Lesson Plan (Electricity Bell)

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Review Content and Curriculum of Physic I LESSON PLAN

School Unit Subject Chapter Sub Chapter Class/semester Time Allocation I. Standard Competence

: Junior High School : Physical Science : Electricity : Static Electricity : IX/1st : 2 x 45 minutes

Understand the concept of electricity and its application in everyday life II. Basic Competence Describe the electrical charge to understand the phenomena of static electricity as well as in relation to everyday life III.Indicator 1. Describes the object can be electrically charged when it's done in a certain way 2. Give examples of events that produces electrically charged objects. IV. Learning Experience 1. 2. 3. 4. Differentiating a positive electrical charge and a negative electrical charge. Differentiating atom model Dalton, Thomson, and Rutherford. Differentiating protons, electrons, and neutrons. Explain the charge of an object. : Cooperative Learning : Example and Non Example STAD (Student Team Achievement Divisions) Method VI. Sources 1. Student Book 2. Worksheet : Explanation and disscusion

V. Model, Approach, and Learning Method Model Type

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Review Content and Curriculum of Physic I VII. Teaching and Learning Activity
Teacher Activities Introduction Activities 1. Teacher opened a lesson 2. Teachers motivate students by telling the daily events related to the material 3. The teacher asked the students' understanding of the material that will be discussed 4. Teachers submit learning objectives Main activities 1. Teacher introduction Phet (Physic Education Technology) and the uses in daily life. 2. Teacher guide a students to demonstrated which one application of static electricity. 3. Teacher explain relationship between demonstrated with material. 4. Teacher explain subject matter in general. 5. Teacher guide the student to forming a group that member four with heterogen ( suitable of divided by teacher) as group discuss. 6. Teacher give a discuss task to a group to doing that with a other member. 7. Teacher show a picture about material and like a simulations of ballons and woll on java script and teacher give a worksheet group like a subject there are : Topic will be discuss : 1. Student listening and can ask the question if the matter not clear. 2. The one member have understood about the matterial can explaind to other till whole of members can understand as same. 3. The whole of members in the group presented the each of material. 70 minute 1. Student Activities Student Listening of teacher with carefully. 3. The student submit a understanding owned by the material. 2. Student listening a explanation Time 10 minute

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Review Content and Curriculum of Physic I

1. Explain about the reationship between ballons and clothes woll. 2. Analyze charge on the ballons 3. Analyze charge on the clothes wall 4. Analyze the direct of positif charge and negative charge. 5. Application of static electricity on daily activity. 6. Teacher will be add information if the student not understand and explain that material. 8. When do worksheet, teacher guide student to do it. 9. Some group are make a presentation in front of class based on their discussions result and the other group will respond it. Closing activities 1. Teachers give awards to groups that have the performance and good result. 2. Student (guided by the teacher) to make a summary discussion. 3. Teachers give homework in the form of exercises. 4. Teacher give a information to a student for a next meeting. Student take the sumarries material 10 minute

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Review Content and Curriculum of Physic I VIII. ASSESSMENT 1. Techniques 2. Instrument Scoring rubric of Activity No Students Names Aspects Result Report Total Score

: Written test : Essay

Proce Dure

Choosing Tools and materials


Team work

1. 2. 3. 4.

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Review Content and Curriculum of Physic I


1. Draw the required fields and charge distributions asked for below:

a. Electric field around two positive charge

b. Electric field between two parallel charged plates

c. Positively charged sphere and negatively charged rod.

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Review Content and Curriculum of Physic I 2. Answer all of the following questions: Explain in words what you understand the term electric field to mean and give a mathematical definition of the strength of such a field. ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ On an electrostatic surface, such as the surface of a Van de Graaff generator, no work is needed to move charge from one point to another on the surface. What does this tell you about the potential difference between points on such a surface? ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

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Review Content and Curriculum of Physic I

A. Electric Charge There are two kinds of charges, i.e positive and negative charges. Like charges will repel each other, whereas unlike charges will atract each other. + + Figure 1
Like charges will repel each other, Unlike charges will attract each other

+ +

Electric charge is a basic character possessed by the particles which compose the atom. Generally, atom consists of electrons and atomic nuclei. Atomic nucleiconsist of protons and neutrons. Electron has negative charge, proton has positive charge, but neutron does not have electric charge. Tabel 1 Mass and Charge of the particle Particle Electron Proton Neutron Mass 9.11 x 10-31 kg 1.672 x 10-27 kg 1.674 x 10-27 kg Charge -1.6 x 10-19 C (-e) +1.6x 10-19 C (+e) 0

In physics, power is divided into two types, namely static and dynamic power. Static electricity studying the electrical properties of an object without regard to the movement or flow of electric charge. In the science of physics is called electrostatics. Conversely, if you pay attention to the existence of electric charge moving or flowing, then it is called dynamic electricity or electrodynamics. Thales of Milete (540 -546 BC) was an ancient Greek thinkers, who according to history that the phenomenon of static electricity occurs in amber is rubbed with fur. Turns amber could attract light objects such as chicken feathers others. In Greek amber is often called the electron. To explain the meaning of the electrical properties on an object, it is necessary to understand the concept of atoms generated by the experts in between, the atomic theory of Dalton, Thompson, Rutherford and Bohr. Generally it can Yolanita Septiana Page 7

Review Content and Curriculum of Physic I be explained that: 1. Objects composed of similar atoms. 2. Each atom consists of a core surrounded by one or more electrons. 3. The positively charged atomic nucleus, electrons are negatively charged. 4. The nucleus consists of positively charged protons and neutrons that are not electrically charged.

Figure 1

a) Atom Thomson model, b) model Rutherford atom, c) atom nuclei model

Objects or materials generally have a number of protons equals the number of objects called electrons in neutral. If the balance between the number of protons and electrons are disturbed that the amount of reduction or increase in the charge of electrons, the object is said to be electrically charged. Objects will be electrically charged electrons and positively when shortcomings negatively charged objects in an excess of electrons. a neutral atom has an equal amount of electrons and protons. In a positively charged atom, the number of proton exceeds that of electron. On the contrary, in a negatively charged atom,the number of protons is less than that of electron. In inter-atomic interaction, the particle that tends to move from one body to other is electron. A neutral atom will be negatively charged if it obtains additional electrons (its electrons move to other ato or body). Electric charge is conserved, can be neither created not destroyed. A neutral body could be charged. The process of charging could be carried out in three ways,i.e by : 1. Rubbing (the electricity produced is called triboelectric), 2. Conduction ( connecting to another charged body ), and 3. Induction ( bringing close to another charged body

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Review Content and Curriculum of Physic I The first prodecure above is the procedure that we have used on the observation of the electrostatic effect in the beginning of this chapter. A plastic ruler that was initially neutral finally had charged after it was having been rubebed by tissue paper. As the result, the ruler was able to attract small pieces of paper.

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