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Resolution: Organ donation should be compulsory Affirmative/Proposition Team (agrees): Believes that organ donation should be compulsory.

Negative/Opposition Team (disagrees): Believes that organ donation should not be compulsory.

Agreeing: I agree with You could be right. Thats a good point. I agree entirely with Disagree: Yes, but I disagree with Yes thats true, but Perhaps, but dont you think that

Stating an opinion: In my opinion... It seems to me that I think that Wouldnt you say that? Id like to point out that Persuasion: You must admit that Do you really believe that Dont you think that Dont you agree that

Responding to attacks Id like to refute their points, then I will present They tried to refute this by saying that.but we firmly believe that They responded.but it is not important since. First Speaker Ladies and gentlemen today we are debating the resolution that organ donation should be compulsory. My name is ________and these are my teammates_________, _______, _______. We, on the proposition (opposition) team strongly support (oppose) this resolution. We have _______ reasons (Explains most important reason) Second Speaker We on the proposition (opposition) believe that_________ Third Speaker Id like to refute their opinions, then I will present. I agree that__________, but disagree that___________. Last Speaker In this debate, the resolution has been that organ donation should be compulsory. We, on the affirmative (opposition) team win this debate because we have clearly shown this to be true (false) by

Resolution-opinion with which the teams agree or disagree Example: Cats are better than Dogs Affirmative/Proposition Team- team that agrees with the resolution Example: Agrees thinks that cats are better than dogs Negative/Opposition Team-team that disagrees with the resolution Example: Disagrees thinks dogs are better than cats Judges-people in charge of evaluating the debate Steps of Debate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Stating your opinion Giving reasons for your opinion Giving support for your opinion Refuting (deny/say part of the statement is not true) Responding to attacks

Explaining your opinion Resolution: __________ soccer team is the best Team A- Proposition-thinks __________ soccer team is the best. Team B- Opposition- thinks ___________soccer team is NOT the best.

A) I think that______ team is the best soccer team. I think ________ is the best soccer team because___________. B) I disagree with you that _____ is the best soccer team. I dont think _______is a good soccer team because_________. How it works: Proposition Side 1st Speaker-Defines motion, main principle of the team, explains most important argument 2nd Speaker-Continues to support their side by adding more new arguments and responding to opposing side 3rd Speaker- Adds minor arguments but concentrates on opposition side and how they are wrong

4th Speaker- Summary of what happened during the debate, reminds audience of main arguments but mostly rebuttals Opposition Side 1st Speaker- Rebuts or says why they think a different way. Presents the most important argument of the team 2nd Speaker- Continues to support their side by adding more new arguments and responding to opposing side 3rd Speaker- Adds minor arguments but concentrates on opposition side and how they are wrong 4th Speaker-Summary of what happened during the debate, reminds audience of main arguments but mostly rebuttals

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