a very hardworking family and the fact that he after long hours of school goes home to take his English tuition because he knows that if he needs succeed in life he has to overcome his weakness proves that. Apart from studying he is a very active child and loves playing Paken-pakrahi with his friend Shabaz. He loves watching Tom and Jerry. At home anytime he is free he helps his mother in household chores and loves his mothers handmade Bhindhi. He is a very ambitious child who knows what he wants to be when he grows up. When asked about his plans after school he very confidently said to go to the main city to get further education and learn how to fly a plane. He loves to be a pilot and the first thing he wants to do after learning flying he wants to takes his family in an airplane to Karachi because he has an ambition to see the shore and the beach. I asked him what is his favorite color? I as was amazed and very happy by his answer. He said he loves white and green firstly its because it his countrys flag color and because it is his school uniform. Talking to such a bright and hardworking boy I realized that there are people in Pakistan who want to do something for their country and be something but because of lack of funds are unable to. This ABNI School started by Fatimah Memorial Hospital though helps them. It is backed by our funds and donations so why dont we help these children to achieve their dreams and from that help build a bright future for Pakistan. MANNAL SOAHAIL A-Levels BEACONHOUSE SCHOOL SYSTEM LIBERTY CAMPUS

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