The Dog Rambler E-Diary 25 May 2012

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The Dog Rambler E-diary

To 25
May 2012
Walk Dogs on walk Reaching for the sun Length 6 miles

Brooklyn, Cyrano, Darcy, Dylan, Finlay, Teela, Tim

Sweeping and curling, distorting and reshaping. A thick mist seeped between buildings and along streets. Car headlights tried to slice it but it reformed behind them. In Leith to get Brooklyn and Finlay it looked like it was clearing. By the time we were around Marchmont for Cyrano and Teela it had thickened again. No sea haar this, as it got even thicker at Colinton to collect Darcy. Not cold though, t-shirt and shorts were ok. So where to? Why not chase the sun in the Pentlands. Our hope that the mist may give out as we climb into the hills. So off to Bonaly we went to walk through the sodden grass where the mist had turned to water when making contact with the ground. The dogs slipped in and out of it as it tumbled down the side of White Hill. Keeping low at first we headed toward Dreghorn across a field whose boundaries were lost in the mist. Our vision losing contact with anything after about fifty yards. It was colder down in the dip of the field. Time to climb. But first we had to find and then avoid the sheep who were making noises somewhere in the field. Eventually beginning to slowly emerge from the mist, a similar colour to them. Out of the field and it was time to climb up the wide track cutting deep into the ground. Torturing its way up the side of Allermuir Hill. Cyrano and Finlay seeking out the ditch of

muddy water at the base of the climb near the old pumping station, camouflaged by a cottage like edifice. Some had a drink, others did not. Would they regret it? Tongues were soon beginning to flag the heat as it got warmer as we climbed. Poor Teela is no natural hill climber I fear. Soon she was way behind. But not alone. Tim has taken to dropping right back these days too. But he does have the energy to continually race back to catch the rest of us up. Quite close knit with even Finlay not going far ahead on the climb and Darcy happy to pace himself with me. His panting, metronome like, keeping us in step. We will make a climber of Teela yet. Brooklyn apparently oblivious to the climb kept himself amused running off, then on, then across the track. As we climbed a lightness caught in the misty cloud. Like a torch shining under the bedclothes. Then a faint blue began to appear ahead. Our search for the sun was nearly over. Suddenly we were out of the cloud. Not above it, for looking behind it was towering about a mile above Edinburgh. It would take some time to burn through. Some low wispy clouds gripped the hillsides or lost their grip and blew away heading eastwards. We climbed onto Allermuir Hill. The highest on this northern edge of the Pentland Hills. Under clear skies and a glorious sun. As soon as we dropped off we were back into some errant mist. Then it too blew through to reveal a marvellous view. A huge bank of thick, low cloud was gathering in the central bowl of the Pentlands. Forcing itself into the gap. Tumbling and rolling over itself. Octopus like trails coming off it twisting round as though looking for something to grip on. Then being drawn back in. Behind it the dark shape of the summits of the higher hills, proudly standing their ground, forcing their way out of the cloud. A fantastic sight but not for the dogs. Darcy and Tim were wrestling. And then as the sun brightened again Brooklyn and Tim raced after each other. Teela having caught us all up, with a little help from being on the lead, now walked with Darcy. A tremendous size mismatch. Cyrano and Dylan roved about in the grass and heather. Now Finlay made his break at the front as we climbed over Capelaw Hill in bright sunshine. Edinburgh below still wearing its coat of clouds. We all had to walk together to get by more sheep, not wanting to give up their sunny

spots, lying cosily with their lambs. Then the big reward for the dogs. A dip into Bonaly Reservoir. Although Teela snubbed her nose at it. But Dylan not a water fan decided that today was a good day to go in. Tim swam. Not after a stone just for the sake of it. Finlay disturbed the peace demanding a stone which he, Darcy and Cyrano swam and paddled for. Brooklyn still a little bemused by water tried to walk about with a stomping action, lifting his feet above the water before splashing in again. Finally it was back down into the evaporating remains of the cloud. Under the Scots Pine trees in the country park on a fast dropping track to take us back to the car.


Photo slideshow from the walk

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