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Tradition and Innovation

EyeSuite Perimetry
EMR Interface Manual
Version 6, December 2009

HAAG-STREIT AG, Switzerland, Phone: (+41-31) 978 0111, Fax: (+41-31) 978 0282, HAAG-STREIT DEUTSCHLAND GmbH, Germany, Phone: (+49-4103) 709 02, Fax: (+49-4103) 709 370, HAAG-STREIT FRANCE, France, tlphone (+33-4) 7970 6170, fax (+33-4) 7970 6171, HAAG-STREIT UK, United Kingdom, Phone (+44-1279) 414969, Fax (+44-1279) 635232, HAAG-STREIT USA, INC., USA, Phone: (+1-513) 336 6858, Fax: (+1-513) 336 7828,
ID 1500.7220129.02060, Haag-Streit AG

EyeSuite Perimetry EMR Interface Manual

1 2 3 Introduction Purpose of use General Issues 3.1 Requirements & Installation 3.2 Disclaimer 3.3 Safety measures 4 Interface Overview 4.1 Interface functions with ASCII files 4.2 Interface functions with Parameter call 4.3 Simulation mode and Testing 4.3.1 Default location of ini files for Windows XP 4.3.2 Default location of ini files for Windows Vista 5 Data Flow 5.1 Interfacing with text files 5.1.1 Format of "patient.txt" 5.1.2 Example 1 for "patient.txt" 5.1.3 Example 2 for "patient.txt" 5.1.4 Format of "examdat.txt" 5.1.5 Example for "examdat.txt" Interfacing with GDT files 5.1.6 Format of "PERI_EDV.GDT" 5.1.7 Example for "PERI_EDV.GDT" 5.1.8 Format of " EDV_PERI.001" 5.1.9 Example for "EDV_PERI.001" 6 Configuration of EyeSuite 6.1 Activating the interface 6.2 Automatic reception of patient data 6.3 Manual reception of patient data 7 Addendum Sample network Graphs 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9


This document 7220129_0N0M0_EyeSuitePerimetry_EMR_Interface describes the interface to EMR systems For a step by step procedure to install EyeSuite and/or the Octopus 900 perimeter refer to 7220060_0N0M0_EyeSuitePerimetry_Setup_Manual For safety issues please refer to the document 7220031_0N0M0_OCTOPUS900_InstructionsForUse For operation of the Octopus and EyeSuite consult 7220119_0N0M0_Octopus900_Handbook


Regularly back up your patient data. HAAG-STREIT can not be made liable for any data loss and consequences thereof.

Version history 3, 08.2008 4, 04.2009 Version 1.2.2 updates Version 2.0.0 updates Parameter -edv_chr_ansi for interpretation of GDT files as ANSI 5, 05.2009 Version 2.0.1 updates Updated examples in 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 for Patient.txt files (they require 10 lines if no key words are used). 6, 12.2009 Version 2.04 updates page 4

7.1 Octopus 900 in small networks (no dedicated server) 9 7.2 Octopus 900 in standard networks (with dedicated server)10 7.3 Octopus 300 network configuration (with dedicated server)11

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3.2 Disclaimer
Haag-Streit has taken all required efforts to protect and safely handle any test result. The reliability of a PC environment is depending on many factors including hardware components, operating systems or even computer viruses that may cause loss of data under certain conditions. Haag-Streit thus strongly recommends to perform a regular backup of all examination data to external media for example CD-R or Flash memories. Haag-Streit AG does not warrant for any consequences, complications or data loss caused by the usage of and/or decisions based on this software. By applying this software you agree with this disclaimer.
All HAAG-STREIT AG software including EyeSuitePerimetry is copyright protected by HAAG-STREIT AG.

We would like to thank you for using this Haag-Streit product. If the instructions in this manual are carefully followed we are confident that this product will give you reliable and trouble-free usage.


The software EyeSuite is used on PCs, in the examination, diagnosis and documentation of the differential light sensitivity and other functional aspects of the human eye. It is usually used by Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, Opticians, Orthoptists or other trained health personnel in their consulting rooms, clinics, hospitals or teaching facilities.

GENERAL ISSUES 3.3 Safety measures

To avoid any risks, special messages appear.
Caution: Attention: Note: Instructions that must be followed to avoid risk to the patient and / or the operator. Instructions that must be followed to prevent damage to the perimeter. Hints for guaranteeing error-free functioning.

The EyeSuite Perimetry software evaluates visual field data, imports visual fields from various perimeters and controls the OCTOPUS 900. This description is if not otherwise stated describing version 2.04 and above. Make sure you installed the latest version available on If you require sample files, please send an email to

Note the following statements

Attention: HAAG-STREIT is not responsible for damages resulting from the interpretation of examination-data. HAAG-STREIT is not responsible for any data (Patient examinations) being lost.

3.1 Requirements & Installation

Please refer to the "Setup Manual" for PC requirements and EyeSuite software installation. Documentation and released software versions are available for download under For best Multilanguage support, have your mySQL database configured for utf8 font. This needs to be done while running a first time installation. If you would like to change the font of the database you need to run a backup producing a SQL backup file, delete the database, reinstall it with the correct settings and restore the SQL backup file.

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INTERFACE OVERVIEW 4.1 Interface functions with ASCII files

4.3 Simulation mode and Testing

In order to simulate the complete interface function without attaching an instrument, install mySQL and EyeSuite Perimetry, then use a text editor to open the file "runningmodes.config" The entry "isRemoteSimulation=false" should be changed to "=true". Now static and kinetic examinations can be performed without instrument. Analysis and printout is always enabled. 4.3.1 Default location of ini files for Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Haag-Streit\EyeSuite\dataocto\setup If EyeSuite (if the user) does not have write permission in the respective folder, it will write these and any other files with individual settings into C:\Documents and Settings\abc\Application Data\HaagStreit\EyeSuite\dataocto\setup Where abc has to be replaced with your username on this PC. 4.3.2 Default location of ini files for Windows Vista In Windows Vista and Windows 7, a hidden folder C:\ProgramData\Haag-Streit\EyeSuite\dataocto\setup is created. This is the first location where to look for initialization files. Second location would be C:\Users\abc\AppData\Roaming\HaagStreit\EyeSuite\dataocto\setup Where abc has to be replaced with default, Public or your username on this PC.

Patient data: EMR EyeSuite Examination information: EyeSuite EMR Remote call for Analysis: EMR EyeSuite Result pages: EyeSuite EMR* * This requires the installation of a 3rd party printer driver to produce PDF or image files.

4.2 Interface functions with Parameter call

Instead of exchanging patient demographics through files, EyeSuite Perimetry also has a command line interface for parameter calls. To open a patient you can start EyeSuite with the parameter f ID where ID is the ID of the patient. In the command line of Windows (Start, Run) you have to use quotation marks if the pathname includes spaces. Example: "C:\Program Files\EyeSuite\EyeSuite.exe" -f B0 This will automatically open the patient with the ID B0 in the default window. To create patients you need to provide all necessary patient demographics in the format. This also requires that you turn on the EMR interface with Data format Text according to section 6.1 Activating the interface. The command line call then is EyeSuite.exe -f ID Name Firstname Birthdate Gender Startpage Example: "C:\Program Files\EyeSuite\EyeSuite.exe" -f B2 Smith John 31/10/1944 male PERIMETRY_STATIC The definition for all fields corresponds with the text file fields explained in section 5.1.3

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Format of "patient.txt"

An optional keyword "STATIC", "KINETIC" or "ANALYSIS" can be used to define the start screen of EyeSuite. If no key word is included in the patient demographics file, the default start screen is used. The patient demographic files can be provided prior to start EyeSuite or when EyeSuite is already running. In the latter case it may be required to load the data manually (see under "manual reception of patient data").

Patient ID Family name Given name Year of birth Month of birth Day of birth gender (MALE / FEMALE / -) start screen (0 / ANALYSIS / ) 0 0


Example 1 for "patient.txt"

5.1 Interfacing with text files

Text files has either are used to transfer patient information to EyeSuite Perimetry. They may come in a fixed sequence of 10 entries without titles or titled entries that may deviate in the sequence but need to contain at least the 8 lines of example 2 The characters are accepted either in ASCII or UNICODE In the latter case the file "examdat.txt" will be returned in UNICODE again. UNICODE requires 2 Bytes per character to identify eg Asian characters. EyeSuite will automatically recognize the format of "patient.txt"

AB1234 FORD HENRY 1923 12 30 Male 0 0 0


Example 2 for "patient.txt"

id_number=AB1234 name=FORD firstname=HENRY birthdate_year=1923 birthdate_month=12 birthdate_day=30 gender=MALE device=PERIMETRY_STATIC

Optional keywords are

firstname= gender= (MALE/FEMALE/-) device= modul= examdata= exam_date= exam_time=

device=PERIMETRY_STATIC would open EyeSuite Perimetry in the examination screen to prepare a static perimetry examination. Valid entries for "device=" are
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EyeSuite Perimetry EMR Interface Manual 5.1.4


Format of "examdat.txt"
Only entries given in the patient.txt are returned If examdat.txt is not read and deleted after the examination, the next examination performed will be appended in examdat.txt

Interfacing with GDT files

GDT is a standardized file format for the exchange of information between EMR systems and ophthalmic software, most common in German speaking countries.

Patient ID Family name Given name Year of birth Month of birth Day of birth Gender Instrument name

Method and version number Eye Program Test year Test month Test day Test hour (24hour scheme) Test minute

Test second 5.1.5 Example for "examdat.txt"

AB1234 FORD HENRY 1923 12 30 MALE OCTOPUS 900

Static perimetry V1.1.1 Right (OD) G 2007 12 04 08 20 35

5.1.6 Format of "PERI_EDV.GDT" The format is given by the GDT definitions. The length of the line (+2) corresponds with the first 3 digits. Checksums at the end of the GDT files would be possible but are not evaluated by EyeSuite. The last two lines are optional for the definition of the start screen. The character set applied in GDT files by default is CP437, IBM 8-Bit. Other character sets can be used if coded with field 9206 (please refer to the GDT definitions: eg ANSI=CP1252 is 3) Sometimes the ANSI character set is applied without using the corresponding field 9206 entry. If this is the case, EyeSuite can be started with the parameter -edv_chr_ansi. This considers GDT files without 9206 entry to contain the ANSI charset. 5.1.7 Example for "PERI_EDV.GDT"

01380006310 014810000214 0128315EDV 0178316EyeSuite 01092062 014921802.02

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0113000B0 0133101FORD 0143102HENRY 017310331121910 01031101 017843215102002 01384391146 0158402OPTO05 0158410STATIC

5.1.8 Format of " EDV_PERI.001" Again, the format is pretty much given. Note that the last line is cropped only to fit this column. The word "examination" would remain on the same line as "Glaucoma". A line is terminated with "CR", "LF". The file is returned using the same character set as the PERI_EDV.GDT 5.1.9 Example for "EDV_PERI.001"

01380006310 014810000227 0178315EyeSuite 0128316EDV 01092062 014921802.02 0113000B0 0133101FORD 0143102HENRY 017310331121910 01031101 017843217102007 0158439135850 0506227R OCTOPUS 900 - G - Glaucoma examination

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If patient demographics is provided by an EMR (Electronic Medical Record) system, this external system is configured the master system and patient entry in EyeSuite is prevented until the EMR system configuration is changed again.

EyeSuite Perimetry can either be closed after each patient or remain open. When a database is larger it is more convenient to keep EyeSuite open. If new patient data should not be loaded automatically, use the manual update button, section 6.3.

6.2 Automatic reception of patient data

When EyeSuite is started and if no patient has been chosen yet, EyeSuite will automatically read the GDT respectively text file with patient information

6.1 Activating the interface

6.3 Manual reception of patient data

If a patient file has been read (a patient is selected) but a for any reason the user wants to switch to the next patient provided by the EMR system, this can be done manually by using the "import" button.

a) Run EyeSuite, then go to "Tools", Preferences, General, "EMR system". b) Under "Patient data" select "EMR system" c) Under "Data format" choose either "Text" or "GDT" d) Choose a folder where the information between the EMR system and EyeSuite is exchanged e) Activate Allow ID number modification if it is possible, that the ID numbers in EyeSuite are different from the ID numbers in the EMR system. f) Save the changes, then leave EyeSuite and restart it
Attention: The user running the system requires full access rights (read/write/create/delete) in the folder where the patient demographics and examination information is being exchanged. The EMR system needs to unlock the patient or GDT file once written.

After finishing an examination, a confirmation file is created. This file is "examdat.txt" if "text" is chosen and "EDV_PERI.001" "EDV_PERI.255" depending on the number of performed examinations. The EMR system is supposed to read the confirmation files and delete them after reading and before providing new patient demographics.

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EyeSuite data remain on a mySQL server and are accessed via port 3306. No network sharing is required but the shortcut of all installations of EyeSuite need the parameter "-db_server" and the local files octosoft.ini need to point to the PC name of the mySQL server. Please refer to the "Setup and installation guide" for more information.

7.1 Octopus 900 in small networks (no dedicated server)

Figure 1 Never attach the Octopus 900 or its control PC to a hub or to a wall plug directly. Always use a local network switch for connection.

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7.2 Octopus 900 in standard networks (with dedicated server)

Figure 2 Never attach the Octopus 900 or its control PC to a hub or to a wall plug directly. Always use a local network switch for connection.

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7.3 Octopus 300 network configuration (with dedicated server)

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