Biology 1 - BSC 2010 - Laboratory Report

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Laboratory Report Enzymes

BCS2010c 3-20-08

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Introduction: An enzyme is a protein that catalyzes a specific chemical reaction (Barnum 2005). Campbell and Reese (2005) states that enzymes may be the most important they of protein. Catalysts are chemical mediators that increase certain chemical reactions in the cell; enzymes are particularly useful because they work without being used up in the reaction (Campbell and Reese 2005). The enzyme molecule is a catalyst which has a very specific purpose and can recognize its specific substrates. How it can recognize its particular substrate among other different substrates is a result from its three dimensional shape and active site. The active site is the region where the substrate bonds (weak ionic or hydrogen bonds) and is usually a pocket or groove in the enzyme. The induced fit model is like the enzyme clasping hands with the substrate where the enzymes changes shape slight so the substrate fits more snugly in its active site (Campbell and Reese 2005). The active site is usually only a few amino acids and the rest of the enzyme provides structure and determines the shape of the active site (Campbell and Reese 2005). Enzymes lower the EA (activation energy) which is the energy used to push the reactants over the energy barrier into the transition. The transition state is the state where bonds break or form and the reaction begins to occur (Campbell and Reese 2005). Because enzymes lower the EA barrier this enable the reactants to absorb enough energy to reach the transition state. The other way to make the reaction occur is to increase the energy available. However to increase the energy, one would increases the temperature and in a body or where there is more than one substance might trigger other reactions to occur because heat would increase the rate of all reactions (Campbell and Reese 2005). Also if By signing below I guarantee that I am the sole author of this laboratory report Name: ___________________________ Date: ________________

the temperature becomes too high in a body or similar environment the high temperature can denature the other proteins and potentially kill the cells. Which is why it is so important to have enzymes because they help only a specific reaction to occur and do not increase the temperature (Campbell and Reese 2005). How efficiently the enzymes function in its environment can vary depending on the pH and temperature. Enzymes have optimal conditions where they work at their best. With increasing temperature the reactions occur faster and faster because the substrate molecules are moving faster and collide with the enzymes more frequently. However if the temperature keeps increasing the enzymes begin to decrease in the speed of each enzymatic reaction and eventually the enzyme denatures. Similar to temperature, at extremes beyond the optimal conditions, high or low pH can denature an enzyme. The purpose of this experiment was to utilize the enzyme Lactase and the substrate ONPG (o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside) to demonstrate the principles of enzyme function and the effect of temperature and pH on enzymatic reactions. The ONPG when cleaved by the lactase produces galactose and o-nitrophenol (yellow color indicator). The experiment involved the creation of different environments in which the optimal pH and temperature could be discovered. The experiment would serve as a demonstration of the effect of temperature and pH on enzymatic reactions. The null hypothesis (Ho) of the experiment would be no change in the intensity of yellow color produced when the lactase splits the ONPG in the various temperature and pH levels. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) assumes that there will be a difference in the observed color intensity between the different environments.

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Materials and Methods: The following methods were taken from Laboratory Manual for General Biology

For part A of the lab, my lab partner and I collected four test tubes, labeled A, B, C or D. Then we filled each tube with 2 mL (except tube D) of ph solutions using disposable pipettes, then we added one drop of enzyme solution to each tube. Then we swirled each solution for approximately five seconds. After swirling the solution we then took the pH of each tube with a pH stick (four in total one for each tube) and recorded the measurement in a table in the lab manual. Then my lab partner and I added one drop of ONPG to each tube and waited two minutes before observing and recoding the color differences between each tube on a table. For part B, my lab partner and I collected four different test tubes, labeled 4o, 37o, 60 o or control. Then we filled each tube with 2 mL of ph solution (6.5pH) using a disposable pipette. Then we added one drop of enzyme solution to each tube (except control) and placed each tube in the environment they belonged, the 4o on ice, the 37 o and control in the incubator and the 60 o in the water bath. Then we waited twenty minutes and removed them from their environments and added one drop of ONPG to each tube. After waiting an additional thirty seconds we then observed and recorded the color change in a table.

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Results: The results for part A of Laboratory three: Enzymes, as seen in table one, was that the pH of A was four point five, the pH of tube B was eight, the pH of tube C was seven and the pH of D was six. The level of enzymatic activity was based on the color and is listed and depicted in chart one and graph one. Tube A had a yellow tinge at the meniscus (intensity of one). Tube B was a pale yellow (intensity of two). Tube C was a very intense yellow (intensity of four). Tube D which h was the control was a medium yellow (intensity of three). Table 1: results from part A of experiment. Tube A B C D (water) pH 4.5 8 7 6 Color Yellow tinge at meniscus Pale yellow Intense Medium Meaning Least amount of enzyme activity 2nd lest amount Most amount of enzyme activity 2nd most amount of activity Rank 1 2 4 3

Part A: Color Intensity of various pH solutions


3 Color Intensity Tube A: pH 4.5 2 Tube B: pH 8 Tube C: pH 7 Tube D: pH 6 1

0 Tubes A, B,C and D

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The results for part B of Laboratory three: Enzymes, as seen in table two, was that the tube that was 4o had a yellow tinge at the meniscus (intensity of one). The tube that was 37o (not water) was very intense yellow (intensity of four). The tube that was 60o was a pale yellow (intensity of two). The control tube at 37o (water) had no yellow (intensity of zero). Table 2: results from part B of experiment. Tube 4o 37 o 60 o Control (37 o) Color Yellow tinge Intense yellow Pale yellow none Meaning Very little activity A lot of activity Some level of activity No activity Rank 1 4 2 0

Part B: Color Intensity of a solution at various temperatures

4 Tube A: 4 degrees C Tube B: 37 degrees C 3 Color Intensity Tube C: 60 degrees C Tube D: 37 degrees C (control)

0 Tubes A, B,C and D

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Discussion: The null hypothesis which stated that there would be no difference between the different environments was rejected because there was a difference in color in the different test tubes in both part A, for the pH, and in part B for the various temperatures. The alternative hypothesis which state there would be a difference in intensity of color between both the pH levels and the temperature is accepted because there was indeed a difference between each of the test tubes for both part A and part B. Since lactase is a naturally occurring enzyme inside the human body the result of its optimum levels of pH and temperature should be around 37 C and have the pH of 8-8.5. There was a slight discrepancy in the pH however the temperature was right on track at 37 degrees compared to 4 C and 60 C. My lab partner and I found that the optimal pH for the lactase we used was closer to the lower end of seven not eight. Eight was actually had very little enzymatic activity and little color intensity, it was only a two (scale 0-4: the greatest is 4). Seyis 2004 states that lactases optimum pH and temperature is actually about 48 C and 6.5. Considering those numbers the results we got make more sense. It does seem odd that the enzyme lactase exists in an environment that is so different than its optimum levels though. In conclusion since the color intensity indicates a higher lever of enzymatic activity and the higher levels of color intensity where found to be closer to 37C and a pH of about seven we can conclude that these variations are the closest to the optimal conditions needed by the enzyme lactase. The conditions are close to body conditions however, according to our findings, are not optimal for the lactase enzyme.

By signing below I guarantee that I am the sole author of this laboratory report Name: ___________________________ Date: ________________

Works Cited:
Barnum, Susan R. 2005. Biotechnology: An introduction 2nd edition. Brooks/Cole. Belmont, CA. 360 pages

Campbell, N. and J. Reece. 2005. Biology, 7th Edition. Benjamin / Cummings. San Francisco, CA. 1231 pages.

Seyis I, Aksoz N. Production of lactase by Trichoderma sp. Food Technol Biotechnol 2004;42:121124

Thomas P.S., J.M. Waterman, M. et all. 2008. Laboratory Manual for General Biology BSC 2010C, 12th Edition. University of Central Florida. Orlando.

By signing below I guarantee that I am the sole author of this laboratory report Name: ___________________________ Date: ________________

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