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Plot Characters Setting the place and time (where and when) of the story Theme Style

Plot the actual events that take place; the story of the novel; occurs because of the characters and who they are; develops because of conflict or struggle between opposing forces. The plot plays a major role in keeping us interested. It gradually mixes together the events of the story and the behaviour of the characters. A good story makes us want to keep on reading so we can find out what happens next. The author builds up the tension and creates a feeling of suspense. Generic Structure o Orientation introduces the setting, main characters and main idea. o Complications problems causing rising tension. o Climax the high point of the plot, the turning point before the tension decreases. o Resolution the problem is solved and conclusion; may be a cliffhanger or have a twist or surprise ending. Climax Tension increases Tension decreases Complication Resolution


Authors make deliberate choices about how they will construct their characters. Some are characters with whom we can identify, and enjoy their company as we read. Others, we may be less attached to, but nevertheless they play an important role in developing the storyline. We come to understand characters on different levels what is factual, what is suggested and what we think they would be like. Methods of Characterisation o o o o Description given by writer. Characters actions/thoughts. Characters dialogue. Dialogue of other characters concerning the character.

Theme(s) main idea. This is the main purpose of the author. Authors want us to think about their message long after we have finished reading the novel. Typical themes include many of the issues we face in life, for example, love, racism, power.

Authors use a range of writing features to create the effects they want in a novel. Two key features are: Point of view. Type of writing.

Point of View (narration) First Person Narrator is: Major or minor character I me my we our Second Person Observer or participant You your Third Person Omniscient

Uses pronouns like:

He she they his her their Reader understands all aspects of the story May sound too detached or objective reader less likely to become involved


Makes readers feel as if they are there

Reader becomes a character


Only know what that character sees, feels

Difficult to write, reader may not accept being character

Types of Writing Descriptive language used to create strong images. Action in fast action scenes, sentences are often shorter and more powerful language is used. Dialogue characters talking; we hear what characters think and feel; moves the action along; gives the story colour and life. Reflection use dialogue to get the reader to think about important things and reflect on their own values.

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